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Project Plan

Teacher Page
Item Description Person Date due
Responsible /completed

Joint Rowan 3rd May 2017

Statement The joint statement will express our groups
understanding of the purpose of this project
how ICT can be used to target higher levels of
student thinking in our lessons on the measures
of central tendency.
Mind Map The mind map will be a visual representation Rowan 12th May 2017
of the 4 lessons outlining learning concepts,
ICT tools and evaluation methods.

Project Plan The Project Plan will be used as a reference Scott 3rd May 2017
point of what sections each group member will
be responsible for completing and by what
FPD The Forward Planning Document is a deeper Scott 12th May 2017
level of the mind map providing further
information on each lessons learning concepts,
ICT tools incorporated and evaluation
methods. It provides the sequence and
structure of each lesson and ties the lesson
overview into the lesson objectives and the
curriculum strands.

ICT Scott 15th May 2017

The use of ICT tools demonstrates what apps
will be used and how the ICT tools selected in
our 4 lessons will provide learning benefits to
the students.
Learning Rowan 15th May 2017
Theory This statement links how our pedagogical
teaching methods using ICT are supported by
researched based learning theories.
Meeting 1: Date: 3rd May 2017. Agenda: Group decided on ACMNA strand to
teach and delegated roles to each member.
Meeting 2: Date: 12th May 2017. Agenda: Collaborate on lessons outlined in
Mind Map and FPD and ensure consistency among the two documents. Cross-
check one anothers work.
Meeting 3: Date: 15th May 2017. Agenda: Discuss work to date, areas for
improvement and cross check one anothers work.
Webquest Page
Introduction This is aimed to introduce the learning Rowan 2nd June 2017
concepts mean, median and mode by
sparking interest in the subject matter. It will
also outline the 4 Webquests.
Website Theme, embedding documents and setting up Rowan/Scott 6th June 2017
Management the Webquests.
ICT Tool Given that there may be technical difficulties Scott 2nd June 2017
Modification with the ICT, we are taking on a flexible
approach to using the tools and will document
any changes accordingly.
Lesson 1 Outlining what the measures of central Scott 29th May 2017
tendency are and teaching this through Kahoot
Quiz, YouTube video Mean, Median and
Mode Toads YouTube Video.
Lesson 2 Teaching how to calculate the measures of Rowan 29th May 2017
central tendency through two functional ICT
tools calculators and Microsoft Excel.
Lesson 3 Demonstrating how the measures of central Scott 29th May 2017
tendency can be presented through graphs and
diagrams. Tools incorporated into this lesson
will be Socrative, Shodor and Excel.

Lesson 4 Explaining the significance of the prior lessons Rowan (Including 29th May 2017
learning concepts by relating to real-life evaluation rubric
scenarios. Using the following ICT tools for this lesson)
Answer Garden, Padlet and PiktoChart.
Evaluation Outlining the formative and summative Scott/Rowan 2nd June 2017
Rubric assessment criteria of which students will be
evaluated on.
Resources Appropriately referencing and listing all Scott/Rowan 6th June 2017
sources and ICT tools used.
Risk Contingency planning in the scenario that we Rowan 6th June 2017
Mitigation have technical difficulties with an ICT tool.

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