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Instituto Politcnico Nacional

Escuela Superior de Cmputo

Introduction to Web Applications

M. en C. Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


1 J2EE Architecture
Application components
Java EE Standard Services

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture

Platform Overview

The required relationships of architectural elements of the

Java EE platform.

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


A profile is a configuration of the Java EE platform targeted at a
specific class of applications.

Profiles are not a new concept, nor are they unique to the Java
EE platform.
A Specification that references one of the Platform Edition
Specifications and zero or more other JCP Specifications.
All Java EE profiles share a set of common features, such as
naming and resource injection, packaging rules, security
requirements, etc.
This guarantees a degree of uniformity across all products and,
indirectly, applications.
THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


A profile is a configuration of the Java EE platform targeted at a
specific class of applications.

Profiles are free to include any set of technologies that are part
of the platform.
If profiles only included pointwise technologies, they would be
little more than bundles of APIs with few or no tieins.
The definition of profiles adopted here guarantees that whenever
this specification defines requirements on combinations of
technologies, these requirements will be honored in all products
based on Java EE profiles.
THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


A profile is a configuration of the Java EE platform targeted at a
specific class of applications.

Example: Use of transactions in a servlet container

Consider the following:
1 Servlets
2 Java Transactional API.
In isolation, neither the Servlet specification nor the Java
Transaction API specification defines a complete programming
model for portable applications.

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


A profile is a configuration of the Java EE platform targeted at a
specific class of applications.

Example: Use of transactions in a servlet container

Consider the following:
1 Servlets
2 Java Transactional API.
In isolation, neither the Servlet specification nor the Java
Transaction API specification defines a complete programming
model for portable applications. This specification fills that gap by
introducing its own set of requirements that pertain to the
combination of Servlets and JTA.
THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture

Application Components

The Java EE runtime environment defines four application

component types:
1 Application clients.
2 Applets.
3 Servlets, JSP pages, JSF applications, filters and web event
4 Enterprise JavaBeans

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture

Support for Application Components

Application components can be divided into three categories

according to their dependence on a Java EE server:
1 Components that are deployed, managed, and executed on a
Java EE server.
2 Components that are deployed and managed on a Java EE
server, but are loaded to and executed on a client machine.
3 Components whose deployment and management is not
completely defined by this specification.

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


Containers provide the runtime support for Java EE

application components.
And a federated view of the underlying Java EE APIs to the
application components.

Interaction between components

Java EE application components never interact directly with
other Java EE application components. They use the protocols and
methods of the container for interacting with each other services.

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


Interaction between components

Java EE application components never interact directly with
other Java EE application components. They use the protocols and
methods of the container for interacting with each other services.

Container as proxy
Interposing a container between the application components and
the Java EE services allows the container to transparently inject the
services required by the component, such as declarative transaction
management, security checks, resource pooling, and state

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture

Resource Adapters

A resource adapter is a system-level software component that

typically implements network connectivity to an external
resource manager.
Can extend the functionality of the Java EE platform either by
implementing one of the Java EE standard service APIs or by
defining and implementing a resource adapter for a connector
to an external application system.

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture


The Java EE platform requires a database, accessible through

the JDBC API, for the storage of business data.
The database is accessible from web components, enterprise
beans, and application client components.
The database need not be accessible from applets.
The Java EE Product Provider must also provide a
preconfigured, default data source for use by the application in
accessing this database.

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture

Standard Services

HTTP server side API
Servlet Java Persistence API
JSP Java Message Service (JMS)
Java Naming and Directory
HTTPS Interface (JNDI)
Transaction API (JTA) JavaMail
An application-level
demarcation interface.
JavaBeans Activation
An interface between the Framework
transaction manager and a XML Processing
resource manager.
Java EE Connector Architecture
Web services
Concurrency Utilities
THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano
J2EE Architecture

Standard Services

THEMATIC UNIT I: Introduction to Web Applications Hermes Francisco Montes Casiano

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