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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical

Transmission System
Product Overview

Issue 02

Date 2011-06-30


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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) i
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview Contents


1 Product Positioning and Features .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction to the OptiX OSN 550 ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Product Positioning .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Product Features ............................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Product Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 System Architecture ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Hardware Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Chassis .................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Boards ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Ventilation Design ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Software Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Overview of Software Architecture....................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Communication Protocols and Interfaces ............................................................................................. 12
2.3.3 Board Software ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.4 NE Software .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.5 NMS Software ...................................................................................................................................... 14

3 Product Functions and Features ............................................................................................... 15

3.1 Capacity ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Port Types ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Network Topology.......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Protection Support .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Clock Synchronization ................................................................................................................................... 19
3.6 Ethernet Features ............................................................................................................................................ 19

4 Networking and Application Scenarios ................................................................................. 20

5 Operation and Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 22
5.1 DCN ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Network Management .................................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Fault Locating and Equipment Maintenance .................................................................................................. 23
5.4 Power and Environment Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 24
5.5 NE Upgrades .................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.6 License Control .............................................................................................................................................. 26

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview Contents

6 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................ 27

6.1 General Specifications.................................................................................................................................... 27
6.2 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board ............................................................................................ 28

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview Figures


Figure 1-1 Exterior of the OptiX OSN 550 (-48 V and -60 V DC power) ............................................................ 1

Figure 1-2 Exterior of the OptiX OSN 550 (110 V and 220 V AC power) ........................................................... 2

Figure 1-3 Position of the OptiX OSN 550 in a transmission network ................................................................. 4
Figure 2-1 Block diagram...................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 2-2 Exterior of the OptiX OSN 550 ........................................................................................................... 8

Figure 2-3 Ventilation design of the OptiX OSN 550 ......................................................................................... 11

Figure 2-4 General architecture of software ........................................................................................................ 12

Figure 4-1 Typical networking diagram of the OptiX OSN 550 ......................................................................... 21

Figure 6-1 Typical configuration of the OptiX OSN 550 .................................................................................... 28

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview Tables


Table 1-1 Board list ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Table 2-1 Function units of the OptiX OSN 550 ................................................................................................... 7

Table 2-2 Board list ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Table 3-1 Access capacity of the OptiX OSN 550 ............................................................................................... 16

Table 3-2 Services ports that the OptiX OSN 550 support .................................................................................. 17

Table 3-3 Management and auxiliary ports that the OptiX OSN 550 supports ................................................... 17

Table 3-4 DC power supply ports that the OptiX OSN 550 supports .................................................................. 18

Table 3-5 Clock functions supported by the OptiX OSN 550 ............................................................................. 19

Table 4-1 Network topologies supported by OptiX OSN 550s and corresponding legends ................................ 20

Table 5-1 DCC allocation modes supported by the OptiX OSN 550................................................................... 23

Table 5-2 Upgrade methods available for the OptiX OSN 550 ........................................................................... 25

Table 5-3 Information about the version-specific license that the OptiX OSN 550 supports .............................. 26

Table 6-1 General specifications of the OptiX OSN 550 ..................................................................................... 27

Table 6-2 Power consumption and weight of the boards on the OptiX OSN 550 ............................................... 28

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

1 Product Positioning and Features

About This Chapter

This section describes the OptiX OSN 550 equipment, and its network positioning and
network application.
1.1 Introduction to the OptiX OSN 550
The OptiX OSN 550 is Huawei's new-generation optical transmission equipment that is used
at the access layer.
1.2 Product Positioning
The OptiX OSN 550 is used at the access layer of a transmission network, providing STM-1,
STM-4, and STM-16 optical ports. The equipment works with other access-layer equipment
to build an entire equipment family at the access layer and complete Huawei's optical
transmission product series.
1.3 Product Features
This section describes the product features and customer value.

1.1 Introduction to the OptiX OSN 550

The OptiX OSN 550 is Huawei's new-generation optical transmission equipment that is used
at the access layer.
Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show the exterior of the OptiX OSN 550.

Figure 1-1 Exterior of the OptiX OSN 550 (-48 V and -60 V DC power)

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

Figure 1-2 Exterior of the OptiX OSN 550 (110 V and 220 V AC power)

There are two CXL slots in the upper part of the equipment, and six extended slots in the
lower part. The CXL slot houses a functional board integrating the system control unit,
cross-connect unit, timing unit, and line unit. The board has several types to provide different
functions and access capacities required by the OptiX OSN 550. The extended slots house the
line unit, tributary unit, and data unit.
Table 1-1 lists the boards supported by the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 1-1 Board list

Board Description Interface Valid

CXL TNM1CXL System control, 1xSTM-1 optical port Slot 7 or
board 1 cross-connect, timing, Slot8
and line board (CXL)
TNM1CXL System control, 1xSTM-4 optical port Slot 7 or
4 cross-connect, timing, Slot8
and line board (CXL)
TNM1CXL System control, 1xSTM-16 optical port Slot 7 or
16 cross-connect, timing, Slot8
and line board (CXL)
Boards TNM1AUX Auxiliary interface One orderwire phone One of
in the board port the Slots
extended 6-input and 2-output 1 to 6
slots alarm port
Two external clock
One 64 kbit/s
synchronous data port
One 19.2 kbit/s
asynchronous data port
One port for monitoring
an outdoor cabinet
TNH2SL1D 2xSTM-1 optical 2xSTM-1 optical ports One of
interface board the Slots
1 to 6
TNH2SL1Q 4xSTM-1 optical 4xSTM-1 optical ports One of
interface board the Slots
1 to 6

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

Board Description Interface Valid


TNH2SL4D 2xSTM-4 optical 2xSTM-4 optical ports One of

interface board the Slots
1 to 6
TNH2PL3T 3xE3/T3 electrical 3xE3/T3 electrical ports One of
interface board the Slots
1 to 6
TNH2SP3D 42xE1/T1 electrical 42xE1/T1 electrical ports One of
interface board the Slots
1 to 6
TNH2EGT1 1xGE Ethernet 1xGE optical port One of
transparent transmission the Slots
board 1 to 6
TNH2EFS8 8xFE Ethernet 8xFE electrical ports One of
switching and the Slots
processing board 1 to 6
Fan TNM1FAN Fan board - Slot 93
Power TND1PIU DC power supply board Provides -48 V/-60 V DC Slot 91
supply power supply ports. or Slot
board 92
TNF1APIU AC power supply board Provides two 110 V/220 Slots 2
V AC power supply ports and 4
Slots 4
and 6

1.2 Product Positioning

The OptiX OSN 550 is used at the access layer of a transmission network, providing STM-1,
STM-4, and STM-16 optical ports. The equipment works with other access-layer equipment
to build an entire equipment family at the access layer and complete Huawei's optical
transmission product series.
Figure 1-3 shows the position of the OptiX OSN 550 in a transmission network.

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

Figure 1-3 Position of the OptiX OSN 550 in a transmission network

OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 9500 OptiX OSN 7500


OptiX OSN 3500 OptiX OSN 3500


OptiX OSN 550 OptiX OSN 550


OptiX OSN 500

OptiX OSN 500 Network
OptiX Metro 100 terminal unit
OptiX Metro 100

Switching / Ethernet
Base Station

1.3 Product Features

This section describes the product features and customer value.

Various Ports, Flexible Configuration Models

The OptiX OSN 550 provides a wide variety of service ports, supporting multiple network
topologies such as chains and rings. With more flexible deployment of the OptiX OSN 550,
network resources are made best use of.

Low Power Consumption and Noise, High Integration

The power consumption of the typical configuration is 67 W.
The equipment integration is high. The CXL board integrates the system control unit,
cross-connect unit, timing unit, and line unit.
Six extended slots are available.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

Simple Structure, Easy-to-Install, High Scalability

The OptiX OSN 550 is small in size can easy-to-install. It can be desk-mounted and
The OptiX OSN 550 supports evolution to the packet domain. So, the equipment can be
reused to the maximum extent, and carriers' construction cost is reduced.

Various Types of Power Inputs

-48 V and -60 V DC power input
110 V and 220 V AC power input

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

2 Product Architecture

About This Chapter

The architecture of the OptiX OSN 550 is described from the following aspects: hardware
structure and software architecture.
2.1 System Architecture
This section describes its function units and the relationship between these units.
2.2 Hardware Structure
This section mainly describes the system architecture, chassis, and boards of the OptiX OSN
2.3 Software Architecture
This section describes the software architecture of the OptiX OSN 550.

2.1 System Architecture

This section describes its function units and the relationship between these units.

System Architecture
The OptiX OSN 550 consists of the following function units: service interface unit, TDM
switching unit, control unit, timing unit, auxiliary interface unit, fan unit, and power supply

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Figure 2-1 Block diagram

STM-1/4/16 Service signal Timeslot
E1/T1/E3/T3 interface cross-
FE/GE unit connect unit

Control and
overhead bus

Orderwire Auxiliary
External alarm Clock Control Power
interface Fan unit
Synchronous/Asynchronous data unit unit unit
Outdoor cabinet management port

NM data -48V / -60V DC or

110V/220V AC

Table 2-1 Function units of the OptiX OSN 550

Function Unit Function

Service interface Receives and transmits STM-1, STM-4, and STM-16 signals.
unit Receives and transmits E1/T1 signals and E3/T3 signals.
Receives and transmits FE/GE signals.
TDM switching Provides cross-connect function and grooms TDM services.
Control unit Performs system communication and control.
Configures and manages the system.
Collects alarms and monitors performance.
Processes overheads.
Clock unit Traces clock sources and provides clock signals for the system.
Provides the input/output port for external clocks.
Auxiliary interface Provides the orderwire phone port.
unit Provides the synchronous/asynchronous data port.
Provides the external alarm input/output port.
Provides the port for monitoring an outdoor cabinet
Power supply unit Connects to -48 V and-60 V DC power supplies.
Connects to 110 V and 220 V AC power supplies.
Fan unit Cools the NE.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

2.2 Hardware Structure

This section mainly describes the system architecture, chassis, and boards of the OptiX OSN
2.2.1 Chassis
The OptiX OSN 550 is 2U-high case-shaped equipment that consists of four layers of slots for
boards. Two CXL slots and six extended slots are provided for flexible configuration.
2.2.2 Boards
Boards are an important part of the equipment hardware.
2.2.3 Ventilation Design
The case of the OptiX OSN 550 is densely covered with small air holes. Through these holes,
air is let in from the left and out from the right by fans.

2.2.1 Chassis
The OptiX OSN 550 is 2U-high case-shaped equipment that consists of four layers of slots for
boards. Two CXL slots and six extended slots are provided for flexible configuration.
Figure 2-2 shows the exterior of the OptiX OSN 550.

Figure 2-2 Exterior of the OptiX OSN 550

H installation
D W 4

1 93
(EXT )


1 Power supply board area 3 Extended board area

4 System control, switching,
2 Fan area
and timing board area

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

The OptiX OSN 550 has the following slot areas:

Power supply area: This area houses power supply modules for the power input and
output of the equipment.
Fan area: This area houses fan modules, which dissipate heat generated by the equipment.
The fan board supports the status checks for locked-rotor and rotating speed, status query,
and fault reporting.
Extended slot area: This area houses a wide range of extended boards and AC power
supply board APIU on the OptiX OSN 550.
System control, switching, and timing slot area: This area houses the CXL board on the
OptiX OSN 550.

2.2.2 Boards
Boards are an important part of the equipment hardware.
Table 2-2 lists the boards supported by the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 2-2 Board list

Board Description Interface Valid Slot

CXL TNM1C System control, cross-connect, 1xSTM-1 Slot 7 or Slot8
board XL1 timing, and line board (CXL) optical port
TNM1C System control, cross-connect, 1xSTM-4 Slot 7 or Slot8
XL4 timing, and line board (CXL) optical port
TNM1C System control, cross-connect, 1xSTM-16 Slot 7 or Slot8
XL16 timing, and line board (CXL) optical port
Boards TNM1A Auxiliary interface board One One of the Slots
in the UX orderwire 1 to 6
extend phone port
ed 6-input and
slots 2-output
alarm port
Two external
clock ports
One 64 kbit/s
data port
One 19.2
data port
One port for
monitoring an
TNH2S 2xSTM-1 optical interface 2xSTM-1 One of the Slots
L1D board optical ports 1 to 6

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Board Description Interface Valid Slot

TNH2S 4xSTM-1 optical interface 4xSTM-1 One of the Slots
L1Q board optical ports 1 to 6
TNH2S 2xSTM-4 optical interface 2xSTM-4 One of the Slots
L4D board optical ports 1 to 6
TNH2P 3xE3/T3 electrical interface 3xE3/T3 One of the Slots
L3T board electrical ports 1 to 6
TNH2SP 42xE1/T1 electrical interface 42xE1/T1 One of the Slots
3D board electrical ports 1 to 6
TNH2E 1xGE Ethernet transparent 1xGE optical One of the Slots
GT1 transmission board port 1 to 6
TNH2E 8xFE Ethernet switching and 8xFE electrical One of the Slots
FS8 processing board ports 1 to 6
Fan TNM1F Fan board - Slot 93
board AN
Power TND1PI DC power supply board Provides -48 Slot 91 or Slot
supply U V/-60 V DC 92
board power supply
TNF1AP AC power supply board Provides two Slots 2 and 4
IU 110 V/220 V Slots 4 and 6
AC power (recommende
supply ports d)

2.2.3 Ventilation Design

The case of the OptiX OSN 550 is densely covered with small air holes. Through these holes,
air is let in from the left and out from the right by fans.

Ensure the smooth flow of air inside and around the equipment. Do not block the air inlet and air outlet
of the subrack when cabling. Keep the top of subrack clean.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Figure 2-3 Ventilation design of the OptiX OSN 550



2.3 Software Architecture

This section describes the software architecture of the OptiX OSN 550.
2.3.1 Overview of Software Architecture
The software system is of a modular structure. The modules accomplish the corresponding
functions and interoperate with each other.
2.3.2 Communication Protocols and Interfaces
The communication interfaces on the equipment are mainly Qx interfaces. For the description
of the protocol stacks and messages on the Qx interfaces, see ITU-T G.773, ITU-T Q.811, and
ITU-T Q.812.
2.3.3 Board Software
Board software runs on boards configured with CPUs and performs management, monitoring,
and control functions for the boards.
2.3.4 NE Software
The NE software manages, monitors, and controls the running of boards in the NE. In
addition, the NE software serves as the service unit for the communication between the NMS
and boards. In this manner, the NMS can control and manage the NE.
2.3.5 NMS Software
Like other optical transmission equipment, the OptiX OSN 550 is managed by the iManager
series NMS.

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

2.3.1 Overview of Software Architecture

The software system is of a modular structure. The modules accomplish the corresponding
functions and interoperate with each other.
The software modules fall into three types: the board software that runs on a variety of
functional boards, the NE software that runs on the system control and communication board,
and the network management software that runs on the network management computer.
The software system is of layered design. That is, each layer performs specific functions and
serves its upper layer. Figure 2-4 shows the general architecture of software. All the modules
except the network management system and the board software are NE software.

Figure 2-4 General architecture of software

2.3.2 Communication Protocols and Interfaces

The communication interfaces on the equipment are mainly Qx interfaces. For the description
of the protocol stacks and messages on the Qx interfaces, see ITU-T G.773, ITU-T Q.811, and
ITU-T Q.812.
A Qx interface mainly connects a mediation device (MD), Q adaptation (QA), or network
element (NE) with an operations system (OS) through the local communication network
(LCN). A QA interface is provided at the NE management layer, and an MD and OS are
provided at the network management layer. As specified in the Recommendation, a Qx
interface is developed in compliance with the Connectionless Network LayerService (CLNS1)
based on TCP/IP. A Qx interface supports the remote access of NMS through a modem, and
the IP layer uses the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) accordingly.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

2.3.3 Board Software

Board software runs on boards configured with CPUs and performs management, monitoring,
and control functions for the boards.
On the OptiX OSN 550, the software that controls all boards runs on the CXL board.
The board software receives the commands issued by the NE software, and reports the board
status to the NE software in the form of performance events and alarms.
The specific functions include alarm management, performance management, configuration
management, and communication management. The drive control over functional circuits of
the board is software-specific. The ITU-T compliant functions are achieved under the control
of the NE software.

2.3.4 NE Software
The NE software manages, monitors, and controls the running of boards in the NE. In
addition, the NE software serves as the service unit for the communication between the NMS
and boards. In this manner, the NMS can control and manage the NE.
In compliance with ITU-T M.3010, the NE software belongs to the element management
layer in the telecommunications management network (TMN), and provides NE functions,
some coordination functions, and operations system functions at the network element layer.
The data communication function (DCF) provides communication functions between the NE
and other components (including mediation devices, NMS, and other NEs).
Real-time multi-task operating system
The real-time multi-task operating system of the NE software is responsible for the
management of public resources and supports applications. This system provides an
application execution environment that is independent of the processor hardware, to
separate applications from the processor.
Communication and control module
The Communication and control module is the interface module between the NE
software and the board software. According to the corresponding communication
protocol, the communication and control module achieves the communication between
the NE software and the board software. In this manner, the information can be
exchanged and the equipment can be maintained. On one hand, the communication and
control module issues the maintenance operation commands of the NE software to the
boards. On the other hand, it reports the status, alarms, and performance events of the
boards to the NE software.
Network side (NS) module
The network side (NS) module is between the communication module and equipment
management module. It converts the data format between the user operation side on the
application layer and the NE equipment management layer, and provides security control
for the NE layer. The NS module can be subdivided into three submodules in terms of
function: Qx interface module, command line interface module, and security
management module.
Equipment management module
The equipment management module (AM) is the kernel of the NE software. It
implements NE management, and includes the Manager and the Agent. The Manager
sends network management operation commands and receives event information. The
Agent responds to the network management operation commands sent by the Manager,

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

performs operations to managed objects, and reports events according to the status
change of the managed objects.
Communication module
This module fulfills the message communication function (MCF) of the functional
blocks of the transmission network equipment. Through the hardware interface provided
by the SCB board, the communication module transmits the OAM&P information and
exchanges management information between the NMS and NEs, and between NEs
themselves. The communication module consists of network communication module,
serial communication module, and ECC communication module.
Database management module
The database management module is a principal component of the NE software. It
consists of the data and the programs. The data, organized by database form, consists of
the network database, alarm database, performance database, and equipment database.
The program manages and accesses the data in the databases.

2.3.5 NMS Software

Like other optical transmission equipment, the OptiX OSN 550 is managed by the iManager
series NMS.
The NMS manages the optical transport network, and maintains all the OSN, SDH, Metro,
and DWDM equipment on networks.
The NMS, which complies with the ITU-T Recommendations, adopts a standard management
information model and the object-oriented management technology. The NMS exchanges
information with the NE software through the communication module to monitor and manage
the network equipment.
The NMS software runs on a workstation or PC. It manages the equipment and the
transmission network. The NMS software provides the operation and maintenance function
for the transmission equipment, and also provides the management capability for the
transmission network. The NMS software has the following management functions:
Alarm management: collects, prompts, filters, browses, acknowledges, checks, clears,
counts alarms in real time, inserts alarms, analyzes alarm correlation, and diagnoses
Performance management: sets performance monitoring; browses, analyses and prints
performance data; forecasts medium- and long-term performance; resets the performance
Configuration management: configures and manages the ports, clocks, services, trails,
subnets, and time.
Security management: NM user management; NE user management; NE login
management; NE login lockout; NE setting lockout; and local craft terminal (LCT)
access control.
Maintenance management: performs loopbacks; resets boards; automatically shuts down
lasers; detects fiber power; collects equipment data. In this manner, the maintenance
personnel can locate and rectify equipment faults more quickly.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 3 Product Functions and Features

3 Product Functions and Features

About This Chapter

The OptiX OSN 550 provides a variety of protection schemes and network management and
monitoring functions in addition to the features provided by conventional optical network
3.1 Capacity
Capacities are classified into the cross-connect capacity and the access capacity.
3.2 Port Types
The external ports of the OptiX OSN 550 include service ports and management and auxiliary
3.3 Network Topology
The OptiX OSN 550 supports a wide range of network topologies such as rings and chains.
3.4 Protection Support
The OptiX OSN 550 provides equipment protection schemes, and complete network
protection schemes for a wide range of services.
3.5 Clock Synchronization
The OptiX OSN 550 supports a wide range of synchronous clock sources and clock
management functions.
3.6 Ethernet Features
The OptiX OSN 550 supports Ethernet private line (EPL) services, Ethernet virtual private
line (EVPL) services, Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) services, and Ethernet virtual private
LAN (EVPLAN) services. In addition, the OptiX OSN 550 supports a wide range of Ethernet
protection, operating, and maintenance functions.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 3 Product Functions and Features

3.1 Capacity
Capacities are classified into the cross-connect capacity and the access capacity.

Cross-Connect Capacity
The OptiX OSN 550 supports a higher order cross-connect capacity of 20 Gbit/s, and a lower
order cross-connect capacity of 5 Gbit/s.

Access Capacity
The OptiX OSN 550 receives and transmits services through a wide range of ports, supporting
an access capacity of 12.5 Gbit/s.
Table 3-1 lists the maximum access capacity of the equipment.

Table 3-1 Access capacity of the OptiX OSN 550

Service Type Maximum Access Capacity

STM-16 standard service 2
STM-4 standard service 14
STM-1 standard service 26
E3/T3 service 18
E1/T1 service 252
Fast Ethernet (FE) service 48
Gigabit Ethernet (GE) service 6

3.2 Port Types

The external ports of the OptiX OSN 550 include service ports and management and auxiliary

Service Ports
The services ports on the OptiX OSN 550 include the SDH service ports, PDH service ports,
and Ethernet service ports.
Table 3-2 lists the services ports that the OptiX OSN 550 support.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Product Overview 3 Product Functions and Features

Table 3-2 Services ports that the OptiX OSN 550 support

Port Type Specifications Function Connector Type

SDH port STM-1 optical port: Receives and LC
S-1.1 (single-fiber transmits STM-1
bidirectional), L-1.1 optical signals.
bidirectional), and
STM-4 optical port: Receives and
S-4.1 (single-fiber transmits STM-4
bidirectional), L-4.1, optical signals.
and L-4.2
STM-16 optical Receives and
port: S-16.1, L-16.1, transmits STM-16
and L-16.2 optical signals.
PDH port 75/120-ohm E1 Receives and Anea 96
electrical port transmits E1
electrical signals.
100-ohm T1 Receives and
electrical port transmits T1
electrical signals.
75-ohm E3/T3 Receives and SMB
electrical port transmits E3/T3
electrical signals.
Ethernet service port 100BASE-TX Receives and RJ45
10M/100M Ethernet
electrical signals.
1000BASE-LX Receives and LC
(single-fiber transmits 1000M
bidirectional) Ethernet optical

Management and Auxiliary ports

The OptiX OSN 550 provides a wide range of management and auxiliary ports.
Table 3-3 lists the management and auxiliary ports that the OptiX OSN 550 supports.

Table 3-3 Management and auxiliary ports that the OptiX OSN 550 supports

Port Type Description Function Connector Type

Management port Network Connects to the RJ45

management port NMS, such as the

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Product Overview 3 Product Functions and Features

Port Type Description Function Connector Type

Alarm port 6-input and 2-output Connects to the RJ45
alarm port external centralized
alarm device and
monitoring device.
Clock port Two external clock Inputs and outputs RJ45
input/output ports external clocks.
Auxiliary ports One 64 kbit/s Provides a RJ45
synchronous serial codirectional data
port channel port.
One 19.2 kbit/s Transparently RJ45
asynchronous transmits data
transparent data port services.
Port for monitoring One port for Connects to an RJ45
an outdoor cabinet monitoring an outdoor cabinet
outdoor cabinet
Orderwire phone One orderwire Used for voice RJ45
port phone interface communication
between operation
personnel or
personnel at

Power Supply Ports

The OptiX OSN 550 supports DC power supply ports.
Table 3-4 lists the DC power supply ports that the OptiX OSN 550 supports.

Table 3-4 DC power supply ports that the OptiX OSN 550 supports

Port Type Description Function Connector Type

Power supply port DC power input Connects to the -48 Four-phase socket
V and -60 V DC
power supply.
AC power input Connects to the 110 Three-phase socket
V and 220 V AC
power supply.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Product Overview 3 Product Functions and Features

3.3 Network Topology

The OptiX OSN 550 supports a wide range of network topologies such as rings and chains.
The OptiX OSN 550 supports separate and combined configuration of the following types:
terminal multiplexer (TM), add/drop multiplexer (ADM), and multiple add/drop multiplexer
(MADM). The OptiX OSN 550 uses STM-1, STM-4, and STM-16 optical ports to form a
chain network or ring network.
The OptiX OSN 550 is used at the access layer, and network with Huawei's OptiX Metro
series and OptiX OSN series. In addition, it can network with third-party equipment.

3.4 Protection Support

The OptiX OSN 550 provides equipment protection schemes, and complete network
protection schemes for a wide range of services.

3.5 Clock Synchronization

The OptiX OSN 550 supports a wide range of synchronous clock sources and clock
management functions.
Table 3-5 lists the clock functions supported by the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 3-5 Clock functions supported by the OptiX OSN 550

Item Description

Clock protocol Supports the standard Synchronization Status Message (SSM)

protocol, extended SSM protocol, and non-SSM protocol.
Clock source Supports two 120-ohm external clock outputs/inputs.
Supports line clocks, tributary clocks, and internal clocks.
Supports the priority table for one 2 Mbit/s phase-locked source
Working mode Supports the locked mode, holdover mode, and free-run mode

3.6 Ethernet Features

The OptiX OSN 550 supports Ethernet private line (EPL) services, Ethernet virtual private
line (EVPL) services, Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) services, and Ethernet virtual private
LAN (EVPLAN) services. In addition, the OptiX OSN 550 supports a wide range of Ethernet
protection, operating, and maintenance functions.

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 4 Networking and Application Scenarios

4 Networking and Application Scenarios

When planning the networking, adhere to the basic principles, and consider the NE types and
networking modes supported by the OptiX OSN 550.
The OptiX OSN 550s can independently form a chain or ring network, or form a hybrid
network with the other OptiX transmission equipment.

Basic Network Topologies of OptiX OSN 550s

The OptiX OSN 550 supports separate and combined configuration of the following types:
terminal multiplexer (TM), add/drop multiplexer (ADM), and multiple add/drop multiplexer
OptiX OSN 550s can form the following network topologies: chain, ring, tangent rings, and
ring with chain. In addition, OptiX OSN 550s can be interconnected with other OptiX OSN
equipment, OptiX DWDM equipment, and OptiX Metro equipment to provide a complete
transport network solution. See Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Network topologies supported by OptiX OSN 550s and corresponding legends

Network Topology Legend



Tangent rings

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 20

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 4 Networking and Application Scenarios

Network Topology Legend

Ring with chain

Networking and Application Scenarios

Generally, the OptiX OSN 550s are inter-networked with the other OptiX transmission
equipment. Figure 4-1 shows the networking scenario.

Figure 4-1 Typical networking diagram of the OptiX OSN 550

OptiX OSN 3500

OptiX OSN 3500

OptiX OSN 3500

OptiX OSN 3500

OptiX OSN 550 OptiX OSN 550

OptiX OSN 500



Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 5 Operation and Maintenance

5 Operation and Maintenance

About This Chapter

The OptiX OSN 550 provides powerful maintenance and management functions.
5.1 DCN
The OptiX OSN 550 supports three types of communication protocols and the transparent
transmission of DCC overheads over the external clock ports for the DCN networking.
5.2 Network Management
The OptiX OSN 550 and other optical transmission equipment are unifiedly managed by the
iManager series NMS.
5.3 Fault Locating and Equipment Maintenance
The OptiX OSN 550 provides powerful maintenance functions. Therefore, the user can
conveniently monitor, debug, and troubleshoot the equipment.
5.4 Power and Environment Monitoring
The OptiX OSN 550 supports the power and environment monitoring function.
5.5 NE Upgrades
The NE software of the OptiX OSN 550 can be upgraded by using package loading or
package diffusion.
5.6 License Control
Licenses grant customers permission to use an equipment version or a function/feature. The
OptiX OSN 550 supports a version-specific license.

5.1 DCN
The OptiX OSN 550 supports three types of communication protocols and the transparent
transmission of DCC overheads over the external clock ports for the DCN networking.
When the OAM information of the OptiX OSN 550 needs to be transparently transmitted by
the third-party equipment, or when the OptiX OSN 550 needs to transparently transmit the
OAM information of the third-party equipment, the following modes can be adopted:

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 22

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 5 Operation and Maintenance

IP over DCC
OSI over DCC
When the DCC bytes of the third-party equipment cannot transmit the OAM information of
the OptiX OSN 550, the external clock port of the OptiX OSN 550 can be used instead.
Table 5-1 lists the DCC allocation modes supported by the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 5-1 DCC allocation modes supported by the OptiX OSN 550

DCC Allocation Description

Channel type D1-D3 and D4-D12
Running mode Mode 1 32 channels of D1-D3 bytes
Mode 2 12 channels of D1-D3 bytes,
6 channels of D4-D12 bytes

5.2 Network Management

The OptiX OSN 550 and other optical transmission equipment are unifiedly managed by the
iManager series NMS.
Through the Qx interface or the man machine language (MML) interface, the NMS can
manage the optical transmission system in the following aspects: faults, performance,
configuration, and security. In addition, the NMS can also maintain and test the optical
transmission system. The NMS enhances the quality of network services, reduces the
maintenance cost, and ensures an efficient use of network resources.
A login to the LCT is not allowed during a login to the NMS. After a 30-minute logout of the
NMS, a login to the LCT is allowed.

5.3 Fault Locating and Equipment Maintenance

The OptiX OSN 550 provides powerful maintenance functions. Therefore, the user can
conveniently monitor, debug, and troubleshoot the equipment.

Alarm and Performance Management

Provides the alarm input and output function, thus facilitating the collection of
equipment alarms.
Provides running status indicators and alarm indicators on each board, assisting the
administrator in locating and handling faults promptly.
Dynamically monitors the equipment operation and alarm status of all stations on the
As for the 15-minute monitoring period, the equipment can store sixteen 15-minute
history performance, that is, four hours of 15-minute history performance.

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 23

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 5 Operation and Maintenance

As for the 24-hour monitoring period, the equipment can store six 24-hour history
performance, that is, six days of 24-hour history performance.

Fault Locating
The PDH processing boards support the pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) test
function, which can be used to remotely test bit errors.
Supports data test frames to locate the faults of Ethernet services.
Provides the press-to-collect function for collecting fault data, which shortens the data
collection time before the service recovery. Users can collect fault data selectively, and
can stop a collection process manually.
Supports the loopback configuration on the port during the power-on process of the
equipment, which meets the test requirement of one-time visit to the site.
The service boards support inloop and outloop on ports.

The equipment provides the Ethernet OAM function which complies with IEEE 802.1ag and
IEEE 802.3ah.

Provides automatic shutdown function of the SDH single-mode optical port.
Provides the orderwire function for management personnel at different stations to
communicate with each other.
Supports the in-service upgrading and loading of the board software and NE software.
The equipment also supports the remote loading of the board software and FPGA with
the error-loading-proof and resumable loading functions.
Provides the network time protocol (NTP) function to achieve synchronization among
The NMS supports the fiber auto-discovery function.
The NMS can display the port impedance.
Supports automatic synchronization of NE IDs and IP addresses for remote maintenance
of equipment.
Supports package loading and package diffusion.

5.4 Power and Environment Monitoring

The OptiX OSN 550 supports the power and environment monitoring function.
The OptiX OSN 550 provides the -48 V/-60 V DC power port, and can detect the input
voltage and the voltage status (severe undervoltage, undervoltage, overvoltage, or severe
The OptiX OSN 550 provides 110 V/220 V AC power ports and supports protection functions
in the cases of input overvoltage, input undervoltage, output overvoltage, output over-current,
output short-circuit, and over-temperature.
The OptiX OSN 550 provides the alarm input and output functions. The alarm input
function can remotely monitor the environment of customers, and the alarm output function
can implement centralized monitoring over all equipment alarms.

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 24

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 5 Operation and Maintenance

5.5 NE Upgrades
The NE software of the OptiX OSN 550 can be upgraded by using package loading or
package diffusion.
Table 5-2 lists the upgrade methods available for the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 5-2 Upgrade methods available for the OptiX OSN 550

Upgrade Definition Application Characteristic Applicable

Method Scenario Version
Package With a software One NE All the boards Supported by
loading package needs to be on an NE can version
description file, upgraded. be upgraded V100R003C00
the software The system on a unified and later.
package control board GUI.
functions as a and other There is no
logical package boards must need to care
of the required support about which
software. This package board to
logical package loading. upgrade or
can be uploaded which files to
There is a CF
to upgrade the update.
entire NE. card on the
control board.
Package With a software More than All the boards Supported by
diffusion package one NE needs on an NE can version
description file, to be be upgraded V100R003C00
the software upgraded. on a unified and later.
package The system GUI.
functions as a control board There is no
logical package and other need to care
of the required boards must about which
software. The support board to
logical package package upgrade or
is diffused and loading. which files to
almost update.
There is a CF
card on the The software
loaded to all
NEs on a system package is
network. This control board. diffused level
upgrade method by level.
is more Network load
efficient. and network
bandwidth are
both shared.

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 25

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 5 Operation and Maintenance

5.6 License Control

Licenses grant customers permission to use an equipment version or a function/feature. The
OptiX OSN 550 supports a version-specific license.
Table 5-3 lists the information about the version-specific license that the OptiX OSN 550

Table 5-3 Information about the version-specific license that the OptiX OSN 550 supports

Function Application Scenario

The product of this version At the deployment phase, you can configure or use the
is released with a license; new functions/features of this version only after the
that is, customers can obtain license file of this version is loaded.
corresponding permission At the maintenance phase, renew the version license after
committed by the supplier it expires.
based on the license
certificate. NOTE
A license's status information can be queried on the NMS.

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 26

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

6 Technical Specifications

About This Chapter

This section provides the technical specifications of the OptiX OSN 550.
6.1 General Specifications
This section describes the chassis dimensions, weight, power consumption, heat consumption,
power supply performance, electromagnetic compatibility, and reliability.
6.2 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board
Weight and power consumption are principal hardware specifications of a board.

6.1 General Specifications

This section describes the chassis dimensions, weight, power consumption, heat consumption,
power supply performance, electromagnetic compatibility, and reliability.
Table 6-1 lists the general specifications of the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 6-1 General specifications of the OptiX OSN 550

Item Description
Dimensions (H 88 mm x 442 mm x 220 mm
x W x D)
Weight 10 kg
Power Maximum power consumption: 154 W
consumption Typical power consumption: 67 W
The typical configuration is 2 x CXL + 1 x SL1Q + 2 x SP3D + FAN + 2
x PIU, as shown in Figure 6-1.
Heat Maximum heat consumption: 526 BTU/h
consumption Typical heat consumption: 229 BTU/h

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 27

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

Item Description
Power supply DC power supply
performance Rated voltage: -48 V or -60 V
Voltage range: -38.4 V to -57.6 V or -48 V to -72 V
AC power supply:
Rated voltage: 110 V or 220 V
Voltage range: 100 V to 240 V
Electromagneti Complies with EMC Class A.
c compatibility
Reliability System availability: 0.9999986
Average annual repair rate: less than 1.5%
Mean time to repair (MTTR): 1 hour
Mean time between failures (MTBF): 81.99 years

Figure 6-1 Typical configuration of the OptiX OSN 550

SLOT 7 7 (CXL)
(EXT )

6.2 Power Consumption and Weight of Each Board

Weight and power consumption are principal hardware specifications of a board.
Table 6-2 lists the power consumption and weight of the boards on the OptiX OSN 550.

Table 6-2 Power consumption and weight of the boards on the OptiX OSN 550

Board Power Consumption (W) Weight (kg)

CXL 21.0 0.50
AUX 2.2 0.30
SL1D 3.5 0.30
SL1Q 4.5 0.30
SL4D 3.7 0.30
SP3D 11.9 0.85
PL3T 4.5 0.30

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OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

Board Power Consumption (W) Weight (kg)

EGT1 8.3 0.60
EFS8 13.0 0.65
PIU 0.5 0.12
APIU Room temperature (25C): 20.0 1.93
High temperature (55C): 30.0
FAN Room temperature (25C): 4.1 0.30
High temperature (55C): 29.6

Issue 02 (2011-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 29

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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