Final Self Eval

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Name: Michelle Carla M. Cabuco Date: May

10, 2017
Research Group Topic: Disaster Management Workshop
Group: 1
1. Write down the title of your essay.
Reel to Real Catastrophe: Effect of Natural Disaster Films on Public Disaster Understanding and
Risk Management

Does it make the topic explicit, or does it hint at the topic in some way? How does it
set the readers expectation about what your topic is?
I think it does both the tagline hints at my topic then the subtitle is the exact topic of my
paper. The reader can expect that my paper is leaning towards the scientific, formal kind but
they can be rest assured that it would not give them nosebleeds because through films (like the
title hinted on), I can make it relatable and interesting.

2. Did things go as planned for you? Did your expectations for Paper 2 turn out to be
true or false? What unforeseen issues cropped up while you were drafting your
Things definitely did not go the way I expected them to. Writing my paper took way, way, way
longer than I expected. I could never seem to keep up with the schedule I made for writing
every part of my paper since I never finish writing a part on the time I designated it on. To give
context, my expectations for Paper 2 were mostly filled with intimidation and confusion. And
now I can say that the intimidation slowly dissolved as I got closer to Paper 2. As for my
confusion, it half dissipated and half heightened. After reading more articles, I realized that a lot
of them had a lot to say supporting the opposite of my original argument. Hence, I got confused
about what I then thought about my topic, how I would adjust my argument.

3. Reproduce your Argumentative Outline on the back of this page or provide a

separate page for it.

4. Did you make the outline BEFORE or AFTER* writing your draft? *You should know by
now that it is acceptable either way, even if you have to make one NOW, as long as
you have the outline.
I did my outline before starting with my paper, the same time as my research plan since I cant
really work on papers without agreeing on a certain flow first.

5. Which part/s of your paper were the most difficult to put together? Elaborate.
Probably the first part of my Paper 1. It also took me the longest to write because as I was
writing, I realized I had collected way too many information on Natural Disasters, more than
what I needed to mention. While writing, I was already omitting parts of my outline because I
realized some of them werent needed in my discussion. I initially reached around 2500 words
on it alone, without discussing films yet, without any of the I say yet.

Which parts did your workshop groupmates appreciate the most? Why?
They liked my introduction the most, saying it really gave them as readers an interesting and
attention-grabbing peek into my papers content. They said it relates how nature as giver of life
can also take it away. The examples helped them relate to the topic better.

Which part did they critique the most? Why? What do you plan to do about it?
When I had my paper workshopped, I admitted that it wasnt complete yet and that was what
they said I could and should work on the most. What I had was good so far, they said. I just had
to finish my thoughts, and I plan to finish them as soon as possible because I want to have
ample time for revisions, proofreading and reading of more articles.

Accomplish this revision checklist AFTER YOUR SECOND PAPER HAS BEEN
REVISION CHECKLIST: Answer YES or NO* Is my essay organized? How is my essay
YES organized?
Does my essay have Do I know the meanings Do I have a proper OR what kind of logical
focus? of ALL the words in my introduction? YES organization do I aim
YES essay? YES for?
Does it stick to the Do I use each word Do I have a proper
focus? properly or conclusion? NO
NO appropriately? YES
Does each idea lead Did I acknowledge and Are there any typos, stray punctuation, or other
smoothly & logically to cite my sources in text? surface flaws that would make me look stupid when
the next idea? YES YES my essay is read? YES
Do I need to delete Are all my sources cited I have some difficulty with the following aspects of
any repeated ideas or completely and correctly grammar:
irrelevant parts? YES!!! in my bibliography? YES [If the aspect is not listed below, then specify here.]
Do I need to Did I proofread my Run- S-V
add/explain/clarify any essay? NO ons Fragments agreement Punctuation
more ideas? YES YES Verb tenses
Spelling Pronouns Prepositions
* You may write below if there is anything here you want to elaborate on.
Check all the choices that apply and provide the details:
Did anyone
write helpful comments on your draft? Who? Lexy Bucud
proofread your draft? Who? Jerielle Malonzo
discuss your paper with you outside class? Who? Jerielle Malonzo, Zeanne Gatdula
offered to help you with a particular aspect of your paper? Which aspect? Who?
ask your permission to read/use sources that you found through research? Who? Which
asked for your help with their work? Who? With what aspect in particular?
Jerielle Malonzo, just critique her conclusion
asked if they could do something they way you did it? Who? What strategy in particular?
tell you they wanted to read (or did read) all your papers even if it wasnt required? Who?

1. Of your workshop group mates, whom did you find most helpful? Describe how that
person helped you out. Did that person help you with your work directly or help you
indirectly through his or her own work? (You may identify 2 people at most.)
Jerielle Malonzo. She discusses how she writes her paper with me to give me an idea on how to
write mine whenever Im stuck or confused. And she gives me constructive comments during
workshop, even if she was just my proofreader, on how I can really fix my paper more. By being
one of those who read and wrote comments on her paper (during Workshop 1), I was able to
understand more how to write my paper because hers already had great flow and had a lot of
credible sources.
Zeanne Gatdula. She helped not just me but most of my workshop-mates how the other
requirements should be, like the notecards, appendix, etc. I also discussed how to write my
paper with her.

2. Of all your classmates, whom did you find most helpful in any (or all) of your other
class activities this semester? (You may identify 2 people at most.)
Cid Azcarraga. Hes my friend from outside of the class, so whenever I had to ask something
about the class, I asked him first. We designated a day to work on our papers together so we
could help each other finish it, and he gave me ideas on what to do when I got stuck.
Jerielle Malonzo. For the same reasons as mentioned above.

3. Whose work (in your workshop group or otherwise) do you think deserves to be read
by the entire class, other students outside class, or the larger public in general?
Zeanne Gatdula. Ive only read her abstract, to be honest, but during the workshops I would
always hear that her paper has excellent flow and is written well. And based from her well-
written abstract, I think she has made a great paper worthy of being read by others.

4. Did you read works of your classmates even though they werent in the same group
or it wasnt required? Which essays did you read and why?
No, none.

5. Did you encounter any problems or difficulties with your research partners or with
anyone in your workshop group? Was it resolved or left unresolved? Did anyone lack
in participation in your group work or discussions?
Nope. Actually, I enjoyed being in my particular workshop group because we all helped each
other, not just during the workshops themselves but also online, where we would discuss how to
do the other related requirements or this certain part of our papers. We were all present in both
workshops, and whenever it was time for the critic to talk or the writer to answer questions,
most or half of us would be very active in pushing what could be better and what would be best
for the writers paper. Some even invited all of us to have our own workshop outside of class.
The productive atmosphere our workshop group was very helpful in motivating me to raise the
quality of my paper, so I feel very grateful to be in my workshop group.

6. Any final comments?

This requirement is no joke. Writing such a long paper requires A LOT of effort but I know Ive
picked up a lot about writing through this specific paper and this class, which I will be very much
be able to apply when I write my thesis in a few years.

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