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The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199

COTS-based software development: Processes and open issues

M. Morisio d,*, C.B. Seaman b,c, V.R. Basili a,c, A.T. Parra e, S.E. Kraft f, S.E. Condon e
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
Fraunhofer Center Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino 10129, Italy
Computer Sciences Corporation, Lanham, MD, USA
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Received 1 March 2001; received in revised form 1 July 2001; accepted 1 September 2001


The work described in this paper is an investigation of the COTS-based software development within a particular NASA en-
vironment, with an emphasis on the processes used. Fifteen projects using a COTS-based approach were studied and their actual
process was documented. This process is evaluated to identify essential dierences in comparison to traditional software develop-
ment. The main dierences, and the activities for which projects require more guidance, are requirements denition and COTS
selection, high level design, integration and testing. Starting from these empirical observations, a new process and set of guidelines
for COTS-based development are developed and briey presented.  2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Commercial o-the-shelf; COTS; Component-based; Empirical study; Software development process

1. Introduction [The marketplace is] characterized by a vast array

of products and product claims, extreme quality
The world of software development has evolved and capability dierences between products, and
rapidly in the last decade. In particular, the use of many product incompatibilities, even when they
commercial o-the-shelf (COTS) products as elements purport to adhere to the same standards (SEI over-
of larger systems is becoming increasingly common- view, see bibliography).
place, due to shrinking budgets, accelerating rates of
COTS enhancement, and expanding system require- As this change in practices is taking place, many ques-
ments, according to the Software Engineering Institute tions have arisen such as: how do we modify standard
(SEI description, see bibliography). The growing trend development practices to t this new development par-
toward systems congured of individual components adigm; what methods are now eective; how do we
has taken the original concept of reuse into a completely quantify the cost savings expected of COTS use;
dierent arena. It has also presented many challenges to and what metrics are worth collecting from COTS pro-
software developers attempting to enter this new arena. jects?
The SEI describes some of these: The term COTS is very generic; it can refer to many
dierent types and levels of software, e.g., software that
provides a specic functionality or a tool used to gen-
erate code. COTS may be one of the most diversely
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-011-564-7033; fax: +39-011-564- dened terms in current software development. For the
7099. purposes of this paper, the term COTS means a soft-
E-mail addresses: (M. Morisio), cseaman@ (C.B. Seaman),,
ware product, supplied by a vendor, that has specic
(V.R. Basili), (A.T. Parra), functionality as part of a system a piece of prebuilt
(S.E. Kraft). software that is integrated into the system and must be

0164-1212/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 4 - 1 2 1 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 4 7 - 9
190 M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199

delivered with the system to provide operational func- in order to understand the challenges associated with
tionality or to sustain maintenance eorts. For the this type of development and to gather best practices
purposes of this paper, COTS-based is the term used to used on COTS projects. Using a solid understanding of
indicate component- or package-based development- the FDD project domain, history and environment, the
rapid conguration of software systems based on COTS SEL synthesized this information into a suggested pro-
packages, Government o-the-shelf (GOTS) packages, cess to be used to produce COTS-based systems in the
and some custom-built reusable packages. The term FDD. This initial process was then reviewed for feasi-
COTS project refers to a project that integrates COTS bility by key FDD software engineers who have had
packages and other software to develop a system. This is some experience with COTS. The resulting proposed
not to be confused with the development of COTS process (Parra et al., 1997) is shown in Fig. 1. The
packages that occurs at the vendor organization. process is sequential, with the high level phases: Re-
Section 2 describes the environment of the projects quirements, Design, and Coding. The square-cornered
we analyzed and the motivations for this study, Section boxes in the picture highlight COTS-related activities
3 describes the methodological approach we used in the performed in a phase. COTS identication belongs to
study, Section 4 presents the results of interviews, spe- the requirements phase, along with interaction with the
cically the COTS used and the COTS-based process in vendor. COTS selection belongs to the design phase,
use, and Section 5 presents a newly suggested COTS COTS integration and testing to the coding phase.
process. In parallel with the proposed process denition, sev-
eral COTS projects started at FDD. The SEL tried to
gain a greater understanding of these projects by look-
2. Background ing at their eort data. It soon became clear, however,
that these data was inadequate to tell the entire story of
The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL), a joint what was occurring on COTS projects. One shortcoming
academic/industry/government institution known for of the data collection at that time was that the tradi-
empirical study of software development practice, pro- tional activities listed on the data collection form were
vides local guidance to NASA/Goddard Space Flight too general to elicit useful data specic to COTS-
Center (GSFC) projects, based on empirical ndings, as based development activities. One indication of this was
well as serving as a model for process improvement for the disproportionately large amount of eort listed as
the global software development community. Other on COTS projects. Further, these data were not
The Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) at NASA/ sucient to identify and understand the new issues
GSFC, which until recently has been responsible for the arising from the use of COTS packages in FDD pro-
development of large amounts of ground support soft- jects. As a consequence, it was decided to study these
ware for NASA satellites, has been studied by the SEL projects at a much deeper level, using new research tools
for more than two decades. In the 1980s and 1990s, the to gather and interpret qualitative, and not only quan-
FDD achieved eective software reuse levels as high as titative, data.
90%. This trend has gradually evolved into COTS-based The reader will not be surprised to know that the
software development. Realizing that COTS-based actual COTS process used by the projects observed was
development represents a signicant shift in the way radically dierent from the suggested process. This
the FDD does business, the SEL decided to update paper is dedicated to describing the actual COTS pro-
its guidelines on recommended practice and processes cess used, issues raised by project members, and a new
(NASA/SEL, 1992). Unlike previous SEL activities, this process dened to address and resolve these issues.
eort was in response to something that was already
happening in the development community in the FDD.
Projects began using COTS components in their sys-
tems, in part due to pressure from NASA management,
without guidance from the SEL. Thus, the SEL was
reacting to this new technology rather than proactively
studying it and monitoring its introduction into the
According to the Quality Improvement Paradigm
(Basili et al., 1994), the study is an iteration of under-
standing, experimenting and packaging phases. During
the last few months of 1995, the SEL designed an initial
COTS-based process. Because the FDD had limited
experience developing COTS-based systems at that time,
the SEL looked at experiences of outside organizations Fig. 1. The proposed COTS process.
M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199 191

3. Study design asked the interviewee to clarify parts of the interview as

needed and asked any questions from the interview
The goal of the observational study was to learn guide that may have been inadvertently omitted by the
about how COTS-based development is carried out in interviewer. Second, prior to nalizing the interview
the FDD, and to provide recommendations on how it notes, the interviewer reviewed them for concurrence.
could be conducted better. The interview data were analyzed in several ways to
The main investigation tool used in this study was the extract a variety of dierent types of information. Dif-
structured interview, because of the need to understand ferent study team members reviewed the interview notes,
the existing de facto and possibly unstructured process, each concentrating on gaining an understanding of a
with its issues and problems. dierent aspect of COTS-based development. At the
From the high level goal of the study, a number of same time, the interview notes were also analyzed
questions and measures were derived, using the GQM using a method loosely based on the constant compar-
approach (Basili and Weiss, 1984). Questions were or- ison method (Miles and Huberman, 1994; Glaser and
ganized into structured interviews to be held with pro- Strauss, 1967), a rigorous qualitative analysis method
ject managers and sta of COTS projects. The GQM used to identify trends and consensus in textual data.
decomposition and the interview guides can be found in This type of analysis led to ndings about the process
(NASA/SEL, 1998, NASA/SEL, 1999; Parra et al., steps followed in COTS-based development and the
1997). In short, the interviews were aimed at charac- main advantages and disadvantages of using COTS.
terizing the projects, the COTS used, and the process
used. Overall, interviews were conducted with 25 rep-
resentatives from 15 projects. 4. Results of interviews
The interviews were conducted by teams composed of
two study team members. One team member served as 4.1. Projects and COTS
the interviewer and the second as the scribe. The inter-
viewers responsibilities included conducting the inter- More than 30 COTS packages were used by one or
view using the interview guide as an outline, posing more of the 15 projects contacted during this study.
open-ended questions to the interviewee, and following Several COTS packages, such as the Satellite ToolKit,
up as appropriate to gather as much information as was were used by several projects. Some projects were using
reasonable. one or two COTS products, while others used more.
The scribes two main responsibilities were: (1) to One project used as many as 13 individual COTS. COTS
keep notes on the information covered in the interview were used to build ground support systems, as well as
to enable the interviewer to concentrate on facilitating assist in a platform transition from mainframe to
the interview process and (2) to document the interview workstation that all ight dynamics systems underwent.
in a structured textual manner following the basic out- COTS used ran the gamut from a COTS product that
line of the interview guide. The scribe usually spent some completes the entire function of a telemetry processor,
time after the interview to write detailed notes on all of to fourth-generation languages that must be delivered
the interviewees responses, based on notes taken during with the system to maintain it.
the interview. Table 1 lists a sample of COTS used by projects in-
When collecting qualitative data, verication steps terviewed. The list is not exhaustive and is meant to give
are crucial. Two quality checks were built into this a better idea of the types of products used. COTS can be
procedure. First, at the end of the interview, the scribe categorized as domain-specic (orbit determination and

Table 1
A sample of COTS used by projects
COTS name Domain/functionalities
STK Satellite Tool Kit Orbit determination and mission planning
Labview Data acquisition, analysis and visualization
Autocon Orbit determination
Altair Mission Control System Mission Control
Probe Data analysis
GensAs (GOTS) Spacecraft monitoring, commanding, fault detection and isolation
GTDS (GOTS) Orbit determination
Builder Xcessory, X-Software, Shared-X, Visual Optimization package, GUI, GUI builders
X Runner
Matlab Computing environment, data visualization, application develop-
192 M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199

mission control) or generic. Most of the COTS used 4.2.1. Requirements analysis
could be classied as domain-specic. Among generic The earliest steps in COTS-based development are
COTS, the subcategories are databases, data acquisi- similar to traditional development-requirements gath-
tion, analysis and visualization, GUI builders, net- ering and analysis. In the requirements phase a strong
working and middleware. emphasis is on gathering external information. Much of
All of the projects were from the traditional domain this information comes from separate organizations.
of NASA Goddards FDD, that is to say, ground soft- Some project requirements are predened, with minimal
ware dedicated to controlling satellite orbit, attitude and requirements analysis needed.
communication with earth. The 15 projects ranged from Glueware and interfaces, as dictated by the system
29 to 300 KSLOC, with the size gure including only architecture, operating system and hardware, are iden-
code developed and excluding COTS code. tied. These can be seen as specic requirements im-
Carney (1997) identies three types of COTS-based posed by the COTS used.
systems based on the number of COTS used and their The requirements activity changes considerably as
inuence on the nal system. Turnkey systems are compared to traditional development. Projects reported
built around a (suite of) commercial products such as that, with COTS, not all requirements are equal. Some
Microsoft Oce or Netscape Navigator. Only one are free or are provided by the COTS. Some are not
COTS is used, and customization does not change the immediately available, but can be worked out with
nature of the initial COTS. Intermediate systems are reasonable extensions and add-ons. Others are incom-
built around one COTS (e.g. Oracle) but integrate other patible with the COTS. Satisfying these requirements
components, commercial or developed in-house. Finally can become time consuming. Sometimes projects com-
other systems are built by integrating several COTS, all plained about not being able to negotiate these re-
on the same level of importance. In our case projects fell quirements. The eort spent to satisfy these hard
into the second and third categories. requirements can outweigh the eort saved with free
or easy requirements.
4.2. The actual COTS process
4.2.2. System requirements review
Although not every team followed all of the steps This review closes the requirements phase. This rst
outlined below, a composite process ow emerged from verication step is aimed at checking the completeness
the interview data. and feasibility of system requirements. Early reviews of
Below we describe the steps and quality checkpoints the requirements are crucial, even with a less formal
in the overall process, as shown in Fig. 2. process.

Fig. 2. The actual COTS process.

M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199 193

4.2.3. Package identication, evaluation/selection the non-COTS development that comes into play in the
COTS identication consists of Web searches, prod- design review.
uct literature surveys and reviews, identication of other After the design review, whether it is formal or in-
reusable system components, and recommendations formal, traditional non-COTS development continues in
from external sources. Product information is kept in a parallel with the coding of the glueware and the inter-
central justication notebook or in an evaluation note- faces. This activity does not really require any new skills
book. In most cases, this is a physical, paper-based, or tasks, but it is sometimes forgotten when eort and
binder that contains spreadsheets comparing dierent resources are allocated at the beginning of the project.
alternative COTS products on various criteria. Dierent In other words, it must be included in the project plan
project members charged with evaluating COTS prod- along with the COTS-related work.
ucts from dierent perspectives enter the relevant in-
formation in these spreadsheets as they complete their 4.2.7. Write glueware and interfaces
evaluations. In many projects, one team member or a Projects reported, in this phase, less coding and de-
small task force of team members is charged with col- bugging than in the traditional process, and as a con-
lecting information on COTS products and keeping the sequence less unit testing and inspections. Close contact
notebook. Not only are product evaluation notes kept, with the vendor technical sta or a competent Help
but subjective comments concerning vendor quality and Desk is essential during this development.
responsiveness are also kept.
As COTS are identied, the evaluation and selection 4.2.8. Integration and test
processes begin. COTS evaluation steps mentioned in Projects reported spending a lot of eort in integra-
the interviews included prototyping, vendor demon- tion, and encountering problems during it. Actually for
strations, and in-depth review of the literature such as many projects integration was the activity that con-
manuals and user guides. Vendor training sites and sumed the most eort.
availability are considered. Procurement issues surface The integration step varies a great deal from project
such as development fees for added requirements, li- to project, depending on which and how many COTS
censing and maintenance fees, and sustaining engineer- products are being used. At system integration and
ing support. testing the COTS packages are treated as black boxes.
The teams commented that testing focused on the in-
4.2.4. Identify glueware and integration requirements terface glueware and the format and correctness of the
This step, although it is the activity that most closely input les. Again, the importance of availability of the
resembles design in a traditional development process, vendor technical sta or Help Desk was emphasized.
is less a problem of decomposition (nding the right Testing is usually conducted piece-by-piece, as each
decomposition that best satises the requirements) and software component is integrated.
more a problem of composition and integration (nding
the best way to integrate COTS that satises the re-
quirements). That is, it is more of a bottom-up process, 4.2.9. Target system installation and acceptance test
where developers attempt to put together COTS prod- Unlike the traditional life cycle, no formal acceptance
ucts like building blocks, until all requirements are met. testing or operational readiness reviews were mentioned
As a result, gaps are identied where the chosen con- by the teams. The development team installs the soft-
guration of COTS products leaves some requirements ware on the target system. It seemed that the develop-
unfullled. At the same time, all interfaces are identied. ment teams felt that the systems being built relied
enough on pre-tested components that the reliability of
4.2.5. System design review the system as a whole could be assured. Since none of
This second verication step deals with system de- these systems had yet reached the maintenance stage, it
sign. Only some teams held it formally, but all teams cannot be said whether or not this assumption held up.
mentioned some mechanism to apprise the customer of
the design. 4.2.10. Discrepancy resolution
Once installed, navigational training to familiarize
4.2.6. Non-COTS development the customer with the system is conducted. During this
Some projects reported that a signicant part of the phase, a member of the development team is the single
project eort was still spent on traditional development point-of-contact or intermediary between the customer
that did not depend on COTS. This development begins and the vendor. This person is responsible for reporting
in parallel with the early COTS-related steps, as in a discrepancies, and handling software patches or cor-
traditional development project. Non-COTS cost and rections. Interviewees mentioned that software patches
schedule are monitored. There is a bi-directional infor- were placed on vendor Web sites that were downloaded
mation ow between the COTS-based process ow and to the target system.
194 M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199

4.2.11. Sustaining engineering In summary, COTS projects were obliged to follow a

At the time of this study, none of the participating process quite dierent from traditional projects, with
projects had reached this stage of the process, so we can more eort put into requirements, test and integration,
only speculate about the nature of sustaining engineer- and less into design and code. We can identify three
ing (or maintenance). types of dierences.

4.3. Process insights New activities: product evaluations, product famil-

iarization, vendor interaction (both technical and
The study team discovered more complexity in the non-technical). The related new roles are the COTS
current practice than that expected in theory. This is evaluation team, and a team member responsible
clear when comparing Fig. 1 (representing the process for interactions with the vendor.
the study team expected to nd) and Fig. 2 (the process Reduced activities: coding, debugging, unit testing,
that emerged from the interview data). code inspections.
For example, it had been expected that vendor in- Modied activities: design focused more on how to t
teraction would be simple, and would end with the pieces together rather than the internal workings of
purchase of a product. In reality, the interaction con- dierent modules. Architecture issues (compatibility,
tinues throughout the life cycle and the ow of infor- congurability and integrability) must be considered.
mation is not merely one way. We found a strong These dierences have several implications.
dependence on bi-directional information ow. Projects New activities require new professional skills and
reported that they needed to interact with the vendor guidance. This means, for example, that employees
during all phases. This activity consumes eort, and it is must either be trained in the administrative, commer-
important to allocate time for it when planning. Fur- cial, and other non-technical issues that come up dur-
ther, there are two kinds of interaction: technical (to ing vendor interaction or be given the necessary
understand the functionality of the COTS, to under- support to handle these concerns with the vendor.
stand how to use the packages, to solve integration Other such new skills include COTS evaluation and
issues, etc.) and non-technical (such as procurement, li- integration.
censing, pricing, and negotiations in general). Projects Traditional project estimation and tracking meth-
did not have the skills for non-technical interactions, ods are less eective on COTS projects, as during es-
and felt that this task was a burden. timation new activities tend to be overlooked or
There is also constant involvement with separate or- underestimated, and in tracking they are not re-
ganizations such as other projects using COTS, inde- ported, or are reported under the other category.
pendent evaluation teams, and other customers of the This is what happened in the early FDD COTS pro-
vendor. Another complication is that portions of the jects, all reporting an other eort well above aver-
COTS-based systems include traditionally developed age.
software. Processes tend to be looser. Because much of the
Many projects underlined the strict relationship be- standard SEL recommended process did not apply
tween requirements, design and COTS selection. Basi- to COTS-based development and schedules were very
cally, requirements and design choices both depend tight, project personnel felt free to loosen the process
on the COTS selected. Fig. 3 summarizes this concept, requirements.
showing that a decision on one vertex of the triangle
implies consequences on the other two vertices. This was 4.4. Major issues
often the biggest challenge for projects. The wrong se-
lection impacts all relevant project issues. And this Several observations reported can be summarized
choice has to be made early in the life cycle, with into two major issues: dependence on the vendor and
imprecise information. Further, sometimes the COTS exibility in requirements. These issues are seen as the
choice is dictated. price that a COTS project must pay, consciously or not,
for expected gains in schedule, eort and cost. Manag-
ing these tradeos is crucial to the success of a COTS
COTS-based development introduces a dependence on
the vendor, who ultimately makes all decisions on the
capabilities of the COTS product, the schedule for re-
leases, the architecture, the level of reliability, the doc-
umentation, and the service level. The purchaser usually
has little or no inuence on these issues as they aect the
Fig. 3. Relationship among COTS selection, requirements and design. application.
M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199 195

Some of the related problems identied by project 5. A new proposed COTS process
leaders were:
We present here (see Fig. 4) the new proposed process
Slippage in schedule because of delays in vendor re- for COTS-based projects developed by the SEL as a
lease of the COTS (typically the delay is between result of this study.
the beta version and the ocial release). The process is targeted at COTS-based projects using
Unavailable, incomplete, or unreliable documenta- several peer COTS or one COTS integrated with a
tion on the product. considerable amount of newly developed software. In
An unpredictable learning curve with the product. other words we exclude the case of adaptation of a single
Vaporware, i.e. functions that are promised but COTS (a turnkey system). The process covers only de-
never implemented. velopment. The SEL will extend it as soon as enough
Modications made by the vendor that alter the com- observations of maintenance processes will be available.
patibility of one COTS with other COTS or the rest We discuss phases and activities in Section 5.1. We
of system or introduce new bugs. For several reasons will concentrate on the dierences and enhancements as
the purchaser could be obliged to upgrade to the new compared with the actual process (Fig. 2). In Section
version even when such compatibility issues exist. 5.2, we discuss some of the broader process issues such
One-way communication with the vendor, with many as project management and roles/responsibilities.
questions but no answers.
5.1. Process phases and activities
The most commonly reported risk mitigation strate-
gies were: having a close relationship with the vendor; The main phases of the proposed process (repre-
and having a backup plan if the COTS fails (e.g. a sented as ovals in Fig. 4) are: requirements, design,
second choice COTS or internal development). In an- coding and integration. Activities specic to COTS-
other study of lessons learned from COTS usage, con- based development are depicted by circles in the upper
ducted by USC and Software Metrics (Clark, 2001), half of the diagram, while those not specic to COTS-
vendor-related problems were the most commonly cited based development are in the lower half.
COTS projects must also accept exibility in re- 5.1.1. Requirements
quirements. At the moment a COTS is selected, some Previously, COTS selection was performed at the
requirements are immediately satised, some other re- beginning of the design phase. Now, based on ndings
quirements become easy to implement, and others be- from the interviews and on actual processes, require-
come dicult if not impossible to obtain. Since the ments analysis and COTS selection are performed
typical goal of a COTS project is to reduce (cost, eort together. Further, new activities are added and key de-
or schedule) as compared with a traditional project, the cisions stressed. We list them in a logical order, while in
project must be ready to give up the latter category of practice many of them will be concurrent or iterative.
requirements. In other words, the COTS selected drives Make vs. buy decision I. Using or not COTS in a
the requirements to at least some extent. Some projects project is a key decision that impacts all subsequent
interviewed reported that they ended up writing (some- phases, and the success of the project. The decision
times rewriting) requirements after the COTS was se- should consider technical and non-technical issues.
lected. COTS selection has thus far been treated more as a
Others reported integration problems later in the managerial than a technical decision. Instead, technical
project when requirements and COTS selection were not sta should be empowered to make decisions regarding
coordinated upfront. Still others reported major con- COTS, as opposed to management dictates that a spe-
icts when they had little control over either system cic COTS shall be used. For many projects, COTS
requirements or COTS selection (i.e. one or the other or choices were made outside the project team, thus ig-
both were mandated from some other organizational noring the teams expertise and experience. Require-
unit). ments also often came from outside the team, and
On the other hand, sometimes functionality was dis- conicts between requirements and COTS functionality
covered in a COTS that was useful, even though the often occurred later in the project.
project had not originally planned to use it. Eectively For these reasons the make vs. buy decision should be
managing the tradeo between requirements and COTS recognized, formalized and justied. At this point, a rst
selection seems to be a key to avoiding problems make vs. buy decision can be made, considering only
downstream, and to realizing the benets of COTS. non-technical issues, the exibility in requirements and
Interestingly enough, in the above-cited study at USC the willingness to depend on the vendor. If any of these
(Clark, 2001), exibility in requirements was the second- prerequisites is not satised, the project should not use
most cited group of lessons learned from COTS usage. COTS.
196 M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199

Fig. 4. The new proposed COTS process.

Requirements denition. Requirements for the project vendor dependability, COTS dependability and other
are sketched out in brief detail. The goal is to guide the factors are an input for the risk model.
identication of COTS. When the domain of an appli- The feasibility study should be repeated for a product
cation is stable and well known, this activity could be without COTS (the make solution), and one (or more)
skipped, as the requirements and the COTS available products with a COTS. As an example, let us assume
are pretty familiar. that three variants of the product are studied, without
COTS identication and selection. COTS are identi- COTS, with COTS A, and with COTS B. In real cases
ed and evaluated using vendor documentation, re- more or fewer variants could be studied. Using dierent
views, peer experiences and suggestions. The goal of this combinations of COTS could be analyzed in the same
activity is to reduce the number of candidates to two way.
or three to be deeply evaluated. Clearly, the number of Make vs. buy decision II. At this point the make vs.
deep evaluations must be kept low for cost and schedule buy decision can be reviewed at a much deeper level of
reasons. detail. The attributes considered for the decision are the
COTS familiarization. The COTS selected above are requirements satised by a product variant, the esti-
actually used. The projects interviewed considered this mated cost, and the estimated risks. The algorithms used
activity essential to better understand the functionalities to guide the decision process come from Kontio (1996)
available (not just the ones claimed), their quality, and and Morisio and Tsoukias (1997). The result of this
architectural assumptions. decision is the product variant that will be developed,
Feasibility study. In this activity a product is de- including requirements and COTS selected. Each vari-
scribed at a level of detail sucient to make the second ant represents a dierent tradeo among requirements
make vs. buy decision (see below). The description satised, risks accepted and cost. This make vs. buy
should consist of a complete requirements denition, a decision analyzes in detail these tradeos.
high level architecture, an eort estimation, and a risk The process sketched above has several variants,
assessment model. The high level architecture allows the which are currently undergoing experimental validation
team to sketch dependencies among COTS, incompati- dedicated to understanding under what conditions each
bilities and integration eort (Yakimovich et al., 1999; variant is more suitable. In general, though, the process
Yakimovich et al., 1999). Integration eort is an input outlined above formalizes and stresses the importance of
for the eort estimation model, while incompatibilities, key activities and decisions in a COTS project.
M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199 197

The phase ends with a requirements review. Review- 5.2.1. Project management
ing requirements with the customer is a fundamental Project management is probably the most impacted
step in traditional software engineering. In COTS pro- of horizontal activities (i.e. activities performed
jects several decisions (COTS selection, requirements throughout the development process). Project estima-
satised) are made early, with limited information tion and tracking both have to consider new activities.
available. Therefore the requirements review becomes, if Estimating their duration is currently a complex task
possible, even more important. The review is guided by a due to the limited amount of existing experience and the
checklist covering the main decisions made in this phase, few estimation models available. Project estimation is
and the assumptions they are based on (risk, cost and performed using guidance from Yakimovich et al. (1999)
requirements). and Yakimovich et al. (1999) to build and calibrate local
estimation models, using the estimated amount of
5.1.2. Design glueware to be produced as a predictor of integration
Some parts of design (denition of high level archi- eort. Project tracking is easier to accomplish, as it only
tecture, analysis of integration issues) were anticipated requires modications to the eort accounting proce-
in the requirements phase. However, these activities are dures.
repeated here at a much lower level of detail, as all eort
is concentrated on fully designing the product variant 5.2.2. Roles
selected. We describe here new roles and responsibilities pe-
Design includes a high level design activity where one culiar to COTS projects. One role (the COTS team) is at
of the main concerns is dening the integration of COTS the organizational level, while the other is at the project
and newly developed software. This is particularly de- level.
manding when several COTS are involved, each one COTS team. A group or a person, depending on the
with, possibly, dierent architectural styles and con- size of the organization, should concentrate on the fol-
straints. lowing COTS-related skills and activities. Single projects
The phase ends with the COTS design review. This cannot aord to build these skills individually. The team
is a typical design review for the traditional part, but acts as a repository of history, knowledge and skills
covers other aspects too, essentially the decisions about about COTS, and oers them to projects as a consulting
architecture, COTS integration and glueware. At this activity.
point the make vs. buy decision is reviewed too. More
information is available now, essentially about the Evaluation and selection of COTS. Evaluations done
COTS selected and about integration issues. Risks, the by individual projects tend to be narrow in scope,
integration eort and overall cost are re-estimated and concentrating only on those packages with which
the decision re-assessed. It is possible that at this stage it the project team members are familiar. Furthermore,
becomes clear that integrating the selected COTS is unbiased evaluations require techniques and skills
impossible, requiring a loop back to the requirements that projects cannot have.
phase. History of COTS evaluations. These are organized in
an easily accessible catalogue of COTS known to the
5.1.3. Coding, integration organization, describing concisely the function pro-
Coding deals with parameterizing and possibly vided, vendor, cost, location, and projects using
modifying COTS, and writing glueware. Integration it. The real diculty of this task is the rapidity of
gradually puts the pieces together COTS, glueware changes in the market place that makes the catalogue
and traditionally developed software to assemble the rapidly obsolete. The COTS team should rely on the
nal application. The main decisions have been made in COTS evaluation notebooks from individual projects
the Requirements and Design phases, so Coding and as the input to this catalogue. However, the informa-
Integration are dedicated to implementing these deci- tion from the notebooks must be merged, summa-
sions. However, problems may be discovered. In this rized, and generalized by the COTS team in order
case the decisions could be reconsidered, with back- to provide a catalogue that is useful to the entire or-
tracking to Requirements and Design. ganization.
COTS usage. A project becomes more readily pro-
5.2. Cross-phase issues cient with a new COTS if it can access the experience
of other projects that used it in the past. The COTS
There are a number of issues that are relevant team normally does not have this experience, but
through all phases of the process. Two areas that are of can act as a contact point between projects.
particular interest when talking about COTS projects Procurement. Procurement of COTS requires admin-
are project management and the changes in roles and istrative, managerial and commercial support that is
responsibilities. missing in technical teams. The COTS team denes
198 M. Morisio et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 61 (2002) 189199

a repeatable process for vendor interaction. Part of models. The projects interviewed felt that eort and
the process is documentation of interactions with cycle time could be reduced in COTS projects, but
the vendor, an important record for the project man- compelling evidence is still missing, especially because
ager. no data from the maintenance phase of projects are
available yet.
Interface with vendor. A project should design a single Starting from the experience gained through the
point of contact with the vendor. The role is supported study, the SEL has dened a new proposed COTS
by the COTS team as far as non-technical, procurement process that tries to tackle the points listed above.
skills are needed. The role records all interactions with The new process denes in detail the phases where
the vendor and follows a dened and documented pro- COTS-based development is most challenging: require-
cess. The role is also essential to building a partnership ments, design and project management. In particular,
with the vendor, a key factor for success. the make vs. buy decision is formalized and guided,
considering the overall tradeo among cost, risks and
provided functionality. The high level research goal is to
6. Conclusion dene under which conditions COTS-based develop-
ment is superior to traditional development, including
We have analyzed 15 COTS projects, performed at the maintenance lifespan.
the Flight Dynamics Division at the Goddard Space As far as the study itself is concerned, it should be
Flight Center of NASA. These projects represent a va- noted that quantitative data traditionally collected by
riety of software domains and use more than 30 dierent the SEL were not sucient to understand changes in the
COTS products. We think that the following observa- process. Using qualitative data was key, although this
tions can be generalized and could be useful to improve requires specic, more dicult tools for analysis.
COTS-based software development in any context.
COTS-based processes dier considerably from tra-
ditional software development. Failure to recognize this
by attempting to use traditional processes in a COTS Acknowledgements
project could be a factor in overall project success (or
failure). It also could give developers leeway to loosen This work was funded in part by NASA grant
their processes, as the only processes they have are NCC5170. The authors wish to thank all of the devel-
clearly inappropriate for the project at hand. On the opers and managers in the FDD and at Computer
other hand, new processes and activities have to be de- Sciences Corporation who generously allowed us to in-
ned and given guidance. terview them. This study would not have been possible
New activities identied in COTS-based processes without them.
are: product evaluations, product familiarization, and
vendor interaction (of technical, administrative and
commercial kinds). New roles are the COTS team
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