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Special points of
It is always hoped that we will increased workload had a offer that is less than RPI.
come to an offer that can be detrimental effect upon the
The pay offer is recommended to members job performance, or their per- Furthermore when we sur-
significantly less veyed you and asked you what
but this year that has not been sonal life.
than inflation possible. you thought was a reasonable
The Retail Prices Index (RPI) pay offer and asked you to be
We surveyed you Obviously we entered the ne- and the Consumer Prices In- realistic the average results
and you said you gotiations well aware of the dex (CPI) are used to measure came out at 5%.
wanted more
from this years companys recovery plan. We the cost of living. As they in-
have all been on this journey crease this increased your Therefore we put this claim to
pay claim than
what you were together and are contributing costs. As projected by the the employer:
awarded last to turning things around for Office of Budget Responsibility
year. A substantial increase on
npower. both are largely predicted to
salary and all associated
We put a reason-
rise quite significantly:
So we surveyed you, the staff allowances with effect from
able counter offer 1 April 2017
to understand what you 2016: RPI 1.7% CPI 0.7%
to try to bring our
pay back up to wanted us to achieve from
2017: RPI 3.7% CPI 2.4% A one year deal
inflation over the this round of pay negotiations.
two years. 2018: RPI 3.6% CPI 2.3% A one off payment to re-
Compared to 12 months ago,
Thats why we how do you feel your pay has ward the hard work of all
2019: RPI 3.1% CPI 2.0%
cannot recom- changed relative to the cost of employees and to boost
mend the pay living? GMB 66.2% said worse 2020: RPI 3.1% CPI 2.0% morale that is linked to the
offer. off. UNISON 63.9% said worse success of the recovery
2021: RPI 3.2% CPI 2.0% plan.
Any pay offer less than these
CAUTION ! Do you feel fairly rewarded in
figures means your cost of
your job? GMB 88.3% said no,
living is decreasing.
UNISON 63.9%
This has been circulated by This is one reason why we
social media and electroni- 73.7% of staff said that an
cannot recommend any pay

Please be mindful of any

comments you make on
any social media platform
that you do not bring the
organization into disre- It is not that we were unrea- This is taxable and therefore Our offer of a two year deal
pute. sonable or unrealistic in our what you will get is much less with a larger % in the second
pay claim and our negotia- than this. And to suggest that year was designed to incentiv-
Together we are stronger. If tions . part time staff get even less is ize performance, to provide
you know someone you demoralizing. the company with your com-
We understand the position of mitment to stay and to provide
work with who is not in a
the company and so we re- We know that the company is
union please encourage you with stability and security
vised our offer and asked for a still in recovery and we are all knowing what you would real-
them to join us. 2 year deal with a lesser % in working hard to turn it back ize next year.
Collective bargaining pays the first year but with a claw into the black. However we
back in the second year to get also know that many personal This was rejected by the com-
off for union members. For
us back to inflationary predic- contract staff got significant pany which is why we cannot
every 10000 earned in
tions. bonuses and we know that the recommend the npower pay
the private sector a union customers had their bill in- offer.
member earns around This was ruled out by the com-
creased by 9.8% this year. Our
1690 more . pany and they responded with energy bills are also rising and We will now go to ballot and it
a one year deal of 1.5% and a therefore we are equally hit by is for you to decide.
Source: ONS Labour Force Survey, one off payment of 100 pro
Autumn 2013 these rises in energy prices.
rated for part time employees.
Join online today!
The collective strength of trade union negotiation
means that (on average) union members:
Take home higher pay
Have better sickness and pension benefits
Have more holiday
Have more flexible working hours

Union members are also more likely to be in perma-

nent and full time jobs

Where union members and collective bargaining is

strong, people are far more likely to be paid above
the national minimum wage.
Join online today

A reminder why we cannot recommend this offer:

The offer that we put to the Ultimately it is your choice A generous bonus scheme
company was only fair and whether to accept the pay of some description. My
reasonable. It was about offer. Remember that the team has hit every target
rewarding your hard work 100 pro rata does not go given to it in the past 18
and achievements over the onto your salary and is not months but had no reward
last 12 months; it is about pensionable. for it., despite a number of
stability and security for the targets being Ofgem tar-
coming 2 years; it is about You might also want to know gets
securing your commitment what other energy compa-
nies are paying their staff I recently took a demotion
to the organization.
and they are at and around to an NPR grade but I am
This pay offer is significantly the 3% mark. still being worked quite as
less than inflation and hard if not harder
marks a step backwards In your words this is what
you have said: Question: What percentage
when it isn't anywhere near 2016:
where RPI is expected to be. increase to your salary
It seems the costs of living RPI 1.7% CPI 0.7%
would you like? (Be realistic)
We cant afford to go back- is rising dramatically and
our pay never reflects this. Average of all responses: 5% 2017:
RPI 3.7% CPI 2.4%
You will receive a ballot pa- Recognition from the com- Look out for your ballot
pany that increased work- papers in the post to your 2018:
per to your home address
shortly. load on staff should be rec- home addresses and you RPI 3.6% CPI 2.3%
ognized and rewarded.

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