The Sustainability of Logging in Indonesia's Tropical Forests A Dynamic Input-Output Analysis

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ELSEVIER Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195


The sustainability of logging in Indonesia's tropical forests:

A dynamic input-output analysis
Clive Hamilton *
The Australia Institute, P.O. Box 131, Deakin West, ACT2600, Australia

Received 23 May 1996; accepted 10 September 1996


The extraordinarily high ecological values of Indonesia's tropical forests are being threatened by excessive and careless
logging. This paper reports the results of a dynamic input-output model used to make projections of the growth of demand
for logs through to the year 2020 and of the likely impact of this growth on forest degradation measured by rates of soil
erosion and deforestation. Policy variables built into the model scenarios include the rate of plantation establishment and the
'technologies' used to log natural forests. The results show that the critical variables determining the future of Indonesia's
forests will be the overall rate of growth of the economy and the rate of plantation establishment. However, even with a
marked shift to plantations and adoption of much more sustainable practices for logging natural forests (both of which are in
practice unlikely), degradation of Indonesia's tropical forests will be severe.

Keywords: Sustainability; Tropical forests; Indonesia; Logging; Plantations; input-output analysis

1. Introduction Indonesia has the longest list of species threatened

with extinction, even longer than Brazil's.
Indonesia's remaining tropical forests are impor- There has been considerable concern expressed
tant to the world. According to the UN Food and over the rate at which Indonesia's tropical forests are
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Ministry of being deforested and degraded. The current system
Forestry (MoFr): " N o other country has the respon- of managing logging (known as the TPTI) is unsus-
sibility for more diverse and unique species than tainable in the sense that commercial yields will not
does Indonesia". Although it occupies only 1.3% of be repeatable at the second and subsequent cutting
the Earth's land surface, within Indonesia can be cycles. In addition, serious ecological damage is
found 10% of the world's plant species, 12% of the occurring as natural ecosystems that have evolved
world's mammal species, 16% of the reptile species over centuries are subjected to sudden trauma from
and 17% of the bird species (FAO-MoFr, 1990a). logging.
In 1990 the forestry, wood products and pulp and
paper sectors accounted for 5% of the total output of
" Tel.: +61-6-2816566; fax: +61-6-2816230; e-mail: the Indonesian economy and 6.3% of total employ- ment. Pressures on the production forests (and in-

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184 C. Hamilton/Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195

deed on protected forests which are subject to illegal Most importantly, the model takes account of
logging) will increase as demand grows for logs used expected changes in production technology in the
to make timber products for both the domestic mar- range of agricultural and manufacturing sectors. Log-
ket and exports. This raises the critical question of ging too can be carried out using a number of
the maximum sustainable yield from Indonesia's 61 possible technologies. By 'technologies' we mean
million hectares of production forests. The pressure the ways in which intermediate inputs, capital equip-
on natural forests can be reduced to the extent that ment, and labour of various skill types are combined
the demand for logs is satisfied by forest plantations. to produce and extract logs. For the purposes of this
This paper reports projections for the growth of study only three technologies will be defined, two
demand for logs through to the year 2020 and calcu- for natural mixed hill forests (referred to as 'current
lates the impact of this growth in demand on degra- practice' and a 'more sustainable' system) and one
dation of the forest environment and on the area of for timber plantations. The technologies described
natural forest and plantation land required. Environ- include measures of some of the impacts on the
mental degradation is measured by rates of erosion natural environment of different logging methods.
and deforestation. The degree of environmental im- The 'sustainability' of logging is judged by first
pact can be influenced by two policy variables, the defining a 'more sustainable' logging technology,
rate of establishment of plantations and the methods including specification of logging practices, rotation
used to log natural forests. and yield and then comparing the area of natural
The projections are made using a multisectoral forest land required to satisfy the demand for logs at
dynamic input-output model of the Indonesian econ- the end of the modelled period with the available
omy. I The basic model, initially developed by supply of suitable natural forest.
Duchin and Szyld (1985), is here extended to include The paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 de-
natural resource impacts. The model represents an scribes the model's assumptions concerning growth
advance over the familiar static input-output model, of the economy overall and growth in final demands
as well as over earlier dynamic input-output formu- for logs. Section 3 details the technologies for log-
lations, because it makes investment endogenous in a ging natural forests (including their environmental
way that is theoretically satisfactory and lends itself impact) and Section 4 describes a technology for
to empirical application. Investment is made endoge- growing and harvesting logs in plantations. Note that
nous through its dependence on expected growth in Tables 1-4 summarise the technological and envi-
each sector's output, the technologies in use and ronmental data used to describe the three logging
rates of capacity utilisation. This representation of systems used in the analysis. Section 5 outlines the
investment is an extension and a multisectoral ver- modelling strategy and Section 6 provides the results
sion of the well-known accelerator principle. of the analysis. Section 7 considers the implications
The dynamic model requires a matrix of capital for policy.
coefficients. Such a matrix has been constructed
specifically for this study drawing on unpublished
data supplied by the Indonesian Central Bureau of 2. Macroeconomic projections and projections of
Statistics (see Duchin et al. (1993), Table 14.4). Due final demands for logs
to the underdeveloped state of data in this area, the
capital coefficients should be regarded as approxima- Demand from the Indonesian forest products sec-
tions only. tor is derived from final demand for logs (which is
small) and intermediate demand from log-using in-
dustries. The latter are mainly wood products (espe-
cially plywood and sawn timber but also furniture)
and pulp and paper. Exports of logs were banned in
I Copies of the full study by Duchin et al. (1993) may be
obtained by sending a cheque for Australian $30 to the author at
1985. In turn, demand for the outputs of the wood
The Australia Institute, P.O. Box 131, Deakin West, ACT 2600, products and pulp and paper sectors arises princi-
Australia. pally from private final consumption and exports.
C. Hamilton/Ecological Economics21 (1997) 183-195 185

Growth in demand for the products of the wood Table 1

products and pulp and paper sectors can be estimated Values of some important parameters, 1985
by estimating the overall growth rate of the economy Parameter Value
and the shares of wood products and paper in the ~3utput of'iogs 24.082 X 106 m3
various components of final demand, especially pri- Value of log output Rp 1,482,206 10 6
vate final consumption and exports. Unit log price 61,548 R p / r n 3
Average yield of 21.2 m3/ha
To estimate the overall growth rate of the econ-
production forest
omy, two sets of macroeconomic projections reflect-
ing different expectations about the expansion path Sources: Log output and yield are from FAO-MoFr( 1990a, Table
of the Indonesian economy are used in the model. 5.1, p. 128 and Table 3.10); value of output is from BPS (1989);
The high growth path (H) embodies an annual unit price is derived from value and volume of output; average
yield is from FAO-MoFr(1990a, Table 3.10).
GDP growth rate of around 7% through to the
year 2020.
The moderate growth path (M) embodies an an-
nual GDP growth rate of around 5% through to extracting logs from natural forests, two log produc-
2020. tion and extraction methods are defined:
The former reflects the Government's assump- a more sustainable system of logging in natural
tions while the latter is closer to the World Bank's forests, and
long-term expectations about growth of the economy the establishment of plantations on degraded land
(World Bank, 1992). Actual growth rates are used using mechanical techniques.
for the years to 1993. Detailed specification of the These logging practices are quantified in terms of
macroeconomic scenarios are described in Duchin et both their economic inputs (intermediate, capital and
al. (1993). labour inputs) and their impacts on the natural envi-
Private final demands for wood products and pulp ronment. These are described in this and the next
and paper have been estimated using income elastici- section.
ties of demand (Duchin et al., 1993, Tabel 5.3).
Thus, for given projected increases in total private 3.1. Current technology for natural forests
consumption per capita, the elasticities are used to
estimate the increased private consumption demand Foresters do not think of 'technology' in the way
for wood products and pulp and paper (and all other it is used here, but the input-output framework
sectoral outputs). The resulting consumption levels incorporates all of the relevant variables that foresters
and proportions have been checked for consistency might use. In this section we define, in terms of
with consumption patterns for higher income coun- inputs and impacts, the current technology, and in
tries. Projections of export growth of these sectors Section 3.3 we define a more sustainable system of
are based on World Bank forecasts (World Bank, natural forest logging.
1992). These projections show that on the moderate There are five main stages to natural forest log-
growth path exports of wood products grow by 2.0% ging: taking an inventory, laying out of roads, road
over 1996-2000 and then decline slowly (by around building, tree felling and log transport. The values of
1% per annum) through to the end of the modelled some important parameters used in the analysis are
period. reported in Table I, and the values of intermediate
inputs into the forest products sector appear in Table
2. Note that the Indonesian currency is the Rupiah
(Rp) which in the 1985 base year was worth US
3. Natural forest logging technologies
$1 = Rp 1,130. In 1994, the exchange rate was US
$1 --- Rp 2,164. Throughout this paper all values are
The forest products sector covers the process of in 1985 constant rupiah prices. Note that 1985 is the
extracting logs from forests and delivering them to base year at the time of computation as this was the
the 'mill door'. In addition to the current method of latest year for which input-output tables were avail-
186 C. Hamilton~Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195

Table 2 erosion and siltation,

Principal intermediate inputs, forest products sector, 1985
changes in water flow rates and water quality,
Sector a Coefficient ( R p / R p ) b pollution of forest lands from fuel oils, chemicals
17 Other manufacturing 0.0274 and human garbage, and
18 Petroleum refining 0.0238 impacts on wildlife including habitat fragmenta-
29 Other services 0.0225
tion, depletion of food sources and loss of biodi-
Source: BPS (1989). versity.
mSector numbers refer to the 30-sector model of Duchin et al. It is possible to make reasonable numerical esti-
(1993). mates for two of these, deforestation and erosion. It
b Rupiah of input per rupiah of output in 1985 prices.
is also possible to obtain reasonably accurate esti-
mates of the availability of land for both natural
able 2. Table 2 shows that the principal intermediate forests and plantations. The area of land available for
inputs are from the petroleum refining sector, other forests imposes an upper limit on the expansion of
manufacturing (mainly machinery repairs and main- forestry activities. If land required exceeds land
tenance) and other services. available then some of the demand for forest prod-
Scattered information is available on equipment ucts will need to be satisfied by imports.
and other costs in a number of logging concessions.
These data are summarised in Table 3. 3.2.1. Land availability
The data of Table 3 are used to develop estimates The total area of natural production forest in
of unit labour inputs and capital stocks for natural Indonesia is approximately 61 million ha, of which
forest logging and to help estimate changes in other about 25% is already logged over.
coefficients to reflect the new technology. The rele- Mechanised plantations require reasonably flat
vant data taken from Tables 2 and 3 are summarised terrain with minimal stumps; a high proportion of
in Table 4 Coefficients that do not vary between such land will be belukar or alang-alang sites
scenarios are not reported further. according to Davis (1989). At the risk of underesti-
In principle, the dynamic input-output model re- mating the ecological impact of plantations, it is
quires estimates of the amount of capital required to consequently assumed that they are developed on
expand capacity by one unit using the newest tech- alang-alang or belukar sites.
nology. Extrapolation from a survey of concessions
in West Kalimantan in 1992 suggests a value of
capital stocks in the industry as a whole (including Table 3
tractors, skidders, trucks, chainsaws and furniture) of Input coefficients in logging activities, 1992
around Rp 434 billion (Hamilton, 1993). This repre- Type of input Value
sents a capital stock of around Rp 18,000 per cubic Intermediate inputs Rp 106/103 m "~ of logs
metre of natural forest logs. Each cubic metre of logs
17 Other manufacturing 13.00
is valued at Rp 61,548. 18 Petroleum refining 12.67

3.2. Environmental impacts of the current system Capital stocks

17 Other manufacturing 18.00
The current system of natural forest logging has
various negative environmental impacts including: Employees Person-years~ l 0 s m ~ of logs
deforestation, Supervisors 0.36
Drivers 0.34
Labourers 2.28
2 The 1985 input-output tables are used only to define the Total employees 2.98
technologies used in each sector (i.e. inputs per unit of outpu0.
Other data are drawn from the latest sources available at the time Source: NRMP survey of concessions in West Kalimantan (Ham-
of computation. The 1990 input-output tables became available in ilton, 1993). Note that the volumes of logs may have been
late 1994. For the forestry and related sectors the technological understated in which case the per unit costs reported here would
coefficients did not change significantly. be too high.
C. Hamilton/ Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195 187

Table 4
Inputs and natural resource impacts of natural forest and plantation logging
Input/parameter Natural forest Plantation
current more sustainable
Intermediate inputs (Rp / Rp of output)
14 Fertiliser and pesticides 0 0 0.0016
17 Other manufacturing 0.0274 0.0274 0.0244

Labour (person years/Rp million of output) o

Total labour 0.0492 0.0499 0.1855
Capital stocks (Rp / Rp of output) b
Total capital stocks 0.2925 0.3210 0.5634
Environmental impacts
Deforestation (proportion of land area) 0.26 0.15 0
Soil erosion before logging/establishment (t/ha) 0 0 15
Soil erosion after logging/establishment (t/ha) 79 30 10

Other parameters
Yield (m3/ha) 21.1 37.0 310
Rotation (years) 35 50 15
Area required (ha/10 3 m 3) 47.4 26.5 3.22
Unit price ( R p / m 3) 61,548 61,548 61,548

Source: Duchin et al. (1993).

a Labour coefficients can be converted into person years/1000 m 3 of log output by multiplying by 61.548.
b Coefficients can be converted into million Rp of input/1000 m 3 of log output by multiplying by the unit price, 61.548.

Davis (1989) estimates that in the Outer Islands logged, one hectare is left deforested 3. Several stud-
(beyond Java and Bali) there are about 5.2 million ha ies confirm these figures. One indicates that around
of alang-alang dry grassland and 14.6 million ha of 20% of land area is deforested because it is covered
belukar shrub land suitable for plantation establish- with roads, and if skid trails are included the percent-
ment, a total of 19.8 million ha. age rises to 30 (Hendrison, 1992).
Unlike deforestation of land zoned for conversion
to agricultural uses, this deforestation of production
3.2.2. Deforestation forests is unplanned. It not only reduces the ability of
FAO-MoFr (1990a, (Table 3.3)) estimates that the forest to replace the biomass lost through log-
between 1982 and 1990 236,000 ha of production ging, it also interferes with the ecological processes
forest (i.e. areas reserved for selective logging) were of the forests including disturbance of water flows
deforested each year. (The figure rises to 407,000 ha and increased risks of fire, habitat loss, disturbance
each year if the East Kalimantan fires of 1982-83 to wildlife corridors and soil degradation. Some
are included.) This deforestation is due to road con- species will not cross sun-lit gaps so that logging
struction, forest degradation as a result of poor log- roads and tracks effectively segment the tropical
ging practices and shifting cultivation. The FAO also forests into biological islands.
reports that in recent years around 900,000 ha of
production forest have been logged each year
(FAO-MoFr, 1990a, p. 61). Thus around 26% of
3 The issue of regeneration is unresolved. Certainly, large areas
logged-over production forests are deforested as a have been taken over by weeds and scrubby vegetation. On better
result of logging. In other words, under the current sites, some commercially viable regeneration may occur (Jonsson
system, for every four hectares of production forest and Lindgren, 1990).
188 C. Hamilton/Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195

3.2.3. Soil erosion mound of soil one metre high covering an area of 1
According to the FAO-MoFr (1990b, p. 80): " T h e km by 39 km each year. These estimates cover only
increased soil erosion rates caused by commercial erosion due to roads and landings and exclude ero-
forest harvesting are mainly attributable to the distur- sion from soil disturbance off roads and landings;
bance of the soil by logging techniques, mainly from they also exclude soil erosion from conversion forests
log landings, skid trails, and roads. On steep slopes and agricultural lands.
and with high intensity rain patterns, the erosion can
be quite, serious and persist for many years."
Estimation of the rates of erosion as a result of
3.3. The more sustainable system of natural forest
logging in mixed species hill forests is difficult and
only order-of-magnitude estimates are possible.
While soil loss from undisturbed forests is almost
nil, one study of Indonesian forests (Hamilton and We turn our attention next to potential changes in
Pearce, 1988) measured soil loss from a newly con- logging technology in natural forests. Hendrison
structed skid road at 12.9 t / h a / m o n t h . Three years (1992) has proposed a series of improvements to
after the road had been abandoned, soil losses per- current practices aimed at reduction in vegetation
sisted at 3.2 t / h a / m o n t h . The figure of 12.9 damage, soil damage and erosion. His scheme ' C '
t / h a / m o n t h converts to 154.8 t / h a / a n n u m from has the following characteristics, all of which can be
roads. Repetto et al. (1989, Table 2.7) report a series achieved with only minor alterations to the existing
of studies in Java which indicate rates of soil erosion system of natural forest logging:
on degraded forested land (both under roads and not improved planning and organisation of roading,
under roads) of 88.3 t / h a / a n n u m . felling and transportation,
It was reported above that around 26% of the introduction of directional felling and con-
logged-over production forest is left deforested, trolled skidding,
largely due to roads and log landings. Hamilton and partial replacement of branch roads by trails for
Pearce (1988) report that the percentage of a logging wheeled skidders, and
concession under track and trail can range from 16 to log extraction by winching.
30%. 4 Sixteen percent is taken as a conservative Hendrison estimates that these changes would
estimate of area under roads and landings. Soil loss reduce the total area of forest affected by logging
from roads is taken to begin at 154.8 t / h a of road (covering roads, tracks, landings and disturbance due
area in the first year and to fall asymptotically to felling and skidding) from about 52% to 30%.
through 38.4 t / h a / a n n u m (i.e. 3.2 t / h a / m o n t h ) in They would increase felling costs by around 10% but
year four until year ten. reduce transport costs by 15% and skidding costs by
Using these estimates, we can calculate that each 5%. Jonsson and Lindgren (1990) report that trials in
year 70.8 million tonnes of soil are eroded from Sarawak using similar methods and emphasising
roads built over the previous 10 years. Assuming that careful planning reduced logging costs by 20% com-
around 900,000 ha of production forest are logged pared to conventional operations.
annually, erosion occurs at an average rate of 79 Hendrison's changes are extended in this study by
t / h a / a n n u m (i.e. 70.8 million tonnes divided by requiring road construction that is more sensitive to
900,000 ha). This amounts to around 39 million the risks of erosion. Roads may be constructed only
cubic metres as the total annual volume of soil on slopes of less than 25 and must allow for ade-
eroded from production forests, equivalent to a quate drainage. Landings must be sited on level
ground and roads and landings must be at least 100
m from streams. In addition, the rotation is increased
from 35 to 50 years, a rotation that is more likely to
4Weir and Manan (1989, p. 66), report studies that indicate
permit a sustained yield from a well-managed pro-
that selective logging leaves up to 50% of the ground surface duction forest. This system we call the more sustain-
affected by machinery. able system of natural forest logging.
c. Hamihon / Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195 189

Based on Hendrison (1992) and Jonsson and levels of deforestation and soil erosion impacts of
Lindgren (1990) the impact of these changes are logging.
postulated to: The second column of Table 4 shows the interme-
reduce the affected area from 52 to 30%, diate, capital and labour inputs of the more sustain-
reduce annual average erosion from 79 t / h a to 30 able system of logging natural forests and its impacts
t/ha, on environmental variables. Some other relevant pa-
reduce the incidence of damage to remaining rameters are also reported. The third column of
stems from around 6 0 / h a to 40/ha, and Table 4 describes numerically the technology for the
reduce the rate of deforestation due to roading establishment and harvesting of plantations, a subject
and careless logging from 26 to 15% of the area to which we now turn.
subject to logging.
The reduction in impact on biodiversity and wildlife
numbers will be small because the proposed changes 4. Logging technology in plantations
still involve intensive logging.
The shift from the current system of natural forest According to the FAO-MoFr (1990a), a major
logging to the more sustainable system involves the program of forest plantation establishment is neces-
following changes in logging technology (based on sary to meet the deficit in timber supply from natural
Hendrison (1992), Jonsson and Lindgren (1990) and forests that will occur in the 1990s. Plantations are
Hamilton (1993)): also necessary to rehabilitate critical watersheds that
unskilled labour requirements per unit of output have been extensively degraded by increasing popu-
fall by 10%, lation pressure. The Government's ambitious plan is
training in road building, felling techniques and to establish about six million hectares of industrial
extraction methods is represented by a 50% in- timber estates by the year 2000.
crease in requirements, per unit output, for the The FAO argues that the social returns from the
most skilled workers, establishment of industrial timber estates are higher
upgrading of management skills is required in than private returns (because of the environmental
addition to more supervision of forest operations benefits and the shorter investment horizons of pri-
and this is represented by another 50% increase in vate logging companies) and that therefore subsidies
the requirements for the most skilled workers, are justified to encourage plantation establishment.
machinery requirements may change slightly with Plantations producing pulpwood alone, saw/veneer
greater use of wheeled skidders. These could be logs alone and mixed saw/veneer logs plus pulp-
introduced gradually and are represented by a wood are all expected to be profitable.
10% increase in the stock of transport equipment The key difference in logging technology between
required per unit increase in capacity. natural forests and plantations is that in the latter a
The base technology and changes due to the more large part of the input costs are devoted to establish-
sustainable system are reported in Table 4 which ing the plantation (rather than harvesting and trans-
summarises the assumptions in the form in which portation). Investors must wait several years before
they have been used in the dynamic input-output they see a return on their investments. The techno-
model. Intermediate inputs that do not change are not logical data used to describe plantation logging is
reported. Information on required capital in the log- summarised in the third column of numbers in Table
ging industry using the more sustainable system is 4; these numbers are developed in detail in this
not readily available but it is possible to obtain a section and reported in Tables 5-7.
rough approximation by estimating the value of capi-
tal stock currently used in the natural forest logging 4.1. Plantation inputs
industry. The first column of the table shows the
values of intermediate, capital and labour inputs used Data on physical inputs into plantations are diffi-
in the production of logs from natural mixed hill cult to obtain. Moreover, there are many feasible
forests under the current system. It also shows the types of plantations varying according to species
190 C. Hamilton~Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195

Table 5 the model, an establishment schedule of 200,000 ha

Yields from Acacia mangium plantation of new plantations each year for the period 1994-
Age Product Yield (ma/ha) 2020 is assumed. Each hectare planted generates the
Year 9 pulpwood 60 yields indicated in Table 5 in years 9 and 15 after
Year 15 veneer logs 50 establishment.
sawlogs 125 Table 6 provides cost estimates for a representa-
pulpwood 75
tive hectare of Acacia mangium plantation. The
Total 310 division between labour and other purchases is crude.
Mechanised establishment and maintenance of
Source: Davis (1989, Appendix XVII).
plantations offers several advantages over manual
systems including better suppression of alang-alang
grass and other noxious weeds, increased ploughing
planted, the planned rotation, the site quality and the volume and depth of soil for rooting, full benefit of
size of the plantation. Each has a different cost applied fertiliser and faster growth in the first year.
structure. The example developed here of a plot of Overall, mechanised systems use about half the
Acacia mangium, a fast-growing exotic hardwood labour of manual ones and have lower costs. In the
that is suitable for pulpwood, sawlogs and veneer mechanised system described in Table 6 establish-
logs, could be considered typical of plantations of ment of each hectare of plantation requires 124 days
the future. In this example, taken from an FAO of labour over the first four years (implying a daily
report, it is assumed that the plantation is established wage of Rp 5,130). Note that the total days of labour
on alang-alang (grassland) using mechanical land convert to 400 person days/1000 m 3 for establish-
preparation and weeding (but not planting). The ment of mechanised plantations compared to around
plantation is aimed at producing pulpwood, sawlogs 894 person days/1000 m 3 for logging in natural
and veneer logs and has a rotation of 15 years, with forests. The figures of Table 6 measured in Rp
pulp thinnings harvested in year 9. Over a fifteen-year ' 0 0 0 / h a are converted into the labour and capital
rotation each hectare produces 310 m 3 of logs. These input coefficients reported in Table 4 (measured in
figures imply a mean annual increment of a little the units shown there).
under 21 m a / h a / a n n u m , a fast growth rate which is Plantations of the future may use around 150 kg
reportedly achievable with this species. (PT Indah of fertiliser (mainly triple superphosphate and urea)
Kiat reports an achieved mean annual increment of per hectare (Davis, 1989, p. 213). In 1985, the cost
40 m S / h a / a n for Acacia mangium in its Riau plan- of a kilogram of fertiliser was around Rp 200. A
tations (Pk Soebardjo, pers. comm.).) The yield of tractor (with appropriate attachments) takes around 3
310 m a / h a from this plantation compares to a yield h per hectare to carry out ripping, clearing, plough-
of 37 m3/ha from the more sustainably managed ing and weeding on alang-alang land. Allowing for
natural production forests (with a 50-year rotation). downtime, this suggests that each tractor could pre-
The yields for this regime are reported in Table 5. In pare around 600 ha each year (Davis, 1989).

Table 6
Plantation costs, Acacia mangium (Rp 10S/ha), 1989
Cost item Years Total (1 - 15)
1 2 3 4 5 6-10 11-15
Capital and other inputs 249 99 99 99 99 495 495 1635
Labour inputs 558 20 23 35 42 1181 3515 5374

Total costs 807 119 122 134 141 1676 4010 7009

Source: Davis (1989, Appendix XVII and Appendix XXII).

C. Hamilton~Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195 191

Table 7 timber is sourced from plantations. If plantations are

Erosion from plantation establishment on alang-alang land
established on alang-alang and belukar land then
Soil loss ( t / h a ) the substitution of plantation timber for naturally
Before plantation 15 grown timber will have a major positive impact on
Due to plantation the environment, including:
first year 40
a sharp reduction in the rate of soil loss and
years 2 - 4 20
subsequent years a 5 associated siltation,
a reduction in flooding and ecological damage to
Source: For development of these estimates see Hamilton (1993). waterways, and
a Note that Repetto et al. (1989) report an erosion rate of 6 t / h a a declining rate of deforestation and a marked
for forested land on Java. That land is liable to be steeper than the
plantation land in question.
reduction in threats to wildlife habitat and hiodi-

The environmental impacts of plantation logging

must now be assessed. The impacts will depend 5. Modelling scenarios
crucially on what sort of land is used to establish
plantations. If naturally forested lands are cleared for The modelling strategy is to vary the growth rate
plantations, then the environmental consequences, in of the economy (including the growth in demand for
terms of erosion, siltation, changes in water flows logs) and the share of logs sourced from plantations
and impacts on biodiversity, will be severe. If as opposed to natural forests.
alang-alang and belukar (scrubby) sites are used, FAO-MoFr (1990a) anticipates that by the year
the environmental impacts are likely to be less se- 2020 up to 68% of logs will be derived from planta-
vere because the impact of initial deforestation has tions. This should be regarded as a very optimistic
already been absorbed and may even he partly re- estimate given doubts about the ability of the Gov-
versed by the plantation. In terms of environmental ernment of Indonesia to induce the required shift to
impact, then, decisions regarding location of future plantations. On the other hand, the FAO projections
plantations are critical. are for a substantially lower total demand for logs.
Our projections will necessarily require a higher
4.2. Environmental impacts share from plantations simply because of the abso-
lute limit on the availability of logs from natural
On alang-alang and belukar land, the principal forests.
ecological impact is likely to be erosion and siltation In defining scenarios S1 and $2 below, projected
due to road building (especially on slopes of more changes in the technology for producing logs will
than 5 ) and ripping and ploughing in preparation for take two forms:
planting. It is likely that after high rates of erosion in a shift to the more sustainable system of harvest-
the first years, once the plantations are established ing natural forests involving more environmen-
soil loss will be less than it was when the land was tally sensitive road construction and felling prac-
under alang-alang or belukar. No good quantitative tices, and
information appears to be available on the impact of
plantation establishment on soil erosion. However,
basing estimates on the sources cited above and on
Repetto et al. (1989) and FAO-MoFr (1990b), we Table 8
postulate the impacts specified in Table 7. DeFinitions of scenarios S 1 and $2
Although it is assumed that mechanical plantation Scenario
technology will be used over the whole of the study Percentage of logs from: S1 $2
time horizon (i.e. to the year 2020), the influence of
Natural forests (more sustainable system) 60 32
plantation technology on timber extraction will in- Plantations 40 68
crease as a rising proportion of the total volume of
192 C. Hamilton~Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195

Table 9
Changes in technological coefficients, 1985-2020
Change between 1985 and 2020 (%)
Sl $2
Intermediate inputs a
14 Fertiliser and pesticides b 0.00064 0.00109
17 Other manufacturing +3 +5

Labour inputs
Employment + 211 + 289

Capital inputs
Capital requirements +45 +68

Natural resource impacts Unit 1985 level S1 $2

Land area ha/103 m3 26.5 - 35 - 60
Soil erosion t/ha 79 - 80 - 92
Deforestation h a / h a logged 0.26 - 65 - 81

a Intermediate inputs use the 30-sector classification of Duchin et al. (1993).

b In the case of inputs of fertiliser and pesticides the absolute value of the coefficient is given (i.e. R p / R p ) since inputs were 0 in 1985.

a shift in the composition of total log supply products (plywood and sawn timber) have been as-
away from logs extracted from natural forests and sumed to reach a peak in the year 2000 at a level
towards logs grown in plantations (using mecha- 50% higher than the 1990 export level and to decline
nised techniques). slowly thereafter. Exports of pulp and paper are
The technological scenarios are defined in Table 8 assumed to grow rapidly, although imports also in-
where they are represented by mixes of the more crease.
sustainable system of natural forest logging and The results of the dynamic input-output model
mechanised plantations. are reported in Tables 10 and 11. The two growth
The shift to supplying logs from plantations and scenarios, M and H, are combined with the two
to the more sustainable natural forest logging system logging technology scenarios, S 1 and $2, to generate
are likely to lead to a very marked fall in soil erosion four possible sets of model outcomes for 2020. To
and deforestation and alleviation of the impact of recapitulate, under $ 1 , 6 0 % of logs are derived from
current logging on biodiversity and carbon fixation. natural forests and 40% from plantations while under
Table 9 shows percentage changes in the intermedi- $2, 32% of logs are derived from natural forests and
ate, capital and labour input coefficients between 68% from plantations. In both of these scenarios, it
1985 and 2020 under S1 and $2, as well as the 1985 is assumed that natural forests are logged using the
coefficients for natural resource impacts and their more sustainable system of logging.
projected changes under the two scenarios. The areas of natural forest and plantation land
required under the different scenarios are reported in
Table 10. It is apparent that only the MS2 scenario,
6. Results of the model the moderate growth path with heavy dependence on
plantations, requires a total area of natural forest that
Fig. 1 shows the time paths of final demand per is below the maximum of 61 million ha actually
capita under the moderate and high growth scenarios. available. Fig. 2 plots forest land requirements over
Growth in demand for logs responds to expansion of time under MS2. The high growth scenarios (HS1
the sawmilling, plywood and pulp and paper indus- and HS2) place demands on the logging industry that
tries. On the moderate growth path exports of wood are greater than the volume that natural forests can
C. Hamilton / Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195 193

Iq,m] dcmmlld (Icxs invcslment} per r;ll~il+l. I~JU-2|)20 (COll$l+"llll 1~85 price.'+)

~. 23

1768 i~"

~ 1.5


"~ 1.0 l
1990 1995 2000 21X15 2010 2015 2020
-- Modcralc gttm4h imlh --9-. I ligh grmvth path

Fig. 1. Final demand (less investment) per capita, 1990-2020 (constant 1985 prices).

sustainably supply even in the case of Scenario 2 lished. This falls within the estimated 19.8 million ha
where less than a third of logs are derived from of degraded land suitable for plantation establish-
natural forests. ment. Thus the moderate growth scenario with plan-
The MS2 scenario of sustainable yields requires tations accounting for 68% of log volume is not
that around 4.4 million ha of plantations be estab- constrained by a shortage of suitable land.

Table 10
Forest land requirements under alternative scenarios in 2020
1985 2020
MS 1 MS2 HS 1 HS2
Value of output (Rp 109) 1585 8227 8366 14403 15913
Volume of logs (106 m 3) 25.8 133.7 135.9 234.0 258.6

Forest land requirement (10 ~ ha)

Natural forest 34.8 106.3 57.6 186.0 109.6
Plantation 1.4 2.6 4.4 4.5 8.4

Relative to 1985
Natural forest 1.0 3.05 1.66 5.34 3.15
Plantation 1.0 1.78 3.08 3.12 5.86

The procedure has been to first convert the projected value of output into a required volume of logs by dividing by the constant 1985 price.
This volume of logs is then allocated to natural forests or plantations according to the technological scenario. For natural forests we have
assumed a rotation of 50 years and an average yield of 37 m a / h a (giving a land coefficient of 0.0265 ha/m3). For plantations we have
assumed a rotation of 15 years with an average yield of 310 m a/ha (giving a land coefficient of 0.0032 ha/m3).
The figure for plantation area in 1985 represents area actually planted in 1988 (from FAO-MoFr (1990a, Table 7.6)). It cannot be compared
properly to projected plantation areas because the types of plantations in 1988 and projected for 2020 are very different. The existing
plantations are mostly of slow-growing species (of approximately 1.44 million ha under timber plantations in 1988, 62% was planted to
teak) while the plantations envisaged for 2020 are fast-growing species. The area required per cubic metre of logs in 2020 will be much
smaller than the area required in 1988 because growth rates are much higher and rotations are much shorter.
Source: Duchin et al. (1993).
194 C. Hamilton/Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195

I'rtljecled fi~rt'sl land requirements umh'l MS2. 1990-20211

511 I~__._----~

40 J

20 J
10 i

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 21120
-o- Naturalhlteslarl:ilrequired -- PIillllilliOll area required
(lel't scale) (righl scale)

Fig. 2. Projected forest land requirements under MS2, 1990-2020.

To allow time for plantations to become produc- tern o f logging so that erosion per hectare falls from
tive, such a plantation program would require ap- its current level o f 79 t / h a to 30 t / h a . The area
proximately 200,000 ha o f fast-growing plantations deforested is also lower under $2 than $1 because it
to be established each year for at least 20 years. The has been assumed that the proportion of the logged-
Government o f Indonesia currently plans to establish over area that is left deforested declines from its
6 million ha o f industrial timber estates by the year present level o f 26% using current unsustainable
2000, although this is very unlikely to be achieved. methods to 15% under the more sustainable system
The analysis provides measures of other impacts of natural forest logging.
o f expansion of the forestry sector under the various It is apparent, however, that even with the lower
scenarios. These are reported in Table 11. The vol- growth rate, a marked shift to plantations and adop-
ume o f soil eroded from natural forests shows a fall tion o f much more sustainable methods o f natural
compared to 1985 under all scenarios except HS1 forest logging (all o f which appear to be unlikely),
because it is assumed that under all scenarios natural degradation o f I n d o n e s i a ' s tropical forests will con-
forests are m a n a g e d using the more sustainable sys- tinue to be severe. Without the shift to plantations

Table 11
Erosion and deforestation in the forest products sector under alternative scenarios in 2020
1985 2020
MS 1 MS2 HS 1 HS2
Erosion from natural forests (106 t/an) 79 64 35 112 66
Area deforested (10a ha/an) 259 319 173 558 329
Relative to 1985
EErosion from natural forests 1.0 0.81 0.44 1.42 0.84
Area deforested 1.0 1.23 0.67 2.15 1.27

Source: Duchin et al. (1993).

C. Hamilton~Ecological Economics 21 (1997) 183-195 195

and adoption of more sustainable logging methods it the establishment of an independent forestry in-
will be disastrous. spection service outside of the Ministry of Forestry
with adequate resources and enforcement powers
to police concession activities, and
7. Implications for policy
a decision to grant no further logging concessions
Contrary to the frequent claims by the Indonesian in natural forests and renew only those that fully
Government that logging in its tropical forests is satisfy the requirements of sustainable logging as
moving towards sustainability, the analysis shows certified by an independent inspection service.
that by the year 2020, even with a wholesale shift to
a much more sustainable system of logging natural
forests (itself very unlikely), Indonesia must either References
rapidly expand its forest plantations or import a large
part of its timber requirements. Given the constraint BPS, 1989. Tabel Input-Output Indonesia 1985, Vol. 1-2. Biro
Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
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moderate growth scenario. There is simply not FAO-MoFr, 1990b. Situation and Outlook of the Forestry Sector
enough natural forest to sustain this growth in de- in Indonesia, Vol. 4: Social, Environmental and Institutional
mand even with a rapid shift to plantations. Aspects. Ministry of Forestry, Government of Indonesia and
Under current conditions, Indonesia's natural FAO, Jakarta, Sept.
Hamilton, C., 1993. Case Study of the Forestry Sector, NRMP-IEA
forests are approaching severe and permanent degra-
Input-Output Working Paper, No. 5. Natural Resources Man-
dation on a very wide scale. The results of the model agement Project, Jakarta, Feb.
are based on the assumption that the Government of Hamilton, L. S. and Pearce, A. J., 1988. Soil and water impacts of
Indonesia recognizes the urgent need for the transi- deforestation. In: J. lves and D. Pitt (Editors), Deforestation:
tion to something like the more sustainable system of Social Dynamics in Watersheds and Mountain Ecosystems.
Routledge, London.
natural forest logging described in this paper. This is
Hendrison, J., 1992. Recommendations for Controlled Timber
the only way to avoid the severe threats posed to Harvesting in the SBK Forest Concession, Natural Resources
forest environments by logging of natural forests. Management Project, Consultant's Report, Jakarta, Aug.
The actual implementation of these scenarios de- Jonsson, T. and Lindgren, P., 1990. Logging Technology for
pends critically on effective enforcement of govern- Tropical Forests - - For or Against'?. The Forest Operations
Institute, Kista, Sweden, Mar.
ment policy. In particular, policies on use of forest
Repetto, R., Magrath, W., Beer, C. and Rossini, F., 1989. Wasting
land need to be strictly enforced to prevent further Assets: Natural Resources in National Income Accounts. World
environmental damage. In the case of plantations it is Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
especially important to ensure that they are estab- Weir, J.S. and Manan, S., 1989. Environment and Conservation
lished on genuinely degraded land so that existing Aspects of Forestry in Indonesia, MoFr and FAO, Field
Document VIII-l, Jakarta, Nov.
forests are not cleared for plantations.
World Bank, 1992. Indonesia: Growth, Infrastructure and Human
Among the essential policy measures that will be Resources. World Bank, Jakarta, May.
needed are:
a very large increase in the funds available to
establish and manage plantations,

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