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Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India

Editor: Maurcio Avila, Brazil

ercury is the major planet
regarding the thought
Rabinder Nath Bhandari was born on processes, being the
26th Dec 1950 and is a science graduate indicator of human brain. The
from Punjab University. He has been Influence of this planet can be observed
studying astrology since 1978 in which from its placement in different houses
35 years he has spent in extreme deep of natives horoscope. Further, its
study of Lal Kitab. Being well versed in relationship with other planets through
Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi & English he has aspects or conjunctions, also have a
delved deeper into Present day great impact in the human mind
Palmistry along with Indian Samudrik behavior. On human palms, we are
Shastra apart from doing vast amount of
supposed to study the Head line, Mount
readings for people. His interests likes in
nature photography & how nature is of Mercury, short finger and the thumb
simple, this simplicity reflects in his for detailed and accurate information
persona being an extremely humble and concerning the mental status of a
loving human being. He is considered native.
one of the foremost authorities on Lal The Pen as the Major Tool of
Kitab alive today.
Expression of Thoughts by Writing
Speaking and writing abilities are
used by human beings to express or
communicate what they want to others.
In this article, I would like to
draw your attention to the colors of pen and ink filled therein and the pens quality by
studying different combinations of planets with Mercury and the resultant influence
on natives mind. The manner in which a native communicates with others and the
way he writes reflect what is going on inside its head, which is governed by the planet
Mercury. If positively placed, the native will be in a position to make proper use of his
mental force, which is the foundation of success. Otherwise, if Mercury is negative
then negatives effects on the brain functions can be predicted, influencing indirectly
the progress in life due to a lack of concentration.

Importance of Pens/Inks Color

Pen and ink are the basic tools used to write ones thoughts, to write what a person is
thinking in some moment. There is one color image of human palm (Image No.01)
showing the colors which represents different planets, which affect natives mind,
thoughts and ideas during their period of influence. When some planet is affecting the
native, we will able to observe its effects through the items of that planet color or on
items of the same color as shown in the illustration No.01. Therefore, it is advisable to
watch colors of items and find out to which planet such items are connected for
pinpointing the planetary influence in a given moment.

01. A red color cow, in which red color represents the planet Sun but the cow itself
is represented by Venus. So, this will be giving effects of Sun and Venus conjunct on
natives horoscope.
02. Suppose there is one buffalo of black color, in this case, both color and animal
are representing the same planet (Saturn). In this way, only the influence of Saturn
will be present, but if buffalo color is grayish brown (color representing the planet
Sun) then will be treated as animal of Sun alone, giving the positive results of Sun. He
will not give the effects of Saturn or Sun/Saturn conjunction because these planets
never exist together (Sun is plus sign and Saturn is minus sign, so their result will be
03. In case the color of buffalo is black and forehead is white, then both Saturn and
Moon will be acting against each other, the influence of Ketu (two colored black and
white) and Saturn will be felt by the native. If Ketu is in helping position to Saturn
then it will be beneficial otherwise effects on the relatives/items of Ketu and Saturn
will be adverse for the person. In the event of buffalos color being grayish brown with
a white area in forehead, only the good effects of Sun and Moon combination will be
felt by the native.
04. Similarly, we take the example of a dog of two colors (i.e. black and white), it
will be pure Ketu, but if there are red spots it will not be giving the effects of Ketu,
instead, the influence of Mercury will be felt. In case of a dog with white and red
(brownish) color combination, the effects of Sun and Moon conjunction will be felt by
the native.
First of all, we should learn what planet governs each item. For example, if the items
color pertains to the planet Sun then observe its influence concerning to Sun and his
effects on other planets items, works, relatives and so forth. Sun will be giving
positive results on its friendly planets items and negative on its inimical planets items.
Same will be the results of the ruling time planets according to Lal Kitab system of

Image 01.
Importance of Others Factors
In addition to the effects of signs and planets on human beings, others factors such as:
residential house, dreams, other Shagun (omens), pet animals, birds, friends and
relatives, eating habits and ilm e quiafa should be kept in mind while concluding any
prediction or advising remedies. From the above noted points, items and colors exert
an influence on the natives as much as the planets in the natives horoscope, or in
other words, we can make use of items related to a specific planet and select colors to amend
and correct bad influences of any planet.

In the current topic, we will be discussing the effects of Pens Color and Inks Color filed
herein by its possessor.

The Study of Quality of a Pen

hen Mercury is well placed, the influence of Machh rekha (Fish sign, a
positive mark indicating good results of Jupiter and Saturn combination)
will be felt by native in his life. Machh rekha is a sign generally found at
the beginning of Fate Line towards the end of Life Line, near the wrist. As a fish
flourishes in water in all senses, such as laying eggs for successful growth of its
generations in water, and a frog can breathe both in water as well as beneath earth
during hibernation, the native possessor of this mark will experience progress in every
aspect of his life. The good condition of Mercury here will be linked with the quality of the
pen used by the native. For example, if the pen is brand new and without any repair or parts
replaced from another pen, then it will always be giving positive results, as mentioned against
every type of color combination, if quoted positive or in other words, to achieve the
mentioned good results the good quality of pen must be kept in mind.
For reference purposes, notice the location of Machh rekha on human palm in the image
No. 02.
Image 02. (Machh Rekha Fish Sign)

If Mercury is badly placed, it will render influence equal to Kaag Rekha (Bad results of
Saturn in natives life), which will gives a troubled life, full of struggle and misery to
the native. The image No. 03 shows how Kaag Rekha (crow feet sign) appears in the
human palm. It can be compared with a crows life, whose eggs are destroyed by
Cuckoo bird after laying its own eggs in the crows nest (trouble in progeny) for
hatching, in which the crow is not able to identify these problems and take care of
them till all the birds, after hatching, are grown up. Such effects are supposed to be faced
by native whose pen is bad. For example, if the native posses a damaged pen, whose parts have
been replaced with those of other broken pen or have been repaired. Producing effects equal to
a bad Mangal (Negative Mars).
Image 03. (Kaag Rekha)
Image 04. (Pen with Golden Cap and Red Color Barrel)

Sun + Mars + Mercury

This combination makes the native bold and frank. Able to do two works
simultaneously. Native will be in a position to overcome any mischief by his enemies.
Overall this is a good combination. Pen with Golden color cap and red color barrel filled
with red ink.

Sun + Mercury + Saturn

In this combination, Mercury plays an important role by eliminating the enmity
between Sun and Saturn. Now, these three planets will be giving their results
independently, except that of Jupiter when these three planets are placed in 2H, 5H,
9H and 12H. When pen used in this case is of good quality (i.e. Mercury is not
negative), Jupiter will also be giving positive results (i.e. Results of Jupiter, Mercury
and Saturn combination). Pen with golden color cap and red color barrel filled with blue ink.
Image 05. (Yellow Color Pen)

Jupiter + Mars
This combination is generally excellent in giving results regarding family comforts,
wealth and making natives condition equal to a jeweled gold (i.e. a royal position).
Yellow color pen filled with red ink.

Jupiter + Rahu
This combination generally gives negative results, because Rahu poisons Jupiters air,
becoming tough to breathe. Or it turns pure gold into neela thotha (Copper Sulphate).
Meaning, everything will be declining instead of rising, resulting in misery and
poverty. Yellow color pen filled with blue ink.
Image 06. (Green Color Pen)

Mercury + Mars
These two planets when come together represent an artificial Saturn, thus creating
an additional serpent to the already existing one, represented by Saturn in natives
birth chart, which generally empowers the negative influence of Saturn. Much care
must be taken regarding such combinations, which we may create due to our
ignorance. The use of green color pen filled with red ink should be avoided. In the case this
combination already exists in the natives horoscope then appropriate remedies should
be performed to ward of the ill effects.

Mercury + Rahu
This combination is extreme in giving positive or negative results to the native. If it is
positive, it will be giving results like a white elephant flying in high skies, beneficial in
every respect and promoting a successful life. Whereas, if this combination happens to
be negative in birth chart, then jail, mental asylum, hospital, graveyard or deserted
places in a negative sense are the results reserved for the native. So, be very careful while
using a green color pen filled with blue ink.

Mercury (Budh Shaktiman)

When Mercury is well placed in natives birth chart, in positive houses like 2H, 4H
and 6H of horoscope, he is capable of giving Rajayoga effects to the native, who will
escape from adversities. Similar is the case with green color pen filled with green ink.

Image 07. (Red Color Pen)

Mars Positive
Mars positive in natives horoscope always gives positive results and makes life full of
success and achievements, similar will be the results of using a pen of red color filled with
red ink.

Mars + Rahu
In this combination, Rahu becomes silent (incapable of giving any result), only Mars
remains as a controller of Rahu (Mahavat on Elephant), which means that the results
of such unity will be ordinary but generally good in natives life, because of controlled
position of Rahu. Thus, the results rendered by a pen of red color filled with blue ink will be
ordinary, but generally good.

Mars + Mercury
This combination has already been mentioned above as Mercury + Mars, but in this
case the pen is of red color and filled with green ink. In general, the results will be the same
as the previous quoted combination.

Image 08. (Black Color Pen)

Saturn + Mars
Saturn and Mars combination equals to the level of two dacoits in negative sense and
brings adversity in the natives life. The same kind of influence will be felt by the native
while using a black pen filled with red ink, so be careful.

Saturn + Rahu
When these two planets come together (Saturn as a snake and Rahu as the Naag Mani
or Jewel of Snake) gives positive results, Saturn will render positive effects to the
native and Mercury will also be good. A black color pen, when filled with blue ink will also
give the above mentioned results.

Saturn + Mercury
This combination empowers native equal to a flying snake or a hawk and giving the
vision similar of an eagle bird. In general, it gives positive results to the native and
makes him clever and a quick observer. Before uttering even a single word, he will be
able to know what the other person is going to say. The same effects will be produced
through the possession of a black pen filled with green ink.

Image 09. (Two Colored Pen with Red Color in It)

Sun + Mercury
Sun and Mercury combined gives excellent results regarding health, wealth and
progeny. This combination makes the natives children of a high status as compared to
him, but if Sun is afflicted by enemy planets (i.e. with Saturn, Venus, Rahu or Ketu)
then his children generally remains in a lower status as compared to him. The bad
effects of a negative Mars are also warded off when the combination of Sun and
Mercury prevails in the birth chart. So, when a two colored pen with red color combination
is filled with red ink the results above will be felt by the native.

Mercury + Rahu
In this case, both these planets should be carefully studied when accessing their
influence on the native. It is not advisable to take risks, because when this
combination is adverse it will give extreme negative results to the native. A pen of two
colors with red color and filled with blue ink should be selected with caution.

Generally, two colored items of black and white combination represents the planet
Ketu, but with red color in this combination Mercurys influence becomes
predominant. So, when we use green ink in a pen of two colors with one of the colors being
red, the excellent results of Mercury will be felt by its possessor.

Image 10. (Two Colored Pen without Red Color in It)

Mars + Ketu
This is an adverse planetary combination, which makes the natives life full of
quarrels and struggles just like a fight between a tiger and a dog. Thus, two colored pen
without red color filled with red ink will be giving the negative results quoted above.
Rahu + Ketu
This combination, when giving its negative results, makes the life of native miserable
on account of discredits and defamation everywhere. A two colored pen without red color,
when filled with blue ink will affect the native in a similar manner.
Ketu + Mercury
In this combination, both these two planets act as destroyers of each other, thus adding
misery and poverty in natives life. Similar effects will be produced by a pen of two colors
without red color filled with green ink on its possessor, so be careful.

T here may be other color combinations influencing human life, similar to

planetary combinations influence on human beings. But first of all, the negative
combinations quoted above are supposed to be checked in the natives birth chart, if
these do exist, then precautions must be taken while selecting any color combination
for a pen and ink. If native is already using such suggested pen, then the usage of that
must be avoided.

A sound mind in a sound body





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