Skills Needed To Work With Young Children

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Appendix 2.

01A students, a partnership of 26 nationally known businesses and

Student Handout agencies identified these life skills as part of their collective
vision for 21st century learning: leadership, ethics,
SkillsNeededtoWorkwithYoungChildren accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal
responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social
In order to work with small children, you will need basic responsibility.
employability skills as well as professional skills. Basic
employability skills are those you need to be able to get and Professional Skills
keep a job. Professional skills are the specialized skills that Professional skills include interpersonal, leadership, resource
will be needed in order to excel and advance in this field. Both management, and professional communication skills. With
types of skills may be sharpened by reading, studying, asking these skills, most people are able to advance and excel in their
questions, and taking part in on-the-job experiences. This is chosen fields.
why your internship experience is such a valuable part of this
course. Interpersonal skills are essential because, in the early
childhood setting, you will be working on a daily basis with
What are the skills that you must have to be successful in several different types of people --- the children for whom you
working with young children? Although it is true that different care, their parents, and your co-workers. In 1992, the US
writers present different lists, the essential skills that are Department of Labor did a study and issued a report called the
included in this study are ones that are widely recognized. SCANS Report Secretarys Commission on Achieving
These skills are identified by many authorities in early Necessary Skills. In that report, five interpersonal skills were
childhood education. listed as necessary skills --- participating as a member of a
team, teaching others, serving clients, exercising leadership,
Basic Employability Skills and working with cultural diversity. It is easy to see the
Basic employability skills include basic communication skills, relevance of all five of these skills to careers in early childhood.
math skills, thinking skills, and life skills. With these skills, Leadership means the ability to influence others toward
most people are able to find a job or career in which they can positive action. In order to advance in any field, a person must
be successful. be able to have a positive influence on others. Effective
Basic communication skills are those that allow people to leaders are people who know how to work with other people to
send and receive messages. Some messages are verbal get the job done. Although many skills are associated with
because they involve words --- for example, speaking, leadership, our focus will be on responsibility, integrity, vision,
listening, reading, and writing. Some, such as body language, perseverance, consideration, and team focus. Note that some
are nonverbal because no words are used. of these qualities are also associated with good character.

There are several ways in which verbal communications are Another set of professional skills is resource management
exchanged in early childhood settings. These include talking skills. There are many types of resources to be managed in
by telephone, sending E-mails, and writing reports of early childhood settings, and often some of these resources
observations. Each of these requires a specialized set of are in scarce supply. These resources include people,
skills. information, technology, time, energy, money, equipment, and
Basic math skills are also essential for success in working
with young children. The basic operations of adding, Professional communication skills are important for anyone
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing are used frequently for a in the early childhood profession, but particularly for those who
variety of purposes --- everything from dividing paper into wish to manage or direct an early childhood program.
smaller multiples to cut out shapes to adding numbers of Professional communication skills include communicating
servings from the food groups. Basic math skills are used goals and philosophy, public relations, family communications,
every day in early childhood settings. staff communications, teamwork, and recording information.

Thinking skills are very important. A child care professional As you continue your study of early
is responsible for the well-being of children who are not old childhood education and your work
enough to make good judgment calls for themselves. The experiences in early childhood settings,
child care professional must be able to think critically, make you will sharpen your skills and prepare
decisions, and solve problems for them. With the good for success as an early childhood
thinking skills of teachers and caregivers, children remain safe, professional. Best wishes!
healthy, and happy.

Another set of skills that is considered essential for the 21st

Century is life skills. After extensive research and dialogue
with educators, employers, parents, community members and

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