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Training Program Plan

Training Program Plan

Instructor: Dr. Gale Cossette
Malina Bailey

Training Program Description

Training Program Plan

This training program will focus on creating teams through collaborative team

training for nurses in a magnet hospital. Specifically, the organization will support

employee participants in learning to utilize their personal skills, further develop

areas of weakness for duty performance, and recognize fellow team members as

resources to assist with shared patient care duties. Teams will be viewed as

resources and a support system that provides mentorship and group development.

The workload can be divided amongst members and goals can be achieved at a

higher rate of production overall with a dependent infrastructure of shared


The training will produce a positive impact on the nurses by altering the

overall culture of the hospital. The new culture will be a holistic approach to patient

centered care and will involve shared responsibilities of nursing team members to

provide more efficient care at a higher rate. Past experiences have produced focus

on individual achievement, but the new cultural adaption within the hospital will be

reliance on team efforts to ensure all members are supported for peak performance

achievements. The training participant will learn how to achieve patient-centered

care through collaborative team efforts.

This training will be a month-long initiative with two-hour session, two times

weekly. The training will establish the team members and how to participate in a

group dynamic through collaborative efforts. The intended audience of this training

are current nurses who have been working independently and focusing on personal

achievements. There are 100 members in this department of Labor and Delivery

nurses, so teams will be broken down into ten members per team. The training

sessions will train half of the employees in this department in the training room, so

Training Program Plan

two training sessions daily will suffice at the allotted times. The program goals and

objectives are as follows;

Program Goals

Hospital will introduce nurses to the concept of caring science (holistic care

New cultural initiative for patient center care through collaborative teams will

be piloted
Nurses will be taught how to divide duties and collaborate during shits
Nursing teams and mentors will be established

Program Objectives

Discuss discrepancies in current care practices and the benefits of patient

centered care
Compare rates of duty completion individually versus collaborative team

rates by 100 percent

Assign mentors, team leads, and divide duties for multiple shifts
Complete the program booklet caring science presentation and complete all

assessment worksheets by 100 percent.

Gap Analysis
A needs analysis can be administered to help support and identify areas of

weakness that can be corrected through training based on the education needs in

the workplace. There are many ways to conduct a needs or gap analysis, but one

must analyze the participants of the analysis based on their goals and objectives to

identify the most appropriate methods to use. Three common techniques that are

affective in determining the needs for the training program are questionnaires,

Training Program Plan

observations, and interviews. These methods collectively will provide a well-rounded

collection of information to analyze based on the training participants, who will be

identifying their needs and taking ownership of areas needed for improvement.

Based off the collected information that has been analyzed, the information will

outline the direction on the training program and support the foundational structure

for the training basis to be formed from.

Questionnaires will be created and administered to all potential participants of

the training program. The questionnaire will contain twenty open answer questions

that allow the training participants to discuss their job duties in detail and compare

them to their quarterly goals or outcome expectations for their role within the

company. The outcome of this analysis will provide information on how the duties are

being carried out systematically by the individual employees. This will identify areas

of weakness or role deviation and allow job role alignment so all employees can be

trained on effective systematic procedures within their role. This will also identify

unrealistic expectations or duties that must be amended for effective productivity.

Observations will be utilized through annotated notes and administered by

managers who will report to supervisors. All observation sheets will be created by

trainers so all employees will have standardized forms that clearly define what is

being observed and what information is required for this collected analysis. The

employees will be individually observed as they perform their duties by allotted

times of observation over three thirty-minute observation sessions. Each session will

collect notes that show what duties are successfully performed daily within their role

and the length of time needed to carry out these duties. This data will be compared

to the time that has been requested by administration for job performance and be

Training Program Plan

compared to the duties expected for efficient duty production. Findings will be used

for role revision or techniques to improve efficiency using group members.

Interviews will be conducted by training staff that will allow the opinions and

voice of the employee participant to be validated. Ten key questions will be created

and general notation on problems, and new ideas for job performance will be

collected. This will have a positive effect on the adult learn who will participate in

this job training because it will increase awareness of frustration or issues preventing

smooth operations for their job role. Areas of training and problem-solving can be

addressed with the collected information. The adult learner or employee participant

will have directly contributed and taken ownership of desired learning.

There will be many expenses that need to be considered when planning and

preparing for this training program to be efficiently supported. This budget plan will

take into consideration the scope, audience, goals, and objectives of the

collaborative team training for nurses. Included in this budget plan will be a cost

estimate for ten main expenses that should be carefully planned for to cause this

training to be launched successfully. Without proper support the elements of the

training will be unable to be acted out and the objectives will not be carried out,

leading to a shortfall in goal accomplishment. Based on the needs analysis, further

training in this area is critical to support efficiency, and a higher production rate that

will lead to better patient care for the hospital patients and overall community. The

ten expense categories will be Personnel, Fringe benefits, External staff, Materials,

Technical support, Equipment, Travel, Facilities, Supplies, and Miscellaneous.

Training Program Plan

When preparing the budget, the categories will be looked at to determine

what the estimated expense in that category would be. The next step is to consider

what is readily available in the hospital that can cut down on the expense to run the

training program. Reducing expenses will enable the program to have a quicker start

up and will reduce the amount of income sources needed for the budget. The four

main sources of income sources for this program will come from the hospital budget

or parent company, the donations for the nursing department, participation fees, and

grants that have been discovered to support our RNs within the community.

The following budget was analyzed and prepared as a potential projection to run the program;
Personnel Fringe External Materials Technical Equipment Travel Facilities Supplies Misc.
benefits staff Support
Nursing This is not This is not 100 2 hospital The This is not The 100 Snacks:
education an an participants network hospital an hospital participants Sandwich
specialist applicable applicable X 20-page specialists computer applicable computer need packages
will expense expense program at $25 per lab/training expense lab/training notepads from
conduct for this for this booklet at . hour for six facility will for this facility will and pens at Subway
the training. training. 10 per page hours be used at training. be used at $.50 note including
training for printing fee. total. no no pads and chips and
6 hours $200 $600 additional additional $.15 pens drinks will
weekly for Projectors expense. expense. totaling be
one month needed $65.00. provided
and two and a staff at $6 per
trainers at laptop person
$55 per provided in x100.
hour. the training $600
$2,640.00 lab at no twice
additional weekly for
expense. one

The total cost of this training based on the elements need to conduct effective

training will be $8,305.00. Many expenses have been reduced based on the hospital

(parent company) providing usage for the current computer lab/training room and

important equipment needed such as projectors, laptops, and computer equipment.

Training Program Plan

The parent company has also provided staff and networkers at additional pay rates

on their current paychecks from HR. Donations will be requested from hospital

collections during Nursing Week from the hospital gift shop, cafeteria, and other

business donations. These donations will cover the projected fees for supplies and

materials. Participation fees will apply for those ordering the lunch packages at an

estimated 100-member participation. Grants will be researched and requested

through United Hospital Fund to update or replace any existing equipment. The

request will be for $2,500, but the program will still proceed on the current

equipment and facilities.

Staffing Plan

The staffing plan will outline the staffing needs as well as the management

plan for the training program. There are many elements of a well-constructed

staffing plan that takes into consideration what is required for the adult learners

(participants). The staff must maintain qualifications and utilize available resources

for peak performance and effective implementation to create a conducive learning

environment that is tailored to meet the needs of the nursing participants. In

addition to qualified training staff the staff performance will be evaluated by

participants as well as administration. Identified resource gaps will have a strategy

created to ensure the gaps will be handled and appropriately filled.

The required qualifications for trainers will be to have obtained a masters

degree in Nursing Education or Nursing Leadership. In addition, a minimum of three

to five years nursing in required and a minimum of two years training experience.

Training Program Plan

The trainers must be able to effectively communicate, create presentations, and

demonstrate educational leadership by previous mentorship experience. There will

two trainers needed who will alternate three hour sessions, twice weekly for a total

of six hours weekly in a month-long training program. Two network specialists will

have required to support, maintain, and update as needed in the computer/training

lab. These networkers will alternate weeks in addition to their weekly duties for the

month-long duration of the training program.

Available internal resources relate to the computer/training lab and require HR

staff to prepare additional payments for the staff members involved, and the

department secretary to post the training schedules as well as notify all participants,

including staff. The external resources will include the collection of materials and

orders/delivery for the snack requirement. Thus, will be handled by the nurse

administration or nursing supervisors in addition to their weekly duties during the

duration of the training program. Additional resources for this training will include

preparing the requested grants and gathering the finding from the expected sources.

This will be additional duties on the department secretary during normal business

operations, and during the duration of the training.

The adult learners (nurse participants) will participate in the needs analysis

before and after training has occurred. The trainers will be evaluated as well as the

program through this critique. The strategy to fill the resource gap will be analyzed

by the needs directly from the opinion of the participants and the overall

effectiveness of the training/trainers. This will ensure future reforms can be made in

areas of resource gaps if they occur. The physical resource gaps will be requested

through grant support to fund updated equipment or materials for effective teaching

technique that incorporate presentational technology.

Training Program Plan

The management or nursing supervisors will conduct staff evaluations and

collect the gathered data of future meetings to discuss the training outcomes. The

nurse participants will have their observations done through floor supervisors or

nursing leaders, which will further reveal any resource gaps. Documents from the

nursing leaders on the nursing participants will be collected and analyzed by trainers

as well as hospital administration to be discussed in further department meetings.

Overall, the staff will support the learning participants through their experiences,

techniques, and qualifications. The staffing will be based on the learners needs

through documented analysis.

Stakeholders and Goals

Stakeholders (minimum
Partnership goal Ways to build support
of five)

Hospital will provide Hospitals will provide on

adequate training that the job training through
will unify practices and training programs during
Employer (hospital)
create resource nursing regular operational hours.
teams for collaboration in Present training needs to
patient centered care. the board of trustees.

patient Patients will receive Hospital will raise

adequate care during awareness through
hospitalization through patient care pamphlets or
nursing collaboration of packets. Nurses will

Training Program Plan

explain patient centered

duties, resulting in round
care procedures as
the clock patient-centered
patients are checked in
and introduced to nurses.

Providers will be given

Providers will have
information on updated
additional support
policies involving patient-
through learning team
centered care through HR
provider collaboration that share
contacts or administration
work duties and offer
and nurses will receive
additional human
allotted time for on the
job training.

Community outreach will

The community will
be constructed by patient
benefit from reliable,
care advocates through
efficient, and quick
MSN nursing leaders.
Community emergency care through
Collaborate team
highly trained and
approaches to patient
qualified staff and
centered-care will be

The tax payers will Grants will be requested

support grants given to through appropriate
provide updated channels using data
Tax payers equipment to the health collected through
care community and trainings and needs
benefit from high tech analysis to support
care practices. equipment needed.

Communication Plan

The communication plan will outline the methods used to raise awareness of

the program and effectively market the cause and program. This is a critical aspect

to create understanding of what is taking place and why for stake holders,

supporters, and the community. It will not only raise awareness but support and

create effective advocacy for the trainings of our nurses in the community hospital.

The benefits of the training program will also be communicated through the

Training Program Plan

communication plan in ways that explain the instructional practices. Explaining the

instructional practices displays the quality of the program and appeals to

participants or supporters by showing the methods used that will be engaging, and

beneficial. The benefits of the program instructional practices will have a positive

effect by providing the nurses with the training required to effectively transition into

their new roles. In turn, the nurse (adult learner) will be impacted positively through

these instructional practices and reap overall benefits professionally as well as


The marketing message in the communication plan will include a logo, slogan,

and fact sheet. The main promotional channel for the marketing will be social media,

and nurse advocates so patients and nurses can be aware as they receive or give

care. Social media reaches masses and is traditionally used for promotion and can

be connected to the hospital website. The logo will be a symbol of the training and

cause. In this case for this training, nurses are being trained and prepared for a new

role definition that is patient-centered using collaborative teams for shared care. The

logo will show three stick figure nurses with nursing caps on that are displaying unity

through connecting arms. This logo show that the nurses are connected, unified, and

being supportive. This is a great logo that can be used on promotional materials such

as t-shirts, packets, and other produced materials for the training. It is a great

initiative in the hospital for nurses to have a redefined role that creates unity in care

and offers unified support through mentorships and adapting an attitude of viewing

each other as resources.

The slogan for the training program will be a simple catch phrase that can be

easily remembered and entertaining through creating a positive image through

expression. The slogan will be We share to better care! This slogan expresses the

Training Program Plan

nurse being unified and supportive of helping care for patients as a team. It is

important to express the cause of the training and allow the patients to feel they are

better cared for and will benefit form a unified approach to care. The slogan will be

used for awareness in promotional materials like pamphlets and promotional

channels such as emails when it is distributed to stake holders, staff, and

participants. The slogan and logo can be combined and printed on any material used

for the training purposes throughout the month-long initiative to address adaptation

in the role of the nurse.

The fact sheet will be included in the pamphlet and can be used in

administration or board meetings. It can be used to communicate with stake holders,

administration, patients, faculty, and participants. The fact sheet will provide

statistics that further communicate the importance of the driven change and role

exchanging initiative. The facts that will be included will be the statistics of

unsatisfied patients and what they requested to a better experience through their

hospital stay and patient care. The statistics will also show how nurses are not able

to complete all tasks and duties required when they are juggling so many patients

with many limitations. The common limitations and road blocks of performing duties

will be researched on the fact sheet. The fact sheet will show how many issues will

be eliminated through collaborative care practices that are patient-centered.

There are many benefits of the training program that should be readily

communicated to all parties when discussing the training program. The training

program will change the culture from independent and competitive to a collaborated

approach that shares duties. The training program will increase efficiency in the work

shifts and maximize patient care through minimizing excessive duties. The program

will also teach the nurses to be more patient centered and how to mentor. The

Training Program Plan

mentorship will enable reliance and dependability in a group dynamic. The program

goals were carefully detailed and aligned with the objectives. The new approach to

team collaborative patient care will be taught with new educational methods and

heavily incorporated with technology in the training curriculum. The new educational

methods will include group discussions, presentations via technology, and group

activities to engage the learner. The curriculum will entail differentiated methods

that exercise the kinesthetic, audio, and visual learner.

Program Evaluation

The program will need to be evaluated to determine how affective the instruction

and activities were. Many individuals will participate in the evaluation because

many were involved and depending on the results of the training for performance

enhancement. The goals of the program and objectives will be carefully considered

in comparison with the training outcomes. The overall purpose of the training was to

meet the goals and objectives that will achieve the desired outcomes to enhance

performance. The overall purpose of the evaluation is to determine if the purpose of

the training was achieved or satisfied. The instructional design will be evaluated,

the trainer, and the effectiveness of the program in comparison to goal

achievement. This will provide an opportunity for correction and growth of the

program, which will benefit the adult learner in having their opinion validated as

well as more effective on the job training.

The individuals who are responsible for overseeing the evaluation will be the

trainers themselves and the supervising administration. The trainers will administer

the surveys and collect the data results from the participants who will rate the

Training Program Plan

trainer and the program through ten survey questions in each category when the

program has ended. The supervising administration will record observations during

the training and discuss them in future board meetings. The annotated observations

will continue as this program is piloted after the training by nursing floor leaders

with individual nurses. The individual nurse will also record feedback and

observations from the team collaboration. Feedback sheet, observations sheets, and

surveys will be created to standardize all evaluation procedures with prepared


The metrics to be measured during this training are not only if the goals and

objectives were accomplished but if the learner has absorbed the information. The

trainer must maintain an energetic presentation, be readily available as a resource,

and maintain facilitation of group activities. The program must relay information

incorporating technology and incorporating differentiated lesson plans in the

curriculum of the training program to meet all different learning styles of the

audience. The activities must be engaging, and kinesthetic. The discussions must

allow collaboration and thought provoking ideas to allow adults to build from prior

knowledge and share past experiences. All data will be collected after the immediate

training, during the pilot initiative, and discussed over many board meetings

periodically. The overall training Is anticipated to change the culture of the nursing

department to a more beneficial approach in collaborative patient-centered care.


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