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15th May, 2017

The Chief of Defence Forces

UPDF Headquarters


The Inspector General of Police

Police Headquarters


Director General of Intelligence Services


This is in order to enlighten you about the use of torture

on suspected criminals (okutatsya) in the fight against
In our traditional societies, torture was commonly used
and it was not only accepted but, actually, encouraged.
Hence, the proverbs like: Akabwa kaiba kaihura
omugoongo gwaako in Runyankore and Akabwa kabbi,
kasasula mugoongo in Luganda.
In both dialects, it means that a stealing dog pays with
its back, i.e. by being struck with sticks (enkoni, emiggo)
on the back.
Traditional ideas, however, had their own mistakes in
many instances. That is why, those ideas that are not
consonant with logic should be abandoned.
To take one example, in many of the African Societies,
marriages were arranged by parents for the young
couples. The couples had no say in the matter. This was
because in the no nonsense traditional society, marriage
was a strictly scientific matter designed to produce off-
springs that had no emize (hereditary defects
physiologically and behavior wise). These would be
defects like asthma, epilepsy and behavioural
weaknesses like cowardice, greed, spendthrifts (ababagyi)
The idea of love among the intended couples never
entered the equation. There was okurigyira (to appreciate
the beauty of) or okusiima (to appreciate the qualities of).
This was, however, by the parents or persons deployed by
Today, however, all enlightened people know that the
traditional concerns notwithstanding, love among the
couple is paramount.
It is, therefore, clear that torture in order to extract
confessions (okutatsya) has three possible mistakes that
may even interfere with the fight against crime.
Number one, you may torture the wrong person,
somebody who is totally innocent. This is very unfair.
Secondly, somebody may admit guilt when he is innocent
in order to be spared being tortured. This will make the
real criminal escape in order to commit more crimes
Thirdly, confessions by the criminals are not necessary.
Even if the suspects do not admit their guilt, if the
investigators do their work well (finger-prints, photo-
graphs, DNA tests, eye-witnesses, the use of other
scientific methods, the use of dogs etc), the criminals can
get convicted.
Therefore, the use of torture is unnecessary and wrong
and must not be used again if it was being used as I see
some groups claiming in the media.
Of course, the criminals are most annoying by using the
cowardly but shallow methods of the boda bodas, taking
advantage of the large number of vehicles and people in
order to commit crime and hide.
That, however, should not make us panic and go back to
the defective traditional methods of okutatsya.
We defeated Lakwena, we defeated Kony who was being
heavily supported by external elements, we defeated the
ADF that was, again, being heavily supported by
foreigners, we defeated the UPA of Teso and disarmed the
Karimojong cattle-rustlers by removing 40,000 rifles from
We cannot fail to cope with cowards using boda bodas to
kill people who are peacefully sitting in their cars or
walking along the streets.
With a little adjustment, we shall avenge the deaths of:
Sheikh Mustafa Bahiga, Prosecutor Kagezi, Hajji Daktur
Muwaya, Sheik Jowat Madangu, Sheikh Yusuf
Ssentamu, Sheik Yunis Sentuga, Hajji Mohammed
Sebagala, Tito Okware, Constable Driver Wambewo
Godfrey, Cpl Erau Kenneth, No. 1404 SPC Karim Tenywa,
No. 54812 PC Babale Muzamiro, Owori John Steven, No.
44957 Cpl Owori Julius, SPC Isiko, Macho Steven,
Okumu Ronald, Sheik Rashid Wafula, Major Kiggundu
and AIGP Kawesi.
Our annoyance with these criminals should not make us
opt for defective short-cuts.
These are hardened criminals by default who think that
by denying they can kill and escape accountability.
However, we shall get them using patient means of
evidence but not through torture because evidence
through torture is not reliable.

Yoweri K. Museveni

Copy to: H.E. the Vice President
Rt. Hon. Prime Minister
Minister of Internal Affairs
Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs
Minister for the Presidency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Information, Communication and

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