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Name: Tuan Anh Hoang

ID: 28795806

BMS1031 Question Set (Assignment)

1. The cardiac output (flow rate) of 10 year old is 110 ml/s when doing moderate exercise.
a) What is speed (in m/s) of the blood through the aorta if the aorta has radius 0.52 cm?

Q = 110 ml/s r = 0.52 cm

Q = 0.00011 m/s r = 0.0052 m
A = r = 0.00008494866 m2

v= = 1.294899685 = 1.3 m/s

b) What pressure difference is required to produce this peak flow over a length of 4.0 cm of
the aorta? Assume the viscosity of blood is 0.0035 Pa s. Answer in units of Pa.

Q = 0.00011 m/s r = 0.0052 m L = 0.04 m = 0.0035 Pa s

P r 4
P = r4
= 53.63489819 Pa = 54 Pa

2. A cross-country skier ascends a peak and rises 350 m vertically during the ascent. Her mass
including clothing skis, poles, shoes and backpack is 60 kg.

a) Find the minimum mechanical work needed to be done by the skier (neglect friction).

h = 350 m g = 9.8 m/s 2 m = 60 kg

W = m g h = 2.1x105 J

b) What is the metabolic rate needed, if the efficiency for this activity is 15% and it took 35
minutes to climb up that 350 m? (rate here means energy/time, i.e. power).

E = W/Efficiency = 1372000 J t = 35 min = 2100 sec

P= = 6.5x102 W

c) Neglecting friction, how much pure oxygen is required to climb the peak?

E = 1372000 J = 1372 kJ Energy equivalent of oxygen = 20.2 kJ/L

Pure O needed = 20.2 = 68 L

d) If the mean sliding friction force opposing motion of the skis when slid forward with each
stride is 4.5 N, how much energy is dissipated by friction in a distance of 1000 m
measured along the path?

Ffric = 4.5 N d = 1000m

Energy lost = Ffric d = 4500 J
Name: Tuan Anh Hoang
ID: 28795806

3. A persons hand exerts a force of 130 N down on the kitchen scales as in the diagram. The
arm is in equilibrium. Assume we can neglect the weight of the arm compared to other
forces acting on it.

a) Draw an arrow for the force Fs of the scales on the arm.


b) Write an equation for the torques on the forearm about the axis of the elbow joint. Fe is in
line with this axis.

= Fs Fm
= 0 = (0.33 130) (0.025 Fm)

c) Find the size of the force Fm, exerted by the triceps muscle on the forearm. Some distances
are shown on the diagram.

0 = (0.33 130) (0.025 Fm) = 42.9 (0.025 Fm)

Fm = = 1716 N
Fm = 1.7x103 N

d) Find the size of force Fe by the upper arm at the elbow.

0 = Fs Fm + Fe Fs = 130 N Fm = 1716 N
Fe = 130 + 1716 = 1846 N
Fe = 1.8x103 N
Name: Tuan Anh Hoang
ID: 28795806

4. We will model the behaviour of elastic arteries as they expand with each heartbeat, and
store energy. Assume a radius of r at the lower diastolic pressure P1, and length L, and an
inner surface area A for this cylindrical section. The blood pressure exerts a force F1 on that
surface area, and when the pressure increases to P2 (systolic) the force increases to F2 and
the radius increases to r + x.

a) Sketch a graph of force on the blood vessel surface A versus x, the increase in radius. Mark
and label a quantity corresponding to elastic potential energy due to increased blood


Potential Elastic Energy

b) Estimate this energy when the diastolic and systolic pressures are 10 kPa and 16 kPa,
respectively, L = 27 mm, r = 5.1 mm, and the increase in radius x = 0.5 mm.

P1 = 10 kPa = 10000 Pa P2 = 16 kPa = 16000 Pa

L = 27 mm = 0.027 m r = 5.1 mm = 0.0051 m = 0.5 mm = 0.0005 m
Force = Pressure Surface Area
SA1 = 2 0.027 0.0051 = 0.00086519461 m3 (diastolic)
SA2 = 2 0.027 (0.0051 + 0.0005) = 0.00095001761 m3 (systolic)
F1 = 10000 0.00086519461 = 8.6519461 N (diastolic)
F2 = 16000 0.00095001761 = 15.20028176 N (systolic)
PEelastic = (F1 + F2)
PEelastic = (8.6519461 + 15.20028176) 0.0005
PEelastic = 0.00596305696 J = 6.0x103 J

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