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Name: _______________________

Grade 9 Peer Reviewee Sheet

Peer Reviewer: _____________________
Does the Story . Very Yes Sort No
Yes! of
Have a clear beginning, middle, and end?
Think: Exposition, RA, Climax, FA, and
Have characters that are effectively
characterized? Do we get a good sense of who
they are?
Have a consistent point of view?

Follow common writing convention?

(Grammar, spelling, capitalization)
Have sentences that are clear and structured
in a way that can be understood?

What is a strong element of their storytelling?


What is an example of what they did well?


Where might they improve? Be specific.


Peer Reviewer #2: _____________________

Does the Story . Very Yes Sort No
Yes! of
Have a clear beginning, middle, and end?
Think: Exposition, RA, Climax, FA, and
Have characters that are effectively
characterized? Do we get a good sense of who
they are?
Have a consistent point of view?

Follow common writing convention?

(Grammar, spelling, capitalization)
Have sentences that are clear and structured
in a way that can be understood?

What is a strong element of their storytelling?


What is an example of what they did well?


Where might they improve? Be specific.


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