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Mentor Assessment 4

During my last meeting with my mentor, I received the final confirmation on my blade design. I

also was able to submit my spider web chart to her that she suggested that I make last meeting.

The chart I made is illustrated below:

A spider chart is a method of comparing different products or items based on their individual

characteristics. It provides a clear visual representation of the optimal item. This spider chart

compares the two pre-existing skates and my new blade design. I ranked each characteristic of

each blade on a scale of 0-5, with 0 being the worst and 5 being the best. As the graph shows,

my blade design optimized every aspect of the blade. It needs to be noted that these rankings

are based on what is beneficial to a recreational skater. The second best blade would be a

hockey blade, and in last place comes the figure blade. This is highly ironic because the blade

given to the recreational skater is the figure blade due to the toe pick, but this actually teaches

people how to skate the wrong way and consequently leads to incorrect form and a higher
chance for injury. Mrs. Johnson was very pleased with my graph and told me that she uses

graphs similar to this one for many of her projects. Learning how to visually represent your

findings and data is very important when creating and implementing a design for a new or hybrid

product. Mrs.Johnson also inquired about my plans on securing a location to 3D print my blade

and how the simulations are coming along. I told her that I had a location secured (the CTE

center) and the simulations are going well. I was actually able to find a pre-existing model of a

blade online so now I can just tweak that model. Thats where Im at now, Im working on my 3D

model and Im approximately half way through that right now.

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