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‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tenn No. Description Unit ‘Quantity Rate Rm | Sen BILL NOW PILING (PRE FORMED CONCRETE PILES) For description ot Materials and Workmanship applicable to this Bil, see Section ‘8’ - "Materials, Workmanship ‘and Preambles to all Trades" INFORMATION ‘The work inthis section comprises; Installation of Pre - formed concrete piles as per Engineers drawings Al pling work shall commence from .. ‘The paylength for the supply of precast reinforced concrete piles shall be measured from toe of ple to cut- off level of pile. Unless otherwise shown, cutoff level of pile shall mean 75mm above the underside level of the Bile cap. This wil apply to all ples used in Uwe Works. tn the case of test piles, the Contractor shall allow in is supply fates for supplying the excess lengths of pile required above the cutoff levels to whatever level above the ground for the necessary ple testing ‘The paylength for driving of each pile shall be the actual penetration of each pile into the ground The rales for deiving of piles shall include for driving through whatever material encountered ‘The supply or casting of the precast reinforced concrete piles shall only commence upon the Architect's Instruction which will be issued soon after preliminany pile tests. The Contractors altention Is drawn to the ‘condition that piles cast shall not be driven until they are at least 4 weeks old. Use of rapid hardening cement for ‘casting of piles shall be subject to the approval of the ‘echitoct and tho Contractor ratoe for the supply of the piles shall be doomed to include for the use of such ‘material. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in the stipulated completion period or in tis, Rominated completion period all the time he requires to ‘cast ond instal the piles for testing, cary out the preliminary pile test and to await for the Architect's Instruction to commence withthe pling works ‘The rates for precast reinforced concrete piling shall Include for the seting Out of all plles by an approved LUcensed Sunveyor and the preparation of as-bult ple postion plans. Temporary works: ‘Allow for providing, maintaining, altering and adapting (as, ‘and when necessany) all temporany works in connection with taking over the site ie. slope protection and reinstatement of slope, temporary drainage, nuring, ‘any additional excavation requited in. conjunction with piling and working space and any additional excavation ‘and filing. required. in. conjunction with formation of platforms for pling and be responsible for their adequacy nd al iabilites arising mem ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Wom tom Description unit | Quantity | Rate | RM | son PNG. A. | Allow forthe provision ofall necessary pling equipment, | ITEM plant, tools and. ancilary equipment and for their {ransportation to site, handling, assembling, erecting, dismantling and removal on completion, 8 | Allow for moving, handling and msintaining piling | ITEM equipment, plant tools and anciDary equipmemt about the -sile as offen and whenever necessary for the ‘execution of the whole pling operation including ony ‘excavation and filing required for moving the plant, tools ‘and ancilary equipment from differing levels of the site, erection of any staging required, instaling piles on ‘embankments or slopes and dismantiing and removal on {ommpleion, and al iling tie PRE - FORMED CONCRETE PILES Precast reinforced concrete Grade... as_described {including all reinforcement If tonaies all rawinas fm, t c _.. mm long; complete wih head weighing and | NO ‘shoe weighing «19 D | Pie extensions: not exceeding 3.00m length Pe extensions; exceeding 3 00m length; M F | Total driven length of piles M 6 | Pie extension joints No Cutting off tops to required levels; strip pile head to | NO ‘expose to a length of .... mm; adapting reinforcement ‘bars for embedding into pile caps | | Pile Testing Proliminary test: J | Bykentledge to load ... as described No ‘Subsequent test: K | Bykentledge to load .. as described No Dynamic pile test: { L___| Byusing a pile Driving Analysor (PDA) as deserted | NO 7 I =ameese ee eee eee ee eee eee ee SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tem rem Description unit | Quantity | Rate | RM | Sen ‘BILL NO._t = FOUNDATIONS (INCLUDING GROUND, BEANS) For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable to this Bill, soe Section ‘B'- "Materials, Workmanship and Preamble to all Trades" EXCAVATION ating pit for pad footing including backfiing with ‘snproved eyravatadl material, compact sisposal of s ted material to i rot ing_t m_sile including deposit leveling and ina in layers: ‘Starting tom reduced level: A _| Maximum depth not exceeding 1.00m Ms ‘Maximum depth not exceeding 2.00m Bs | Maximum depth not exceeding 4 00m B 3 ground beam inclu m with vated matoral fon in ‘and disposal of surplus excavated material of site 1D | Maximum depth not exceeding 1.00m Ms IN. SITU CONCRETE ‘Mass Grade 15 Concrete as described Blinding screed; aid on earth or hardcore; € | Not excoodina 100mm thick Ms Reinforced Grade 25 Concrete as described Pad footing us a ‘Stumps (Provisional) =O Ground beam us Labour on Reinforced Concrete 4 | Troweting top of pad footing: laid to slope exceeding 15° | M2 “Type A Formwork a8 described K | sidos of pad footing: 250mm — 500mm high: Me | Sides of stumps: we. | ‘Sides of ground beams; 250mm — 500mm high; Me | Sides of ground beams; 500mm — 1.00% high Ma | ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Description unit | Quantity | Rate | RM | sen Reinforcement bars: Hot Roled Deformed Hioh Vieid steel In Pad Footing 20mm Diameter KG ‘16mm Diameter Ke ‘12mm Diameter KG In Stumps (Provisional) ‘16mm Diameter Ko. 10mm Diameter: links Ke In.Ground beams 16mm Diameter KG 12mm Diameter Ke 40mm Diameter, stcups KG 4 mee ewes ee eee ese eee ee gt eee —_—m— meee eee ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tem No Description Unit Quantity rm | sen BILL NO. 3 - GROUND FLOOR SLABS AND ABRONS For description of Materials and workmanship applicable to ths Bl, see Section B'- "Materials, Workmanship and Preambles to all Trades" EXCAVATION Excavating to reduced fovel including_backfiling with Aporoved excavated material. compaction in layers and Sisposal of surplus excavated maleral uf sie ‘Starting at ground level Maximum depth not exceeding 1.0m Maximum depth not exceeding 4.0m Maximum depth not exceeding 6.0m Hardcore as described Eling To bed average 160mm thick ‘Antetormitetreatmen ‘Application as described To underside of pad footings, ground beams, ground floor slab and other sttctures as directed by Architect (measured fat on plan) IN-SITU CONCRETE Mass Grado 15 Concrete as described Slinding sereed: laid on earth or hardcore; Bed; not exceeding 100mm thick Reinforced Grade 25 Concrete as describad ‘Stab 100 150mm thick ‘Type A Formwork finish as described: Edges of slab not exceeding 250mm high Eabric reinforcement MS 145: hard drawn plain round sloel, welded as described Inslan Roference AS Reference AT Reference A10 B 8 we us. Ms me Me M2 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 er Description Unt | Guantiy | Rate | wat | Sen ‘DAMP PROOFING AND TANKING ovens: Fost role 2 vaienro! mantane iia iecaiat | cme 20m wt: ta cage covn we - tem - TT ; r ie Deseition Unt | @uantiy | Rate | rat | Sen LC NS-E=STARCASES For despian o alors and Workmanship apoaba (te soe Secien ‘B""tonas, erananp fd Preamble wal Tader enced Ged 25 conta dase A ssatcase ws 8 | Landing beam ws © | tandng sib; 100 ~ 150mm ek 0 onmmot daca o ‘Soffit of staircase; sloping over 15° from horizontal M2 | sis and ste fang bes we & | soot so we | | rer not xcoodng 280mm don | ge ones; ae. wth 250mm mwa Esnrcomant ar: Hot Rolled Delommed Hoh Yad ‘Steel; lasatoana J | 160m lamer re | | tom oimeter Ke inlndoa beam | sem ameter Ks | 10mm ciamear Ks Reinforcement bars; Hot Rolled Plain Round Mild Steel; } In fanding beam | | N | 6mm Diameter, stirrups KG | | | | rake reiotcament MSS; had em on nd Sot weds esebad | nnn st | P___| Reference A10; m2 ——_ mw oo oe oo oe oo SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 vem Description unit | Quantity | Rate Sen BILL NO. G-= ROOF AND ROOF COVERINGS For descrpion of Materials and Workmanship applicable to tis Bil, soe Seaton ~ "Materials Workmanship and Preambles to all Trades" Paving; Cement and sand (1:3) gs described 8 | Beds: minimum SOmm tick; lai ofl rowelled smooth ‘Tite roofing int tes “1: standard dato ic om mr Grade som centers: fed wih gahenised nas! coverings 5 | Sioping: pitch 30 degrees Me CC _| era over: ge capping tos; bedded and jointed in | M coment end send (1:3) mortar | Extra over: two way apex ridge tes: bedded and oited | NO in cement and sand (1:3) mortar. E | Eira over: three way apex ridge ties; bedded end | NO Jointedin cement and sane (13) mortar F Extra over; hip capping tiles; bedded and jointed in | M ‘coment and sane (13) moar Jo | Ena over; barge ules ~..."; bedded and joined in | M coment and sand (1:3) moar 1 | Extra over V-pipe tes with elastomer rubber sleeves | NO “Contour’; bedded and jointed in cement and sand (1:3) morse ‘Sundries: Insulation; One layer sinale sided aluminium fo." or other ‘equal. and spproved, layer of chicken wire mesh 45 | Lait on and ted ta russes incusve af taping Mo FLASHING AND GUTTERS ‘Flashing and gutters: aluminium sheet 416 gauge fashinas: tapped joints: Sxiog with aluminium, ‘and wedoes «| 180mm git to wat ™ tua! oF other equal_and_approved mm thick eiorand zincalum coated steel sheaf; cing oroove nd seal wih sioone L Flashing 575mm girth; two times bent; both ends fixed to } M roof beam | Vatley flashing 160mm gic; three times bent: oth | M ends fixed t batons ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tom No. Deseri Unit Quantity Rate °° WOODWORK Contractor own design or *...." patented system: in ‘accordance to Drawing no... a8 described so mn Xu. (on plan) overall roa Wrot Grade" A” timber as described pi members including celina joists 40mm X 100mm wal plate; 1Omm ciameter hole drilled ‘at 450mm centros; 10mm clametor X 200mm tong mild ‘stool dowel bar hook; one end fixed to pate other end ‘ult ino brickwork ‘50mm X 150mm; fing by boing ‘T5mm X 425mm; fg by bolting ‘5mm X 180mm in single lengths 5.0- 5.6m Wot Grade B*tinbor as described Boardna to eaves, veroes fascias and barae 25mm X 175mm wide ‘50mm X 260 mm wide rem ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tom No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Sen oo 8 > ‘BILL NO.7- EXTERNAL WALLS For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable to this Bill, see Section ‘B' ~ “Materials, Workmanship ‘and Preambles to all Trades" “NOI: Reinforced concrete sutfeners to foliow Bil No 2 format fr concrete / reinforcement bars & formwork ‘Nonload bearing superstructure Cay bricks: in coment ang sand mortar (1:3) ‘One brick thick Half brick thick 100mm thick bricks on edge; casing 14mm X 100mm ‘Walle: bull curved, mean radius 250mm ‘One brick thick Damp proof course ac {aps 1; no allowance made: (On horizontal surfaces ‘Over 225mm wide Half rick wide 100mm wide (On horizontal surfaces: curved on plan | over 225mm wide 2 ne Me we ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Kem No. Description unit | quantity | Rate | RM | sen BILL NO, 8- WINDOWS AND VENTS: For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable {o this Bill, see Section 'B’~ "Materials, Workmanship ‘and Preambles to all Trades” Reinforced Precast Grade 30 Concrete as descibed Lintols mm X ..... mm high; 4 Nos 12mm diameter high | Mt tandile steel rod vainforeemant and Gm diameter mid steel rod reinforcement; stirups spaced at 150mm contres; int 25 Concrote as described Hood sill ‘Type A Formwork as described To sides and soffit of hood ‘To sides and soffit of sil Reinforcement bars: Hot Rolled Plain Round Mid Stee! In hood 6mm Diameter ‘Clay bricks: in cement and sand mortar (1:3) Projections 144mm X 100mm Windows in aluminium: powder costed (Corrs z light green tinted float glass; "* side hung stainless steel “a handle: *.” weatherstrip gasket; and all sawing no, ‘Side hung tt X sau tn, compdsing ... No. sie hung panels and No equal fixed light Type ..) ‘Top tung am X .. mm; comprising ype...) BS Bs kG eames: 6mm _thi Acai No | No top hung panels | NO 10 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tem No Description Unit Quantity "BILL NOB = INTERNAL WALLS AND PARTITIONS For description of Materials and Workmenship applicable to this BILL see Section ‘B' ~ “Materials, Workmanship ‘and Pneambles to all Trades" “NOTE: REFER BILL NO: 7- EXTERNAL WALLS FOR BQ ITEMS / DESCRIPTIONS. DRY LININGS AND PARTITIC tion work sum pation: *...* of al and approved uminium —feme comprising 12 au is reseed sleel soction to m_stvles and studs, both_sides “wifi Nylex wall coverings as described: Linings; m thick: Extra over; door opening... X a et; No " ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2Z Team Description Unt | auantty | Rate | aw | Sen BILLNO. 10- DOORS For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable to ths Bl, see Section "B~ °Matols, Workmanship and Preambies to al Trades” Reinforced Precast Grade 30 Concrete as described Lintots A fmm X tm igh; 4 Nos 12mm diameter igh | M ‘halla stl tt enintorcamant and frum armor nd Sel rod reinforcement, sumups. spaced at” 160mm centres; Reinforced Grade 25 Concrete as described 8 | Hoos ws c | su ws Tyne A Formos 00 described © | Tosides and soft of hood Me E | Tosides and softs sit ™ Reloforcement bars; Hot Rolled Ptain Round Mid Stet Inhood | omm oiemeter Ko Init cS 6mm Diameter KG | ‘Nomoad bering superstructure tay bricksn cement and sand mortar (13 Projections | s44mm x 100mm M } Doors: ‘Doors in rot pressure-eated Grade B imber, Lo ted doors Sinae leaf in two unequel panels covered both ses Sm thick movie id ‘al ffl 13mm thick iouwes spaced in 20mm apart set Horizontally a 60" fre lass mesh and 44mm X 10mm ‘ot Grade A edaion all ound J FX oh X en hick: Type ~~) No. 2 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 es Description Unit Quantity Panslied doom Sinale_leat;_Nyatoh_decorative door “...": fixed in ‘accoraridce with the manufactures instruction FX oR K eI RVC; (TPO) sm X oa X ne thick; (Typa ..) ssh doors ‘Single_leaf, skeleton framed; covered one side Gmm marine_phwood, otter side decorative panel..." revoomb infil fance wih man 6 Instuctions OMX se MM X en tick; ( TYE oor frame and ining eet reme and In wot pressurod.treatod Grado B ‘Keranj limber... No mm X mm jambs mim heads mm... mm sills once rebated sm X am beads; splayed: «. mm X .... mm ground; plugged to concrete or brickwork: Uniramed xg Acchitraves in wot pressure.troated Grade B Keranil timber: ‘mm X..... mm..." or other equal and approved; Doors_in_aluminium: powder coated (Corrocoat PE-F) Composite sicing door and fixed panel; 6mm thick light ‘ren tinted float glass...” weathersirip casket. "..." ‘Siding door lock /hanle ‘and al necessary konmangery and fitings as per Architect's drawing no (mm X a OM ite arile panels in mild steo! B.S. 15: Yale"... * P lever handle..." 2 lever mortise lock and_all necessary ironmongery, flings and frames as per Aachivoets drawing no. mm X .... mm No No No z EEE No No 13 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tenn 14 ter Description Ut J euantry | Rat | em | sen BILL NO_11 -IRONMONGERY Fer doscptin of wateias and Workmanship aplicabe tos Bil so Sacion = Matos, Wortmaraip and Proambls to a Trades toon har equal and approved ncseis ‘rome fnah soto Sere and of erent sara “Totinbor and conta A | tockants xo | nance oe. No | antes. xo © | Rebates ot.2 No € | rush Bot stains stot fish. No | ame tinge nt No 6 | Ruther dor stopper." No ten Description Unit | Quandy | Rate | RM | Son {HLL NOL1Z= HANDRAING AND BALUSTRADING Fer descipton of Matos and Workmanship applesbio torts Bi see Seclon Br “Matra, Wontrarshio Sd Preambies toa Trade | Composite item Balsa in wot rossi ata Nyala inbar | A | comm. mm nigh alla pr Arttocts drawing No. ‘Unframed fixings atusados nwo pressur tated Nyatoh tmnber 8 | Newel post. mm XX... igh moulded © | Soto mm X sem X se Hah fp one botiom feds hana © | Handa... mm x... mm ee roundd: ed 6 nowel ot € | Bottom: mm x... mm twice founded fred to newel post Sundog | Base plate. mm X mi wit forked anchor edt conerte & | Dowels. mm x. ad timber ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Term ‘edge at junction between different finishes: fing smooth; fush and lovel with paving 5 Kem Description unit | Quantity rm | Sen BILL NO. 13— INTERNAL FLOOR FINISHES — For description of Materais and Workmanship applicable to this Bill, see Section 'B' ~ “Materials, Workmanship and Preambles to all Trades" ‘BEDS AND BACKINGS Coment and sand ( 13): trowelled smooth: Paving: mm thick; on concrete base we ‘Screed; thick; to receive ( tle / slab / flexible | M2 ‘sheet timber stip fnishings ) xtra over: scupper drain; deep M ‘Soreed; ..m thick; 10 receive ... ( kiting / drop o | M riser / kerb ) mm (high / wide ) IN- SITU FINUSHINGS Geanolithie Mix ype... : stool rowelled finish: | Floor; thick; on concrete base Me F | Skinings; nigh; rounded top edge; coved vottom | M (0dge at junction with paving ‘TLE, SLAB AND BLOCK FINISHINGS ynogeneous floor Hes: .. mm X_.. mm X... mm *.." ‘oC other equai_and_approved: bedded and jointed in ‘coment and sand (1:3) mortar pointing with _grout in while cement, laid on cemeat and sand screed Imeasiued seaaralol) 6 _| Foor: on concrete base; M2 Ho | Skiing; nm X X mm thick *..* with bul nose | M1 fon top exiga Marble slabs: X ... mm*...” or other equal | ind approved: bedded and jointed in coment and sand ‘3)_-mortar, pointing with coloured grout." in ing colout oid on wate ‘camant and and | 4 | Floor; on concrete base Me 5 | Oop orriser.... mm high L_ | Border tes. Xmen X mm thick Wrot pressure-reated Nyatoh timber as described M | Skitings; .. mm x .... mm with rounded top; sawn | M pressure tested Grade "B" timber groUnd nailed to brickwork or concrete dividing strip as described N | Dividing strip: ... mm X .... mm: set and bedded on | M ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Quanity | Rate | RM | Sen WALL FINISHES For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable to this Bil, see Section ‘B’ ~ "Materats, Workmanship ‘and Preamble to all Trades" BEDS AND BACKINGS ‘Cement and sand (1:3) as described mm thick; to receive .. (tle J slab / exible | M2 ‘sheet frishings ) ‘Coment and sand (1:3) with an approved plasticiser as scribed Walls and columns ‘approved; bedded and jointed in cement and sand (1:3) ‘moriar,_poiting with grout in white cement: laid on ‘Sementand sand sereed (maanined separately) ‘Walls and columns; on concrete or brickwork base jointed In-cement and sang (1:3) monar. pointing win ‘Grout ia-matching colour, faid on waterproofed coment ‘2nd sand ecreed (measured separately) Corner tile trims; on brickwork base sal_a a wed: bedded 16 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tem No Description Unit Quantity Rate | RM ‘Sen BILL NO_15= INTERNAL CEILING FINISHES For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable ‘o this Bil, see Section 'B’ - “Materials, Workmanship ‘and Preambles to all Trades" Pro-mixed plaster..." or other equal and a ‘applied in accordance to manufacturer's specication ‘Sofft, sides and soffit of beam Plastering: .... mm thick; on concrete base ded plain fibrous plasteralass ceiling: X Lining; thick; on concrete base Ents over, «ata X ett enuvable aoe panels, Decorative comice; im X ..m*. wuspended celings_..1m. 2 oF other equal ‘and approved: mineral bre board celing: exposed-arc; ised aluminium T-section suspension system, fi allin accordance to manufacturers specification; Lining: , thick; fied to concrete softs; 3.50m — 5.0m above floor level; 7 2 No 2 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tem No. Description unit | Quantity | Rate | Rm | sen BILL NO, 16 RAINWATER PLUMBING For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable fo this Bill, see Section ‘B’ ~ “Materials, Workmanship ‘and Preambles to all Trades" Excavation Refer Bill No 18 ~ Soll, Waste and Vent Pipes Gutter / lashings ete * Refer Bill No 6 - Roof and Roof Coverings sccudancavih 100mm dart ibe eccated in conrete wa encase in bck wal fed to bck wal wih approved held fr ove for bends No LAK Xs Uae No ‘Sundries Roof outlet domical grating and wie cow..." setting in | NO ‘and jointing to top of pipe | Pipe sleeves: ...: cast into... oF buit into brickwork; | NO ong: sealing and pointing cial joins o pipes of aifering materials. connections of ... mm pipes to .. pipes: No L 18 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Description Unit Quantity | Rate = SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPES For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable to this Bil, soe Section ‘B' ~ “Materials, Workmanship and Preambles to all Trades" Sewer tines Excavation 1200 disposal of surplus excavated matedal ‘Notexceeding 2.00m deen: average 1,00m deep to receive pipies not exceeding 200mm nominal size and | M bed mm wide 2.0m - 4,00m deep: average 2.50m doe to receive pipes nominal size and bed | M wide INsiTu ConcRETE Mase Grade 20 Concrete as described Blinding aid on earth oF hardcore base: Bods; not excoeding 100mm thick 3 Bods; formwork fen X nm unde. cama pes | eds and heunetnas omens sm X nm under... dlameter pipes: ™ Fhaunchings up to mid - depth of pipe Beds and surrounds; formwork stm X mm under diameter pipes: surounds | M rine mem thick ‘Surrounds to vertical pipes: formwork mm X_...m to diameter pipes M vi 1d fiings to BS 85 and BS 540 cribed including’ jointing in ecordance with manufacturers instructions 200mm intemal diameter pines sid in trenches M laid in cable trenches; 2.00m —4.00m deep M Exra over tor bends No 19 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 tem Description Ut | auantty | rate | RM | Sen ‘ask fon ies ga aso BS AAT and BS DLs a ean on ae ee ee on 100mm ntmal diameter ies A | iin tones w ‘Extra over for | wocamacrs no © | ends no © | branes No LUnclaststed aponchlode (UPVC) spas and Hee es eee eee aoa meee alt eouscuae noite soon ts & | encased in conceto wa & | encsed in bck wa 6 | trod to bck wat wth approved hangers cera ovrtor 1 | ones No J | camm x smm X nm uneual ise no tio lay accassoties tos“: bedng end suroundng with conte EN ee eee ina K Gulley trap; X X .... MM; .... trapped outlet; | NO Se ti dlamatr it NO” an Sector nt to Re Som ret ool Xn tins Seal grate and acs a in atodanc wih Sa ee ta on rab 20 ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tem Rw | Sen i ms vow [nay Po Manholes; The following in ....No en ema lee rath Se voaintatees | poem on rs omen orotic | & rome ents mt | secon >| tegen cee wong 2 cect em nk ae cage ener es minheasarn tes feefeer a, F Reinforcement bars; high yield steel; in beds; 10mm | KG { Po H | Formwork Type A finish; edges of bed; notexceeding = M—| cm | rome ama euauza ou tisha | rnin ttccncsa tien tases | pepe ee ton sey srt mo ‘cement and sand mortar { 1:2) a ‘SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 connections, ste. as described to. the complete satisfaction of the Archiyest and Local Authorities tem Description unit | quantity | Rato | RM | Sen | Castivon manhole covers and famos; —mim X mam | NO to BS 497 .... duty, grade ..., weighing ...4g; setting frame in cement and sand mortar (1:1); Sealing cover with grease and fine sand | 8 | Cast iron steps: diameter X mm gith to BS | NO 11247; built into brickwall; two coats bituminous paint to surfaces © | Test the whole of the soll drains, manholes, tatral sewer | ITEM 22 SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tom Description Unit Quantity Rate Rw | Sen 79— SANITARY FITTINGS For description of Materials and Workmanship applicable to this Bil, see Section 'B' ~ “Materials, Workmanship, and Preambles to all Trades" ‘Sanitary Fittings and accessories ~..” or omer equal and approved: unless otherwise stated shall be in .. colour wireous china as described W.C. suites ‘Closo-coupled water closet sute ‘and cover *...”: stopcock *...." and handle *..* and chrome plated flexible hose connector cistern brackets, with sorews: bedding closet to tiled floor: Jointina closet to drain with approved joint ‘Squat water closet pan *..."; high level plastic cistem aut with valveless fitings, ball valve, chain and pull handle: flush pipe: cistae bracket with serous: hadding an tote floor, jointing pan to drain with approved joint Wash hand basins ‘Wall hung wach hand basin: ram X mm pilar tap *.." with handle *..", chrome plated bottle rap, waste ‘ote, plug, chain and stay; fixing brackets with screws; ‘sealing back with mastic sealant ‘Counter top vanity basin." umm X mm: single lever basin mixer ~. with chrome plated pop up waste, ‘chrome plated bohie trap: 2 No flexible hose connector ‘and chrome plated metal wall flange for hot and cold water inet; fixing basin o vanity top Sinks Sink in stainless steel; double bow double drainer“ mm; sink mixer *...” with handle * ‘Combined overflow and chrome plated botle trap, waste ‘outlet, plug and chain:2 No chrome plated flexible hase ‘connector and chrome plated metal wall lange for hot ‘and cold water inlet; fixing on base unit wth clips No No No No No 23 SAMPLE BILL OF QUANTITIES BASED ON SMM2 Tom No. Description unit | Quantity | Rate | RM | son Bas Long bath *..c; . mm X ., mm X ... mm;chrome plated | NO op. up waste and trapesingle lever bath showor lever Fnti Ghrome plated shower rail with swivel holder *..", brass shower hose *...", chrome plated shower head soT; acooss flap ~ door ~..." all as per Architects, drawing no. Hand biset Hand bidet “..%; flexible hose ... mm long: wall bracket | NO “chrome plated right anied stopcock with chrome plated metal flange; handle..." Towel rail, ‘Towel ral; chrome plated .. mm fong:holder*. 1 ted wall fixing | NO Soan holders ‘Soap and sponge holder ,semi recessed No ‘oti X sm; fixing to tiled wall Toile coll holdon Tolle rll holder, semi recessed “mm X X | NO an fixing to tted wall Mirors ‘mim in” stained finish and backing with waterproofed plywood: fixing with chrome plated’ dome headed screws (0 ted walt smm X mm; Nyatoh frame ....m X Eloor strainers Floor strainer in stainless steel; *..%5 ...enm X «mm; | NO hinged grating: setting cover on ted floor

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