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Group Rubric Criteria (P1)

Concerns 3- Meets Standard Advanced

Areas that Need Work Criteria Evidence of Exceeding
Standards for This Standards

The essay includes a clear
introduction, conclusion,
thesis, and body
paragraphs. It also
includes a counterclaim.
Includes topic sentences
and transitions to flow
between paragraphs.

The essay includes
evidence from The
Odyssey that is correctly
cited in MLA format. The
evidence is explained and
connected to the thesis.
Essay includes a counter

The essay uses academic,
formal language and
avoids personal pronouns,
contractions, slang, and
conversational language.
The diction aligns with the
purpose of the essay.

MLA Format
The essay follows the MLA
format and is double-
spaced in an appropriate
font of size 12. Includes
last name and page
number in upper righthand
corner, as well as a header
that includes name,
teacher, class title, and
due date of essay.
Paragraphs are indented,
rather than using a line
break. In-text citations are
in MLA format, as well as
the Works Cited page.

Mechanics, Usage, and

The essay includes words
that are correctly spelled
and used in the correct
context. Sentences are
neither run-on nor
incomplete. Essay follows
all rules of capitalization
and grammar, and stays
within the present tense.


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