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Best Work Reflection

During my 4 years in Carson high I have completed many tasks and assignments

demonstrating my developing skills and abilities. While all of these pieces of work have

a lasting cumulative effect on my academic achievement, none of them are as important

as my time spent participating in SLC 2015. SLC stands for Senior Leadership Course

which took place in the woods of Camp Idyllwild and was a week long exercise where

the top candidates from MCJROTC programs around the U.S. compete while learning

about the core principles and meanings of being a leader.

We were divided into groups of 10 and were daily faced with challenges that

required effort from the whole team in order to be successful. This means that we all

required to take charge, formulate, and execute a plan while receiving input from your

followers. The beginning of this week was very difficult considering our groups were

formed before our arrival and designed so all members in your team would be

strangers. This meant that we had to connect and learn about each other, recognizing

strengths and weaknesses present in every individual in order to form a cohesive unit

capable of solving problems that no lone member could accomplish. Some of these

challenges included scaling a twenty-five foot vertical wall and securing and traversing a

rope across a chasm. During these activities many different plans and strategies were

tested and many failed, all of which taught us countless valuable lessons in the process.

One of the most important lessons I took from this exercise was how crucial it

was for a leader to listen to his subordinates because they too have ideas and theirs
just might be what you needed all along. This example of my work is a perfect

demonstration of my involved citizenship due to the presence of organising a team of

once strangers and leading them through numerous challenges. The number of skills

required to be victorious in this competition surpass anything I have ever done in the

classroom, due to the use of verbal communication, determination, problem solving, and

teamwork. It is with great pride that I am able to say that Carson High was victorious in

the competition although I do recognise that it would have been impossible without the

contribution of each and every member of my team.

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