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Topic Selection

Attitude/ Perception Surveys

Topic: Global warming amongst teens and young adults
Target groups: Teens and young adults
Focus: What is Global warming?

Background/ Abstract
This report describes how knowledge of climate change varies across both teens and
young adults. Knowledge about climate change can be divided into several general and
overlapping categories: knowledge about how the climate system works; specific
knowledge about the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to global warming;
contextual knowledge placing human-caused global warming in historical and
geographic perspective; and practical knowledge that enables individual and collective
action (Teens Knowledge of Climate Change). My objective in this study is to
understand teen and young adult views and opinions of global warming. Researching
the importance of it as well as measuring the knowledge teens and young adults have
on global warming. I predict that many teens and young adults will be clueless as to
what global warming is, the importance and dangers of it, as well as the causes and
effects of it.

1. Create or research questions that measure the knowledge teens and
young adults have on Global warming.
a. How old are you?
b. Have you taken an environmental science class before?
c. Do you care about the environment?
d. What is Global warming?
e. What are two things that cause Global warming?
f. What is one thing that happens as a result of Global
g. Do you think Global warming is serious in relation to your
way of life?
h. Are you interested in taking care of the environment?

2. Find people between the ages of 11-23 to ask to take the survey to test their
understanding of Global warming.

3. Compare your results with your hypothesis and formulate your conclusion.

Q4. What is Age Response Correct/

Global Incorre
warming? ct
Survey #1 14 I think pollution on earth causing temps c
to rise

Survey #2 17 A increase in the globes temp. caused c

by pollutants

Survey #3 20 I can't remembersomething to do w/ i


Survey #4 18 greenhouse gasses causes earth's c

temp to rise

Survey #5 17 temps are rising on earth i

Survey #6 21 pollution in air i

Survey #7 16 when the world heats up and its hotter i

Survey #8 16 when the earth is heated by c

greenhouse gasses

Survey #9 19 when the world gets warmer i

Survey #10 18 the heating of earth i

Survey #11 17 overheat on earth i

Survey #12 17 when the earth heats and habitats are c


Survey #13 17 when there's an increase of i


Survey #14 18 the warming of the planet due to c

increasing CO2 levels

Survey #15 17 change in climate due to the release of c

greenhouse gasses

Survey #16 22 I completely forgot, I believe its a i

change in the atmosphere

Q5. What are two things Age Response Correct/

that cause Global Incorrec
warming? t
Survey #1 14 greenhouse effect and c

Survey #2 17 carbon dioxide and c

Survey #3 20 pollution c

Survey #4 18 greenhouse gasses, pollution c

Survey #5 17 pollution and cars c

Survey #6 21 litter and smoking c

Survey #7 16 fossil fuels and people c

Survey #8 16 pollutions and emissions c

Survey #9 19 pollution c

Survey #10 18 burning fossil fuels and c

increased ozone layers

Survey #11 17 ozone and human action c

Survey #12 17 burnt fossil fuels and ozone c


Survey #13 17 temperature and pollution c

Survey #14 18 burning of coal and driving c

(release of gas)

Survey #15 17 releasing greenhouse gasses c

Survey #16 22 smoking c

Q.6 What is one thing that Age Response Correct/I

happens as a result of Global ncorrect
Servey #1 14 rising temps around c
the world

Survey #2 17 greenhouse effect c

Survey #3 20 skip this one i

Survey #4 18 melting ice caps c

Survey #5 17 seasons are different c

Survey #6 21 melting ice caps c

Survey #7 16 raising temps in c


Survey #8 16 raising temps c

Survey #9 19 habitat destruction c

Survey #10 18 temps increase c

Survey #11 17 habitat destruction c

Survey #12 17 melting ice caps c

Survey #13 17 the icebergs are c


Survey #14 18 climate change c


Survey #15 17 heavy rain c

Survey #16 22 bad weather c

Conclusion/ Abstract
Through my my study i conclude that teens and young adults do care about the
environment bet have little knowledge on Global warming. My hypothesis was correct,
in the fact that they have little knowledge on it but my hypothesis was also incorrect in
the fact that they do care about the environment. Many have a decent conception on
what Global warming is, however, they don't know the depth, importance and dangers of

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