Commodity Modelling: Schwartz Two-Factor Model

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Zurich University

of Applied Sciences

School of

IDP Institute of
Data Analysis and
Process Design

Commodity Modelling

Schwartz two-factor model

Philipp Erb IDP Winterthur David Lthi Clariden Leu Zrich

July 2, 2009
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1 Motivation

2 Commodity model types

3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures

4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Motivation and Context

CTI project between IDP and FRSGlobal

Extending FRSGlobals softwaretool riskpro with commodity models

Schwartz fator model: Basic model

A Hinz model: More advanced model

Implementation of protoype models in R

No commodity models on CRAN so far

Launching commodity model package schwartz97

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Commodity model types

1 Motivation
2 Commodity model types
3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell
Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures
4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Commodity model types

Commodity model types

Spot price models: E.g. Schwartz factor models

Few parameters
Inflexible term sturcutre of futures prices

Futures price models: E.g. HJM type model by Juri Hinz

Numerous parameters
Flexible term sturcture generic

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Commodity model types

Schwartz factor models

One-factor model
Spot price Log-price mean-reverting (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck)

Two-factor model
Spot price Log-normal (Geometric Brownian motion)
Convenience yield Mean-reverting (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck)

Three-factor model
Spot price Log-normal (Geometric Brownian motion)
Convenience yield Mean-reverting (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck)
Interest rate Mean-reverting (Vasicek)

Empirical study: Two-factor model most-parsimonious choice

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell


1 Motivation

2 Commodity model types

3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures

4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Model dynamics: Two-factor model

The P-dynamics:

dSt = ( t ) St dt + S St dWS

dt = ( t ) dt +  dW

dWS dW = dt

The Q-dynamics:

dSt = (r t ) St dt + S St d W

dt = [ ( t ) ] dt +  d W
dW  = dt

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

1 Motivation
2 Commodity model types
3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell
Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures
4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Joint distribution of state variables

Log-price X := log S and convenience yield joint normal

Solve SDE under P and Q and compute first two moments:
I Distribution under P and Q

=N = , = ,
X 2
=N = , =

X 2

Basic tool for all computations

(pricing, simulation, risk measures, calibration)

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell


1 Motivation

2 Commodity model types

3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures

4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Futures prices:

1 2
G(S0 , 0 , T ) = EQ [ST ] = e X + 2 X

= S0 e A(T )+B(T )0

1 2 S  1 2 1 e 2T
A(T ) = r
+ T+ 
2 2 4 3
2 1 e T
+ + S 
e T 1
B(T ) =

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell


Affine term structure of futures prices:

log G(T ) = X0 + B(T )0 + A(T )
Model can be cast in state space form

Both state variables (factors: Xt , t ) unobservable

Kalman filter

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

European Options

Affine term structure of futures prices:

log G(T ) = X0 + B(T )0 + A(T )

Futures prices log-normal

BS-type formulas for European options on futures

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

European Options
European call option:
C G = EQ e r t (G(St , t , T t) K )+

= P(0, t) {G(0, T )(d+ ) K (d )}

G(0,T )
log K
21 2
d = ,

2 2 2S  1 T t
 1 2T 2t
 2 T t
= S t + e e 1 t + t+ e e 1 e e 1
2 2

Put-call parity:
C G P G = P(0, t) {G(0, t) K }
European put option:
P G = P(0, t) {K (d ) G(0, T )(d+ )}

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

1 Motivation

2 Commodity model types

3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures
4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Risk Measures

Affine term structure of futures prices:

log G(T ) = X0 + B(T )0 + A(T )
Futures log-price Gaussian: log G N G , G2

Losses (negative log-returns) Gaussian

Closed formulas for value at risk (VaR) and expected

shortfall (ES) for futures contracts

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Using schwartz97

1 Motivation
2 Commodity model types
3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell
Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures
4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Using schwartz97

Function Overview: Usual d/p/q/r style

If all parameters are known, the transition density is known.

For a fixed point in time, the distribution is defined.

d/p/q/r-state d/p/q/r functions for the bivariate state variables.

simstate Generate trajectories from the state variables.

d/p/q/r-futures d/p/q/r functions for the log-normal futures prices.

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Using schwartz97

Function Overview: Estimation, pricing, risk

fit2factor Fit parameters to data.

pricefutures Calculate futures prices.

priceoption Price a European call or put option written on a futures


VaR/ES-futures Value-at-risk and Expected-shortfall of futures prices.

filter2factor Filter a futures price series and obtain the state


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Using schwartz97

Object Orientation
Problem: Many parameters involved
The transition density of the state variables depends on 8 parameter:
(s0 , 0 , , S , , ,  , )

The transition density of the futures price depends on 10 parameter:

(s0 , 0 , , S , , ,  , , , r )

Idea: 3 levels of encapsulation

Raw parameters.

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Using schwartz97

Example: dfutures

dfutures(x, ttm = 1, s0 = 50, delta0 = 0,

mu = 0.1, sigmaS = 0.3, kappa = 1, alpha = 0,
sigmaE = 0.5, rho = 0.75, r = 0.05, lambda = 0,
alphaT = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature ANY, ANY, schwartz2factor:

dfutures(x, ttm = 1, s0, r = 0.05, lambda = 0,
alphaT = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature ANY, ANY, fit.schwartz2factor:

dfutures(x, ttm = 1, s0, ...)

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Using schwartz97

1 Motivation

2 Commodity model types

3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell

Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures

4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation

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Using schwartz97

State Space Representation

Transition equation:
The state variables are log-spot price and convenience yield.

t+1 = dt + Tt t + Ht t , t N (0, I2 ) (4.1)

Measurement equation:
Futures prices are measured. The log-futures price are an affine
function of the log-spot price and the convenience yield.

yt = ct + Zt t + Gt t , t N (0, In ) (4.2)

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Using schwartz97

State Space Model: Transition Equation

t+1 = dt + Tt t + Ht t , t N (0, I2 ) (4.3)

t+t = (4.4)
1 1
e t 1
Tt = (4.5)
0 e t
12 S2 t +
1 e t
dt =  (4.6)
1 e t
0 X2 (t) X (t)
Ht Ht = (4.7)
X (t) 2 (t),
where Xt = log St and t = tk+1 tk .
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Using schwartz97

State Space Model: Measurement Equation

yt = ct + Zt t + Gt t , t N (0, In ) (4.8)

log Gt (1) 1 B(mt (1))
.. .
. ..
yt =
Zt =
. .
log Gt (n) 1 B(mt (n))

A(mt (1)) 2
0 ..
ct =

Gt G =
t .
A(mt (n)) 2
where mt (i) denotes the remaining time to maturity of the i-th
closest to maturity futures Gt (i).

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Using schwartz97

Function fit2factor

fit2factor(data, ttm, deltat = 1 / 260,

s0 = data[1,1], delta0 = 0,
mu = 0.1, sigmaS = 0.3, kappa = 1, alpha = 0, sigmaE = 0.5,
rho = 0.75, lambda = 0, = rep(0.02, ncol(data)), = c(s0 = FALSE, delta0 = FALSE, mu = TRUE, sigmaS = TRUE,
kappa = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, sigmaE = TRUE,
rho = TRUE, lambda = TRUE), = c("scalar", "all", "none"),
r = 0.05, silent = FALSE, ...)

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Using schwartz97

1 Motivation
2 Commodity model types
3 Schwartz two-factor model in a nutshell
Model dynamics
Joint distribution of state variables
Pricing of basic derivatives
Risk measures
4 Using schwartz97
Parameter Estimation
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Using schwartz97

Function fit2factor

> library(schwartz97)
Loading required package: FKF
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> data(futures)
> na.idx <- apply($futures), 1, any)
> <- fit2factor(copper$futures[!na.idx,], copper$ttm[!na.idx,],
+ control = list(maxit = 100, reltol = 1e-3),
+ silent = TRUE)

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Using schwartz97

Function fit2factor
Fitted Schwartz97 2 factor model:
d S_t = S_t * (mu - delta_t) * dt + S_t * sigmaS * dW_1
d delta_t = kappa * (alpha - delta_t) * dt + sigmaE * dW_2
E(dW_1 * dW_2) = rho * dt
s0 : 109.375364269883
delta0: 0
mu : 0.212827842930593
sigmaS: 0.37460428511304
kappa : 1.10747274866091
alpha : 0.0595560374598207
sigmaE: 0.474809676990843
rho : 0.813002684142751
r : 0.05
lambda: 0.0402214875501909
alphaT: 0.0232377735577751
Optimization information
Converged: TRUE
Fitted parameters: mu, sigmaS, kappa, alpha, sigmaE, rho, lambda, meas.sd1; (Num
log-Likelihood: 112485.1
Nbr. of iterations: 75

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Using schwartz97

Function filter2factor
> filter2factor(copper$futures[!na.idx,], copper$ttm[!na.idx,],

Spot price
Closest to maturity futures

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000


Convenience yield

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

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Using schwartz97


> pricefutures(ttm = 3,

[1] 107.1682
> priceoption("call", time = 2, Time = 3, K = 110,
[1] 12.33399

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Using schwartz97

Conclusion & Outlook


(Optimal??) trade-off: Statistical tractability vs. sophistication.

Stylized model.
First step towards commodity modelling in R.

Implementing term-structure models (Juri Hinz & Max Fehr, 2007).

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Using schwartz97


Rajna Gibson and Eduardo S. Schwartz.

Stochastic convenience yield and the pricing of oil contingent claims.
The Journal of Finance, 45(3):959976, 1990.
Eduardo S. Schwartz.
The stochastic behavior of commodity prices: Implications for valuation and
Journal of Finance, 52(3):923973, 1997.
Kristian R. Miltersen and Eduardo S. Schwartz.
Pricing of options on commodity futures with stochastic term structures of
convenience yields and interest rates.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 33:3359, 1998.

IDP Winterthur, Clariden Leu Zrich

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