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Post-Secondary Plan

By Gibson Martinez
My Post-secondary plan is to achieve college, and complete
my Gen-Eds. After I accomplish these classes I would like to
move on to college again to work/ study into music production
and start my career in music producing that I mostly dream for
in my life.
As I manage to study myself into music and electronically,
I happen to made a couple of songs about how much I wanted to
become a music producer, as I see myself in 5 years, I would be
working with other producers and artists making music. Then
able to complete my goals and live on succeeding my career
For most of all I wanted to see myself create music and
letting my peers listen to it and making comments about how
much Ive needed to improve and working hard on it. But
knowing that I manage to study and improve myself to make
new music and letting the world listen.
In conclusion, I happened to challenge my post-secondary
plan to go into college to finish my Gen-Eds, then on to college
for music production. I happen to see myself in 5 or 3 years
from now making music and able to let my peers and family
members talk with me about music and having those moments
about how I improved myself. So I happened to let this post-
secondary plan to work step by step along my career goals, so
that I can see how much I improved in music production. So my
career after high school is becoming a music producer and
working with music and making it while working with my peers
and studio directors about it and having to share my music with
them, so I can share with the rest of the world but I happen to
see myself making music in a studio room, with my laptop, and
my college degree in music production.

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