Tutorial 6 - Regression

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1. The internal recruitment board of a company wants to recruit new

employees. Before recruitment, the company recruitment board
examines different categories of qualification of its employees. The
table given below indicates the four categories of qualification and the
gender of the employees.
a. if an employee of the company is selected at random:
b. What is the prob. That he is a male or a graduate?
c. What is the prob. That she is a female or a postgraduate?
d. What is the probability that the employee is a matriculate or a
e. What is the probability that the employee is a postgraduate or a
Male Female Total

Matriculat 110 80 190

Graduates 60 80 140
Postgradu 40 50 90
phDs 10 15 25
total 220 225 445

2. In a Maruti Car Showroom, there are 10 white, 5 blue and 10 silver

coloured Maruti-800 cars. A Maruti-800 car is selected at random and it
was not a silver coloured car. What is the probability that it was of blue

3. Given below are the weekly wages of 6 workers : 62, 90, 78, 85, 79 and
68. If 2 of these workers are selected at random to serve as
representatives, what is the probability that at least one will have a
wage lower than average?

4. A study of job satisfaction was conducted for four occupation: Cabin

maker lawyer, doctor and systems analyst. Job satisfaction was
measured on a scale of 0-100. The data obtained are summarized in the
following table:

Occupatio Under 50 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89

Cabin 0 2 4 3 1
Lawyer 6 2 1 1 0
Doctor 0 5 2 1 2
Systems 2 1 4 3 0
a. what is the probability of one of the participants studied had a
satisfaction score in 80s?
b. what is the probability of a satisfaction score in the 80s, given the
study participant was a doctor?
c. what is the prob. that one of the participants studied was a lawyer?
d. what is the prob. that one of the participants was a lawyer and
received a score under 50?
e. what is the probability of a satisfaction score under 50 given a
person is a lawyer?
f. what is the probability of a satisfaction score of 70 or higher?

5. A company uses three different assembly lines A1, A2 and A3 to

manufacture a particular component. Of those manufactured by line A1,
there are 5% that need rework to remedy a defect, whereas 8% of A2s
components need rework and 10% of A3s need rework. Suppose that
50% of all components are produced by line A1, while 30% are produced
by line A2 and 20% come from the line A3. What is the probability that a
randomly selected component?
1. Came from line A1 and needed rework?
2. Needed rework?
3. Came from line A2, given that it needed rework?
4. Came from line A3 and needed rework?

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