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Frase..because none of the
products can escape from the pressure vessel and it is infinitely stif

the temperature in the vessel is given by

where T initial temperature, T3 final temperature ,Q heat of explosion Cv

average specific heat of the gas over the temperature range

n number of moles of the ith component.

average specifie of the ith component
over the temperature range

in this calculation, the average specifie hear over the range from the inicial
borehole temperature(usually about 300k) to the final borehole temperature
is used. these values are given in table11.7

the other quantity of interst is the pressure in the vessel. at ordinary

temperatures and pressures, the ideal gas law applies

moles of gas per

this is used when n is expressed in that the

it is to be noted that the universal gas constant has been given a subscript.
the reason for this is that it will be used with two diferent sets of units in
this book and by using the subscripts it is hoped that this will make it easier
for the reader to follow
because of the very high temperatures and pressures associated with the
explosion products, a cariable correction factor called the co-volume (a)
must be applied. the modified gas law equation becomes

where co-volume factor

the symbolis sometimes used in place of

values of the co-volume coefficient and are given in table 11.8

average ideal molar heat capacities, over the temperature range from 300

co-volume especifie volume relationships

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