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Kandice Howland

LBS 203
Jen Stacy
March 9, 2016

Reading Reflection #6: Social Justice Education

In Five Essential Components for Social Justice Education, Heather Hackmans article

tells about tools for content mastery, critical thinking, action and social change, personal

reflection, and awareness of multicultural group dynamics, which are the five key components

effective teachers can use to articulate their teaching and to empower students such as educator

Brian Mooney, who demonstrates this in his blog article titledWhy I Dropped Everything and

Started Teaching Kendrick Lamars New Album. Each author explains that when students learn

about self-identity, think critically, analyze, and reflect about their connection to society, it

encourages them to take action in places of oppression and that when the opportunity is missed,

how it defeats the purpose of empowerment and social change (Hackman, 2005). Mooney

commented by saying I would have missed a chance to develop a set of profound connections to

a popular culture text that is part of their lives, showing how important the role of social justice

education really is (Mooney, 2015).

Hackman and Mooney bring good arguments to the table, yet I think that they target race

and not just group dynamics (Hackman, 2005). In my opinion, many authors and educators

today do not reflect upon the idea that if we do not talk about the issue of race in schools and its

impact on society, it is possible that people would not feel as targeted or unequal.

Understandably so, Hackman said effective teaching for social justice involves understanding

group dynamics...and socially constructed identities of the teacher and students but in order to
claim this as valid, Hackman needs more support from students and teachers themselves, such as

Mooney, along with statistics in order to show the impact of social justice education. Because

based on previous readings, such as Dana Goldsteins The Teacher Wars (2014), familial

background had the most impact upon a student.

Goldstein, D. (2014). The teacher wars. New York: Penguin Random House LLC.

Hackman, H.W. (2005). Five essential components for social justice education. Equity &

Excellence in Education, 38, Pp. 103-109.

Mooney, B. (March 27, 2015). Why I dropped everything and started teaching Kendrick

Lamars new album. Web. Retrieved from

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