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a —_...—1 LAWS OF NEW YORK, 1976 CHAPTER 508 tr armen tonne i | 2 ae i er ee a So Spa aaams ere cemereeeegrens Sip ein ee oeerromaa tamer cas cote vee ates Became «law 1976, with the approval of the Governor. Pasmed on ‘menage of necetty puresant to Article IIT ection 14 of the Conatitution byt majority vote, three-fthe being prevent. The People ofthe Sat of New York reprenenied in Senate and Ast, do Section 1. The legialature hereby ive and declares that in nineteen hundred | forty-seven the people of this sate approved an amendment to mection wit of | ‘ticle three of the constitution authorising the payment of allowances io legislators over and above the aalary fixed by law Tor auch officers Thew Paymenta have been mude without interruption or judicial restraint from sineteen hundred forty-even unt nineteen hundred seventy five, On Jane ‘seventeenth, nineteen hundred seventjait, the court of appeals eanimously | pled! the conatittionaiy ofthe payment and nocd Bat "In fae of Ue continuous practice—both before and after enactient of Seclise Get providing allowances by budgetary appropriation alone, and deferring to the leginlative choice of method by which its authority aball be exerosed, we ‘lamin allowances so provided a ised by lw" To the purpone of appiving Thus, the court recognized the fact that though these payments were not fa cc by general Iam, the budgetary legislation containing the allowances pase ‘eh year wan by legislative practice «ising by law. The sourt mated thet "The fact that the appropriations are annual enly and ihat they may have bees | [palin ful before the end of the yearn which they were edoptad end thushere iat public und, does nt dirinish ‘Another {actor considered ty the court wan the uniform practice of the legislature, atthe opening of each teri, 1 create officers nnd commitsese of ach house. In this, the court gave cognizance to the fundamental pencgie of ‘ur aystem of government that there are three separate and distinct, yet cor ‘eual, branches of government, the executive, the leguatare und the jadeiary, t terminations ast identity of efficera benefited legilative prerogative, exercised by that body “in the deeharge of aso fone, fiona and peculiar duties” und should normally be free from interference by ‘other branches of government”, ‘on fx allowanr fr nieion hundred eveny-t th thesane Rea ea, | oeten hundred seventy-our and my tbsaie thee the ae ee [eHAP. 803) 2 tained in the nincteen hundred seventy-four budgrtary lpilation. 5 2. The following provisions are hereby added ater that part of ection one mile “THE SENATE PERSONAL SERVICE" of hagher Nleycooe cts of ainetesn hundred cveny ie, ened AN AGT making 4bpropriations fr the upport. of ‘government LEGIBLATU! JUDICIARY BUDGET”, to read aa ‘Oh eta ‘For payment of anwar to member deeimnaied by tke Tem- ‘porary President for particular ond edditonal serie as oh fier ofthe houne or i any other pecialcapaciy tse 4 The following provisions are hereby added after that part of wuch metioe sued "THE TMINEMBLY PERSONAL SERVICE creses eee ‘For payment of alineonces 1 memere deviated by the pater for particular and edditional wevices ax efi of ht ou, 471.000 $4. The lagilsive law is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Scien. to be section fives, to read as fellows: | § Sa. Allowance for members seriny ax an officer of ether house of te lecaltare or im apecial capacity therein. Any member of ether honse Whe Lepalatare verving aun officer of his house o in anyother pci capaci nro, ‘shall be paid an allowance in azowrdence with te Jolacing sched, SCHEDULE SENATE OFFICERS Temporary president ofthe sen... stvsscensn a Deputy mary aader of the ven ‘Minority leader ofthe senate ‘Deputy minority Uader ofthe senate Chairmen of he emale majority confereice ‘Secretary of the senate minority conference or policy comes” ce MERE TH EAT Raptr omega ees le emcee metas eee oe fanaatomeete aed cara a sae gc a coeeermar ce Eerie yea ier en a eee Fee cana ee spre of sente mel yee and elton sil comenice °° 2802 sc hace Pas aan le ta come ne et non in laeman of ona nwo sine ‘cg mony mehr oe i ir Ghairman of wenate ial sericea commie Ranking minority member of wenate racial ries commie Chesrma " : Se wee ay : er og cin nlc ne ig i vay ig ; iets ee Sa ‘at ny fi denn ma ie Sars i ae ies bo rh a se ys fertanact fama, ves as seal ge

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