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ike many engineering firms, same time. In 2004 the firm unveiled a design
Thornton Tomasetti has used building in- by the renowned architect Frank Gehry that in-
formation modeling (BIM) for many years tegrated the arena with the surrounding struc-
to improve its projects. But when it came to de-
signing the Barclays Center, in the New York City
Barclays tures (see Civil Engineering, February 2004, pag-
es 3031). But that design was later abandoned
borough of Brooklyn, the international engineer-
ing firm decided to take the technology perhaps
Center for financial reasons. Thornton Tomasetti served
as the structural engineer for Gehrys design and
further than it ever had before and use the three-
dimensional (3-D) digital model as its primary
Delivered was retained to develop a redesign that would
separate the arena from the other structures
work product. The result is a streamlined design
process, facilitating the realization of a dynamic
Using BIM within the development. AECOM, an interna-
tional architecture, engineering, and planning
basketball arena that is expected to become a popular destina- firm headquartered in Los Angeles, was hired to design the
tion in the Big Apples most populous borough. arena, and SHoP Architects, based in New York City, was
The Barclays Center is under construction on a triangular given responsibility for designing the arenas extraordinary
lot near the confluence of Atlantic and Flatbush avenues. The facade and entry plaza and for working with AECOM to de-
multiuse arena will be home to the Brooklyn Nets, the Nation- sign the arenas interior spaces.
al Basketball Association franchise formerly known as the New The 675,000 sq ft Barclays Center was modeled to a cer-
Jersey Nets. The real estate developer Bruce Ratner headed a tain extent on Conseco Fieldhouse, now known as Bankers
group of private investors who purchased the basketball team Life Fieldhouse, the Indianapolis facility that is the home
in 2004 and have since worked to move the team to Brooklyn, of the National Basketball Associations Indiana Pacers.
which hasnt had a professional sports team since 1958, when AECOM designed Conseco Fieldhouse and drew on that ex-
the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles. Ratners real estate devel- perience in forming an initial concept for the Barclays Center.
opment firm, Forest City Ratner Companies, is constructing We started out kind of with Conseco as the literal model in
the Barclays Center as the anchor of a $4.9-billion revitalization the initial design, but that quickly went away because the de-
project that will comprise office, residential, and business struc- sign evolved, says Steve Duethman, AIA, an AECOM prin-
tures. Bruce Ratner wanted to basically do a redevelopment cipal. Barclays will have an arched roof and a seating bowl
of this entire region between Atlantic and Flatbush avenues in similar to Consecos, but otherwise it will be quite different.
Brooklyn, says Jeff Callow, P.E., a senior associate at Thornton Conseco is framed in concrete, while Barclays will be framed
Tomasetti. The idea is that the arena will spark in steel. The Conseco site presented few impedi-
the growth in the region that would justify build- The Barclays Centers pre- ments and restrictions, whereas Barclays will
SHoP Architects

ing the other buildings on the site. weathered steel lattice- be built over one of the largest mass transit sta-
Forest City Ratner Companies initially work facade was designed tions in Brooklyn. Conseco has a traditional field
planned to construct the arena and other build- to evoke Brooklyns history house appearance, while the Brooklyn arenas
ings that will make up the development at the as a shipbuilding center. curved geometry will be more sculptural. We

[14] C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 1 2
felt we captured the best parts of Conseco in ar-
eas such as the seating bowl, but because of the
site constraints we encountered in Brooklyn,
[Barclays Center] was...guided differently,
Duethman says.
The arena will have approximately
18,000 seats and a level and a half of suites.
Construction began in March 2010 and com-
pletion is anticipated in time for an opening con-
cert this September by Jay-Z, a rapper and minority
owner of the Brooklyn Nets. Thornton Tomasetti The Bar-
took an unconventional approach to meet the ambi- clays Center
tious schedule, creating a BIM representation of the was designed using
Barclays Center using Tekla, a program developed building information modeling. verted to 3-D, he adds. Thornton
by Tekla Corporation, which is based in Espoo, Fin- Tomasetti developed an in-house
land. The method has accelerated the design process in that program to convert its Tekla model to a Revit model, mak-
it has enabled the firm to deliver an accurate digital model to ing it easier to coordinate its efforts with the architect.
the subcontractors in lieu of drawings created on the basis of Working in 3-D conferred several structural engineering
a model produced in Revit, a drafting program developed by advantages, especially with regard to the Barclays Centers
Autodesk, of San Rafael, California. complex steel latticework facade. SHoP Architects designed
In the past, Thornton Tomasetti has used Revit to pro- the facade using CATIA, a 3-D program developed by Das-
duce drawings because many of the architecture firms it sault Systmes, of Vlizy-Villacoublay, France. The archi-
works with use that program. If we had gone the conven- tecture firm then transferred the CATIA model to its sister
tional way and we had produced a conventional model, [the company, SHoP Construction, which used the model to pro-
subcontractors] would have had to re-create a Tekla model duce computer numerically controlled (cnc) files. In a di-
based upon our drawings, Callow says. So what weve done rect-to-fabrication approach, SHoP Construction delivered
is weve saved the time in the schedule because weve already those files to the facade fabricator, which used them to manu-
given them the full geometry in [a Tekla] model. Nearly all facture the 12,000 preweathered steel panels and the curtain
of the engineering on the project was done in true 3-D. Pret- wall enclosure that will make up the facade. Both SHoP Ar-
ty much all of our engineers on the project had a 3-D model chitects and SHoP Construction carefully based their model-
up on their screens all the time, trying to work out conflicts ing work on the main building BIM representation created
and reposition things, Callow recalls. That differs from Re- by AECOM and Thornton Tomasetti.
vit, in which everything is positioned in 2-D and then con- The preweathered steel panel facade is designed to evoke

The Barclays Center will be the

anchor of a $4.9-billion revital-
ization project that will comprise
office, residential, and business
structures between Atlantic and
Flatbush avenues in Brooklyn.
Th o r n t o n T o m as e t t i , t o p ; S H o P A r c h i t e c t s , b o t t o m

j u ly/a u g u s t 2 0 1 2 C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g [15]
Civil Engineering extend around the arenas signature ele-
ment: a large cantilevered canopy. The
be greeted by a curtain wall through
which they will have views of the score-
news two bands culminate as they approach board before they even enter the build-
the intersection of Atlantic and Flat- ing. The entrance sequence really will
Brooklyns history as a shipbuilding cen- bush with a canopy that cantilevers off be something spectacular, says Chris-
ter, says Jonathan Mallie, a principal of the building approximately eighty feet, topher Sharples, a principal of SHoP Ar-
SHoP Architects. Each panel will be ap- serving as a main feature that greets the chitects. Coming up through the tran-
proximately 5 ft wide and, depending on public upon ascent from the transit sta- sit station and then looking out in front
the buildings geometry at a given point, tion below the public plaza in front of the to see the canopy coming out from the
will range in height from 6 in. to 6 ft. arena, Mallie says. building, the oculus, and then looking
The panels will span between preweath- The canopy will cantilever from through to the scoreboardwe believe
ered structural C channels that are fas- the last set of building columns with- this will be an entrance like no other.
tened to a steel network and tied back to in the arenas storefront-style entry and The 3-D modeling also aided in the
the arenas enclosure system. The panels will feature an oculus lined with vid- design of the arenas arched roof. The roof
and the support structure will be pre- eo board. Box trusses on the north and will comprise a main pair of steel tied-
fabricated to form 950 larger units that south sides of the canopy will extend arch trusses that extend down the mid-
will be 10 ft wide and up to 40 ft high back through the entry and into the dle of the building, and 16 infill trusses
to expedite installation. The panels will arenas seating bowl. The canopys ocu- perpendicular to them will extend in the
form a horizontal lattice pattern around lus will be framed by cross-trusses. Be- northsouth direction. A tied-arch roof
the building. A band of glazing will vi- cause of the length of the cantilever, we typically imposes a great deal of thrust
sually divide the arena into two sections: wanted to have long enough back spans on the structure it covers, but the arenas
an upper portion, or halo, and a lower on our canopy trusses, Callow explains. steel framing will be unable to handle
band. The glazing will enable light to So we ended up extending these [box those forces on its own. As a result, a ten-
reach the multilevel concourses. Our in- trusses] all the way through the entry sion tie will be positioned near the bot-
terest was to break down the verticality structures so that they integrated with tom of the arches to accommodate those
of the building through the introduc- the bowl resist the uplift forces. We were able to use that tension
tion of two bands, Mallie explains. From from the canopy cantilever. As visi- tie to balance those forces and make it a
the halo and lower band, the facade will tors pass beneath the canopy, they will little more of a self-contained system,

[16] C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 1 2
Callow says. That greatly reduced the story below grade. Part of the challenge Obviously, the challenge in having a
amount of thrust forces that act on the is that underneath Flatbush Avenue are truck turntable is that you cant have any
structure below. While the tension tie two sets of subway tunnels [and] we had columns come down in that vicinity,
will reduce forces on the building, it will to ensure that our structure was not im- Callow says. So we ended up having to
not be placed at the very bottom of the posing any loads on the tunnels, Cal- create a transfer system above the load-
arched truss, which would be the most low says. To achieve this, we lowered ing dock so that the main bowl columns
efficient location. Instead, the tie will be our foundations locally so that they were would have to transfer out to provide a
placed higher to avoid interfering with below the influence line of the subway complete clear space. He also notes that
the sight lines at that location. While tunnels. We only needed to do this in over the turntable, were basically span-
the arena will not be substantial enough the extreme southwest corner, where the ning ninety-five feet with plate girders
to carry the loads without the tension tunnel was closest to the building. supporting multiple levels above.
tie, an analysis revealed that its rigidity The most significant challenge asso- From its allusions to Brooklyns in-
will prohibit the tie from elongating as ciated with the foundation was provid- dustrial past to its 1-acre public plaza
much as would be necessary for it to re- ing delivery truck access at the south- and entry sequence, the arena is expect-
sist all of the forces. The design team ad- east corner of the site. Since the site is too ed to draw people from the community
dressed this issue by developing a proce- small for a traditional at-grade ramp and and beyond. Whether youre a Brook-
dure that involves disconnecting the ties loading dock, the loading dock will be at lynite or a visitor, I think [everyone is]
during the erection and then reconnect- the below-grade event level. Trucks will going to be awestruck by the facility,
ing those elements once the temporary access the dock via a pair of truck eleva- not only in terms of the design but how
shoring towers for the roof are removed. tors, which will be framed by a retain- it relates to the fabric of the neighbor-
As a result, the only thrusts acting on the ing wall 35 ft tall and 6 ft thick. There hood and contributes substantially to
building will come from snow loads, not is no way to brace the top of the wall, so how they will be entertained by a mul-
from the weight of the roof itself. the wall will cantilever from a 22 ft wide titude of events, Duethman says. Bar-
The arena will be founded on spread by 6 ft thick footing at the base to resist clays Center is truly going to be an icon
footings with grade beams as required, overturning. The elevators will transport for the city of Brooklyn and will serve
primarily at braced-frame locations. The the trucks down to the event level, where as a stimulus for those areas around the
site will be surrounded by a basement they will then pull onto a turntable that arena, in terms of redevelopment, for
wall because the event level will be one will align them with the loading dock. years to come. Jenny Jones

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