Statschapter8project Ashleyandmaddie

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Chapter 8 Project

The set of data we were given for the Chapter 8 project is widths of littleneck
clams in Garrison Bay. These widths are given in millimeters. With this set of data, we
found many value such as mean, standard deviation, critical values, margin of error,
and confidence intervals.

494 477 471 413 407 427 408 430 395 417

394 397 402 401 385 338 422 288 464 436

414 402 383 340 349 333 356 268 264 141

77 498 456 433 447

The sample size of the data is 35. The sample size is the number of data values
we have collected. We found this number by counting all the values in the table. We
know this set of data is a sample because Mrs. Lewis told us it was a sample and there
is most likely more than 35 clams in a body of water. I also checked that there were 35
data values by counting the set of data in L1.
The sample mean of the data set or the average width of the littleneck clams is
383.6. We found this number by plugging in all of the data values into L1 of my
calculator by going to stat and then edit. I then calculated this mean by going to stat, 1
Var Statistics, and pressing enter. The sample standard deviation for this set of data is
89.39. We found this number by using the data we had plugged into L1 and then going
to stat, 1 Var Statistics, and pressing enter.
The degrees of freedom for this set of data is 34. We found this number by using
the equation d.f. = n-1 or d.f.= 35-1 = 34.The critical value for 90% is 1.679. We found
this value by first using table 4 and the degrees of freedom. We looked at Table 4 in the
first column labeled d.f. or degrees of freedom and traced down the column until we
found 34. As we were tracing down the column, we discovered there was only 30 and
35 d.f., not 34. There is a small note at the bottom of the table that states For degrees
of freedom d.f. not in the table, use the closest d.f. that is smaller. After reading this
note, we had to use d.f. of 30 from the table, so our critical values or t-scores would be
in this row. For the confidence level that is in a percent, we looked at the third row of the
table for 0.95. Once we found this percent that is in decimal form, we traced down this
column until we hit the d.f. 30 row. From looking at the d.f. and confidence level of 90%,
we were able to find the critical value. For 95%, t is 2.042, and for 99% t is 2.750
For 90%, the maximal margin of error is 25.37. We found this value by using the
equation E = Tc(s/ n ) and plugging in our values, E= 1.697 (89.39/ 35 ). For 95%, the
maximal margin of error is 30.85. We found this value by using the same equation and
plugging in the critical value, sample standard deviation, and sample size E= 2.042
(89.39/ 35 ). For 99%, the maximal margin of error is 41.55. We found this value by
plugging in the values with the equation E= 2.75 (89.39/ 35 ).
For a 90% confidence interval, the interval is 358.23 < < 408.97. This interval
tells us that with 90% confidence, the average width of littleneck clams is between
358.23 and 408.97 milimeters. We found this value by using the equation x - E < < x
+ E, and plugging in the values 383.6 - 25.37 < < 383.6 + 25.37. For a 95%
confidence interval, the interval is 352.75 < < 414.45. This interval tells us that with
95% confidence, the average widths of littleneck clams is between 352.75 and 414.45
milimeters. We found this value by using the equation 383.6 - 30.85 < < 383.6 +
30.85. For a 99% confidence interval, the interval is 342.05 < < 425.15. This interval
tells us with 99% confidence, the average width of littleneck clams is between 342.05
and 425.15 millimeters. We found this value by using the equation 383.6 - 41.55 < <
383.6 + 41.55.
Considering my partner and I did not know the standard deviation of our data set,
we had to use the formulas where the standard deviation was unknown. If we would
have known the standard deviation, we could have opened up new opportunities. The
formulas for the data set, would have been changed to the selection of where the
standard deviation is known.

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