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JUS GRAECOROMANUM (cre Je BRP ot eT JUS GRAECOROMANUM SYNOPSIS BASILICORUM x editione ©. ZACHARIAE A LINGENTHAL Tor EDITIO ALTERA LUCIS OPE EXPRESSA 1962 SCIENTIA AALEN ZYNOVWVIZ BAZIAIKQN Bx vg ables ©, ZACHARIAB VON LINGENTHAL “Fonoz newnToz AEYTEPA EKAOZIE OOTOTYIIKH 1962 SCIENTIA AALEN g0005 “Bt op cig casey Soudqonwoméry «Balerh xa Bevo sn Aeodaby fhearve BOs wiv mogaapaniy need gtany Net 1Uiy Sinoys so Bemtinirs ines ergpoc dnowabetrat nae Ave Ibe lbes ye Mange dnseietoon4y "oy Beedle nov Bao sahil That nd an rot “Ltd peyg Gn tar Baber, fu tte paraynenlgve Bsa Meitayrdreee fseiuay aoey nedlace fain mgd sowehiawer Sor Mitaneate seul eee lovrenmredonvopobeer ta ng ‘mttaty f Merida rays Gab Lewweterias ty Baa dacs Ib pou haunts peeapesonag bd hy belay lngymsoee Non sat ne neste revtggsat ins Tiomay Prigns qlonorion wee ANTES EER TEL, Ohsratione ee mentation Syrah Mec, Hoan hy casino a Boga 1. sony 8100 Ian Grncoromansin, ec, ec etwrtag seven fiona Soudan a iets eva shy tbayy su sor asneyntv nak row oli Mes Eaitowe le! eae dveire gngoreenon te Zerowean_ woe Sins td Bind Bphtinn ve bes He Seed ewnee Teo Rechtapeshicnie 1,3, oe 1 Adina 0 befor HL 10.3, aRm108, TAN. L l0= PROLEGOMENA $u Indoles operis, ‘Synopsis Basilcorem major, quan ita vocunt wt a Synops rigor fe, eouuie) meek wonton distinguate, ta Cotes MS talc Raber Ealoyh nl obvose tov Beodinay finoree Pilon aby nagurouat nara acon I tieuias indo operisappeine convent. Praestat enim ex smaibus dlncepe Basiicoruy ois (7) delecum ocorum gra: foram got vel textaalter ve in brevis contrac! precedente Seek) Shihentur Dibt ane io los 3 pes et ‘reise SgDoSGlon sions Honoree praeposiea olga igen stot secundum siphabet! tera. Rubrcae tutor ab auciore ipso comporita suet, fe amen at fore talon {nscrptones quace in Basilica extant, ob cules haber. ‘Quod tagusouel ste cae dutta, Haut siaicet tam satis mapa ee VidentarSadicart tam selegationes apts Balcova fa dlectum nee verbo acc argument te= SE Tee ates ene Oma Stix ebam ato “utons iatgnaiey maxtor Novellaran Justinian allege: ‘Hagens a8 iter schola slides ‘ § 2. Codices MSS. ‘Synopsis sstzoram in quam plosimisCaicibos MSS. no ve stren et Minune extsat Te Biers fis! a ates cepa Coder mamero acces ‘io Gr gate mombran tee Xt, fle pat IReegtimf°8, 2A iy Nv, Yom acl vee orbas orcas 25, BTOe eee Ere in Ol, lament ae 2 tue Fins 1 el em sch a Lk Se ine set. Kile Cod no tombye ace XIV) et SS Cite ne Sav ™) 6.1, Cipeice intl, Unieritatis duo: Codex mi ellaeus olin Merrgan 17, deinde EA lene, eae fostons 6 wins af Synopes pertinent tapers TAS tem tem hl Baleorem pat eat usa nl een pts ie Eat at ieee ee eee eee . Prlegomene oll Balers flecse vdemar t Cex carta, fxaratus Venciiae ray olen colli’ Charqmonsed oS: etatis Jesu Pars, inde Nocrman. 165, dengue P,8 Benen ex cujas Tepato in bibltothocn ‘Uniteratats 8.9, Lomdini duo: Catex sppendicem Synopscos com ee We cn aa Goa Aogiae py. in biblioteca muses Bente Bgeroniatus soe che ‘ic. XV, site appeniicen Synoporoscontseea wo, Evgdanl Batevoram we bl pubic Co dex Sharia. recens, oli Lnass"Vossi' (Ut Pea bach Mentwird: ete Utonr7s, tom Il as) M1, Owonii. indi. Botlenes Cater tf (eroc. 175) ‘menbran sae, XI wearers tts ia. Ol polca import decom felioet ter gracos Co. (texcriptiah 1340 oem shee, XU, 1547 (eure tee NVIp gg ehanh ee A) Lebba eon esurpatus, 1358 (chase stee XIV Hay ‘menopali hesabisios "cx Synopsl gucla et appen ds Syaopseeetantum aon ieegrt) 1557 8 (mebr face Xi, 85" A chart gant a3i fol G20 56) se Seti Son! rice apa aes (chart suec. RV fol. 3 ~~ 38¢ abet appente $y Bopscos, fel 381 — 7 deltas e€ Synopsl henge sche Tidy tgay (hare ace: XIV fol tar oan, eto ans Sa exhibant excerpta ox iets ZH 8." Y, KN cN), soo (hart ana a7). a2 mo Boece Tabi Vatant a o vem: sie Vat 8s2, Bes, bys. Paletin. fy ry ennsares "a, 1869) ct Som Ottibon! 15,4, 243 ‘ Basta Seo ithe ML as acer Va 0 emir. sate Xi} HIN (embraces XID ir=X=# (ehart) Lay (tem asec RT Bh Taw eini tabbl regia Coles ge Sr nicmbsan, ice, XI Bae “Venetiae is bibl Mattians "se p tem Cad ‘73 (ember, de enno 1092) 174 mlembe sae. XID, 195, 136,177 (ee. XIN) et Append Tl 30, Xl go, san VAC Vo mae in Wit Cassises Ure: selcet "Go, jase emir see Sih 2 (charts XI) Feta are 46, Codex Simivuci, Tarenti repertus, quo wavs ost Lew n- 47, Codex PetetPithoei, ab code coats AK, Coses Petavianvn, Fa brot a adbibitas $8: Codices Medioluneases, quos fa Ambrontans extare auctor tt Wontefaiconius Codex Arundstisnas, Isulates 3 Se 1 de mio. in bibro ‘Osos hebraea Bianca. 1675 978 , i auidem Codices x6--go ater sara recensito ateant an Ripa sat wild Selden non cane § 3 Codicam MSS, classes variag SSmopss oes in Codibus mato recente unis ejsdemave tong ta: apes: quien vasa etonen saepaosys ‘eibe quecday ine egea capta ibeaia,‘aodo onan, Ts ala vel rampant et soponouet urns gunn ple safe ae ot ens canoe Inmmiatquod oli sapctan rtm (das vel cee ‘ecuiones ae invioem datnguene ee, Am nol Dinca ext catio append, quae fore Synope in Cticibus 1us8, acti Ba quam pata Novella seestiorts Deratoram consitiones.praestet, minime cadem est in veri Bohidbun, Sof tapicl foe catia” raat Novels Bas tons sit itegrs cece tetas deca vel eli Elona tenporum Nartiss cosplectens "Hin res cases Codes NSS-comede potas tsi, at Wisi securte" demonstra (9) Digestion tame Cx iene cara” ati bos Toto ata ea"opar’Syuoeas Bila sov trvendicue aids pasar §.4. Historia Synopseos, Im, etunissimis Codicibas MSS., velutt Pari. gr. 1396, erg bolehia, Pata Vind gr, Sond app a adjcta reporter, quae dabus patibas probe 3c favicon disinguends const" Uiciaaue parts origo auc indoles diversa est, utraque tancn sotto excant debe ‘rina pars primis contint collections legum Novelia- sgh et sementiun jadieitiam adic agraviag spectaniam | intr snnos 922 et oy ntarum. Secuads pars pete onmiant ‘Novellaram inter sanae S86 et gy pablcatarua eitonas ordine Aispositas praestat swt quae in prima parte obvi Hunt aoe xem foe tn sccunds inter slias ptomstae repentant PAT Ta eet ea AE Mi sag OATS RA Be rime pars ater annos oft et o67_colecta esse vider: Inbet nine Novelam Nisep horde mioastris cage sey elles (Gol, HH Nov vo} reiusn conden nperators Novellas se or its Coit Tt Now aoa ead re apsasame pee Scchndaprasub fem inpesi Nicephor inter amo.f7—988 pmpiata ent. Continet coin epitoman Novellarun sate ooh Nccrhoro promulyataram,posteroristempurs Notalls atlas Jabot on! Novela Niecor! de nemsctenio exe Hes foge Bult anno o88 eta Coll III Nov. 0) abrogate lacs Dense ctebercina Hast Novella sno ede ie i Nov. o) i hae parte desieratr. eth owls tans Ca ls ANS. corolla toma tesatirnustibsste alles ot ‘Secunda partem ab ipso Synopseos actore coniltam et Syaopstadlectann cones Wito ple que Dieser Noreee lite ego oli acresinas, None cqueanassentat wate Ne fue si satis commode exists wuonfodo sina fs be thodum iatercalats sitet calce Novelioe Constenta oe iicidis (Col, Ht Nov. 1) auctor secundae parts sdf he Ragooiy sor Glos noanirsun gov tv af € hblin tgs rice aul sad Symopainhaeeconmposuasel” profece aergee fas cet: fv @ eempin dees any vero! als fut Synensens actor, a appendicem ie lara actors, ex neta, ca appendices. ive colts Nos Selarum iste computast san, de setae Syopsces spss ed atom clit non pores. Sc ponent eo ear useing ST sess prs vette spends sndons stedosdant op Sabatur, Syhopain nee su fiac pat. boone Symensea ‘aecno decino meta concen esse adohun ot probable ‘Aacior Synonseon ais foc, n obccuro ea: Wupac ebay sao ued nonnull de Rus, Leone et Constantino vee Romans Excapenoy ali ds Cons snayhto. vee Josh Tenchi op ‘Syromisapad Griccos maxima ssstoritatom acts est Tes entire Cos St lle person Frochir uct Hexahibli« Conte Hasmenopsto contectsg o gqibas componeudis magnus fat Synopacs tsus.Desiqe pet ‘Syaopain agate ibeom Compara Taco et ad sa gees ‘idan paatoremeffectans cove vicar Ue athe pa se Sie ne esa A ON lle dics mags ne coruimque excmplaria mags magisque rx fs Historia literaria roca: MoPeR ESS 20, AS gLasio Pomme ome CM greene eae Leunclajus tamtn Itersrum ordiaem ab auctore obser yatan desert ct seriem hibroran, tiwloraat eeapheaa eee lis hast fast, nestituere constus et: Proisde Sytopees aisjocis membris ita foedetractavit ut eam dslormasneeena ‘quam edidisae sit dicendus, “dean? 106 Paris spud Adriaaim Reys vin Jacobaea prox Seg Ee tle [Ad sisi et reaittionen iroram jis justine! Syaa- oat ‘profit interprets. Inpanis Pact we fsitione Codi anno :s80 ‘publ er Syanpal neti ied Eetogn sits haunt, eurmane Dionysus Gathefcdus in ace sus Corpora Tri seauatan et ‘Desig Synopsis in esticenie ibis Basiticorum deper ave samae ait at, ot hacents ab ellos athe tum Fabroto ct Heimbachio digester $6. Editionis ratio (0) Hes sais a0 Invade reoclas dens eit Level: “ Prtogomens Wis ak extum Coils Lipsiensis supplendam addenda esse Ba tHealorum indicem, ts ia Coticibus MSS, modo eacnit Sropain, modo in ne ndectus ct isons pane leat atque etiam in ipao ticuovusy receasu Coces matics crepant, at wy aivexa potas ore, qua tori Syuopseostribuerim. Videbater samen” pracponcas ss at argument operts quasi uno conapestu ob rules par ‘Singula capita cajusvis tai continais msmeris distin, avo faciior east eorup llegatio. Ia numeri lbvorum titulo ‘asilicorga loadatisnunsumauam setce ementatione opus fae In muerisaatem, quibas auctor singin capita alcuj br & tata Baulicorum design, nil prorsas mataeis deta cai txemplariBaslicoram sa esse quantant ad mameros epieom pertioet sti correo, ‘Cotices MSS, passim breves rubricas marginsles ad varia singuloram titulortm eapite praestant, quo coranr agpumetane indlcetur, veut! A. I, 0: sgl rob tee agave sey ne nd yet, A. 24,2 dow Imuounh yoy s Ce Hd ease ae Has'at typothetaeparcerem eo Inbentian” ost “quo mines Suctore Synopseos dignae ease viderentur (). eaiqse seholia adi Horam nonnalla auctor! Sypopscos inal debontar, tia gunibus pane Coticbus stfiter slcrpee ‘periantur, primis ila quae vel ad alios uta Synopaces estorem ablegant: Religuaschcla a pts et dciuceps arecetinibue ie brarisdescrgta sunt. Proide vatia sunt in varie Cotes nec unguam a formam oedinarisegiosaevedactaBéitio noma fs repracventat, quae” vol Lipsicnse. Codey precast vel Lease lavias ex Sambal Codice et Labhacas ex Codicts Pariaicns bis eiderant accedune noapella, quae ex. Patscosbus Vindobonensibas Synopecos Codicibus enotsveran ‘eset goto, uae Pei ha etacetet TINA AKPIBHE, TON BAEIAIKON 2” BIBAIQN KATA ZTOIXEION 1. Met rm sagen og ne rg 1. Tletfyrtas pont io, sa ves BonBotve. ade nt ties 08 Banton po IL, Tegt ropa vai xeloca: vei xSy megh obey awrailaynic ote tl nein tte sate oon eae ‘hares morass ago seo nt wna, Wy. naar sel es eg dvoqata: nat molonse tx te yeonton, dc Toe even vou fstobeunonos hrs teary Y0E acoso TO Biber Ivo amnparg. ig. edo Boo avon Vs Teg yoo: vat sadneas i fue revontin, Ys, eh tabs ‘i dents noodeoyng naroBinbcn "op, droktn YL Tet Sayie hninagrntac fh yoamnsloy dyoganterro YH ie ent is ee ox Vii. tg: sro wal ein rt Syogcrs na xg nab “ot tuna, wa mate Baca # tess gina sh 1X, [lah xv tak ooneing.drogaetivony Sotto, s03 4, dye son By won cong tah 16 Hewbegadhvm fi evbegad ons nat ate amove txBoktg X. The ig mounts deri tt domains nai sadn, ‘a vi emg fern hie xqutbe obi in er stor a ene og Aico 4 tv aera toe sgntéree hale FO" ohh A red Ero XL Hl dgocotas wat agora; fab asia vont. XL, Met dvaoray apron bx soon adr tl sr dae erolgrem rb ngoate dvgizoton freq Gone pao {oan mma fp wo eublr dvoredggone dyer Hoe Babes penn eam yo oopsvats Szquens ate eohoveras XIE Tiel droeaabivog sesyaos ni tmmnbivas, eve Greed “ Syeple Deseo shee Bohan eve nective eet Gavan tke ee vb be ocr baie tye. XIV" Hog oon irarog wai zagadodéves «6 dyouare, ‘a gl he toveas magayeaghc, Hal wel Evel Oereor ga" Bava XV, Tha xy xb 105 Bytetow xoadbriey td Briar soos, Br ce tween free sca. XVI Tel mpad eng yore ew edn XVIL Tei sav dovale evuae Byoceodérroy, 9 eres 04 ina de BeaedyooasOG Shae Yaad, 00 debs 2b bans Tia reins apna vn, SORT, hog 2ygar eeqcevda ck aprorgoyer ma tnqutewn sooo Iti: dense bx Nagsgwy alnay evnacentvon, XY. Tht dyurte heater serio. XXVi Tio, vig tet tha tedwoone XVIL Tie dyanos most AVI. Teg! Teeloonotar XIX. iteg thadérer, XOX Teter Sonos amamondnay tt wae 8 mols 8 xxx is sous, om eterna et 8 fn Snes ve sar €Obnmy 9 eee XXMIT, Tro. oluouneae SARI. Tir’ elgrnie XXXIV, Tel etforay Bandst xeoegsgonivan, nal stg trator Tay dou tv a tao xx Tan Sel mai tntign, mk mk Se fe atuan, at xh neha, nal Maan RAVE Tet ar vot dca. SXAVIE, Mee Ahiniselqomoin, XAXVILE. Mg: dueeBiloy wat lougy Gqudear ve vai omen a tezganonay a bya XNXIX. Tre door L, Tea dort HN Sareea dete dee eye sa ahhGvn, eet door tee rd va mec Eeraionmparrgcy fr agogteny Samara BAe eterna a i reason te fare Say ae XLII. Tiel drayeaon eos Doyobecy in by rig Séyaaw & erhiouivay, xa mh = Broo dvinoven dab maveoios G00 Stas deagpitreay el draynlagartay wa loggatont ven. ‘a ie Eon ho ev Snaonyevaw nap" afrov vont FF vautarowr REAV, Tea isbgueodorox XEN? thot deo, sata Evie Bandiana, 1 “Sexe een XLVI Iie bvdodeny Hav Bieaw ve aa Sosy sai bye wa Vnsievblgar; sat xa aararrdseae bak maeynag ate sho: ata, jt Bootle voltor waoaeaac XLVI tieg dono Adoulvon thse movorarmvoendie. xa sate syelagins XLVIHL Tig avidin xa Sapir dveabiay sade. 1, Thal dragon, Ei tee desert Lit, Tiel dawhonc Ti eg dmaejorae vr dad sanadiye Foe dsoadonos ww (go borne a ai yh roan Hr, sacOBIN Bevo 8 ward dndtye 88° katie mgoewornvan, a Bi vobeo dearomnévoy LIV, Tei daoyeasig 13" macquicor woo whernoaros. EY. "the dasnaraordoea LVI Tet totter, wt tg xi ag diet obec, LVI. Tiel dsoitoarrr bedi abe CVI, Teg iv deolAége de gooey 2 dione by daira tues ago hAeyon, 0) sak eo ogevOuos ebro Ha Gndivaa'f Bagadere LIX The. abv na dakntonnévon Os ti Eyles emo UX. Tied od devoasveoe Ba Bi tov vaso As Baxaeni- 97 fmt buna LX tel Smooesan a" beoronlvay ve. SaPoXéfow alors (2). XI. tit doyeostanbe wat seq etobs eealhention ERM Teg: deseyicaneBover te a. rsa sao heurnoseminn,ehyea veo daskeefowr aa Botlaw, lee etx 4 dganyh yore eee ais anal segs tO ‘rvepamauydva abioe ar lowbaote ebay rf sue fomoye XIV! Tat cSr dpunyis 2 bgdSov xaosreey, FE lasonguat fh xavantdarog LXV: The tev. ERVi, Tit doxdvercupatneaie ge wal dbuononay i xe ar ‘ol pal, to wel vfs nal mgovoiey —aea ah Sato, sat gl slbow arava yea, Ha mel one Ga dyo08 ee AER SREY Pte ate aso “ alongol 08 yivorrar ovyndnn: pate cha ate a se ‘ivr doaeronarsiv (2). Tet feo: nl Bane: aboior: Ha Btn apogee Ek aot sl YiPjlite ebacons x ssoxtoror trea Bamonron. vite Ba r 1. Teg. yuow venue, sak abee dvayadtovem of yoweic Pana oi Dour alg ee Wife ea ete em, Wiebe et re ey, aa ie ere rete Resear: eater eee eee Ce ee "an Sadhn ew ng ie aeibos seek a Yoko hged retrial dieu ‘nat Toone aoaee, ee para aed onc il Aver aby mgoolas, wok Be. dusgevoes ic fig yor ol sabes xohitoven 1X. Teg Toray nat ngorowion aby xal_xbes eSBSpores mh ate du eidorovems mlm 105 wh Ppaicobn ae X. Tiel yorenaagion 4 I, Meo tanayqadcay by agar Sheree wrowiver. Ti. Tse ascrmudeor nh aucougivon Tg Wtarfnay Aopen ‘or Banari] IL Teg Bsdgor xa Sevhoeny. IV. Tle, beoroaas x bpm oly Bu sgonas vow evnene= Vig eon tame a of mgoneveag mxeiver sg sero foukne. ‘Vi Meg Sestorebogrco hh Sereoorqoincey, wa xchat Bisa ay ey al ty a 8 Sh to to teleadivn tc Beicgor Non tote Vat Ta burnt” Vili Tre 08 Fooly Sasuow, a cGy wots xoUaseas a6 ‘iver. fibre ro od i nn Edt hte een mete ‘soon BRE Dale ae Sater oS ae seine a emai itt Shiiplger cet ceae x Tid LS ge SEE ot rn te ogc Caton wT aca sei Area ap Ie aly ee Fle ede Hi ar bat oer oS sea sy et i tr ma, nies ae oe Bite ht i Ot ani (0 Lig itr aba weBbayaag y dhaevic Wee " XX ta se dra A werarnesiroy fare coat vor Hewinay tseiran hse sas tod iat ays Tier dass sce fogs ® z sty dungrnatr ten Banonutvar ror ora cxins, wechymrivear il nba aatvian nak et Bak fer trebbior tee tx dsorongn sevivan,¥yotoder af boamareario stonson el the maa iz abn py, nl xb x 0 sig Bivara isda Huh Nora, na ie ciccuenad bebe XXI Te ci tat Sadene verano on net howaegse OL XXIV. Mees hpdoxon eat abe abror HAV ites Serre XXVE. lle Sgn, Ho Epivey au ogo, baton for tet Sate Bren en ata Sal ie ob bivorah 3 she aug tn aa Ey elgg Bp fords a anno 8 Gemet XVII Hk SaSoray ol ce Hen adstede oni ate obe (fire, a som tv adgeeor of mere agyitsioa Sea Re ee aetacton 8 ae ior seed bt XXX: Meg car MBoudvor i Sgunroye 2 ale sl. 2g Teoanstmre Emlon "srg sow suk Sts sak aoe Rondo nie Senso wi nls wa oo dee sinh 200K ng Men ak oti Sue Seog eben 6 rere veo babar at furan eB free ans nna “gous he Watters exbnet yg oe coe ated sth de ab Feces i gay Fane 8 fg onc oe doar oy far be tis Rechts Sur at ty taste eke roe a eas yrogs ue lie hea, agg ta are eens ell cies Ma abe atten cant gat eee sti. WS ia oe ny sicotaw dente nal eat ig cow Gey” Sh ea Reh | | | rounding. abbaoes tow asx [lett ae 6 sas nies fu bynes x9) douoen: (th xxl Tio Betewodne XXII Tag Sears Remit ya eo Sg ab, kau agar Boney (2) XXxI Tea Sorina Pguoion te na pega al ote iv ela sepals sola Bob tegehnd, na rola dnhoxod. xxx! ity Rengivtwy Negentie, lari son bono ata ‘vonisbe bale Smoove say Woulnara, Soe. XXXVI Tle Bossy aa Bu 8 Rowe ear Breen mag a vsti shane BRon den Eegdegear wok o8e Ba Bevel BIN y i fcilty orm, fv, Noose 6 brea Be teat eso etvioe ava, a Pryor nl braves to {Gv tol dxdvengnaanaeor, eh Botaw sour. Riya. e's mateo a Bese aa Evoke na sooo XXXVIL Theol shoe XXXVI fg. ovo AIX. Hird foolonouato, XL Teg Sovkniy (8, XL. Teg Soeetn (3) XU Tg Sasa weed voy sak van wah xneory ak aetoweior 0) gE 1, tg tye Fe Hite Frames Wag bp bee obbé Baowviteran [roiv f ves 1 rte fo nna 8 Pamir ne § x Yi Tile etn, Suomi eure ok ‘xB, aa ade wa Ss (9) akc voutv abunoven, wal egies els Terk op ely Bly ce hi teens TPE tal secur ttre noun SRC Ait note 8 tne (0) He sg gt eg ard a Menge Bets soi 90 SU aa “ 1 EBe Het Catal nag aStee agzwnerey wal eal dy -nerightat fv sel Sana eth, eal meal Solon a SSuaaetteaan seme, — Tg ces) Lips, agai cabeioam : Tel érrvonéyor defen, fie esate Ghd tac onl 1 Bt seer ‘VIL. That tsar ei Azorebhgdroy El deat Poe ru ear an tec, . ‘Viti ee inbaomndvon sqm at eS sala Pao, 2 ‘xl tor uot ote eave nivel tn ab ‘ee OF ol al ‘ay SBoren anh nite pee ly ange dctosrat xa ne oben dora 1X. Hel benseoy sal vg Bivoven tae soa iy do glow ott tnbveas fake, pa mel Bega agUteon or sig Beco, wn tov tis ob baht X, Heo: euinady nl iv mgovenion eb xv, ma mh adiob tov Ungar tsar” sol nde ig easy Peat ty sal sag te ules Joevoyler az bgt lear, Seat Ge tronnatie esor Engr econ 0 iiyewy tl eg beeorinay sy nod soy Boge ‘inpderomy f Exon A aud" Eton teeny roveyor dad benny xa povacrnglar (1) na Sale sayy ava XIL."Thgl tatiyeoy tol efor voy wach xg Suge ‘uodsewo 4 adobe fh we Eepoyvamon router a 8 tool sal se whens a‘ srgquvialon ft To [XII acgacong ier eft aafuany eee os 8 ig! fsoodons SIV. Teg Dovdeusy, aif. sacd vdteias oft tony daonande ‘yeas Huh wlefon Posies dno (2) wn ao. Fag Soho dora a XV. [ee Hiedroasrear ak Hevbrgounévan na ives ivaven| Eewteoo 4 tisedecptabe x es soktortmy wa tl awe en eens mS mes sen al XVIL Tle say Flebrooontvor 2 aia Livny, xl Gy La ‘tear tf “i dreutetar oat Exaov. 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Meghan dvdadnay of mai bray Gor, oor tase Ja nama Bee memrne He Rot a y tart es eran, nna os tas Fe IML Teg bryos zie vi rae obenontvoy Que ae ue oat 2 SraeplsDaseore a. eve ra pes as ee oe Pi eet een ine sre aie She oe I, Mel Oeécgar vai Guus, I. Tsoi dnonvedr efgonoucron, TIL Tsg Ss 1, Meg red Ii, tre tenons. TL Het Deevboolns MBonéons tl bexineion sv xesbéveey 5 xt- eon aie tn Baa on a ae ‘x's Btouivor FpemtGr eal Evol, ak ner al be in ob vore 1v- Tg lobaton x. 1. Mag mera fn sear oolong Saou tort eet tetera hae top, eps sap onthonain aan ipa BS one Babareai. = I. Teo sarévor kaqsqur vox: i Tigi mgr, gl tov wort vs sopnoagivey IV. Heal etautretern fe agogeretiovear Broaveods re xh 1 rates rea to ss obverse sarah eal me exon myst Yi. 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SERVI Meg naterhion A Mei iewicon HL The. leew wat vies wy Rovere dveovea abn, fitz Bote dvayulfveay id Ewe Akexonerma TI. leg Lngvoy dion, nal” atl Jepvay vor nhagnDérroy na soho WV. Het ora Tel watana Ti. is ste a"ranntane THe ree Wied ono, Yi le sgtlgay Stinson ny no wee Vii fet trom YH. Het webct "box Beacon 7 la wean yeoman Xi Mieqlueealgnivers ren Mii Tee meaey ros fac, at es by dor ons HILL Tit pote a uehrac ml pstebrn ml on ey fn} ba Ena str ecient ena: ‘autre tro Bbaowtloy, @oabgoy xl le genet ieae a ral mak vv XVI Ting voanac anion noah orn a rere Xvi. evar" ak meh won al XVI Tot vonegiar ee oem 1. Mgt yawunr text, sal xen Ayer i vonnbva0dh ‘Bolan wa wrayer fv ats Eucizovear vow gem, ot by, vewran, yea eran Load tuParen, wa sr ase U, thel veponbian ch GSeaon ee alton ae an i. tktvntar betenvon feo aopiron, Heeger x ak 1. Teg ee oni frat Baxeroriy aeomuzonivay, act be salen lay tse nent even eb ee BiB Skt A ahed en Nt UREN V. Hag vou Bo, Vi Hee now et paso ves. Vit. Te vowonvny sah 1. Thc £08 evs 08 i sy. °. Ile: is Sons [eh drone ma theme sal, Iii foo cn ts atpeton at oaahh ‘0 oorogaran wt ions 08 Doar Sat Eni read eats [ot] Ee magereain sa Be fa sie ote totems aselauenpsaes 1. a ou a (nt lg ob dower ng ab soa odes abet wore fen 1. Ita Gore Bovrocaaglsa8wlesSvcr fret tot beuow eh Yeti Sion ae sr aogrmby tno Vi Teg Satorndcan, se vv a afc oe WB vat en kee oo pe . Sarde 8 Gvoodeen I ieee A, fxm Saha. a Wyse ees an un. 1. Meg maby gomay fron way, aah sir bx wo venoy vee (voy, xl sel aeldmady voy waar woul NON axa vabotator sin, I. the atitedzeas evry A. thea ngeveaay [eal drnaeayougs 1, Tel segayyehin. VE eg edn: (3) Vie ig aeoaetn: ie eas 4) eo, nk dave ‘Yur Mag scoot VILL Te! tegen sak amet aneoyalins " Lips ddeampivon, Leone, fdutoysvov selec Atami smpieraeam rot mgotracrt soem (a) Testes Fat 1X es suanton aso am 9 ab Reh crate Eis mie deen He tent MUL itso, de ob atin Wig ei sqanegatoireny on oy segs dam Ses ete ey at Gr xan deter. 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XXL Teg mgeryecy vat agate, XXNIE, Thal sgoouioy feo way aon BF Uaegerioeos val xe ‘ab sacabans dgnsveun (0) Kawm amit Gyo, Rane, XXXL Theron spoepevnéroy dg Bnei Boston st iredieay sa eec evar be oun bo 7 XXXIV. Hee cov agororirrar ee sponta sv Bes XXXY. Tes moonatowus tov sxeanontvon nape amen SERVE. Tia ev sgoomnatoneoy fate SEEEVIE- Hei ooohroonnoe. PB 1 man i etter. z wg TR a mg tm nen ie re tech Nts IIL Tlegé oroarnyiv.. “ alee VIL Hel nufonmovedipay sai coyPotaton. Yl le stapanon at adae mt eptdondgor Ting enbsy var Btontvay a8 sr Exapreara vote Bano- lone xa ingenious x amit, dnooteLontas ofsons {jeu Enavayraotnd, wa wal tay Rouivon nay se ote dara isan Se oh hose X Theat omar, xl oes nahiovem owes XL Til omarty ter fv brio Loneyerms rig aad Olay ‘iirway yoonrooutens sagt #3y xen, XL wore ol eon Soa otto, he ‘dow, rym nay (ly xen a Rae nae ‘erly aSepiee, > eee “ 1 Map ebosiaator, Tk The webiforeay tyra sgonsnoy 1. 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Hep given soon, fovton ror fctondvey meni ah xeon sara ma vr, ¥. Tet gow B18 wa eiov revnavoy ob ora. Vi lta aovoy rar if siacbtyagogeoros route Bae et tn Govan wt seq ay Bangin ir sel tocar edons an Hing OY govden mango nl Wy cord VIL Teg geornensn Sypodion, xr Br gator cn By genuivar georativr. ot Yani te wre oan i el ter ei a tan val fee atSr, Sane ob eh eos evan those SS x 1. Teal yan Ti. Teg apn: dxaefnas ist aeons x xoonoen= ‘ovat sel tntdoer ba Yoavot wah alana tay fag Alvear «08 gator Hal ee neongares ey Hearne ‘Roy, vi a tov Eemmornby so0l arberon He arn Bi apmorat wl mol aoots aeons Hb al sel var Sovontron the tebe el ob ph Ergeoden ye ‘ak dogg, tt corgeney fy 09 Sevan ‘oapu’p, wine inelgs fale 100 mab onc, wat wren Enoote ‘cabo, sie sevign dg sahune wit ata fade" xe oboe rel to wh nakaber st vv toeuevor Have Tr omar en Sy ape ote a "i etgave van yecomno nal seg veelion 1. Hite” yotos Soin Sampaio tae a a ‘eed amen eo dquo fey er aban. * 1. The yestoungsigor. 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(0) Hien dite. ” Sracpie mshcoram, Ww ‘ei deeatas wl sudous Sey yvonne rion bat oa eras 8 1 "Avdyn Bal! x, abrvas bv xp 9 nem. gna’ Keira A afew: vernal Ev xiow oad, al 8 taxeedge Hebyoe: Grlog xara. sal fy con. txeowtgy, nal fv reareonto. ‘Eyatore, salty 4g dyopuee ink Dngoosigyalecom wok Ee oh ‘Rtarfoe sow ogeny,farotodiny ‘al sheen Boa Hy eh ‘oben zedon Baga, dy fzeov niga Swen, Ta yg ioneocrea 1 xeary ngcletove aut cy algow abrad( "2 By Bi xp ang, °On 5 Seinrgs dyoguarig wivow 1 m0 i, al ob toke naga hanBdve eb ange sooty fay wb ath PSixosrg Nom eg, hou viva vgcteoy A alge, too ‘ode, tg wie pllloveos aghatur ss uagseds 3 YAvayos ta fe ee neg. j. egl trv Rous cagderegon br rb mel nap eaar it v. Rae hse BE TS Mg, Sekt 1, "Arg 08" a obves by ta ag. pn TD sagt tay how sobre so0dtehdas uh maabine tb ma droga ede Eon dyoss, Snug vat zoueow for, na Sbvare sted Wh DO ‘taeda wine sy nado Gvahier 08 yap. ante nym eco sedeva Sop. Erbe g ured dyngaoth avbuneetaf n¢006r (2) “Bion «9 sedey vont: ve slotews aiee® xeeteonag ssgonmvgoty ti rove SyogaecB, oy day 6 agate. Eaegbe 4 nn ge ea itaie | miata ae Broder 8 tedeove tyegortc bps aetna’ nebe Sala ee eae ak Tes ais Sita dv ov ¢ ware. Kel of veudaeve Synosiog Syenis x Te na en ses aby te hhe oer hae Sea Manoa Re be ve gh dye 8 xinevenag 8 Yeamucsin dyognadires “Ava. Be, 0". 8, obuv0s by xp a (1) xup one: “vba wi sonore, Toa eb Bamon, Base 8 nedene Bae aid ey [enpaniran,dvaradicea Beta xingovouon Ease SITEv Bi ex meg. "0. muxqdouay Syoyiy ak as wank 205 Avarontvow na dvegavatsy dyer: faze sth Egon aby. "Ev Be np ae neg 'Hl roo omumaceos spd Eyoody i Sah nla Ban ne of aman yen, 8 vu. ah veioondens dyosin. 1A ab og seo sd sei tacts tly 2% ce sat (ieee atin tte i Se TIT Rg begs Slate rere are FC ——— ie pat nee ty Sm tae ese) ces Ee loon atten ath ale SELLE vrs te uate te ea Soyecsine sothsg meat ata Sok rd Ealacnernacne joie ie eee te Sia ie bi kn ganar een orden Hh pba, Hebd oir acolo Lh ph eet: bla) to Cele” il Ref Eaa Sb ed DLL aS eer eee i ear i nei 8 TEED b oe. at eg Sao rn ste ake odor Hh LB tp A ae (teers, tomcat rood tae RAPE See ype Das sox R86, thoy obs Hace dood, Hla aay aeons Migp roadie oie nontvs sede 5 EV 98" mp “Ont ny Abedins vex ui 2 fu vane tvie nbn need thy moar toy spn Grats Bea ah ope cot tnignos nei, ste Me Scores sah 108" odcon ue he 1 sme dace agen 2 ion ans drain, ve sani rp Hoa eb ‘sy Suy Bones 4 fhe al BAe ae, 8 Oo’ be enor “HE aed Baty nadine rs: Compan Heron noon, 8b Mia Hd tee evade, ture Doge 1, Kal ne. 20 8 one “Baw ete Sinbing sean ithe did Saomninz selon tacts sf yer Or aeouar, Hinge si Cre bce i dnt snow) gous, nh onl he edb fay abis mata, Soca gegen nt Sea hes Goh osraore bv scan dnaldoars ee age a ea Etta “sy Serortay tod recnens, Gk Bor ey ee Hot saben na gene ot dyegsoot, i net aacefolag «08 vars, na sve ivan Sey naganacsee ea, splat et my lp das Ee Be oooxlncs nin Halas ale ye AS otandssacibaaors| a Oe ee agaBéon, 8 modems tyuotvae tl Bf weed vate 6 tyne ovis voter Be nagababoedar ul oxck ded eget face 3 "Ey B06 0 wee. “Bvd Ealgde 6 dvoguss soon (2 Jess os dng, dik ka Whou b nae fea Gala snaous, Sexton neongopr se Fay ana 08. Eero W domivoy ff ¥ Bandba nk 0 @), bw ar Bor sade motes i, yan bbe Sata SS stare Zach wie noug OY dort. Sa 6 bee ‘rrcenn a ae (6) Tot Buon rs ne grains 8 dopant igo a aa ais, a rvs Pag Samy ele ha Ee Wg ag Ean gh eS unerog weal 4 Sonn 8 satis punted Shaul cs Snir sen ensnay Asean Rar se fag Oroma nge Salon oy soi at ‘aad won sein. So, ay Gon ein ons bon tS gi i He age im beg se “On pe te a a Ny nf tent Ee tl ape ol tet te mvt Se ates plas tc ales Sonne ee tras se el soghte cg 6 Syor Se WO aa ciao ap Me aly Ey oD a ae. "On 6 tts Ce eebe a s a. SSticcede don Sofi Eni, Sei aan So at SOD ne Baae 96 seca on BBVA iy. Sle Seton Suomi iach ce see owe 1 Synad meoncrapavr a oa Sos Ride egmsvan nay taco cds tala, dae x. Foe toeg vine dgnoaydévie Soca 08h Saye) sexby iM Hubegabiven hh facooege ne, al ah ‘ces tga 1, “Andy. (C1 oboe nob 8 ug. ene “0 igs ey Wt Statens i eon Se Sos sEreoumavion viv tate tsp he ak ngage wie 2 "Br M0 no. "Ble Sst tos nla sot ayn xsl psec ana toe aa oy eka {Eh Reb fale Er 8 om "On iv gui Legere omovies iv lofty’ xen tn aed ale eh : Pier ih ei rodeos vanes Bee stquay Sein’ outnentavas span sag Me cet 0.2 sobizoe dyoitor, vouaw eva Besser, elf sire (0) tin ened 1 xoudiva ts" Pvoria) ma yvera haBEoeas pos Da ina ooesde 0), "vB oo ns, “Ev 5 xodion néony Axl 9 avoqu- Sinus dungottana, dB pa esbegedh, selonyor keegan fe vee ye Divas tie ‘etlovecr ange tb npdven Sobran Eheebelay” tans x. eet’ ee oh see Avy, Beth ws oan fv a xo. gO an sng hil sagaidoied zqayua faerie eb hay «yoo: oth sale gave uadgay tegBeety #9 stamue 2''hy Seep meq BL ph aagabiowor to legan 8 éaloxso 3 node, tatiyera 3k Bp wep, “Ely sing ob ivoor 106 mgadivras Angad, ns tb oir nig foveoas ov Lewy n.d zeuenseqern ‘ea be 3. pcgor wo sumer poten BE hp ave Seg ‘ind idee tt, oov eG dune, roe al hy kablove E> ‘a Ido ANTBY o8 eo ¢ xen. “On 5 Snotnos awhiy Eiyean ds abe nel deb xoov ty con Glisraor h faonyarow beer, xy roupovton wate be aves aqme (3). (0) Ea podson Barer nou 3) fa) scury ton oguoty (0) Fatgooas ee By 08 Tiger vi tsagonnbl ti titoegay tov elbee) Bea avi Eacgorydl iy SevOegdoy soy altryy, Ea Sal ‘or, eaotiy Ev yeaa zoe Daten, dda, Be oviy Nake ivy pilor 9 da enkmguenea eal dzavOganlan, tet ela Sarih, so 8 avnanvoe b eDhoa aug toy ami eve magyee Inudeev tcasene eee wy Jaye h anattnne erie. 180 a0 shjgams of fre bugdonw tt wh 49a 8a cot. fstows, Excnge fivllacene. wre oy AaguBawonevon 108 owgaven Hu Gea Hyde Asatneng vod xgdyuatos kf i ofon Blo” Qe tt a _ moran jst va" AML « 4. By 5 xu’ xe. “On nah dildrgoy faflov may Spoken ‘seein uh Snonstobac ebtov ios 8 trond, vate BEA Fronts eaagabodia so agetle ak dopsledive ev Ayer ‘etog ls 1 Rran obtd He ‘Kok d 6 drovanric 45 rou wt agebévosciktoy satan: oes apie see, Sw fren etree eagaomi 0). eee {he bntern vy bro see wok wh (Oy ld Bo Seon ie Sane, Fw wiv doy eh) xgatue dsauotoay (ema ey ‘roriy psc wens Emuas (ov Oslordov agen va Soto Kai de fv 9 mak vous faorcio, Bois 6 xadtne WB soby ail dnascin nooeion sow Bahay toy Woy fo ei By notipmow de" i twee geno nov sd vginea tsi mgd fendi pt Ee wa is ee “on to raul, ob ftzone of rd se vie eliavone Gy is, ob Sherd vo node damsotoy Wo hageeoy iy" dvaboo tot taints cin dgu sevegoyen aly Secargiy towuontvoy ot noua: ty Sola ot ae Sat dingo 8 yaa eakOs nel too evpanvon Svs tse oh ror eh dearotoys xqarua,obyiy berworvas. tiger yg ot ese egies se dyguiny te vo nei, en dinas wat Ogus tbr rag unser naar Biboar bres neck, ima ate ace, “Hav mubiow debeh Sefquarn for Epicedgo tl yy yn, fe rth fede oer foros Sreguris sl teauor tds rsgeey A -yrdenay, dntenae Eanp Magteoves ov yao oboe ed paddy Poe () Sone ‘toch wove wav Syn Egat re Ga wegen Kal‘ geyatn swdtoee A idannn, (el yuv aun, Ee rdios bom ro agtgoy, txt 8 8 nlamay, Kon ay ‘ir sur nt et va Eaten 1G Syoouarheniarey ek 8 Soon, ‘il py wud royabos Err de 1 mtn, tal Bad Hd Sit Pare “Nogigor 8 foe, 1 vet dalod Q) ave Ta se xaph Sb nd sléseny ataby vat, ebBaudoaso BE nonin sal zofoqar argdoney, Pare b pov yg abby Eo wb iit isonet oy dyognory. face’ & 58 dy be tot seem rea hapebmiouad. fete thy 3 xqdene dbo Daosens txosiodat wee wy ugh et ei) rows Br Sequon a ape toy 9 Exerideoe ob ae nl ious ge (0) Toondow, vise wfhdeeean eve xa wh Te geo. (8) Ti Borns (8 Leesa sega facincvow 69 09 Srudoiy Wi tugreou, fh eeowe Hd ‘igang roto Abovar soy Syoguaciy, eigeea (eth dy Baby Stor, [HI Gy 8 iicgongs fy 8 rotte, sevioas fv boast xed, ok pv ateig Endinos, decent Bd 46 Susp Nelobve oonorary, nis dos le 8 yore ebaoparegas Even, 8.09 Exegomag eg swat ene le ant Sly ott ns of abe bee hy SB le wo Fenfo] aba f wath 8 Syogertat drei (0) donde vp aoéry ne Gobsiovoa tb eunyavndly pnts” mul woke pest Thy zogsBoaty Kit xavh mugednew xapeidn’ wivov vig Snot, tal. cour elev 9 dyoqaoe Baily sobs nagnots obs Layee 6 ‘Kai vi se «soda Senurndives, wendy ds ardodwoer of- ov tautdiaay olatvo voootveos 8 Each, deeva many Gosieoven abv dyoozony Someries, xa t's euphy 408 sete ‘foaveog Sov des Penta tod ow ‘Kat kav evvibote fv rb (4) macdony GassOvvoy Sodivan ob dyoguato cixagdregar ‘ronan, Gow 1 fyoquere®. aleoves xb madyya ae ayes xagumpey 8 mode tot geeo8 goign” uly 8 wimg toe v6 dyaguerad sdovor ela 1Ey Bago (9) nn, “Ew BE oonepaeibn Bodvas xb dye xiv «exoty, oly frei soo Giopiag up 10 sq, Ent toy Seutos von abe Ebon "Ev 88 (0) aay. Tod moudivrs Inyerrvdéraeg stow forts, dev f be dons abit dowr h NT adeoy”yeynees eto ‘eelatos ganonn ak ak Seaucval tal ol Zowege, eat ot nes Se ots Seapgweas alias eat 26a vy nalaeaaevovey, 1 ot avo of 8 6 tte moive Iybaeg bbe ca ead buoy 9 18 deat, Gaavp ofS (3) 0) uly {i} Foow dathavvon 2. y'8t xo 9" meg, Tg tor dquhy sav daclavyontvay 8 rns ivi ws ekins Ba vl soSBaea auoteny deine ON al goign sdvir els BE Baie (8) taxes deehads lady woes sory ieee 10 enc a dd es 8 dal, og Sra in tc ae Sek Sak rob 2 Mari a sous Se ip tesa ok WEES “Shao. Fete are ret na ehdens, (ist a Kel § dad dyidn: § Sas Sebauaonivor ovr daasvon ettdiper enoeatel SRE li ido wa (al) a bo sos daedvagdnctegspeo Ua lag, Bootovet 3. Ev be 98 wag, Ot Gnchden Beak ply zodzo xhmwpehocvas rogtigduoav, bu hvtgov Be hosgareiyevo oatisduwar A HE tal teleov agadsiy 13 cooceoyxarerohudvers, ynconei (gv tie dala viong dyin Slovo wg Seonorte 20g ay Eonabioranteng “EKal a Sovaal ue mv xaed x8 daca nal fyredug sal yooke Prone ut Tei daaarfones tov dab sasndins nr dnopiotes wal yige fea song, nat rei tiv ph xemeraioay ei, menphqbersan Bnet ‘advqy 9 dyou he nepeeworptven tata wee “deeueniean 1 Ain a (0s mp. (2,6 gn iat some ie earn nod oo Leo Sony Un sl Risin ah tose tbe Sm 6 Sy sad ig eeonince, A Potts, nd 20h say Couto fig ahcot yao ton 6 06005 3. Kat hg, aur "Baw eegenaens xarabenodG, of ae vig dnvtvas advo boviva wb baron “E'Ral sep. 9B Avrora nc younuaealov youowow x08 fr iyo Inds xhBaondy th weve “aware amt fev te Beg, 9B, Fo gnaw” EX ng vad nidvne pinoy motions yuworety nandeyed ney He wale INO ac ob eee, Expense ty mooéeysa Hevea 9 stat svn soni tay 4 oeaotanjavre mor hoy dats da ei ect dy els tw 0s Ey x (9) as. evo ‘Tot ua xooavoontve (a) asd sharps os dnb aavblcgs, nee BiaOtrcee, drains aot (8) Daly a0 95, ductor, how ie dy B ike: 1) Lata gh wate = ddan aa Atta, euane tay, a « 1. "By Gx wee THA vows Bxlamtuere, x sqensroiuor tapi, sie eegBirereas a 8h ae epor year Sale Tostar ob Svagtnear, Seg ae Oh ni saabin (8s singin ec eg G66 ae. Th ah tbe zeeanoguevoy Reyéoy dy -neciggsn wat Svan TOPBe AP Peta aon sean wh ere at oie éyelanbiee Ti. vcpam gy owns by xt xe gue “On & iv drvlgs ob wi 8 lbkon narebalan's oh yosobuwwoy ve Sanda Tab fo en ns tgoran een, she, uh nrzoermivone novel, terahaybine 08 soc, 60 Rr faa gn pg Toiy Ose) cope sf 8b sat eh aepdlaty nanfaiee by eb ny wh maeeoneysivor wacely (1) dvahonBevey ee 0) rian” roe suave aawébalay, ste met ata, ee ity dcr Ta ny Sp ie ap, Mara xerindeion ot dredanBéer Th Kel be # anions yh Kgs, saved, dvahonBara 13.tAvayy, xa bee 8 a9 Cb dane Ba onion am seattle xe" Poy (@) cow Gpstoyiow Catv tain. ‘Godlow tuofoneta, fae wiv xanereaety mck naveBehoy [état fre Bear Kal fy vonttoved ys xgenorat oa Bi nto 008 tony ov Susan, yeaa abet mageees al nea] uy, eg bongneh Or maeynear vo eewheving (oh 1 Andy. Bede of 8 xe. 1 by Gna “Ore. alngovonia sqés a ele fx Buabipng ete HE Ahabieow arene ete TE Sloatjow ete be wget uy 6908 086 wasabléaodan Pee iv aingovoutay, xl fist arguedey ftve. zion wal tawrby Tindale nh Sengor cafes Exocippen, tepay iO (©) Solari wh dveag Gato wor. (oe et an ogy, bm den ae i pllawy eabiiebe Bonds seal eqaeagioe (2 panes Lean emer ae {@) Lenn "meayiy

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