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Chapter 5:

atha viealagndhyya||5||

(=Lagna [rising point]
*=to meditate
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative

Now the meditation on the special lagnas

The birth lagna in the natal chart is the most familar

lagna to most people with knowledge of vedic
astrology. Chapter five deals with three other
lagnas that are significant in the horoscope.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 1

Chapter 5/loka 1: 1E=with knowing
1 345 9: #;=
---1E(# H H
athha sampravakymi tavgre dvijasattama|
#=verb ending, parasmaipada, 1st person, singular
bhva-hor-gha-sajalagnnti pthak pthak||
1|| 1E(#=employ the Lagna with knowing
H=one by one
1=I [pronoun, 3rd person, singular, nominative]
1=Now I Brhman, I will now singly and one by one
34=proclaim proclaim to as before and employ with knowing
the Bhva, Hor, and Gha Lagna.
5=verb ending, passive, 3rd person, singular
345=will proclaim
This loka gives the names of the three special
=of you [pronoun, 2nd person, singular, genitive] lagnas discussed in this chapter.
=masculine a stem, singular, locative
9:=of you, as before
#;==Brhman [vocative ending]

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 2

Chapter 5/loka 2: 4=advanced
MN1 P #Q R 1
#=verb ending, parasmaipada, 1st person, singular
4# TUT1 (1 V #
4#=those advanced
sryodaya samrabhya ghaikn tu pacakam|
prayti janmaparyanta bhvalagna tadeva hi||2|| T=birth [lagna]
UT=extending as far as
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
U Sun
TUT1=extending as far as the birth [lagna]
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative
(1= Bhva Lagna
#=ghai [24 minutes]
=feminine stem, plural, genitive
=just so
#Q=of the ghai [24 mintues]
V=that just so

Beginning with the sunrise extending to the birth

1=five lagna every five ghai [120 minutes] is a Bhva
Lagna verily just so.
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 3

Chapter 5/loka 3: =birth
Z1 [#\ ]^ 1_#1
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
a#c Md (1 ef1
1_#1=with five, quotient, etc., birth
ia ghaydika bhaktv pacabhirbhdija
phalam| =the result
yojyamaudayike srye bhvalagna sphua ca =neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=the result
Z=the particular a=to be added
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative =measure
Z1=the particular =rising

#=ghai =masculine a stem, singular, locative

#=etc. a#c=to be added to the rising measure

=masculine a stem, singular, accusative

[#\=ghai, etc. M=
U Sun
]^=having divided [gerund]
=masculine a stem, singular, locative
d at Sun
= Bhva
1=five (=Lagna
=masculine an stem, plural, instrumental =neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=quotient (1=Bhva Lagna

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 4

=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
1 longitude

Having divided the particular in ghai, etc. by five

the result is to be added to the sunrise measure.
This is the longitude of the Bhva Lagna.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 5

Chapter 5/loka 4: (=Lagna
U#;#N #;
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
4# (1 T (1 4ij
tath srdhadvighaikmitdarkodayd dvija|
prayti lagna tannma horlagna pracakate||4|| =that
T=that, namely
U=joined with a half
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
(1= Hor Lagna
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
4i=to declare [6th gana, atmanepada]
=[verb stem for 6th gana]
j=verb ending, atmanepada, singular, 1st person
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
4ij=that is declared
U#;#N=from the Suns rising, from
every two and a half ghaik [60 minutes] O twice born thusly from every two and a half
#;=O twice born ghaik [60 minutes] from the Suns rising to the
Lagna that verily is declared the Hor Lagna.
#=verb ending, parasmaipada, 1st person, singular
4#=it advanced

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 6

Chapter 5/loka 5: no1=divided by five
Z[#\ #;m1 no1 #\
=zodical sign
a#c (1 ef1 #
iaghaydika dvighna pacpta bhdika ca
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
yojyamaudayike bhnau horlagna sphua hi #\=zodical sign, etc.
tat||5|| =and
Z=particular a=to be added to
#=ghai =the measure
#=etc. #=rising
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative =masculine a stem, singular, locative
Z[#\=the particular ghai, etc. a#c=to be add to the measure of rising
m=multiplied by
R=the Sun
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
=masculine u stem, singular, locative
#;m1=multiplied by two
=at the Sun
n=five (=Lagna
o=divided by =neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 7

(1=Hor Lagna
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
1 longitude

The particular ghai, etc. multiplyed by two and

divided by five from which the zodical sign, etc.
is added to the measure of the Suns rising that
is verily the Hor Lagna longitude.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 8

Chapter 5/loka 6: =masculine a stem, singular, ablative
(1 qRR ^1 #;=
MN=from the Suns rising
MN P T# s
P=beginning from [gerund]
kathaymi ghalagna ruu tva dvijasattama|
sryodayt samrabhya janmaklvadhi kramt||6|| T=time of birth
#=up to
=to narrate [10th gana, parasmaipada]
T#=up to the time of birth
=[10th gana verb stem] s=proceeds
=verb ending, parasmaipada, 3rd person,
singular Listen, O you best of the twice borns! I will
=I will narrate narrate the Gha Lagna, which proceeds from
the Suns rising up to the time of birth.
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative
(1=Gha Lagna
R listen to me [vocative ending]
^1=you [pronoun, 2nd person, singular, nominative]
#;==Best of the twice borns [vocative ending]

U Sun

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 9

Chapter 5/loka 7: #=zodicial sign, etc.
u# (1 v# #
V #(1 #1 #
=just so
ekaikaghaikmnt lagna yadyti bhdikam|
V=that just so
tadeva ghaiklagna kathita nraddibhi||7||
u=one by one (=Lagna
#=ghaik [24 minutes] =neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=measure #(1= Ghaik Lagna
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
u#=the measure of ghaiks one by one
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
(=Lagna #1=narrated
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=which =masculine i stem, plural, instrumental
#=by Nrada, etc.
#=verb ending, parasmaipada, 1st person, singular
v#=which going From the ghaik [24 minutes] one by one the
Lagna goes through the zodical, sign, etc. that
=zodical sign
just so is the Ghaik Lagna as narrated by
#=etc. Nrada, etc.
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 10

Chapter 5/loka 8: =masculine a stem, plural, nominative
eR Ry U4Q
U4Q=portions measured out in half pala
a#c (1 ef1 #
a=to be added to
rayastu ghatuly palrdhapramitak|
yojyamaudayike bhnau ghalagna sphua hi =the measure
tat||8|| #=rising
=masculine a stem, singular, locative

=zodical sign a#c=to be add to the measure of the Suns

=masculine i stem, plural, nominative rising

R=the Sun
=masculine u stem, singular, locative
eR=zodical signs, then
=at the Sun
=gha [24 minutes]
=masculine a stem, plural, nominative
Ry=every gha #=Ghai
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
#(1= Ghai Lagna
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
4=measured out
1 longitude

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 11


Every gha [24 minutes] [progressed from the

last Sunrise] is a zodical sign [indicating the sign
of the Ghai Lagna. The ghais in the previous
sentence are converted into] pala and halved,
which gives the degrees to be added to the Suns
longitude at sunrise. That is verily is the Ghai
Lagna longitude.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 12

Chapter 5/loka 9: =masculine a stem, plural, nominative
sVQ (Q {1 H |
9= planets
} 9 ~ ~ j eo (
~= wherein
kramde ca lagnn bhvakoha pthak
likhet| =zodical sign
ye grah yatra bhe tatra te sthpy rilagnavat||9|| =masculine a stem, singular, locative
=in the zodical sign
s=in that order
~=in that place
=of these
j=those [pronoun, 1st person, plural, nominative]
sVQ=in that order, of these
eo=in the place
=masculine a stem, plural, nominative
eo=in the place
=neuter a stem, plural, genitive
=zodical sign
(Q=of the Lagnas
( =Lagna
{=the horoscope
(=the Lagna, zodical sign
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative
The horoscope of these Lagna ought ot be
{1=the horoscope written in that order and one by one. Which and
H=one by one where these planets are in the zodical sign they
should be read according to the Lagna.
|=ought to write
}=which those

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 13

Chapter 5/loka 10: =verb ending, parasmaipada, 3rd person,
UQ Q 3 j9
e #E~: VRU1 =now
varadkhyada bhn kathaymyatha 3= now, I will narrate
yasya vijnamtrea vadedyurbhava phalam|| j=you [pronoun, 2nd person, singular, genitive]
10|| 9=in front of
j9=you, in front of
e =of which
=da [period of time]
=feminine stem, singular, accusative
=masculine a stem, singular, instrumental
UQ= narrate the da [period of time] of
#E~:=merely knowing
=zodical sign
=masculine a stem, plural, genitive
V=ought to speak
=masculine u stem, singular, nominative

=to narrate [10th gana, parasmaipada] =birth

=[10th gana verb stem] =neuter a stem, singular, nominative

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 14

VRU1 =ought to speak of the birth and life
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative

Now I will narrate in front of you the Varada

Da of the zodiac. By the mere knowledge of
which [you] can speak of the resultant birth and
life of the [native].

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 15

Chapter 5/loka 11: =masculine a stem, plural, genitive
(4MQ VU} s
(4MQ=born in an even lagana
(4MQ V
ojalagnaprastn medergaayet kramt|
samalagnaprastn mnderapasavyata||11|| #=etc.
=masculine i stem, singular, ablative
=odd =in the reverse order
(=lagna V=from Pisces, etc., in the reverse order
=masculine a stem, plural, genitive Of those born in an odd lagna one should count
from Aries, etc. Of those born in an even lagna
(4MQ=born of an odd lagna
one should count from Pisces, etc. in the reverse
=Mea [Aries] order.
=masculine i stem, singular, ablative
}=ought to count
VU}= from Aries, etc., ought to be counted
s=in that order


2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 16

Chapter 5/loka 12: =thusly, just so
# T(T1 } R
(=Hor Lagna
(T1 #^
T=to the end [indeclinable]
meamndito janmalagnnta gaayet sudh|
(T1=to the end of Hor Lagna
tathaiva horlagnnta gaayitv tata param||12||
#^=having counted [gerund]
=Aries =afterwards
=Pisces =the previous
#=from the beginning =masculine a stem, singular, accusative
#=from Aries to Pisces =the previous
T(=lagna of birth
T=to the end [indeclinable] The wise having counted as previously [stated],
afterwards one should count from the beginning
T(T1=to the lagna of birth of Aries [or] Pisces to the end of the Hor Lagna.
}=one should count
R=the wise
=feminine stem, plural, nominative [special
rule applied to case stem?]
R=the wise

=just so

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 17

Chapter 5/loka 13: =masculine a stem, singular, locative
^ ^ } #
=in both
1} ^} R #}
# v R U
ojatvena samatvena sajtye ubhe yadi|
tarhi sakhye yojayta vaijtye tu viyojayet||13|| 1=number
meamndita pacdyo ri sa tu varada| =feminine stem, dual, nominative
1}=both numbers
=are added
^=is different
=masculine a stem, singular, instrumental
=masculine a stem, singular, locative
^=with having odd
^}=is different
#}=one should subtract
=masculine a stem, singular, instrumental
^=with having even
#=beginning from
=the same category #=beginning from Aries or Pisces
=masculine a stem, singular, locative =backwards
}=in the same category =which is
=both v= which is backwards

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 18

=zodical sign
=masculine i stem, singular, masculine
=zodical sign
=that [exceptional sandi takes away visarga]
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative

When both are in the same category-odd or

even-then they are added [together]. If both are
not in the same category the one should subtract
[from each other]. Beginning from Aries [count
direct] or Pisces [count] backwards [depending
on whether the resultant number of the two
previous calculations are odd or even]. Then
that which is the zodical sign [arrived at] is
Varada. [Lacunae-sentence missing].

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 19

Chapter 5/loka 14: =Hor
^41 5} qRR ^1 #;R1
(d ;U
=zodical sign
etatprayojana vakye ruu tva dvijapugava|
=masculine a stem, dual, genitive
horlagnabhayorney sabaldvarad da||14||
=this here =feminine stem, singular, nominative
4=use (d= Hor, Lagna, in zodical sign, leds
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative =with
^41=here the purpose =strength
5}=will tell [verb, 2nd gana, 3rd person, future, =masculine a stem, singular, ablative
atmanepada] U=Varada
qR=to listen [5th gana, parasmaipada]
=feminine stem, singular, nominative
=5th gana aga
;U=with strength, Varada
=parasmaipada, 2nd person, singular, imperative
=period of time
R listen
=feminine stem, singular, nominative
^1=you [pronoun, 2nd person, singular, nominative]
=period of time

#;=twice born
Listen you twice born eminent person I will tell
R1=eminent person you the use of this [Varada Da]. Of the Hor
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative or Lagna [whichever is] stronger, from it begins
the Varada Da.
#;R1=twice born eminent person

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 20

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 21
Chapter 5/loka 15: s=order
^1 U ( =^1s R
=masculine a stem, singular, instrumental
sR^sV e-R
=^1s=this or that total in that order
yatsakhyo varado lagnt tattatsakhykramea
kramavyutkramabhedena da sydoja-yugmayo|| s=in order
15|| R^s=inverse order

=which =difference

1=summed up =masculine a stem, singular, instrumental

=masculine a stem, singular, nominative sR^sV=in order, inverse order, difference

^1=summed up from which =period of time

U=Varada =feminine stem, singular, nominative

=masculine a stem, singular, nominative =period of time

=neuter a stem, singular, ablative e=ought to be
(=from the Lagna =odd
=masculine a stem, dual, genitive
==this or that
e-R=perhaps if odd or even

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 22

[If it is] the [natal] Lagna [thats strong] the
[sign] whether odd or even, going forward or
backward, respectively.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 23

Chapter 5/loka 16: #=if
HZ Ue #~c e=it is
# e UT1 e 1 =then
ppadi ppayogo varadasya trikoake|
yadi syt tarhi tadriparyanta tasya jvana||16||
=zodical sign
=inauspicious UT=end
HZ=aspect =masculine a stem, singular, accusative
=masculine i stem, singular, nominative UT1=end of that zodical sign
HZ=inauspicious aspect e=of that [pronoun, 1st person, singular, genitive]
=inauspicious =life
=yoga =neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=masculine a stem, singular, nominative 1=life
=inauspicious yoga
e=masculine a stem, singular, genitive
Ue=of Varada

#~= trikoa
=masculine a stem, singular, locative
#~c=at trikoa

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 24

If the Varadas trikoa [1st, 5th, and 9th houses]
has an inauspicious aspect or yoga then at that
sign the life will end.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 25

Chapter 5/loka 17: =thusly
M RU# #oj
=just so
Ue# #~: 1
=thusly just so
rudrale yathaivyurmaradi nirpyate|
tathaiva varadasypi trikoe ppasagame||17|| U=Varada
e=masculine a stem, singular, genitive
=Rudra #=also
M= la [Das] Ue#=of Varada, also
=masculine a stem, singular, locative
M=Rudra la [Das] =masculine a stem, singular, locative
=like #~:=in the trikoa
=just so
#=etc. =inauspicious
RU#=like just so, lifespan, death, etc. 1=union
=masculine a stem, singular, locative

#=to determine [4th gana, parasmaipada] 1=in an inauspicious union

=4th gana aga

As in the Rudra la [Das] the lifespan, death,
j=atmanepada, 3rd person, singular etc. are determined thusly just so when there is
#oj=to determine

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 26

an inauspicous union in the trikoa of the

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 27

Chapter 5/loka 18: o=the 7th
U# #4 (T}
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
U o ~RT}
o=from the 7th
varaddapi bho vipra lagnavaccintayet phalam|
varadt saptamd bhvt kalatryurvicintayet||18|| =astrological house
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
=astrological house
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
U#=from Varada, verily T}=can be figured out
~RT}=lifespan of the spouse, can be
figured out
( =connected to Lagna
T}=can be figured out
(T}=connected to Lagna, can be figured out
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
=the result
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 28

Verily O Brahman the result connected to the
Lagna can be figured out from the Varada. The
lifespan of the spouse can be figured out from
the 7th house from the Varada.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 29

Chapter 5/loka 19: R=son
9e H=R
e=masculine a stem, singular, genitive
Re 1 #vTRRU
Re=of the son
ekdadagrajasya ttyttu yavyasa|
sutasya pacame vidynmtucaturthabhvata|| 1=the 5th
19|| =masculine a stem, singular, locative
1=at the 5th
=the 11th
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
9=eldest sibling
e=masculine a stem, singular, genitive
9e=from the 11th, the eldest sibling
H=the 3rd
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
=feminine stem, singular, accusative
H=R=then, from the 3rd
=feminine stem, singular, genitive
RU=the 4th
=younger [siblings] =astrological house
=consonant ending, singular, genitive =[ablative ending]
=younger [siblings]

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 30

#vTRRU=knowledge, the 4th astrological
house is the mother

From the 11th [from the Varada Lagna]

[knowledge] of the eldest sibling, from the 3rd
the [knowledge] of the younger sibling, from the
5th [the knowledge] of the son, from the 4th the
knowledge of the mother.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 31

Chapter 5/loka 20: R1=from the astrological house, lifespan, in
#R R1 #T} this way
M1 4#Z #T}=can be figured out
pituca navamd bhvdyureva vicintayet| M=la
laridaya vai prabalymariakam||20||
#H=father =feminine stem, singular, locative
=feminine stem, singular, genitive M1=in the la Ri Da
=and =verily
#R=the father, and
=the 9th
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
=from the 9th 4=becoming strong
=masculine a stem, singular, dative
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
=astrological house 4#Z=for becoming strong, sickness, injury
=masculine a stem, singular, ablative
=in this way From the 9th [from the Varada Lagna] is the
lifespan of the father [known]. Verily in this way

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 32

it can be figured out. In the la Ri Da
sickness and injury becomes strong.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 33

Chapter 5/loka 21: MU=as before
1 T#Q U U
MU 1 E:1 V#Q RR
MU=and, as before said
eva tanvdibhvn kartavy varad da|
prvavacca phala jeya dehin ca =the result
ubhubham||21|| =neuter a stem, singular, nominative
1=the result
1=in this way
E:=to be known
R=1st house
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
=astrological houses
=masculine a stem, plural, genitive E:=
1 to be known

T#Q=with what has been done with the V#=a living creature

astrological houses =masculine in stem, plural, genitive

U=ought to be done [gerundive] V#Q= of living creatures
U=Varad =and
=feminine stem, singular, nominative
U=Varad R=auspicious
=masculine a stem, singular, accusative
=Da RR=auspicious, inauspicious
=feminine stem, singular, nominative
=Da In this way the Varad Da of the 1st house,
etc. ought ot be done. The auspicious and

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 34

inauspicious results of the living creatures are
known as before.

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 35

Chapter 5/loka 22: =Da
9Q U Q U
^=having done
^l Q sTUQ V
grah varad naiva rn varad da|
ktvrkadh rida kramdantarda vadet||
22|| ^l=having done 12 fold
=zodical sign

9=planet =da

=masculine a stem, plural, genitive =feminine stem, singular, accusative

9Q= of the planets Q=zodical sign da

U=Varad s=in this order

=feminine stem, singular, nominative TU=2nd level of da sequence

=feminine stem, singular, accusative
sTUQ=in this order the 2nd level of da
=just so
V=ought to be said
=not, just so
=zodical sign
=masculine i stem, plural, genitive Just so, not of the planets, but of the zodical
signs is the Varad Da. The 2nd level of the
Q= of the zodical signs da sequence is one-twelfth the zodical sign
U=Varad da [its 1st level da sequence].

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 36

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 37
Chapter 5/loka 23: =difference
TU ^ j 1 V
=masculine a stem, singular, instrumental
sR^sV |TU#
sR^sV=in order, inverse order, difference
evamantardadi ca ktv tena phala vadet|
kramavyutkramabhedena likhedantardamapi||23|| |=should write
TU=2nd level of da sequence
=feminine stem, singular, accusative
=just so
TU=2nd level of da sequence
|TU#=verily, ought to write 2nd level of da
=masculine i stem, singular, accusative
TU=just so, 2nd level of da sequence, etc. Just so having done the 2nd level da sequence,
etc. by that the result is said. Verily by the direct
and inverse order one should write the 2nd level
^=having done da sequence.
j=by that [pronoun, 3rd person, singular,
=the result
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
1=the result
V=ought to be said
s=in order
R^s=inverse order

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 38

Chapter 5/loka 24: j=is known
eeV1 (1 T(j
T(j=lagna of birth, here, is known
#(Q U~ #s
svasvadeodbhava lagna janmalagnamihocyate|
bhvahordilagnn sarvatraiva samakriy||24|| =Hor
ee=each ones (=Lagna
V=place =neuter a stem, plural, genitive
=birth #(Q=of the Bhva, Hor, etc. Lagna
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
eeV1=each ones birth place
=just so
(=Lagna U~=everywhere, just so
=neuter a stem, singular, nominative
The birth lagna is known by each ones place of
birth lagna. The Bhva, Hor, etc. Lagna are
common everywhere just so.

=neuter a stem, singular, nominative

2006 Michael Douglas Neely a.k.a. Prashanti Saraswati 39

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