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Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying (PDQS)

ICBT Campus Sri Lanka

Programme Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying Unit 01 JACS Code K240

Module Number PDQS R01 Module Title Professional Communication &

negotiation skills for Quantity
Surveying practice
Credit Value 10 Module Level H2 Module Value 1.0

Assessment Final Assessment Assessment Weighting 100%

Assignment Title Underpin professional communication skills and approaches of negotiation to

deal with various parties to the construction contract in different stages of the
Lecturer Vathsala Somachandra
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Facilities Management, UOM
AMIFM, APGBCSL, MPhil (Reading)
Student Name Student Number

Handed Over on 30/09/2016 Due Date 08/10/2016

Date Submitted Pass/ Re-Submission

Course Leader Ms. Vathsala Somachandra

Module Leader Ms. Vathsala Somachandra

Internal Verifier Ms. Charuni Wijerathne Date Verified 27/09/2016

Developed by The Department of Engineering and Construction of ICBT Campus

Final Grade Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Initial Assessor

Assessors Signature Date Assessed

2nd Assessor


International College of Business and Technology2016/17

Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying (PDQS)
ICBT Campus Sri Lanka

Developed by the Department of Engineering & Construction

PART 01:
Ali Bin Salem (ABS) Contracting Company is one of the leading Contracting Company in Dubai,
providing a high quality, reliable and prestigious projects in the Building Industry like Commercial
& Residential multi story buildings, Hospitals, Factories, Auditoriums and etc.

ABS has a team of qualified and experienced engineers and skilled professionals who have the
capabilities to meet all requirements in the scope of work and execution. ABS is planning to
conduct a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) session for their employees. The main
objective of this session is to enhance communication & negotiation skills of middle and low level
employees of the company and also to train them to deal with various parties in the construction
contract, those who came across in different stages of the project.

Assume yourself as the Commercial Manager of the company and also you are appointed as the
main organizer of this event.

TASK 01:

Prepare a Project Proposal for the above mentioned CPD session to get the approval from the
CEO of ABS. Your Project Proposal should be according to the below criteria.

1. Cover Page
2. Background and justification of the project
3. Objectives of the project
4. Expected results of the project
i. Expected project results
ii. Project activities and work plan
iii. Project Beneficiaries
iv. Implementing agent management of project
5. Project implementation and management
6. Project budget

Developed by the Department of Engineering & Construction

International College of Business and Technology2016/17
Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying (PDQS)
ICBT Campus Sri Lanka

Under Project activities and work plan in Expected results of the Project (Activity 4. ii.) you
should clearly discuss key areas to be addressed in the training session by considering the
requirements of different categories of employees in the company.

TASK 02:

Write an official E-mail for all the participants of this CPD session, conveying the message
regarding the CPD while inviting them for the event.

PART 02:
ABS Consultant Company currently extend their highest contribution the project of developing
two mega palaces at Jumeirah for Sheikh Makhtoom Hasher. The consultant is advising for the
client to include Sustainable Building Design Principles for the two palaces.

The main argument from the consultant behind this advice is Sustainable Design Principles seek
to reduce negative impacts on the environment, health and comfort of building occupants, thereby
improving the building performance. Utilization of a sustainable design philosophy encourages
decisions at each phase of the design process, without compromising the bottom line. It is an
integrated, holistic approach that encourages compromise and tradeoffs. Such an integrated
approach positively impacts all phases of a building's life-cycle, including design, construction,
operation and decommissioning.

Therefore the consultant is proposing to allocate the following Sustainable Design Principles;

Green Roof
Solar and wind power system
Small scale waste water treatment plant
Indoor vertical garden

But the client is very much keen on the initial cost, buildability, practical issues those can be
encountered in implementing and operating stages, end user satisfaction and operational and
maintenance cost.

Developed by the Department of Engineering & Construction

International College of Business and Technology2016/17
Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying (PDQS)
ICBT Campus Sri Lanka

TASK 01:

Provide the arguments from the consultant point of view.

TASK 02:

Provide the arguments from the client point of view.

TASK 03:

Analyze both views and conclude the decision in a win-win manner.

Developed by the Department of Engineering & Construction

International College of Business and Technology2016/17
Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying (PDQS)
ICBT Campus Sri Lanka


On completing this course successfully the learner will be able to:

Identify & demonstrate various method & tools of professional communication with parties
to the contract in different phases of the project,
Understand and asses requirement of negotiation skills & effective approaches of
negotiation with parties to the contract in different phases of the project as a quantity
surveying professional,
Analyze diplomatic strategies of negotiation with parties to the contract in different phases
of a construction contract.

The assessment should be prepared in an Analytical Report format and the preparation of the report
requires the student to undertake a process of investigative nature and present in a report of 3000 words
(10% +/-). Autonomy of this process shall be reflected by the structured use of referencing using Harvard

Content / coverage of the topic (Part 01 & 02)

Part 01
Task 01 - Project Proposal
Format of the Project Proposal 10
Body of the Project Proposal 10
Project activities and work plan 10
Task 02 - official E-mail
Forma and Language 10

Part 02
Task 01 - Arguments from the consultant point of view
Arguments with proper justifications 10
Task 02 - Arguments from the client point of view
Arguments with proper justifications 10
Task 03 - Concluded the decision
Analysis of both views 10
Conclude the decision in a win-win manner 10
Structure of the Report 10
References 10
Total 100 Marks

Pass mark of the assessment is 40%

Developed by the Department of Engineering & Construction

International College of Business and Technology2016/17
Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying (PDQS)
ICBT Campus Sri Lanka


Paper Size : A4
Word Count : 3000 words (10% +/-)
Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch 25 mm
Binding Margin : Inch 12 mm
Header and Footer : 1 Inch
Printing : Single Sided
Basic Font Size : 12
Line Spacing : 1.5
Font Style : Times New Roman
Submission : Soft copy submission


The assignment should be submitted as a SOFT COPY in a word format via ICBT
SIS on or before the due date.

Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you
produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some

All sources of information must be referenced using Harvard referencing where a

reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment.

Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that you
can hand over the assignment. No late submissions are allowed.

Retrieval of module failure shall be by re-submission of a revised course work.

Formative feedback will be directly linked to the form of assessment & in-class
activities which enables learners to revise and/or improve the content of final

You will receive individual feedback upon your assessed work - together with a generic
feedback upon the performance of the group as a whole.

Developed by the Department of Engineering & Construction

International College of Business and Technology2016/17

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