Journal Table 2

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Journal Table Two

Name: Mariah Tweed

Important Societal Factors/Significant Course Content

Observations from Field Notes

C)How do specific arguments made

by Eric Jensen or any other
A)What are the specific important- scholars used on ANY OF the 6
societal-factors-edfd-460-461-462 Poverty Analyses (located in the
that serve as resources and D2L Discussion section) shape
challenges impacting the learning your present thinking about
of the learner(s) you are studying working with impoverished
in your clinical setting (See the learners? (Cite specific author
following document: important- arguments, examples, and page
societal-factors-edfd-460-461-462) numbers here!!)?
(Remember to focus on Eric Jensens article How Poverty
resources, not just challenges!!!). Affects Classroom Engagement make a
Gender: Ive noticed that the classroom very clear point that there is a difference
teacher sets a high expectation regarding in the educational availability between
respect. Since teaching is such a female students who struggle with poverty, and
heavy field, I think his presence as an those who dont. The article outlines
involved male teacher helps the male differences such as health and nutrition,
students feel comfortable. cognition, and stress. This article helped
Socio-economic status: I think that some shape my thinking by putting in
of the students are impacted by their perspective the advantages students
home life, and that they struggle to make have if they dont struggle with poverty.
friendships with classmates that dont It helped me see that my students will
necessarily come from the same be focused most on what they need to
backgrounds. I notice that most of the be healthy and safe, and learning will
kids that hang out together wear the come second. This will help remind me
same type of clothes, and have similar to see how I can help my students meet
hair styles. their needs before learning.

D)How do you see your Cooperating

Journal Table Two
Name: Mariah Tweed

B) What developmental and/or Teacher addressing (or missing the

learning theorists learned in opportunity to address) students
EDFD 400/401 can be used to development of soft skills (Be
argue why these specific specific with concrete examples of
Important Societal Factors are these soft skills Closure to the
significant? Poverty Analysis Discussion) and
Piaget is an educational theorist that can any specific 21st Century
be used to explain why societal factors Framework Skills discussed in the
are significant for students. One of his following resources: P21
biggest contributions to education is the Framework Definitions and
concept of schema, or the things a child Descriptions
already knows. Schema and funds of My cooperating teacher handles
knowledge can be compared, and both questions from students that might be
relate to the experiences the child has insensitive, by helping them learn to
had of society. B.F. Skinners theory of be more sensitive. For example, one
behaviorism can also be tied to societal of the students asked why another
factors by concluding that these factors student got to chew gum while taking
could be seen as positive or negative a test. The teacher responded by
reinforcements of choices. For example, saying that each student gets what
student A might not want to play they need to do their best learning.
basketball because his grandpa said that The class takes attendance on the
sports were for people who couldnt smart board by moving a basketball
learn or do anything difficult. Student B with their name on it to a hoop that
might have a different outlook, because says hot lunch, or another hoop that
their uncle played in the NBA. This labels cold lunch. One of the students
example combines schema and started to move the basketballs for
behaviorism. the students that were still in the hall,
and Mr. Martin explained that if he
moved the balls for the students, that
the students might forget on other
days. He also explained that it helps
the students get ready for the day,
Journal Table Two
Name: Mariah Tweed

because it forces them to see that

they are in class and following
E) How do you see (or fail to see)
how your cooperating teacher
demonstrates any of the concrete
strategies for working with
impoverished learners that you
learned from your outside social
class scholar
The classroom that Im in sometimes
has as many as 7 adults to help the
students. Many of the adults choose to
work individually with students who
seem to be needing more help picking
up on the content. Because of this, I
havent noticed any specific strategies
that the teacher has used to help
impoverished learners.

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