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Consumer Behaviour 201

Semester 1/Trimester 1

Question 6 (mainly Chapter 4 but can include chapter 2 and 3)

1. How does the packaging affect the inferences you make about each product?

The apple iPhones main packaging comes in a sleek black color box, with a math finish and a picture of
the iPhone. The box attracts a consumer with its simplicity and elegant packaging. The main product,
situated inside the box, is shiny, extravagant, and shows the consumer that there buying a brand new
product. The two main colors apple uses are black and white specifically; the brand is identified/ symbolic
of the apple brand (Leander, Kahney.2009).

The blackberry phones packaging is also a black box, slightly larger than the iPhone packaging, onto of
the box in a sleek writing of blackberry is scripted in silver. Inside either casing covered in rich velvet is
the phone. The black packaging is elegant and sophisticated which represents the type of targeted audience
for this phone (Tech at play 2008).

The color black for the iPhone and the blackberry is seen as edgy, luxurious sophisticated, professional as
well as a color whereby a male consumer would be satisfied with.
The white color on the other hand is viewed as elegant, luxurious, poise; pure, simple where by the female
consumer would be satisfied.
Both colors are considered simple yet modern as well as professional for technology.

Leander, Kahney.2009. Steve Jobs Awarded Patent For iPhone
Packaging. publishing of Cult of Mac.

Mahn, paul. 2008. Unpacking my new BlackBerry Bold. Tech at play:

technology in action.

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