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Nick Seginowich

Gun Control

My take on Gun Control is very simple that there should be more restrictions regarding

guns because all statistics point towards the fact that it is safer to have no gun in the house than

to have one. However if you are of the age of nineteen years old then you can have the right to

own a gun and you also can get a concealed weapons license. Owning a gun is not a wrong

thing to do and you should have every right to own a gun with a license or not. As some of the

hunters and just regular civilian in our life they have got guns and had guns in their possession

since a young age, with credit they have not always owned them by themselves they have

always had some way that is fairly easy way to get a gun. Now I know that you can own a gun

and use it an invalid times, such as out in the street or just as a fun thing to do unless in a safe

secure location. I also think that it should be a law that you can only have certain guns even with

a license, having a rifle should be allowed but only when that person is safe and/or hunting.

While in your car, work and at your house I think with a licence that you should only be able to

have up to a 9 mm or a .45 in reach for you to have access to. If someone was breaking into

your house for instance you can have a gun in reach for you to protect your family and yourself,

but if you only have a 9mm or smaller you can still shoot and kill someone but if you have an

AR-15 then you have the possibility to blow someone away, which is not needed.

Now some people have a very strong feeling against even having a gun. They say that

children and young kids can grab and play with them and have a high risk of injuring themselves

or others. Take away guns, take away the problems, that is a quote highly used in Gun Control

protests throughout the US. With that statement they mean if you can not get a gun without a

concealed weapons license then murders, gang problems and altercations with accidental gun

shots going off will go down. While protesters say that murders happen mainly because the
wrong people own guns, they also say that while in possession of a firearm think that they have

more power and authority because if they have a gun that they can shoot you or a person who

is in the wrong. With the intention of shooting someone and having the ability to do so will not be

a probable cause with anyone if you can not purchase or own a gun without a concealed

weapons license.

Now off of my education of guns and being a person who own guns and only use them

while I go hunting or when I go out to a shooting range, the use of a gun can be a large

adrenaline rush for all people. My personal education on guns is that the gun does not pull its

own trigger the person behind the gun is the one who pulls it and they are in the wrong. Now

when it common sense you should not own a gun without a license or being a hunter but in that

case you should still have a license to own one. As I know multiple hunters and a variation of

guns they say that the use of guns should be used in a case of self defense, while hunting, and

in the hands of a very trained professional. Now my take on the fact that our officers of the law

owning a gun that takes bullets that have the possibility of killing another human being should

have the same regulations as us who do not wear a badge on our chest, now I am not stating

that they shouldnt have one or carry one I just feel that with guns that can shoot rubber bullets

and guns that can shoot other things could have the same effect as a gun with bullets, now to

illiterate on that for the use of our officers protection they can have the right to pull out a gun and

use it when the victim or fugitive has a weapon drawn on the officer or causes a threat to have

the possibility of having a gun while they are in the pursuit. For the military they have every right

to use a firearm without the concealed weapons license and any proof that they can get a gun.

They are protecting my freedom in the face of danger everyday so if they want to sit in a house

with a bazooka and blow helicopters and tanks up they have my whole entire support on that


Now with the assumptions that I have made about guns and the ownership, with guns, I

personally think that it is true! My assumption with guns is that if you know how to properly fire
and use a gun and or have a concealed weapons license then you can own a gun as well if you

are at least the age of nineteen then you can have a 9mm or a less powerful gun can be within

their presence do to the fact that you can use it for your own protection. If you can responsibly

use and own a gun then you have a right to have one, but if you are flaunting your gun around

like a toy and using it on un-recreational reasons and using them in violent ways and just

playing with them as a nonchalant item of your possession. I think that I make a very valid point

on control of firearms because, the responsible people and people with the knowledge of guns

and how to properly use them and have the knowledge when to use them and when not to use

them, then having a gun should be allowed if they are of age and/or they have a license to own

a firearm.

I think that yes I could investigate or go into deeper research into the facts and data

about this subject. I think this because, if I could go into deeper research then I could get more

of the inside take of both sides of this argument and what people who have been in trouble with

the law due to owning a gun and not having a license or being of the age to purchase a firearm

legally. As well I could get the side of people who have faced tragedy from the wrongful use of a

gun or losing a family member or someone who is close to them, and with a mishap of a misfire

of a firearm or the incorrect use of a person with a gun.

My final conclusion is simple. It goes as followed. That at any time you have needed to

use protection because your life in jeopardy or something has happened where if you had a

form of protection without the intention of using it but just for the pure fact that it could keep

someone from injuring your family or your own self because of its presence. Now with that being

said that person should also be of age to own a firearm, as well as having concealed weapons

license to own a gun. Now controlling the purchasing of guns and the use of them would be very

difficult indeed but with stricter policy of the purchasing of the firearms and a more productive

regulations on where you can have the possession of a gun and where you have the permission

to use a firearm. In that fact I also will regurgitate the fact that owning a firearm under the size of
9mm should be permitted to people because, safety of your family and your own well being is

also very important. Finally my conclusion is being of age and having a weapons license should

give americans the right to have a firearm in their possession.

My assumptions of this subject do support my conclusion very much as the fact that all

of my statements have stated that being of age to own a firearm as well as you could have a

concealed weapons license means you have the right to own a gun. Which I also think the

protesters of gun control do have a very valid point of the fact that firearms do and are in

wrongful hands as some people do not have the correct judgement or common sense to use a

firearm properly and not as a weapon. On other terms I think the use of guns should only be

used in one of three ways and most likely the first two would be more of an appropriate use of

the guns, for the first one you can use a firearm while you are hunting, that is an exhilarating

time where the use of a gun is permitted and allowed and legal, the second is in the form of

protection (mainly for officers of the law) but as well in the stages of life where the presence of a

gun could help you, and thirdly in the vicinity of a professional or someone who has a very great

knowledge of guns, this also goes along with being in a shooting range or somewhere in the

open that you dont run a risk of injuring a human being.

Now I can think positively that I did ask the correct questions. For example the some of

the questions I did ask went as followed, What is the correct usage for a firearm?, What are

protesters view on gun control?, With the incorrect use of a firearm, cause trouble with the law

and people?, and What is the of legal age to own a fire? What age can you receive a concealed

weapons license?. With this being such a very widely known topic and people have multiple

views, and have many different dislikes and likes with the gun control policy. I also would like to

throw into this that the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America,

which states that we have the right to bear arms which I asked too many people who are

owners of guns and people who are against the possession of guns, I asked those people two

questions, the first one I ask was, Do you know what the Second Amendment of the
Constitution says?, the people who own guns said that is states we have the right to bear arms

as the people who are against it only a few of the dozen people knew that is stated that. The

second questioned I asked was, Would you make a change to the Second Amendment or would

you leave it and just make more strict laws on the purchasing and usage of guns? People who

owned guns legally stated that they would keep it but also put more strict laws on the

purchasing of firearms because, they are very to come across and to buy, while the people who

were against guns said that it is the Constitution is set in stone and they would not want to

change it, but they also would like to put more strict laws on the purchasing of firearms but in a

different way because kids running around on the street with guns (ten to twenty) are not all

mentally and some not containing enough common sense to use a gun with a correct intent and

not just for the enjoyment of shooting a gun. I do think that I use the correct data and facts

about this topic because my facts are true about both sides of this argument.

My final statement and final repeat of my conclusion and my own personal thoughts on

this topic. If you are of age to purchase a gun then you have a right to do so and if you have a

concealed weapons license then you can have a gun as well, following that up being of age and

having a firearm below the size and/or power and destruction if can cause in your possession

without any intent to use it with intent to injure and purely for safe firing and protection if the time

comes is also an acceptable time to have a firearm in your possession.

WORKS CITED(interviewees)

Leo Shields,Hunter

Vickey Seginowich, opposed Mother

Jacob Dirkson, Student against Guns

Kam Lane, Person interested in Guns

Ryan Seginowich, Likes to shoot at Ranges

Luke Seginowich, Very against use of Guns

Brock Nelson, Avid Hunter

Chase Huff, Mixed Feelings about it



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