Propaganda Weebly

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Olivia Neuman

Ms. Burke

Honors History

April 6, 2017

Propaganda Poster

Propaganda is a message that is widely circulated with the intent of gaining support for one position

or harming the opposite position. My poster is intended to appeal to the emotions of loyalty, admiration,

and love. Its intent is to demonstrate that men who enlist in the war are brave and if they do, they will be

viewed as a hero. I included a photograph of a male soldier being the center of attention and being

congratulated by women for his bravery in volunteering to protect them and their country. A photo of the

French flag is also included on the poster to represent patriotism and love of the country. I came up with the

slogan Everyone loves a war hero, young men enlist now to fight for Frances freedom! in order to focus

on the task of recruiting men for the military which was necessary during WWI in France. I believe that my

slogan ties in with my photograph of the soldier because it promotes the intended cause of enlistment and

makes an emotional appeal. It telegraphs that if you fight for France, everyone will love you, especially

women, and you will be seen as a brave hero.

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