Bullying Lesson Plan

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Student Name: Amber Sansom

Lesson Title: Introduction to Bullying

Grade(s): 6th

# of Lessons in Unit: 3 Lesson # 1

Time Required: 40 min
Target ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors:
M 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental,
social/emotional and physical well-being
M 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment
M 6. Positive attitude toward work and learning
B-LS 1. Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions
B-LS 4. Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning
B-LS 9. Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed
B-SMS 1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility
B-SMS 9. Demonstrate personal safety skills
B-SS 1. Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills
B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
B-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy
B-SS 5. Demonstrate ethical decision making and social responsibility
B-SS 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and
Target PA Standards:
PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:C1.3 Learn about the differences between appropriate and inappropriate
physical contact
PS:C1.6 Identify resource people in the school and community and know how to
seek their help

Learning Objective(s):
Students will be able to define the term bully and identify different forms it takes.
Students will learn the negative effects of bullying on the victim.
Students will learn 2-3 confrontation techniques on how to appropriately stand up to
a bully or handle a bullying situation.
Students will learn why a bully often turns to being or a bully or becomes a bully.

SMART goal:
By the end of this lesson #1, 90% of 6th graders can name the four types of
bullying that occur and one way to appropriately confront a bully or bullying

By the end of the 2017-2018 school year there will be a 10% decrease in behavior
referrals due to bullying through the use of bullying awareness lessons provided by
the school counselors.

Powerpoint Presentation
Pre-assessment and post-assessment surveys

Procedure (should be specific and have a timeline):

10:00 to 10:07: Introduction to lesson. I will hand out a pre-assessment survey

with questions on their idea of what bullying is, making a list of different types of
bullying that occur, the effects of bullying on a victim, and why they think some
people become bullies. I will then collect the pre-assessment surveys.
10:07 to 10:10: To get the lesson start on the first slide of the powerpoint, I will
ask the students to name off some historic bullies or bullies that first pop into their
minds from movies, and what makes them a bully.
10:10 to 10:15: Then I will begin the powerpoint presentation. During this
presentation we will discuss and learn about various topics as they relate to
bullying. We will then go into the four different types of bullying. At this time, I will
ask the students to name off some examples of each form. For example, for physical
bullying, I might ask, what would somebody to another person that would make it
physical bullying? Hopefully students would answer with, hitting, kicking, pushing,
etc. I will ask a follow up question, Has anybody seen this happen at school? What
about away from school?.
10:15 to 10:19: When we arrive at this point in the presentation there will be two
slides with statistics regarding students and bullying. Such as the number of
students who are bullied each year. I will bring these statistics to life by comparing
them to populations of states, and stadium capacities. I will ask if these numbers
shocked anyone. I will also ask if they or someone they know has ever been scared
of coming to school, or skipped school, for fear of being bullied.
10:19 to 10:30: We will resume the slideshow. The following slides will discuss
some effects of bullying felt by both the victim and the bully. We will also discuss
the possibility of others being affected.
10:30 to 10:35: Towards the end of class, we will discuss why some people choose
to bully. This will hopefully spark a class discussion or friendly debate on the
common reasons why people choose to bully. I will make sure to acknowledge every
student response because there is no right or wrong answers. There are multiple
reasons for why people might choose to bully, but at the end of the day, it is a
choice and there are other ways that we can go about handling our emotions.
10:35 to 10:40: Wrap up the end of the lesson with a small post-assessment
survey seeing how much they learned today.

Plan for Evaluation

(How will each of the following be collected?)

Process Data:
This lesson plan will be conducted by a school counselor with the assistance of each
classs teacher in all 6th grade health classes or approximately 125 students at
Wyoming Valley Middle School. It will be conducted over one 40-minute class during
regular school hours. To reach all 6th grade students this lesson will be given to the
health class each 6th grader is required to take throughout the year, meaning that
one single lesson plan will be given to approximately 30 6 th grade students at a

Perception Data:
A pre-assessment will be given to the students in the form of a survey that will be
passed out. The questions on the survey will ask what their idea of what bullying is,
making a list of different types of bullying that occur, the effects of bullying on a
victim, and why they think some people become bullies.
A post-assessment survey will be given to the students. Their understanding of
bullying, the forms it takes, why people bully, who are victims, and the effects of
bullying will tremendously increase.
Outcome Data:
90% of 6th graders can name the four types of bullying that occur.
90% of 6th graders can identify one way to appropriately confront a bully or bullying
There will be 10% decrease in the discipline referral rate due to bullying in the
remainder of the year after this lesson is taught. This data will be evaluated by
comparing the number of discipline referrals from before the bullying lessons were
received to the number of discipline referrals after the bullying lessons. This data
will be recorded and kept by the school counselor.

Follow Up:
I will let the students know this was the first lesson of 3 and what we will be
covering on bullying in the next lesson. When we resume the next days lesson I will
follow up by asking them questions about this lesson before starting our next one.
For students who are absent on the day of the lesson plan I will provide them a print
out of the power point we covered and encourage them to talk with a partner about
the lesson.

Lesson Source:
Grissom, S. (2012, October 08). Nations educators continue push for safe, bully-free
environments. National
Education Association. Retrieved from http://www.nea.org/home/53298.htm
PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center (n.d.). Educational Lesson Plan. Retrieved

Unit Data
(Add post-unit data after lesson has been completed.)
Process Data: One lesson on the introduction of bullying was provided to a total
(How many lessons of 125 6th grade students divided into classes (between 20-30
provided to how many students per group).
Perception Data: Questions or Pre Post
Demonstration Date # or % Date # or %
understanding of
bullying was given in
the form of a pre-
assessment survey
asking questions such
as the forms of
bullying, how to
confront a bully
(What do students or adults appropriately, and the
think that students know, effects of bullying.
believe or can do?)
They were asked to
specifically name the
forms of bullying and
ideas on how to
approach a bullying
situation. 4/26/17 40% 4/26/17 90%

Achievement or Pre Post Pre Post

Data Element Date # or % Date # or %
Results Data: Students were then
(Student achievement or assessed on how many
student choice/behavior) behavior referral rates
there were after this
lesson. 4/26/17 +10% 6/14/17 -10%

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