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ripper TeAM Cost: 75 pts

Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (5) 4 4+ 8 12 5 6+ 10/12
ArmY speCiAL ruLes: Special: Crushing Strength (5).

ripper SeCTiON Cost: 135 pts

All units have the Crushing Strength (1) special
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
rule, unless otherwise stated in their entry. inf (10) 4 4+ 16 12 10 6+ 13/15
Special: Crushing Strength (5).
ALLies: Corporation, rebs, Forgefathers, the
eigth race, Asterians. Jumpers
JUMper TeAM Cost: 55 pts
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (5) 5 4+ 4 12 10 4+ 10/12
inFAntrY Special: Jump Troops. Can buy up to two special melee
JUMper SeCTiON Cost: 100 pts
GrUNT TeAM Cost: 35 pts Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner inf (10) 5 4+ 8 12 20 4+ 13/15
inf (5) 5 4+ 4 12 10 4+ 10/12 Special: Jump Troops. Can buy up to four special melee
Special: Can buy one special melee weapon. weapons.
GrUNT SeCTiON Cost: 65 pts JUMper pLATOON Cost: 190 pts
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (10) 5 4+ 8 12 20 4+ 13/15 inf (20) 5 4+ 16 12 40 4+ 20/22
Special: Can buy one bFG. Can buy up to two special Special: Jump Troops. Can buy up to eight special melee
melee weapons. weapons.
GrUNT pLATOON Cost: 125 pts
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (20) 5 4+ 16 12 40 4+ 20/22 STUNTS SeCTiON Cost: 25 pts
Special: Can buy up to two bFGs. Can buy up to three Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
special melee weapons. inf (10) 5 5+ 8 12 10 3+ 12/14
Special: Craven, note that this unit does not have Crushing
FrAggers Strength and does not count as a solid unit.
FrAGGer TeAM Cost: 35 pts
STUNTS pLATOON Cost: 45 pts
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (5) 5 4+ 5 24 5 4+ 10/12
inf (20) 5 5+ 16 12 20 3+ 19/21
Special: Must buy one bFGs. Can buy one extra bFGs.
Special: Craven, note that this unit does not have Crushing
FrAGGer SeCTiON Cost: 60 pts Strength and does not count as a solid unit.
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (10) 5 4+ 10 24 10 4+ 13/15 stunt-bots
Special: Must buy two bFGs. Can buy up to two extra
STUNT-bOT TeAM Cost: 120 pts
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
inf (3) 5 5+ * * 3 7+ 9/11
Special: Crushing Strength (5), Lumbering, bulky. All three
models armed with one machine gun. Can replace all
machine guns with fire-throwers for free. Can replace all
machine guns with anti-tank guns for free.


ARMY LisTs bY ALessio CAvAToRe
orDnAnCe Heroes/monsters
biG-SHeLLS GUN Cost: 95 pts bATTLebOT Cost: 120 pts
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
Ord 5 4+ 1 72 5+ 9/11 H/M 5 4+ * * 5 9+ 9/11
Special: blast (2D6), piercing (2), Howitzer. Special: Crushing Strength (7).
Can buy up to two bFGs at half the listed price, each
TANK-KiLLer GUN Cost: 115 pts reducing its Attacks by 1.
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
Ord 5 4+ 1 72 5+ 9/11 CApTAiN Cost: 35 pts
Special: blast (D6), piercing (6). Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner
H/M 5 3+ 3 12 4 5+ 10/12
Special: individual, inspiring, Crushing Strength (2),
piercing (1).
Armour Can buy one special melee weapon or one bFG, reducing
its Attacks by 2.
rApTOr Cost: 55 pts Can choose one of the following options:
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner - wear a rippers suit, increasing his Def to 6+, for +15 pts.
Arm 12 4+ * * 6+ 9/11 - wear a jump harness, gaining the Jump Troops rule, for
Special: Fast, Open Top, Crushing Strength (1). Must buy +25 pts.
one bFG [A]. instead of a bFG it can buy a fighting
platform for +15 pts, gaining the Transport (5) rule.

JUGGerNAUT Cost: 105 pts

Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner weAponrY
Arm 12 4+ * * 9+ 9/11
Special: Open Top, Transport (20), Crushing Strength (4).
Can buy up to two bFGs [A], each reducing its transport by
(5). Can transport a single Ordnance unit (counting as 20 machine gun Cost: 25 pts
models). Fire ran special
Machine gun 5 36 piercing (1)

AirCrAFt Anti-tank gun Cost: 25 pts

FiGHTer-bOMber Cost: 85 pts Fire ran special
Type Spd Hit Fire ran Att Def Ner Anti-tank gun 1 36 blast (D3)
Air 4+ * * 7+ /11 piercing (5)
Special: Must buy four bFGs [F] (not Flamers!).
Fire-thrower Cost: 25 pts
Flamer (10) see main rules.

speCiAL meLee weApons

ripper talons Cost: 40 pts

roll separately two extra dice in melee for the unit. if
these Attacks hit, they are resolved at Crushing Strength

mincer blade Cost: 30 pts

roll separately D6 extra dice in melee for the unit (roll
every time the unit attacks in melee. if these Attacks hit,
they are resolved at Crushing Strength (2).


ARMY LisTs bY ALessio CAvAToRe

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