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Wind power

1)Describe the energy source. (What is it? How does it work?)

The energy source is Wind. The wind is used to generate mechanical power
or electricity.The wind turbines create power without using fossil fuels,
without producing greenhouse gases or radioactive or toxic waste.
2) Is the energy source considered renewable or nonrenewable?
3) What is the history of the energy source?
Wind energy propelled boats along the Nile River as early as 5000 B.C. By
200 B.C., simple windmills in China were pumping water, while vertical-axis
windmills with woven reed sails were grinding grain in Persia and the Middle
4) Where is the energy source found?
It used to be used to pump water and grinding grain.
5) How is the energy source recovered?
By windmills.
6) How is the energy source stored once it is recovered?
Wind power isn't stored. It is immediately generated into electricity that goes.
7) How is the energy source used today?
The wind can be used to power homes, businesses and schools.
8) Is the energy source efficient? (production costs compared to energy production)
The wind energy is free but installing is pricy. The amount of electricity a modern wind turbine
produces is dependent on wind speed. It is great but it doesnt give you a great amount of
9) What are the capital costs or setup costs involved in using the energy source?
The wind energy is free but installing is pricy.The costs for a utility scale wind turbine range from
about $1.3 million to $2.2 million per MW
10) Are there ongoing operating costs involved when using the energy source?
There won't be many ongoing operations because the turbines really don't worsened, it has a
lifespan of 20 yrs and every year it keeps on getting better.
11) What are the advantages of the energy source?
Wind energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion
of fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines don't produce
atmospheric emissions that increase health problems like asthma or create
acid rain or greenhouse gases.
12) What are the disadvantages of the energy source? (finding, extracting, manufacturing,
Wind turbines are noisy and may bother people living near them.
13) What is the economic impact of the energy source?
Each megawatt of wind capacity, a county gains half a job and just over
$11,000 in total personal income and 47,000 megawatts of wind energy
capacity installed in the U.S.

14) What is the environmental impact of the energy source?

There isn't much of an impact only that it is noisy and kills birds pacing by.
15) Is there a high cost to the consumer in using the energy source?
Ony loud noise made by the turbine.
16) Are there any other interesting facts about the energy source?
The wind power is clean and doesn't throw chemicals in the air.
17) What is the future of the energy source?
Each year this turbine keeps on getting better and more efficient.
18) What were the sources of your information?

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