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Wycombe Wenches WI

Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 8pm

Meeting Minutes
1. Welcome (Dawn)

2. Apologies Elaine, Jan, Naomi, Rochelle, Marion B, Grainne, Donna,

Fiona, Gill A

3. Brief explanation of the evening. We will have speaker first followed by

Refreshment and WI business.

4. Our speaker was Tracey Blaney who instructed and guided us on how to make
fascinators for our hair. We had 24 fascinators sets so all could make a fascinator
except Chris B. We sat around tables to do our craft work.

There was no refreshment break as we needed lots of time to complete

our fascinators. Dawn reminded members sign in, to buy the raffle tickets
for the Easter Raffle (proceeds to WW funds) and that there are signup
sheets for many BFWI events and WW additional Activities including: -

a) Chelsea Physic Garden

b) D is for Dancing
c) Chemistry of a Cream Tea
d) County House Pimms & Ploughmans
e) Spring Walk
f) Sparkling Afternoon Tea
g) Day Trip to Blenheim
h) Winchester Christmas Market
i) Remind members that the Denman course brochure is on the table for their
perusal but not to be taken away. They can however, view the brochure online.
j) The bulb catalogue is on the table, please dont take away. Member just told to list
the items they want to order, money will need to be paid before the order goes in
(Instructions on making the order will be given next month)
k) NFWI annual raffle, 1 per ticket.

5. Refreshments lovely Easter cakes were provided by the refreshment team

6. WI Business: (Business was conducted whilst we continued making our

Minutes of last meeting A copy was the information table and on the
Additional Activities Judith reminded members to sign up for
many additional activities

Events in the last month

The Supper Club went to the Polecat- 13 members has an enjoyable evening
The Craft Group did quilling at Helens
The Book Club was at Dawns. Next meeting (May 30 th) will be a Jaynes. Details on
the news sheet
19 members went to the WI fair at Alexander Palace
2 teams represented WW at the BFWI Quiz on 23 rd March. Team A came in the top
half and Team B not far behind
Jan & Chris C attended the new speakers presentation meeting in Holmer Green

Book club, next meeting on May 30th will be at Jaynes. Details on the news sheet
Next Bake & Share on 26th May
Next Craft group 18th May. Members were reminded that if they wanted details to
ask Tracey to be added to the list


BFWI newsletters, for those who had paid, their copy was available on the table
Members were asked to look on the side for other sign-up sheets, some BFWI
events, like the Button Craft dont have sheets, you just need to turn up on the day
or let Stuart Lodge know you are going direct.
Join the BFWI Friends Club. Shares cost 15
We have been asked to send two members to the Speakers Sub-Committee on 8 th
May at Stuart lodge.

Raffle tickets, for the National Raffle, were on Traceys table and at the bulb
catalogue was on the side.

10. AOB

The WI Resilience Scheme 2017/2018. Dawn has entered our team of

Tracey, Jan & Chris B

There will be no WW news next month as Chris will have been on holiday

Buck County Show on 31st August. Members were encouraged to submit

entries to some of the completions, e.g. bake a sponge. Details to follow.

The tablecloth was given to Lyn so could embroider her name on it

The Easter raffle prizes were won by Katy, Marion H, Jeanette & Sue R. Sue
donated her prize to be given to Sylvia (Dawn will deliver the lovely basket
of goodies).

Liz H brought to our attention the fact that there were gaps for June & July
on the meeters & greeters list and the refreshment list and asked members
to look at the list to see if they could cover the gaps.

11. Next Meeting

10th May will be our resolutions meeting.

There will be a produce sale next month (Linda is growing tomato plants &
Dawn will make jam)

We will have a card to sign for Sylvia

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