2017 FactSheet Women and Men

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Fact Sheet

on Women and Men in the

www.psa.gov.ph March ___, 2017 FS-201703-PHDSD-01
Indicator Women Men Ref. Period/Source
Population Projectionsa/ 52.0 M 52.9 M 2017/ Population Proj., PSA
Projected Life Expectancy at Birth b/
74.3 years 68.8 years 2015 - 2020/ Popn Proj., PSA
Functional Literacy Rate (%) 10-64 years old 92.0 88.7 2013/ FLEMMS, PSA
Basic Literacy Rate (%) 10 years and over 97.0 96.1 2013/ FLEMMS, PSA
Distribution of the Population 6 Years Old and Over October 2016 LFS/PSA
by Highest Educational Attainment (%)
No Education 1.6 1.6
Some elementary 10 15
Completed elementary 11.4 11.6
Some highschool 17 19
Completed highschool 26.9 26.3
Post secondary 5 4
College or higher 27.8 22.2
Most Common Field of Study Business Administration and Business Administration and 2015 - 2016/CHED
Related Courses Related Courses

Enrolment in Tertiary Education 2,266,419 1,838,422 2015 - 2016/CHED

Most Common Registrered Program by Sector of Technical Tourism (Hotel and Tourism (Hotel and Restaurant) 2016/TESDA
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Restaurant)
Number of Certified Person of TVET 216,303 115,550 2013/TESDA
Number of TVET graduates 1,642,493 1,458,122 2016/TESDA
Health and Nutrition
Maternal Mortality Ratio c/ 221 d/ 2011/ FHS, PSA
Proportion of Obesee/ (%) 8.7 5.0 2015/FNRI
Proportion of Underweight Children 0-5 Years Old f/ 21.6 21.7 2015/FNRI
Proportion of Underweight Children 5.08-10 Years Old f/ 28.5 33.8 2015/FNRI
Proportion of Stunted Children 0-5 Years Old g/ 32.5 34.4 2015/ FNRI
Proportion of Stunted Children 5.08-10 Years Old g/ 28.5 33.5 2015/FNRI
Proportion of Overweight/Obese Children 0-5 Years Old h/ 3.7 4.0 2015/FNRI
Proportion of Overweight/Obese Children 5.08-10 Years Old h/ 8.4 8.8 2015/FNRI
Population with Disability 2,033,041 1,772,353 2010/ CPH, PSA
Most Common Type of Disability Difficulty in seeing, even if Difficulty in seeing, even if
wearing eyeglasses wearing eyeglasses 2010/ CPH, PSA
Percentage of Children 12-23 Months Old Who Received 67.5 69.6 2013/ NDHS, PSA
All Basic Vaccinations at Anytime Before the Survey (%) i/
Neonatal Mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) for the 10-year 14.0 13.0 2013/ NDHS, PSA
period preceeding the survey
Postneonatal Mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) for the 10-year 8.0 12.0 2013/ NDHS, PSA
period preceeding the survey
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) for the 10-year 22.0 25.0 2013/ NDHS, PSA
period preceeding the survey
Child Mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) for the 10-year 9.0 9.0 2013/ NDHS, PSA
period preceeding the survey
Under-Five Mortality Rate (per 1,000 live births) for the 10-year 31.0 34.0 2013/ NDHS, PSA
period preceeding the survey
Percentage of Currently Married Women Aged 15-49 years 55.1 d/ 2013/ NDHS, PSA
using contraception (%)
Percentage of household population with health insurance 63.4 62.3 2013/ NDHS, PSA
coverage (%)
Work and Economic Participation
Labor Force Participation Rate (%) 49.3 77.9 October 2016 LFS/PSA
Unemployment Rate (%) 4.3 4.9 October 2016 LFS/PSA
Proportion of Unpaid Family Workers (%) 4.1 6.4 October 2016 LFS/PSA
Proportion of Poor Households by Sex of Household Head (%) 10.4 18.3 2015/PSA
Proportion of Poor Women (%) 25.6 d/ 2012/PSA
Most Common Occupation Elementary occupations Elementary occupations October 2016 LFS/PSA
Major Industry Division Where Most are Employed Wholesale & Retail;Repair of Agriculture, hunting and forestry October 2016 LFS/PSA
Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles
& Personal & HH Goods

Number of Overseas Filipino Workers (in thousands) 1,250 1,197 2015/ SOF, PSA
Age Group with the Largest Proportion of OFWs 25-29 30-34 2015/ SOF, PSA
Most Common Destination of OFWs Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2015/ SOF, PSA
Most Common Occupation of OFWs Laborers and Unskilled Workers Plant and machine operators and 2015/ SOF, PSA
Total remittance (in million pesos)j/ 64,878 115,431 2015/ SOF, PSA
Average remittance per OFW (in thousand pesos) j/ 58 107 2015/ SOF, PSA
a/ 2010 Census-based Population Projections (Medium assumption) in collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Population Projections
b/ 2000 Census-based Population Projections (Medium assumption) in collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Population Projections
c/ Maternal mortality ratio is calculated by dividing the maternal mortality rate for age group 15 - 49 by general fertility rate and expressing quotient as maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.
d/ Not applicable e/ Covers adults aged 20 years old and over
f/ Weight-for-age g/ Height-for-age h/ Weight-for-height
i/ It is based on the vaccination card or the mother's report. All vaccinations include Bacillus, Calmette-Guerin (BCG), measles, three doses each of the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT), polio and Hepatitis- B vaccine
(either Hepa-B0, B1 and B2 or Hepa-B1, B2 and B3); excludes HiB vaccine.
j/ The estimates cover remittances during six months prior to survey of overseas Filipinos whose departure occurred within the last five years and who are working or had worked abroad during the past six months (April to
September) of the survey period.
Sources of data:
FHS - Family Health Survey Official Poverty Statistics for the Basic Sectors
FLEMMS - Functional Literacy, Education, and Mass Media Survey SOF- Survey on Overseas Filipinos
LFS - Labor Force Survey Updating of the Nutritional Status of Filipino Children and Other Population Groups
NDHS- National Demographic and Health Survey
Source agencies:
CHED - Commission on Higher Education
Fact Sheet
on Women and Men in the
www.psa.gov.ph March ___, 2017 FS-201703-PHDSD-01
FNRI- Food and Nutrition Research Institute
TESDA - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Indicator Women Men Ref. Period / Source
Family Income and Expenditures
Average Annual Income by sex of Household Head (in thousands)k/ PhP 284 PhP 262 2015/ FIES, PSA

Average Annual Expenditures by sex of Household Head PhP 226 PhP 211 2015/ FIES, PSA
(in thousands)k
Average Annual Savings by sex of Household Head (in thousands) k/ PhP 58 PhP 50 2015/ FIES, PSA

No. of Holders of Emancipation Patent (EP) 57,424 358,281 as of Dec. 2015/DAR
No. of Holders of Cert. of Land Ownership Agreement (CLOA) 653,945 1,342,509 as of Dec. 2015/DAR
Public Life
Proportion of Occupied Elective Positions (%) 21.5 78.5 2013 and 2016/COMELEC
Number of Elected Women and Men by Position 3,693 13,458 2013 and 2016/COMELEC
President 0 1 2016/COMELEC
Vice-President 1 0 2016/COMELEC
Senators 4 8 2013/COMELEC
Senators 2 10 2016/COMELEC
Congressmen 68 170 2016/COMELEC
Governors 19 62 2016/COMELEC
Vice-Governors 14 66 2016/COMELEC
Mayors 377 1,248 2016/COMELEC
Vice-Mayors 322 1,303 2016/COMELEC
Sangguniang Panlungsod and Bayan 2,888 10,588 2016/COMELEC
Total Number of Elected, by Sex COMELEC
1998 2,810 14,593
2001 2,999 14,480
2004 2,922 14,651
2007 3,040 14,442
2010 3,305 14,498
2013 3,580 14,331
2016 3,849 14,092
Trade and Industry
Services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Program Related Services
Number of Trainees per Activity: 2016 Number of Beneficiaries: 2016
Activity Total Women Men Program Total Women Men
Product design related 3,462 2,241 1,221 National Industry Cluster 8,060 4,559 3,501
Capacity Enhancement Proj.
Export related trainings 35,876 20,353 15,523 Project (NICCEP)
Comprehensive Agrarian
All other trainings (PTTC) 11,495 7,642 3,853 Reform Program (CARP)
Total 50,833 30,236 20,597 Farmer-beneficiaries 842,519 443,201 399,318
Business Name Registration: as of December 2016 Landowners 118 58 60
New Business Name 556,620 297,387 259,233 Trade Related Technical 1,793 1,100 693
Assistance (TRTA3) Project
Business Name Renewal 23,174 9,849 13,325 Total 852,490 448,918 403,572
Millennium Development Goals, Goal 3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
Target 3.A Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005 and to all levels of education no later than 2015
Target Latest Data
Indicator Baseline
2015 2012 2013 2014 2015
3.1a - Ratio of girls to boys in primary education 1.0
(1996) 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0

3.1a.1 Ratio of girls to boys in elementary 1.0

participation rates (1996) 1.0 1.0 1.0

3.1b - Ratio of girls to boys in secondary education 1.1

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
3.1b.1 Ratio of girls to boys in secondary 1.2
participation rates (1996) 1.0 1.1 1.2

3.1c - Ratio of girls to boys in tertiary education 1.3

(1993) 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

3.2 - Share of women in wage employment in the 40.1

non-agricultural sector (1990) 50.0 41.4 41.2 41.1 41.3

3.3 - Proportion of seats held by women in national 11.3

50.0 25.9
parliament (1992)
k/ Special computations made by the PSA Technical Staff using the 2012 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES).
Sources of data:
EBEIS - Enhanced Basic Education Information HEMIS - Higher Education Management Information System FIES - Family Income and Expenditures Survey
Source agencies:
COMELEC - Commission on Elections DepEd - Department of Education
DAR - Department of Agrarian Reform DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
Indicator Women Men Ref. Period/Source
Percent Share of Visitors, by Country of Residence 2015 Visitor Sample Survey/ DOT
Brunei 20.0 80.0
Cambodia 25.0 75.0
Indonesia 22.4 77.6
Laos 0.0 100.0
Malaysia 9.8 90.2
Myanmar 25.0 75.0
Singapore 16.3 83.7
Thailand 10.0 90.0
Vietnam 26.7 73.3
Social Welfare and Development
Total Number of Clients Served by DSWD 2016/DSWD
Children 57,762 53,590
Youth 46,032 32,157
Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) 142 1,636
Women 355,133 e/

Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) 2,828 2,913

Senior Citizens 76,174 38,099
Other Needy Adults ---
Violence against Women
Age Group
Forms of Violence
15-19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 Total
Reference Period/Source
Percentage of Women Age 15-49 Who Have Experienced Various Forms of Physical and Sexual Violence,
by Current Age
Physical violence 14.0 16.0 15.8 16.0 15.3 15.4 2013/ NDHS, PSA
Sexual violence 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.1 2013/ NDHS, PSA
Physical and sexual violence 2.6 3.8 4.6 4.9 4.8 4.2 2013/ NDHS, PSA
Physical or sexual violence 18.4 22.1 22.7 22.9 22.5 21.7 2013/ NDHS, PSA
Number of Women 2,214 1,888 1,473 2,864 2,524 10,963 2013/ NDHS, PSA

Inc. / Dec. No. of Cases Served by

No. of Cases Reported to PNP 2015 2016 2015 2016 Inc. / Dec. (%)
(%) DSWD
Total 41,049 40,684 (0.9) Total 531,974 354,435 (33.4)
Physical Injuries 25,363 23,775 (6.3) Physically Abused/ 544 399 (26.7)
Rape 1,904 1,897 (0.4) Maltreated/Battered
Acts of Lasciviousness 1,873 2,030 8.4 Sexually Abused 153 157 2.6
Threatsl/ 5,036 - - Sexually Exploited 155 274 76.8
Attempted Rape 645 551 (14.6) Illegal Recruitment 110 219 99.1
Incestuous Rape 32 127 296.9 In Detention - - --
Others 11,232 12,304 9.5 Armed Conflict 36 2 (94.4)
Othersm/ 4,777 4,688 (1.9)
Uncategorizedn/ 526,199 348,696 (33.7)
Child Abuse
Girls Boys
Number of Cases Served by DSWD
2015 2016 Inc. / Dec. (%) 2015 2016 Inc. / Dec. (%)
Total 2,983 (100.0) 1,391 (100.0)
Sexually Abused 1,140 1,013 (11.1) 7 32 357.1
Neglected 729 672 (7.8) 853 630 (26.1)
Physically Abused/Maltreated 172 131 (23.8) 134 99 (26.1)
Abandoned 327 348 6.4 338 392 16.0
Victims of Child Labor 28 16 (42.9) 7 5 (28.6)
Sexually exploited 111 124 11.7 6 25 316.7
Otherso/ 476 341 (28.4) 46 29 (37.0)
l/ In 2015, the WCPC designed a new Matrix of Reporting on Violence Against Women and Children and Trafficking in Persons (TIP), and only those Gender-Based Cases were included in the data. The crime of "Threat" was
not included for the reason that the suspect in this particular case does not choose the woman to be the victim because she is a woman, thus, it is being treated as commor or regular crime that falls under general investigation
and not under the concern of the women and children investigation (not gender-based case). The 2015 data on "Threat" case involving women victims was generated from the DIDM Crime Incident Reporting System (CIRS)

m/ Iother Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances (WEDC) served in the n/ These are clients provided with crisis intervention services at the Central Offiece and Field Offices'Crisis Intervention Unit (ICU) generally
residential and non-residential centers and community-based services. classified as WEDC.

o/ Includes victims of trafficking, illegal recruitment, in armed conflict and uncategorized cases of sexually abused and exploited children.

Sources of data:
NDHS - National Demographic and Health Survey VSS - Visitor Sample Survey Administrative reports of PNP and DSWD
Source agencies:
DOT - Department of Tourism DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development PNP - Philippine National Police
The Filipino Youth
Populationa/ Health and Lifestylep/
Age Group Women Men Ref. Period/Source Perception on body weight Women Men Ref. Period/Source
15-19 years old 4.9M 5.2M 2017/ Popn Proj., PSA Chubby, fat or obese 17.9 6.7 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
20-24 years old 4.8M 5.0M 2017/ Popn Proj., PSA Just right or normal 62.9 72.6 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
25-29 years old 4.3M 4.5M 2017/ Popn Proj., PSA Skinny or thin 19.2 20.7 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
Media Exposurep/ Consumption of junk food
Indicator Women Men Ref. Period/Source (at least once a week)
Own a cellular phone 81.0 76.0 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Instant noodles 62.2 64.3 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
Use the internet 61.0 57.0 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Carbonated drinks 64.1 71.5 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
Have an email account 55.0 49.0 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Sexual Behaviorp/
Have a social netwroking
56.0 50.0 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Indicator Women Men Ref. Period/Source
Have a personal blog 2.0 2.0 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Exposed to pornographic/ sexually-
28.8 32.7 explicit materials (%)
Have online friends (but
2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
not met personally)
Have textmates (but not 27.4 41.2
2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Ever read pornographic materials 28.4 43.1 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
met personally)
Ever watched pornographic
Teenage Fertilityp/ movies/videos
38.1 75.8 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI

% of Females Visited websites with sexually-explicit

Indicator Ref. Period/Source 5.1 26.4 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
(aged 15 - 19 years old) contents

Who are mothers 11.0 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI Sent or received sex videos through 10.6 34.5 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
cellphone or internet (%)
Who are pregnant with
2.6 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI 28.7 35.5 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
first child Engaged in Premarital Sex (PMS, %)
Who have begun Did not use any form of protection during 83.8 73.4
13.6 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI the first PMS (%) 2013/ YAFS4, UPPI
Women and Men Among ASEAN Countries q/

Ratio of
Girls to
Adult Literacy Rates/ Net enrolment ratio in Secondary Life Expectancy at Birth in %
Population (000) r/
Boys in
in % Schools
Country Secondary

(2014) (2014) (2013) (2014)

Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
Brunei Darussalam 198 214 96.9 98.3 - - 89 78.8 75.9
Cambodia 7,748 7,436 71.8 84.8 - - - - -
Indonesia 125,450 126,715 94.1 97.6 72.1 69.4 - - -
Lao PDR 3,405 3,404 72.8 87.1 - - - - -
Malaysia 14,667 15,594 - - 94.1 88.3 - - -
Myanmar 26,662 24,824 - - - - - - -
Philippines 49,495 50,385 - - - - - - -
Singapore 1,968 1,902 94.9 98.6 99.2 99.5 100.0 84.9 80.5
Thailand 35,129 33,481 96.7 96.6 - - - - -
Viet Nam 45,971 44,758 93.0 96.4 - - 95.0 76.0 70.6
ASEAN 310,694 308,714

p/ The Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFS) Study is a series of national surveys on the Filipino youth, conducted since 1982 by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the Demographic Research and
Development Foundation. It gathers data from Filipino youth aged 15-24 years old. It is one of the sources of information on sexual and non-sexual risk behaviors and its determinants in the country.

q/ Based on the 2015 ASEAN Statistical Yearbook

r/ Singapore population count used the Singapore residents structure and total residents. The Total ASEAN population count exclude Singapore's non-resident's population.
s/ Adult literacy rate refers to 15+; For Brunei Darussalam, aged 9 and above. ' - ' not applicable at the time of publication

Source of data: Source agencies:

YAFS - Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study UPPI - University of the Philippines Population Institute

For more updates on statistics and civil registration, you may visit the following:
PSA website: www.psa.gov.ph
PSA Library: 5th Flr., PSA-CVEA Bldg., PSA Complex, East Ave., Diliman, Quezon City (Tel. 462-6600 local 833, 834)
PSA Serbilis sa Radyo: DZRB-Radyo ng Bayan (738 kHz) every Saturday from 6:15 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Compiled by:
Tel. No. (02) 376 - 1991
E-mail: info@psa.gov.ph

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