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MAY 2017

GYBN, in partnership with the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute in Colombia, is organizing the
Latin American Youth Voices Regional Workshops to empower Latin American youth to
become change agents in support of the implementation of the Convention on Biological
Diversity and the creation of a global movement for biodiversity.

Through this series of workshops we envision to start seedlings that will ultimately build:

A vibrant and active youth movement for biodiversity: Young people mobilized and organized at
the national and regional levels spearheading conservation, lobbying, outreach, communication,
capacity building and other activities to support the work of the CBD and the work of local
governments with their NBSAPs.

With the mission to:

Build-up the community of biodiversity organizations within the region: mobilizing people,
connecting organizations and networks and developing partnerships and joint activities to
support the ongoing work towards the Aichi targets and NBSAPs

In order to achieve this, these workshops have the following goals:

1. Community/team building: Increase the sense of community and strengthen bonds among
participants and the groups they represent

2. Capacity building: Improve knowledge of CBD, Strategic plan and NBSAPs and enhance
leadership, project development and strategic communication skills

3. Action Plan: Develop priority areas of actions and activities for the region

4. Exchange platform: Create an open space for collaboration and exchange of ideas

5. Pilot joint projects: Support the development of joint activities to be implemented by the
team of participants

The workshop will be held form May 2 nd to May 5 th in Bogota, Colombia at the
Headquarters of the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute.
Cl. 10, Bogot, Colombia
Day 1 May 2nd
9:00 Registration

9:20 Welcome by Humboldt, G YBN & CBD Secretariat

9:45 Intro Session

Self introductions ( ice b reaker), M ain G uidance for the workshop, G YBN intro

10:30 Break

10:45 CBD Intro

Brief h istory, Role of the CBD, Strategic Plan

11:25 Break

Implementation of CBD d ecisions on the ground (Hesiquio Benitez, TBC)

How to translate h igh-level decisions and s trategies to the ground?
Outcomes of COP13 and n ext s teps
Post 2 020 P riorities for G RULAC

12:30 NBSAP in d etail: Colombia (Environmental Ministry of Colombia TBC)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Energizer

14:10 NBSAP in d etail: Mexico ( Hesquio Benitez TBC)

14:40 (Activity) Getting to know LACs NBSAPs

15:45 Civil society p erspective on the implementation of CBD on the ground ( Isis Alvarez, TBC)

16:15 Break

16:45 Implementation of CBD d ecisions b y participants

18:00 End of the d ay: Reflection time

19:00 Transfer to H otel

19:30 Dinner
Day 2 May 3rd

10:00 Guidance of the d ay

10:30 (Activity) Identify priority issues/activities for the region

12:00 Break

(Panel: P resentation & D iscussion)

NBSAPs and Biodiversity M ainstreaming and youth: d iscussion about the role of young p eople in the
implementation of NBSAPs and mainstreaming of Biodiversity
Experts: Xiomara Acevedo, Mirna Fernandez, Hesquio Benitez, Isis Alvarez, Brigitte Baptiste (All

14:00 Lunch

15:00 Energizer

15:10 (Activity) System thinking: Analyzing complex p roblems and s olutions 1

Mentors: Ana M aria Hernandez, H esquio Benitez (TBC)

16:00 Energizer

16:15 (Activity) System thinking: Analyzing complex p roblems and s olutions 2

Mentors: Ana M aria Hernandez, H esquio Benitez (TBC)

18:00 Reflection time

19:00 Transfer to H otel

19:30 Dinner
Day 3 May 4th

10:00 Guidance of the day & Ice Breaker

10:30 (Mini-Workshop) Fundraising

11:30 Break & Energizer

11:50 (Mini-Workshop) Environmental Digital Activism

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Energizer

14:45 16:00
20 min break
(Open space) Project development with Human Centered Design
16:20 18:00

18:00 Reflection time

19:00 Transfer to Hotel

19:30 Dinner
Day 4 May 5th

10:00 Guidance of the day & Ice Breaker

10:30 (Open space) Project development with Human Centered Design

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Energizer

14:45 16:00
20 min break (Open space) Project development with Human Centered Design
16:20 18:00

18:00 Closing of the Workshop

Beginning of a new alliance

18:45 Transfer to Hotel

19:30 Dinner

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