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Introduction to phonemic symbols

The phonemic alphabet

/{/ /e/ /I/ // // /U/

apple egg insect orange umbrella book

/A:/ /:/ /i:/ /O:/ /u:/

arm earth eagle organ two

/e@/ /I@/ /aI/ /eI/ /OI/

aeroplane ear eye eight coin

/@U/ /aU/ /@/

oval owl banana

/b/ /tS/ /d/ /f/ /g/ /h/

bird chair dog fish girl heart

/dZ/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /n/ //

jar key leaf monkey nine ring

/p/ /r/ /s/ /S/ /Z/ /t/

pear rose sofa sheep television table

/D/ /T/ /v/ /w/ /j/ /z/

mother thirteen volcano web yacht zebra

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