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Diary Entry: Fallen Angels

Hey diary

My name is Richie Perry, I just graduated from Harlem High School and my future goal is to
serve my country. Yes that is right, even though Im black I decided to go and fight for my
country in Vietnam. In the next few days I will leave home to go to a basic training camp for
soldiers. Im ready for all the honor and the glory in the war and after it. But because of a knee
injury I am sure they wont let me fight in real combat so I dont have to worry about anything.

Dear Diary

We are finally in Vietnam. At least that is what I thought when I came here, near Chu Lai, with
two other recruits, Harold Gates and Jenkins. Our new sergeant assured us that nothing is
going on here and that there is NO chance somebody could get killed. Well, but it happened. On
our first patrol Jenkins was killed by a landmine. I cant believe it. I wanted to tell my family
about that, and that one of my only friends died on his first day, but I cant. They would worry
way too much about me, and even I do after that incident. Thats why I will start to write down
everything during that war in this diary. Well, at least everything I survive. I do this for my family
to know and every other person who may read this in future.

Dear Diary

I have survived the next battles, but its not like I imagined. I saw my comrades die, I saw
destruction and brutality, and I think there is nothing right in war and nothing moral. Men get
killed by landmines or sniper or mortars without anything possibly to do against. Our
commander Captain Stewart does not care about us soldiers. He only cares about his
promotion and how to look good in the eyes of the other officers. My patron leader Lieutenant
Carroll got killed during the last combat mission and I dont know anymore. Where is the reason
in this War or in war generally? Why do we fight? My friends tell me that a soldier shouldnt think
like that, but I cant handle this war anymore.

Diary ...

Its getting serious. Im writing this while Im laying in a hospital. They are about to release me
soon, but I dont want to leave the safety of this place. Im questioning myself more than before
why I went to war. Today I just got the order to return to battle, but I am considering to become
a deserteur and leave the army.
Dear Diary

I am back in battle. I dont want to, but I cant just leave know I have done so much. Our old
leader was gone and weve got a new one, Sergeant Dongan. I hated him. He was a racist and
he always positioned black guys like me in the most dangerous positions possible. Thanks to
him we have had a lot of interracial tensions in our squad, but we grew stronger together and
yesterday he got killed. Now one of our comrades leads us, Corporal Brunner. He sure is nicer
than Sergeant Dongan and since he really fought too we have now problem obeying him.

Hey diary

This is my last entry. Ive done it. I survived. Brunner lead us on a deadly mission to track down
some Vietcongs along a river. A firefight broke out after we made a series of mistakes, leaving
me and Harold Gates wounded. Somehow we survived it and they finally looked over my
medical report about my knee, which means I am sitting on a plane back home right now,
together with the caskets of my dead comrades. Harold wounds were serious enough to get
discharged from battle. I feel sorry for all the people who didnt survive or who are going to get
drafted to end this war, because they will make the same or even worse experiences than me.

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