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corporation veterans

the corporation veterans

teaM cost: 60 pts
corporation type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
inf (5) 5 4+ 8 24 5 4+ 11/13
arMY speciaL rULe: all units have the special: elite. can buy one tactical flame weapon. can
Command & Control special rule. this means upgrade the entire unit with heavy laser rifles for +10 pts
(the unit gains the piercing 1 rule). can buy magnetic
that, for the entire army, the inspiring special rule charges for +10 pts.
has a range of 12 instead of the usual 6. in
addition, every unit within range of at least one corporation veterans
inspiring model also receives a +1 bonus to their section cost: 110 pts
nerve. type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
inf (10) 5 4+ 16 24 10 4+ 14/16
special: elite. can buy one Light BFG. can buy one
aLLies: Marauders, Forgefathers, asterians. tactical flame weapon. can upgrade the entire unit with
heavy laser rifles for +20 pts (the unit gains the piercing 1
rule). can buy one special melee weapon. can buy
magnetic charges for +20 pts.
corporation Marines
corporation veterans
corporation Marines
pLatoon cost: 210 pts
teaM cost: 40 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
inf (20) 5 4+ 32 24 20 4+ 21/23
inf (5) 5 4+ 8 24 5 4+ 10/12
special: elite. can buy up to two Light BFGs. can buy up
special: can buy one tactical flame weapon. can buy
to two tactical flame weapons. can upgrade the entire unit
magnetic charges for +10 pts.
with heavy laser rifles for +40 pts (the unit gains the
piercing 1 rule). can buy up to two special melee
corporation Marines weapons. can buy magnetic charges for +40 pts.
section cost: 75 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
inf (10) 5 4+ 16 24 10 4+ 13/15 corporation rangers
special: can buy one Light BFG. can buy one special corporation ranGers
melee weapon. can buy magnetic charges for +20 pts. teaM cost: 85 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
corporation Marines inf (5) 5 4+ 12 18 5 4+ 11/13
pLatoon cost: 140 pts special: elite, stealthy, Magnetic charges. can buy one
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner tactical flame weapon. can upgrade the entire unit with
inf (20) 5 4+ 32 24 20 4+ 20/22 heavy laser rifles for +10 pts (the unit Firepower decreases
special: can buy up to two Light BFGs. can buy up to two to 8, but its range increases to 24 and it gains the piercing
special melee weapons. can buy magnetic charges for +40 1 rule). can buy one special melee weapon.
corporation ranGers
heavY weapons section cost: 150 pts
Heavy weapons teaM cost: 10 pts type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner inf (10) 5 4+ 24 18 10 4+ 14/16
inf (1) 5 4+ * * 1 4+ 8/10 special: elite, stealthy, Magnetic charges. can buy up to
two tactical flame weapons. can upgrade the entire unit
special: individual. Must buy either a light laser cannon or
with heavy laser rifles for +20 pts (the unit Firepower
a burst laser.
decreases to 16, but its range increases to 24 and it gains
the piercing 1 rule). can buy up to two special melee
Heavy weapons section cost: 25 pts weapons.
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
inf (3) 5 4+ * * 3 4+ 9/11
special: Must buy either three light laser cannons or three
burst lasers.


ARMY LisTs bY ALessio CAvAToRe
striDers FLaMe-tHrower LiGHt tank
LiGHt scout waLker Lsw-21 striDer cost: 50 pts FtLt-8 FirestorM cost: 125 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
inf (1) 6 4+ * * 1 6+ 8/10 arm 12 4+ * * 9+ 9/11
special: recon, Fast, crushing strength (1), Bulky. one special: Fast, crushing strength (2). one tactical flame
burst laser. can replace the burst laser with a tactical flame weapon [a], one burst laser or tactical flame weapon [F].
weapon for free. can replace the burst laser with a light
laser cannon for +10 pts. aircraFt
cLose GrounD support aircraFt
LiGHt scout waLker Lsw-21 striDer cGsa57 prowLer cost: 185 pts
striDers teaM cost: 130 pts type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner air 4+ * * 7+ /11
inf (3) 6 4+ * * 3 6+ 10/12 special: four burst lasers [F].
special: recon, Fast, crushing strength (1), Bulky. all three can replace the four burst lasers with four light laser
models armed with one burst laser. can replace all burst cannons for +40 pts.
lasers with tactical flame weapons for free. can replace all
burst lasers with light laser cannons for +30 pts.

FieLD artiLLery cost: 95 pts coMManDer cost: 50 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
ord 5 4+ * * 5+ 9/11 H/M 5 4+ 3 12 2 4+ 9/11
special: one field howitzer. can replace the field howitzer special: individual, inspiring, piercing (1), Magnetic
with a heavy laser cannon for +20 pts. charges.
can buy one special melee weapon, reducing his normal
attacks to 1.
arMoureD personneL carrier
apc-13 warrior cost: 130 pts ForwarD oBserver cost: 100 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
arm 12 4+ * * 9+ 9/11 H/M 5 4+ 1 12 1 4+ 9/11
special: stabilised, transport (10), crushing strength (2). special: individual, stealthy. counts as armed with a
one burst laser [a], one burst laser [F]. Multiple rocket Launcher, which he can use only once per
game. this represents artillery barrages from off-map
artillery, high level bombers or ships in orbit.
Main BattLe tank
MBt-01 puLveriZer cost: 225 pts
sniper cost: 75 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner
arm 12 4+ * * 10+ 9/11
H/M 5 3+ 1 36 1 4+ 9/11
special: stabilised, crushing strength (4). one heavy laser
cannon or close assault gun [a], one burst laser or tactical special: individual, sniper, elite, stealthy, piercing (2),
flame weapon [F]. magnetic charges.
can replace the burst laser with a light laser cannon for
+10 pts.
can buy two burst lasers or two tactical flame weapons,
one [r] and one [L], for +50 pts, or two light laser cannons,
one [r] and one [L], for +70 pts. weaponrY

Heavy support veHicLe Light BFgs

Hsv-7 BLaster cost: 165 pts
type spd Hit Fire ran att Def ner Burst laser
arm 12 4+ * * 9+ 9/11 BL-42 Mower cost: 25 pts
special: crushing strength (2). one field howitzer or Fire ran special
multiple rocket launcher [F], one burst laser [F]. Burst laser 5 36 piercing (1)


ARMY LisTs bY ALessio CAvAToRe
speciaL MeLee weapons
Light laser cannon
LLc-37 puncher cost: 35 pts powered close combat weapon
Fire ran special pccw-11 Duster cost: 25 pts
roll separately an extra die in melee for the unit. if this
Light laser cannon 1 48 Blast (D3),
attack hits, it is resolved at crushing strength (5).
piercing (6)
continues overleaf Magnetic charges
Mc-69 sticky bomb cost: see
tactical flame weapon entries
tFw-01 Burner cost: 25 pts when attacking an armoured unit in melee, any hits from
Flamer (10) see main rules. this unit are resolved at crushing strength (3).

heavY BFgs

heavy laser cannon

hLc-88 heavy puncher cost: 95
Fire ran special
Heavy laser 1 72 Blast (D6),
cannon piercing (6)

close assault gun

cag-150 pounder cost: 95
Fire ran special
close assault gun 1 24 Blast (2D6),
piercing (5)

Field howitzer
Fh-155 Lobber cost: 75
Fire ran special
Field howitzer 1 72 Howitzer
Blast (2D6),
piercing (2)

Multiple rocket launcher

MrL-82 screamer cost: 75
Fire ran special
Multiple rocket 1 72 indirect Fire
launcher Blast (4D6),
piercing (1)


ARMY LisTs bY ALessio CAvAToRe

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