Udl Exchange Lesson Plan

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5/2/2017 UDL Exchange: Lesson

UDL Lesson Plan

Ariana Welch
0 0 Last Updated: 12:30PM Today

About This Lesson

The lesson will be taught in a rst-grade classroom. There are 20 students in this classroom ranging in age from six through
seven.There are ve hexagon tables with four students at each table. In this classroom, all students have access to their own device.
There is also a SmartBoard located at the front of the room.

Kamla as a student who relates well to her peers respects her teachers and adores sports. But her long-term struggle with academics
has dampened her enthusiasm and energy for schoolwork. Decoding decits led to Kamla's identication as having a specic learning
disability. Kamla continues to struggle with uency in both reading and writing. When asked to write an essay she squirms in her chair,
awkwardly holding her pen and moving her paper all over the desk. She enjoys reading sports articles and books, in part because they
feed her interest and in part because she is not under pressure to complete them within a time limit. Her discomfort extends to most
classroom assignments; overall, Kamla appears disengaged from learning. Kamla's focus on the basketball court contrasts with her
lack of engagement in the classroom. She practices her sport diligently and enthusiastically, showing an ability to persist and to
understand the need for hard work in the service of something she loves to do.

Jamal, a young boy with cerebral palsy, is an enthusiastic student, well on his way to becoming an expert on military tanks and
submarines. From his home computer, he has found and collected hundreds of photos, stories, and websites devoted to these mobile
weapons. Jamal uses a wheelchair for mobility. Jamal speaks quite slowly and his speech is often unintelligible. With great difculty, he
can write and draw with pen and paper. He is much more successful using his computer with an expanded keyboard. Jamal is barely
keeping up in the mainstream classroom, in part because of increasing amounts of reading and writing. Science and social studies
particularly engage him, and he uses his strong strategic skills (such as his ability to seek, locate, and save information) to good effect
in these classes. However, because of his motor difculties, Jamal must invest tremendous effort just to keep pace, and at times he
becomes discouraged.

Mateo just moved to the United States with his parents and his little sister. Mateo loves futbol (soccer), music, and technology,
especially his iPad. He speaks Spanish uently. Mateo has had little education in the English language and only knows rudimentary
English vocabulary and directions. He struggles with reading and writing in the English language. Mateo attends an ESOL class for an
hour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mateo is a bright student and has a great understanding of math, and when the textbook
and instructions are translated, has a wonderful understanding of science. When given repeated verbal directions, coupled with visual
supports, he is able to complete tasks. Mateo also excels when activities and assignments are rst modeled through hands-on

Daisy has been identied as Gifted and Talented. She is performing a whole grade level above her peers in reading, writing, and
mathematics. Daisy often gets bored during classroom instruction and has difculty with remaining motivated. Oftentimes, Daisy will
not nish her work and instead disrupt her peers with off-topic conversations. With appropriate, academic challenges, Daisy does enjoy
participating in cooperative group activities, discussions, and sharing her ideas with her peers. Daisy also enjoys doing research
projects and engaging creative writing opportunities.

Students must have a basic understanding of time.
Students must know numbers up to sixty.
Students must have an understanding of half and what it means.

1 hour

Potential Use
PURPOSE: Classroom Instruction
COMMON CORE: Mathematics
Measurement and Data
Tell and write time.
CCSS.Math.Content.1.MD.B.3 (grade 1): Tell and
write time in hours and half-hours using analog
and digital clocks.


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Students will be able to tell and write time using analog and digital clocks.

Students will be able to demonstrate telling and writing time to the hour and half-hour using an analog clock.
Students will be able to demonstrate telling and writing time to the hour and half-hour using a digital clock.

Op onstoSupportEngagement:Tobe erengagestudentstheteacherwillcommunicatefrequentlywiththeirparentstondouttheirneedsand
interests.Withtheinforma ongiventotheteacher,theywillincorporatetheinterestsofthestudentsintotheclassroomac vi es,sourcesof
informa onanddecora onsfortheclassroom.Theteacherwillalsoprovidethestudentswithtasksthatprovideac vepar cipa on,tokeepthem
frombecomingdisengaged.Duringac vi es,therewillbea merontheboardthatallowsthestudentstokeeptrackof me.Theteacherwill
dieren atethedegreeofdicultyorcomplexitywithintheac vi esbeingcompleted.Eachofthestudentswillhaveagoaltocompleteforthe
ac vi es.

Op onstoSupportRepresenta on:Verbaldirec onswillbegiventothestudents,aswellashavingthemwri enontheboardforthestudentsto
referbackto.Theteacherwillpreteachthevocabularyandsymbolstothestudentsinawaythatpromotesconnec onstothestudents
experiences.Whenpreteachingconceptstheteacherwilldemonstrateormodeltheinforma on.

Op onstoSupportAc onandExpression:Studentswillhaveachoiceofhowtheywishtoturninassignments(onpaper,online,verbally).
easilyaccessibleforstudentsinlabeledbinonabookshelf.Allformsofdirec onandinforma onwillbepresentedtothestudentsinatleast
completetheirobjec ve/goalfortheday.

Kamla, who has a learning disability, struggles to stay engaged and to stay still. She also has trouble holding her hand correctly while
writing. She will be provided frequent changes in activities, which will allow for more movement between activities, allowing her to
reduce her squirming while working. She will also be given a pencil grip and a slant board. The pencil grip will help with the way she
holds her pencil, the slant board will also help with the positioning of her arm when she writes. The slant board also acts as a means to
keep her paper in one spot on her desk. The teacher will be responsible for making frequent eye contact or proximity control to help
keep her engaged.

Jamal,whohascerebralpalsy,willbegivenaddi onal metorespondtoques onsortakeassessments,asittakeshimlongertogethiswords

out.JamalwillalsobegivenaBigKeysKeyboardforhiscomputertohelphimtypeandsearchbe er.HewillalsobegivenabigJudyClock
insteadofaminiclock,thiswillmakeiteasierforhimtomanipulatetheclock.Anotheraccommoda onJamalwillreceiveisDynaWrite,atype
totalkalterna vecommunica ondevice.Sincehespeaksslowlyandbecausehisspeechissome mesunintelligible,thisdevicewillallowhim

Students will be given mini Judy Clocks to display the time that the teacher called out and that is displayed on the board in a digital

In the SmartBoard presentation, there will be an analog clock with the time already on it and a student will come up and write the time
out into a digital clock.

Students will signal if they agree with the student or not, allowing the teacher to see where her students stand.

The teacher will consistently observe students by walking around the class and providing feedback for those who are not on task.

Students rate how comfortable they are on the subject from 1-5 using their ngers.

Students will use hand signal thumbs up or down for how comfortable they are with the material.

At the end of the time unit, there will be a unit test for students to complete. This test can be completed on paper or online, for those
students whose IEPs require it extra time will be provided. This unit test will consist of multiple-choice and constructed response. The
student may answer the constructed response however they wish (short answer, illustration, table, online).

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Depending on how the students do on the unit test will tell the teacher how much her students learned from this unit. Since the
students are able to choose how they answer the constructed response the teacher will need to take into account that specic
students interest and learning abilities.

Instructional Methods

Onceeveryoneisseatedaskastudenttoreadtheobjec ve.Askanotherstudenttorephrasetheobjec ve.Thenholdupananalogclock(Judy


Anticipatory Set
Ask the students to show thumbs up or down if they know how to read a clock. Ask if anyone knows what we mean by half-hour.
Take students answers then explain to them that one-hour consists of 60 minutes. What would half of 60 be? 30 minutes is half of
60, which is why we call it a half an hour.

Readthebook,TheGrouchyLadybugbyEricCarle.Thisbookdiscusses methroughoutthebookandisagoodsegwayintotellinghourand
halfhour mes.Fromthisyoucanaskthestudentshowtheyuse meintheireverydaylifeandwhy meisimportant.Oncestudentsanswer
ques onsexplainwhichanswerstheclassgavewererelevantandcorrecttotheques on.JamalwilluseDynaWriteifhehasanythingtosay.

Introduce New Knowledge
Ask students who knows the parts of an analog clock (hold up Judy Clock). If students raise their hands take answers and ask if
students agree. Tell students that they will be learning about how to read these clocks today.

Start by handing out mini Judy Clocks to all students, Jamal will receive a big Judy Clock so that it is easier to manipulate.

First, go over the hour hand. Have the students point to or move the hour hand on their mini Judy Clocks. The teacher will put up a
slide of a picture of a clock with an arrow pointing to the hour hand labeled hour hand. Mateo will receive a hard copy of this
picture labeled in both English and Spanish, to help him better understand. As the teacher points to her hour hand, she will ask
the students what they think this hand is used for? How is it different from the other hand? How many hours are on a clock?

Second, go over the minute hand. Have students point to or move their minute hand around on their mini Judy Clock. The teacher will
put up a slide of a picture of a clock with an arrow pointing to the minute hand labeled minute hand. Mateo will receive a hard copy
of this picture labeled in both English and Spanish, to help him better understand. While the teacher points to her own minute
hand, she will ask the students what this hand is used for? How is this hand different from the other hand? How many minutes are on
the clock?

Explain that when the minute hand is on the 12 a new hour will begin. When the minute hand is on the 6 it is half way through the hour.

Model New Skills and Knowledge

Show the students what the clock would look like at 1:00 on the Judy Clock. Explain how you can tell it is 1:00. The short hand is on
the one, so I know it is in the one oclock hour, the minute hand is on the 12 meaning it is the beginning of this hour. Mateo will benet
from watching the teacher point to the hour hand on her own clock since he learns best from modeled activities.

Have a student come up and show 2:00 on the Judy Clock, then explain why they put the hands where they did. Other students will
signal if they agree with the answer.

The teacher will then say the time 5:00 and ask the students to display this time on their Judy Clocks and hold them up or turn them
towards the front when they are nished. Jamal will benet from turning his clock around instead of having to say his answer

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aloud because of his difculty with language Once everyone has held up or turned around their clocks the teacher will hold her up
with the correct time. Do the same for 7:00. 4:00, and 12:00. Depending on the results of this formative assessment the teacher can
move on or spend more time explaining if she feels the students need it. Kamla will benet from the active movement of moving
the hands of the clock then holding her clock up, this will allow her to stay focused and squirm less.

Moving onto half-hours, the teacher will display the time 1:30 on the Judy Clock. Explain how you can tell that it is 1:30. The short hand
is on the one, so I know it is in the one oclock hour, the minute hand is on the 6, meaning it is 30 minutes into the hour. I know it is 30
minutes into the hour because I already know that there are 60 minutes in an hour and half of 60 is 30.

Have a student come up and show 2:30 on the Judy Clock, then explain why they put the hands where they did. Other students will
signal if they agree with the answer.

The teacher will then say the time 8:30 and ask the students to display this time on their Judy Clocks and hold them up or turn them
towards the front when they are nished. Once everyone has held up or turned around their clocks the teacher will hold her up with the
correct time. Do the same for 2:30, 11:30, and 12:30. Depending on the results of this formative assessment the teacher can move on
or spend more time explaining this if she feels the students need it.

Guided Practice
The students will be completing a SmartBoard presentation that the teacher has made. This SmartBoard presentation includes
question where students have to circle the correct clock, for example Barbara goes to the store at 8:00. Circle the clock that shows
8:00.There are also questions where the students have to read the time off of an analog clock and write the correct time in a digital

The students have a choice of completing the activity online or on paper. Jamal will use his Big Keys Keyboard to help him
complete his activity online. If Kamla decides to complete the activity on paper she will be provided with a pencil grip and
slant board to help with her hand positioning and to keep the paper still.

While the students are working on these 8 questions, the teacher will be walking around to help any students who need it and also to
determine the level of mastery.

If Daisy nishes early she will be the teachers helper and go around the room collecting the mini Judy Clocks from all of the tables and
put them in the correct labeled bin on the shelf. This will give Daisy something to do so that she doesnt disrupt other students
while they are working.

Independent Practice
Studentswillbegiventhechoiceofwhattheycompleteduringtheirindependentprac ce me.Theymustcompleteeitheranonlinewixie,ora
paperworksheet.Oncetheynishthattheycanplayanonline megamewithapartnerorindividually.(h p://www.abcya.com/telling_ me.htm)
Givingstudentsachoiceofwhatac vi estheycompletewillbenetallstudentsbyallowingthemtochoosewhattheyarecomfortablewith.

Thedirec onstoallthreeac vi eswillbeontheSmartBoardatthefrontoftheclasssothatstudentscanreferbacktothem.Therewillalsobea

merdisplayedontheboardsothatstudentsdontstayononeac vitytheen re me.Theteacherwillalsoannouncewhen10minuteshaspast
bytogetthestudentstostartthinkingaboutswitchingac vi es.Havingmul pleop onsisgoodforDaisybecausenowshewillhavesomething
todoonceshenishesherrstandsecondac vity.

Once the timer goes off students know to put away their materials and go sit on the carpet.

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After everyone is seated and ready the teacher will go back over the objective and learning goal with the class. As a class, the teacher
and students will determine if they achieved their objective and learning goal. The teacher will also go over key points from the lesson.
The students will show either thumb up or down depending how they feel they met the objective and learning goal.Jamal will use his
DynaWrite device to make it easier for him to communicate.

Lastly, the teacher will ask the students to use their ngers to rate how condent they feel on the subject of hours and half-hours on a
scale of 1-5 (1 being I dont know anything, 5 being Im an expert on the subject).

Author's Reflection
The teacher has applied CEC standards 3, curricular content knowledge and 5, instructional planning and
strategies, ELEM 1, understanding and addressing each childs developmental and learning needs, and InTASC 7,
planning for instruction and 8, instructional strategies. The teacher did this by being able to thoughtfully plan out
this lesson by using their knowledge on the subject, on UDL guidelines, and assistive technology. The teacher had
to sit down and map out each childs strengths and weaknesses to better address each childs learning needs.
After learning their needs she had to gure out how to plan for the instruction, including what strategies she should
use to engage the students and monitor their progress.

The three UDL guidelines, all were used in this lesson, and they are engagement, representation, and expression.

Engagement was incorporated into the hook and modeling new knowledge sections. Reading the book to students
keeps their interest and having them move their own clocks to show a time then hold it up kept them active and
engaged. Representation was incorporated into the guided practice and independent practice. The guided practice
section practice the new skill that the students just learned. The independent practice gave the students the same
information in multiple ways. Expression was also incorporated into the guided practice and independent practice.
Since both sections offered the students choices of how they wanted to practice their new skill.

The two students with special needs in the class both required additional supports. Kamla required the use of a
grip pencil and slant board. This was necessary because Kamla sometimes has trouble holding her pencil
correctly so the grip her hold it correctly. The slant board is to help with her hand placement while she is writing, it
is also used to keep her paper in place since she tends to move is all around her table. Jamal required the use of
a Big Keys Keyboard and a Big Judy Clock. The Big Keys Keyboard was necessary because it makes it easier
and consequently faster for him to type on his computer with the bigger keys. The same goes for the big Judy
Clock, it is easier for him to move the hands on the big Judy Clock than it is on the mini one.

The teacher was able to pan for diverse learners by adding special accommodation for them in the areas where they needed
help. For the English Language Learner picture communication symbols were used in both English and Spanish so that Mateo
was able to understand easier. For the gifted and talented student, she was assigned a special task to complete once she
nished her work. This kept her engaged so that she didnt distract others. The teacher also made sure to add multiple choices
of activities so that once Daisy was done with one she could move onto the next one.




-Printouts of SmartBoard Presentation

-The Grouchy Ladybug

-Two big Judy Clocks

-19 mini Judy Clocks


-Digital timer

-Big Keys Keyboard


-Slant board

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-Pencil grip

-Picture of hour hand and minute hand labeled in English and Spanish

-Digital clock

-Access to time game (http://www.abcya.com/telling_time.htm)

Pencil Grip
Why it's included:
This will be used by Kamla to help her hold the pencil properly.

0 0 Last Updated: 3:33AM Today

Slant Board
Why it's included:
This will be used by Kamla to help her hand positioning while writing, along with keeping her paper still.

0 0 Last Updated: 3:34AM Today

Big Keys Keyboard

Why it's included:
Jamal will use this while completing his guided practice and independent practice on his device.

0 0 Last Updated: 3:34AM Today

Picture of hour hand and minute hand labeled in English and Spanish
Why it's included:
Mateo will use this when we are learning the parts of a clock to help him better understand.

0 0 Last Updated: 3:35AM Today

Why it's included:
This will be used by Jamal to help make communicating easier and faster.

0 0 Last Updated: 12:15PM Today

Author's Reflection
In order for the students to be successful in class, the teacher needs to meet the needs of diverse learners in
numerous ways. My ability to meet these needs has developed through this artifact because of the knowledge I
have gained. After learning about each students individual strengths and weaknesses, I was able to apply what I
have learned from the UDL framework as well as assistive technology options to personalize the supports given to
the students. Having personalized supports and modication is imperative since each student learns differently.
With these supports, the students should be able to learn and understand easier because of the assistance they
are receiving.

I will use the knowledge and skills developed in this class in my future teaching. I will use the UDL framework
when planning lessons so that each of the three areas, engagement, representation, and expression, are covered.
This will help my teaching style and also the way in which my future students learn since there will be more
variability in the way I teach my lessons. I will use instructional methods to reduce the barriers that students face
and to always design my lessons to be UDL lessons.


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