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Water-Soluble Ligands, Metal Complexes, and Catalysts:

Synergism of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis

By Wolfgang A. Herrmann" and Christian W. Kohlpaintner"

Dedicated to Professor Ernst Otto Fischer on ihe occasion ofhis 75th birthday

Rapid developments in the field of catalysis are leading to an increased demand for tailor-made
catalysts. Water-soluble complex catalysts, which are being intensively investigated at the
present time, combine the advantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis: simple
and complete separation of the product from the catalyst, high activity, and high selectivity.
From the large number of available water-soluble ligands, the appropriate catalysts can be
developed for many reactions. The industrial applications in the fields of hydrogenation and
hydroformylation have already indicated the wide scope of this type of catalyst. In addition,
the annual production of 300 000 tons of butyraldehyde through application of water-soluble
rhodium complexes at Hoechst AG in Oberhausen, Germany, has demonstrated the industrial
importance of the concept of complex-catalyzed reactions in aqueous two-phase systems. The
efficient operation of catalytic processes increasingly requires the loss-free recycling of the
noble metal catalyst, and this can be simply and economically realized in two-phase systems.
Special applications in biochemical problems open up developments in the field of water-
soluble transition metal complexes that far transcend the familiar kinds of homogeneous
catalysis. In the near future, the investigation and application of metal complex catalysts that
are compatible with the physiological, cheap, and environmentally friendly solvent, water, is
likely to become a high priority in catalysis research.

1. Introduction I* *I What are [he advantages of water-soluble catalysts? The

basic problem of homogeneously catalyzed processes is the
The chemistry of water-soluble ligands and their metal separation of the product phase from the (molecular) cata-
complexes is presently undergoing very rapid growth. The lyst, which is soluble in it. The process stages necessary to
special advantages of water-soluble catalysts are being in- achieve this usually include thermal operations such as distil-
creasingly recognized, as is borne out alone by the number of lation, decomposition, transformation, and rectification,
publications and patents. Following the introduction to in- which normally lead to thermal stresses on the catalyst.
dustry of the valuable Ruhrchemie/RhGne- Poulenc process These can cause decomposition reactions and progressive
in 1984 there was spate of publications, which is still contin- deactivation during the lifetime of the catalyst. Furthermore,
uing (Fig. 1). Meanwhile, about a dozen research groups thermal separation processes seldom give quantitative recov-
applied for patents, and the number of these now even sur- ery of the catalyst, which causes loss of productivity through
passes the number of publications in the open literature. loss of metal.
Product separation is simpler for two-phase systems incor-
porating water-soluble catalysts as shown in Figure 2. The

Fig. 2. General principle of two-phase catalysis in water. The metal complex

0 catalyst (K), which is solubilized by hydrophilic ligands, converts the starting
1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 material (in this case, propene and A- B. such as CO/H,) to the products, which
can be separated from the catalyst (medium) by phase separation. Thorough
Fig. 1. Number (n) of publications annually on water-soluble complex ligands mixing ,f the phases is necessary during the catalyt,c process.
and catalysts (excluding patent applications).

[*] Prof. Dr. W. A. Herrmann

Anorganisch-chemisches Institut der Technischen Universitit Miinchen hydrophilic catalyst, which is insoluble in the organic
Lichtinbergstrasse 4, D-85747 Garching (FRG) product phase, is a n (organometallic) coordination complex,
Telefax' Int. code (89)3209-3473
and as such is molecularly well defined like conventional
Dr. C W Kohlpaintner
Hoechst AG. Zentralforschune [Hauotlaboratorium
- \ '~ 1) homogeneous catalysts. It brings about the catalytic reac-
Postfach 800320, D-65926Frankfurt am Main (FRG) tions (e.g., C-C coupling) in the aqueous phase or at the
Telefax: Int. code + (69)33 1320
phase boundary, and is removed from the desired product at
[**I Often used abbreviations: tpp = triphenylphosphane; tppts = trisodium
salt of 3,3',3"-phosphanetriylbenzenesulfonic acid; tppms = sodium salt the end Of the reaction by a simp1ephase separation. Ther-
of 3-diphenylphosphinobenzenesulfonicacid. ma1 separation processes, which can have a detrimental ef-

1524 Q VCH VerlagsgeseNschuf!fl

mbH, 0-6945I Weinheim. 1993 $ IO.OO+ ,2510
oS7~-OX33~93jIl11-1524 Angew. Chem. In!. Ed. Engl. 1993,32, 1524-1544
fect on the active life of the catalyst, are thereby avoided. 2. Concept of Two-Phase Catalysis
Because of the high polarity of the water-soluble catalyst and
its consequent insolubility in the organic phase, the loss rate Under the simplified assumption that all starting materials
is often below the limit of detection. E are in solution, three variations of the two-phase process
Rates achievable with two-phase systems are strongly de- of homogeneous catalysis can be considered (Fig. 3): In the
pendent on the polarity of the reacting substrate. For ex- simplest case the solubilities of the components E and of the
ample, the rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation of propene catalyst K are so different that a perfect phase separation
using the water-soluble complex [HRh(CO)(tppts),] takes results (Figs. 2 and 3a). A workup step for the product P
place with the apparent activation energy of a homogeneous follows, depending on its properties and purity, and as a rule
reaction, whereas with I-hexene the rate-determining step is a distillation. The technical desirable ideal would be a
appears to be mass transfer.[] Therefore, although overall catalyst K which formed its own phase in which the compo-
reaction rates are lower than in homogeneous reactions, the nents E and the products P a r e not in the least soluble (Fig. 2
simplicity of the process for separating the product from the and 3a). If the product P is partly dissolved in the catalyst
catalyst compensates for this disadvantage. phase, an extraction is necessary according to Figure 3 b, and
Another technique, which has been practiced for a long is performed with the phase of E (for example, petroleum)
time without any spectacular success, is to immobilize solid which is completely insoluble in K (for example, water). It is
complex catalysts on solid (stationary) supports. Here, the also possible that a two-phase system forms from an initially
continuous loss of the metal (bleeding, leaching) and uniform phase during the reaction, because the product P is
low reaction rates are serious disadvantages. However, the insoluble in the original medium of the catalyst (Fig. 3c). A
immobilization of a catalyst in a mobile phase, that is, an phase separation in the skimmer enables continuous return
aqueous solution immiscible with the product phase, repre- of the catalyst to the reactor. Only when the products P are
sents an almost ideal combination of homogeneous and het- partly soluble in the catalytic medium K is a solvent extrac-
erogeneous reaction processes. tion step (related to a distillative workup) necessary for the
This article reviews current developments in both research whole contents of the reactor (Fig. 3c).
and technology, and indicates the areas where this new class The concept of two-phase catalysis was first realized in-
of catalysts has gained acceptance within only a few years to dustrially in the SHELL Higher Olefins Process (SHOP)
become state of the art. The review covers the classifica- designed by W. Keim et al.[2a-c1I n this procedure ethylene is
tion of water-soluble ligands and their metal complexes to polymerized at 80-120C and 70-140 bar in a polar phase
catalytic uses in the laboratory and industry, and special of 1,4-butanediol that also contains the organonickel cata-
applications in biochemistry. lyst to afford oligomers (mainly linear C,_ ,,-n-olefins).

WoCfgang A . Herrmann was born in 1948 in Kelheim/Donau (Bavaria). After studying chemistry
(Diplom at the Technische Universitut Miinchen) under E.O. Fischer (1971), he obtained his
doctorate on a theme from early organometallic stereochemistry at the Universitat Regensburg
with Henri Brunner (1973). From 1975-1976 he pursued his research interests in the USA at
Penn State University with P.S. Skell, and in 1978 completed his habilitation with a thesis on
Organometallic Syntheses with Diazoalkanes. He was appointed Professor at the Universities
of Regensburg (1979) and full professor in Frankfurt ( 1982). In 1985 he accepted the chair at
the Technische Universitat Miinchen as successor to E.O. Fischer. His area ofresearch is synthet-
ic and catalytic chemistry, mainly in the field of organometallic chemistry. He is author of350
original papers and holder of 30 patents, and has received many honours including the Karl
Winnacker Fellowship { 1979- 1983), the Leibniz Award of the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
schaft (1986), the GermanlFrench Alexander von Humboldt Award (1988) the Otto Bayer

Prize (1990). and the Max-Planck-Forschungspreis (1991). He i s member ofthe Akademie der
Wissenschaften und Literatur zu M a i m (1990) and Honorary Doctor ofthe University of Lyon,
France (1990).

Christian W Kohlpaintner was born in 1963 in SchloJberg, near Rosenheim (Bavaria), and
began his study of chemistry at the Technische Universitat Miinchen in 1984. In October 1989,
he joined the research group of Prof. K A . Herrmann. He completed his Diplom in March 1990
on new water-soluble phosphane ligands and catalysts, and received the Ph.D. students Award
,from Hoechst AG. He completed his Ph.D. thesis in August 1992 following work on the
RuhrchemielRhdne- Poulenc process, the two-phase hydroformylation process which is used on
industrial scale. He then joined Hoechst AG and has worked in the Central Research Department
at Frankfurt since the beginning of this year. He has coauthored 6 papers and holds 7 patents.

A n R r w Cliiw. h i . Ed. EngI. 1993, 32, 1524-1544 1525

S addition of phthalic acid this reaction yields octylphthalates.
starting Surprisingly, no further information on the use of highly
materials S
polar solvents as the second phase is available in the litera-
ture, although in many cases miscibility gaps exist with satu-
rated hydrocarbons, for example, methanol, acetonitrile, ni-
tromethane, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylformam-
ide (DMF), ethyleneglycol, and sulfolan. Nevertheless, reac-
S tions of these solvents with homogeneous catalysts are
known, and therefore the influence of the second phase on
the chemical and kinetic characteristics of the catalytic cycle
must be taken into account. This treatise, however, aims to
concentrate on water as catalytic medium.

3. Classes of Water-Soluble Phosphanes

S Phosphanes can be converted into water-soluble deriva-
tives by the introduction of polar groups, including sul-
fonate, carboxylate, ammonium, phosphonium, and hy-
droxyl A classification based on these func-
tional groups seems expedient and is shown in Scheme 1.
(C) Other hydrophilic substituents, for example, phosphate
Fig 3 Simplified flow didgrdm for two-phdse catalysis d) Product(s) P dre
groups, have so far been of little importance.
completely insoluble in the medium thdt contdlns thecdtdlyst C, b) product(s)
P dre soluble i n the medium coiitdining C, c) formation of the second phdse
occurs during cdtdlytic process, cf text
-S 0 , H -SOYA

The catalyst is formed from [Ni(3,5-cod),] and

(C,H,),PCH,COOH. The products separate as a second, -Ri @ -PRJ
transparent liquid phase above the 1,4-butanediol and can
therefore be removed without difficulty. After this simple -on
catalyst/product separation, catalyst traces are washed out
Scheme 1. Functional groups in water-soluble phosphanes ( A + = cation)
of the olefin phase in the phase separator. The distillation
fractions of the subsequent purification are either marketed
directly or fed into the next two SHOP catalytic steps of
3.1. Sulfonated Phosphanes
isomerization and metathesis (cf. Fig. 4). This combination
of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic steps now oc-
3.1.1. Water-Soluble Phosphanes by Direct Sulfonation
cupies a key position in olefin chemistry.
Owing to their diverse coordination chemistry, sulfonated
phosphanes at present constitute the most widely used class
of ligands in water-soluble metal complexes, especially in
C catalysis. Apart from the compound tppts (l),which is used
in a rhodium catalyst for the production of butyraldehyde on
an industrial scale, the monosulfonated derivative tppms (2)
must be mentioned. Both these compounds (sodium salts)
C + solvent
can be obtained by the sulfonation of triphenylphosphane
(reactors] I phaseseperator 1] - with oleum and subsequent neutralization with NaOH. The
technique of sulfonating water-insoluble ligand precursors
can be applied to di- and polydentate, and also chiral phos-
phanes, for example, 3-9 (Scheme 2).[-*] The sulfonate
Fig. 4. Simplified flow diagram for the first catalytic stage of the SHELL
higher olefins process [SHOP). The subsequent steps of isomerizdtion and group mostly occupies the position meta to the phosphorus
metathesis are not given in detail. atom. Tris(p-fluorophenylfphosphanecan be sulfonated in
the meta position.31 The introduction of a sulfonate group
by reaction with o h m is not limited to arylphosphanes. It
A process for the oligomerization of butadiene developed can also be carried out with the tris(w-phenylalky1)-
along the lines of this technology, which has been known phosphanes P[(CH,),(C,H,)J, ( n = 1, 2, 3, and 6).[141Here,
since 1968, likewise employs 1,4-butanediol as polar phase. the sulfonate groups, as expected, occupy the para and, to a
Thus, Keim et al.[2d* describe the dimerization of 1,3-buta- lesser extent, the ortho positions.
diene to 1,3,7-octatriene with Pd/phosphane catalysts in ace- The sulfoxylic derivative of 1,2-bis[di(m-sodium-sulfo-
tonitrile with isooctane as extractant for the product. On natophenyl)phosphino]ethane (dppets) is now also available

1526 Angeu. Clwn. Int. Ed. Engl. 1993. 32, 1524-1544

phite: whereas P(OC,H,), is decomposed within 3 h, the
hydrolysis of the derivative P[p-OC,H,SO,(NH(i-octyl)~)],
is only complete after 24 h.
1 2 3

n'PAr, PAr, PAr,

PAr, PAr,
3.1.3. Phosphanes with Peripheral Hydrophilic Functional
4 5 6

Functionalized phosphanes that carry sulfonic acid

groups in one o r more side chains are also known. The class
of substances developed by Whitesides et al.r201is represent-
n ed by the example in Equations (2a) and (2b). The water-
7 8 9 soluble phosphane 15 is obtained by acylation of bis(2-
Scheme 2. Water-soluble phosphanes obtained by direct sulfonation with diphenylphosphinoethy1)amine (11) with the carboxylic
oleum (Ar = rn-C,H,SO,Na; for 9. Ar = p-C,H,SO,Na). chloride (12) of phthalic anhydride followed by reaction with
sodium taurinate (14). This synthesis principle can be ap-
plied to many functionalized acid chlorides. The opening of
as a ligand for hydroformylation in the two-phase process the anhydride 13 by 14 is unspecific, so two constitutional
since direct sulfonation of 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)- isomers 15a and 1 5 b are always obtained. The maximum
ethane(dppe) by means of oleum (20% SO,) was successful. attainable solubility in water is 0.3 molL-'. Further work
However, the Rh/dppets catalyst is not very active in hydro- on this class of compounds was carried out by Sinou et a1.[211
formyIati~n.[~'] The tertiary phosphane (C,H,),PCH,CH,SO,Na was pre-
Because of the oxidizing effect of oleum, an appreciable pared from sodium diphenylphosphide and the sodium salt
fraction of the phosphane is converted into the phosphane of 2-bromoethylsulfonic acid.r221
oxide during the process of sulfonation, which complicates
the purification of water-soluble phosphanes substantially
(Section 4). Complete oxidation affords sulfonated phos-
phane oxides, which can be reduced by trichlorosilane after
conversion to sulfonic esters." The water-soluble ligands
are available after hydrolysis of the ester. The use of this
laborious method is meaningful only for phosphanes that I1 12 13
are very sensitive to oxidation. It is not likely to increase in
importance, however, since we discovered an efficient direct
sulfonation method in which the formation of phosphane \ PPh,
oxide is strongly inhibited."']

3.1.2. Introduction of the Sulfonate Group

during Synthesis of the Aryl Phosphane 13 14 158.b S0,Na

Sulfonate groups can be introduced during the course of

phosphane synthesis. For example, as shown in Equa- Another route to water-soluble phosphane ligands
tion ( I ), the sodium salt of p-diphenylphosphinobenzenesul- through ring opening of sultones was established by Oehme
phonic acid (10) is formed from potassium diphenylphos- et al.[23.241Fell et al. extended this concept to tris-
phide and sodium p-chlorobenzenesulfonate.[' (pyridyl)phosphanes, which can be prepared in water-solu-
ble form by sulfoalkylation with 1 , 2 - a l k a n e ~ u l t o n e s .This
procedure results in zwitterionic sulfobetaines with n = 0, 3,
5, 7, and 11 [Eq. (3)j.
Ph,PK + C I e-
S 0 , N a -t -
P h , P e S 0 3 N a + KCI ( 1)


Water-soluble phosphanes of the type R, -.P-

(p-C,H,SO,K), (R = C,H,, 2-pyridyl, 3-pyridyl; n = 1-3)
can be obtained by the reaction of potassium p-fluoro-
benzenesulfonate with PH, o r primary or secondary phos-
phanes in the "superbasic" medium DMSO/KOH.[' The
unpleasant properties of PH, have to be mastered here, but 3.2. Phosphanes with Quaternized Aminoalkyl and
otherwise this is a very powerful, general synthetic method. Aminoaryl Groups
Surprisingly hydrolysis-resistant sulfonated phenylphos-
phites have recently been prepared."'] The ammonium salts, Water-soluble phosphanes can also result from the quater-
in particular, are more water-stable than triphenylphos- nization of the nitrogen atom of aminoalkyl and aminoaryl

Angels. Clwin. lnt. Ed. Ennl. 1993, 32, 1524- 1544 1527
phosphanes. However, before the nitrogen atom can be alkyl- reviewed the progress.[441A newer report refers to a phos-
ated, the (more reactive) phosphorus center has to be pro- phorylated derivative 22 of maIeic
tected, either by oxidation o r by coordination to a metal. Phosphanorbornadienes with a carboxylic anhydride
Subsequent reduction or decomplexation, respectively, +
function can be obtained by [4 21 cycloaddition of 3,4-
yields the desired phosphane ligands. The most important dimethylphosphol to maleic anhydride and subsequent re-
example of this class of substances is amphos (16), first arrangement [Eq. (4)].[461 Alkaline hydrolysis yields the
synthesized by Baird et al.~26-2s1 Toth et al.,[291Peiffer et water-soluble carboxylates.
al.,[301and Nagel et al.[311were able to extend this synthesis

- - eo
principle to other phosphanes (Scheme 3).

Ph,P NMez
2) CH,I

3) HSiCI,

A Me&co


3.4. Phosphanes with Hydroxyalkyl and

Polyether Substituents
By varying the length of the polyether chain of substituted
phosphanes, the solubility can be deliberately adjusted.
Ph,P -Y-NHR;Y- Ph,P -Y-NR;X-
Bisphosphanes of the type 23 (n = 5 ) are insoluble in water.
18A 18B
For n 2 16 (e.g., n = 42), however, they are extremely sol-
Scheme 3. Aminoalkyl- and aminoarylphosphanes (Y = -CH,CH,-,
-CH(CH,)CH,-, -CH,CH(CH3)CH,- ; R = CH,) made water-soluble by ~ b l e . ~ Other
] examples related to 23 are the class of com-
quaternmation of the N atom. pounds 24 (n = 12. 16, 110) and 25 (n = 18).[48.491The num-
ber n gives the average degree of polycondensation.
Supplementary work was performed by Okano et al.,1501who
3.3. Carboxylated Phosphanes
were the first to prepare phosphanes 26 substituted by crown
ethers!51. 521
Phosphanes with carboxylic groups were some of the ear-
liest investigated water-soluble phosphanes. The first ex-
ample 19 was prepared by Mann et a1.[321in 1952 through
cyanoethylation of diphenylphosphane with subsequent ni-
trile saponification. The development of the carboxy-
alkylphosphanes (phosphinocarboxylic acids) was carried
out predominantly by the research groups of Rauhut, Issleib, 23 24

and P o d l a h o ~ r i . ~
The ~ ~most
- ~ ~important
~ example is the
phosphane analog of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(H4edta).r391It is obtained as an air-stable monohydrate of
the tetrasodium salt (20). A new short review of the catalytic
uses of the carboxyalkylphosphanes was published by Je-
gorov and P o d l a h o ~ a . [ ~ ~ l 25 26

Investigations into water-soluble hydroxyalkyl-substitut-

ed phosphanes were carried out by Chatt et al. in 3973.1s31
19 20 The phosphanes are significantly soluble in water only if
they carry several hydroxyalkyl groups.[541 The water-
The history of the phosphinobenzoic acids 21 goes back as soluble, commercially available trisubstituted phosphane
far as 1945. Gilman and Brown synthesized meta- andpara- P(CH,OH), is being tested in the form of metal complexes
diphenylphosphinobenzoic acid. Not till 1977 did Lucken- for catalytic properties in the addition of PH,to formalde-
bach and Lorenzr4 succeed in preparing the ortho isomer. h ~ d e . Homoleptic
~~] nickel, platinum, and palladium com-
Further work was done by Schumann et al.,[431and Lindner plexes of this phosphane were synthesized, and the
elucidation of the structure of the palladium complex
[Pd{P(CH,OH),), . CH,OH] was carried out by single crys-
tal X-ray structural a n a l y ~ i s . [ ~ ~ l
Finally ethylene glycol derivatives react with sugar diace-
P h 2 P g o o H
tonides to form monoallyl ethers that can be brominated at
the double bond. Successive reaction with phenyl- and
diphenylphosphanes yields hydrophilic phosphanes exhibit-
21 22 ing a sugar function in the side

1528 Angrit. Chern. Inr. Ed. Engl. 1993. 32. 1524 - 1544
3.5. Phosphinoalkylphosphonium Salts The first synthesis of tppts was carried out some
years after Chatt's first reports on the monosulfonation of
A new class of water-soluble phosphanes, named triphenylphosphane (tpp).[681Although it was possible to
"phophos", was opened up in 1991 by Baird et al.1581Mono- obtain the triply sulfonated arsenic compound 28,
quaternization of bisphosphanes yields phosphinoalkyl- triphenylphosphane only gave the monosulfonated tppms
phosphonium salts [Ph,P(CH,),PMe,]X, where n = 2, 3, 6, (2). In 1975, E. G. Kuntz of Rh8ne-Poulenc Ind., Lyon, was
o r 10, and X = NO;, C1-, o r PF,. The synthesis proceeds able to prepare the sodium salt 1 of tppts according to Equa-
according to Equations ( 5 a) and ( 5 b). For increasing chain tion (6) by prolonging the reaction time, obtaining it in a
purity adequate for industrial use on repeated precipitation
from methanoliwater mixtures.

X ax + LiPPh, - X PPh, + Ilx 15a)

2 28

length n, the more reactive bromine (or iodine) derivative

must be used instead of the chloro compound. The halides
are converted into the more stable nitrates and hexafluoro-
phosphates by ion exchange or salt metathesis. The rhodi- 1

um-catalyzed hydrogenation of 1 -hexene gave the following

activity series: [6]-phophos > [10]-phophos> 131-pho- The excellent solubility of tppts in water (about
phos > [2]-phophos, where the numbers correspond to the 1100gL-')[691 and its related insolubility in almost all or-
chain length n. The reasons for this particular series remain ganic solvents prepared the way for its use in two-phase
unclear. The X-ray structural analytical characterization catalytic processes on an industrial scale. However, for a
of the rhodium complex I (nbd)RhC1([2]-phophos)]PF, long time there was no access to analytically pure tppts and
(nbd = norbornadiene) and the attachment of the free lig- its metal complexes, mainly due to problems of separation.
ands to cation exchangers[591underline the rapidly growing The phosphane oxides produced during sulfonation of tpp
interest in this class of compound. could not be completely removed for chemical reasons
(-SO,H vs. -P=O), and the separation of the various sul-
fonated products also presented problems. Only recently has
3.6. Other Ligands it been possible to avoid the oxidation of the phosphane
during sulfonation with oleum." 61 Optimization of tempera-
As the present article concentrates on metal complexes ture, reaction time, and oleum concentration can also help to
and catalysts whose solubility in water depends on hy- reduce the extent of the oxidation of easily oxidizable phos-
drophilic phosphane ligands, the following topics are not phanes."]
considered: phase-transfer reagents, saltlike metal catalysts The use of "soap chromatography" for the purification of
such as Pd(OAc), and Pd(edta), metal complexes of sul- water-soluble mono- and bisphosphanes is only useful for
fonated 2,2'-bi~yridine[~'.611 and a l i ~ a r i n , [metal
~ ~ ~ com-
~~] analysis, but not for preparative work.[", 'I1 Alone the poor
plexes of sulfonated phenanthroline derivatives,L641water- availability of an exactly defined ligand complicates the
soluble porphyrins, and cyclopentadienyl ligands.'651 A preparation of analytically pure metal complexes. Diffi-
summary is given in Ref. 171. culties are caused by slight oxidation of the phosphane by
atmospheric oxygen in the aqueous phase. Analytically pure
metal complexes of tppts could therefore not be obtained
4. Purification of tppts and its Metal Complexes with conventional methods of p~rification."~ - 741 The

breakthrough came from a change to the use of gel perme-

Besides their catalytic uses, the characterization of the ation chromatography, adapted to the solution of this prob-
water-soluble complexes is of interest. Firstly, their bond lem, with cyclodextrane as the stationary phases.[" -"I The
strengths, complex geometry, and coordination properties, experimental apparatus is shown in Figure 5.['*] This was
for example, can be compared with those of analogous wa- used for the first convenient preparation of analytically pure
ter-insoluble complexes.r831Secondly, well-defined water- metal complexes of tppts on laboratory scale. The metal
soluble model complexes are essential for the understanding complexes were obtained by direct synthesis, by ligand ex-
of the individual steps in the catalytic cycle of two-phase change, and through addition methods in which the water-
systems. and in kinetic studies. F o r instance, the Hieber soluble phosphane combines with a coordinatively unsatu-
base reaction could also be successfully applied to rated complex intermediate without displacing another
[Co,(CO),(tppts),], the water-soluble pendant of ligand. With this purification method over 40 metal com-
[Co,(CO),(PPh,),], which is converted into the carbonyl plexes of the ligand tppts were prepared analytically pure
metalate Na[Co(CO),(tppts)] in aqueous NaOH at and characterized (Fig. 6)."'] Spectroscopic data for tppts
p H > 20.["] and its oxide have been published.[sz1

A i t ~ r ~ iCi '.l w i i i . In[. Ed. E n ~ l 1993.

. 32, 1524- 1544 1529
inert gas c7 L
Fig. 5. Experimental equipment for gel permeation chromatography for the
purification of inetal complexes of tppts. The eluent water is pumped from the
storage vessel A through the flexible poly(viny1idene fluoride) (Viton.
sition, is similarly performed.[*] Bartik et al. report the
molecular structure of [Co,(CO),(tppt~),].~~]
The steric demand of the tppts ligand is about 20 YOgreater
than that of triphenylphosphane (tpp). The cone angle 0
according to Tolmanr8lis170for tppts (tpp: 8 = 145 and
is the same as that of tricyclohexylphosphane (PCy,, Table
1). This explains the tendency of tppts to form complexes in
which the transition metal has a lower coordination num-
ber.[75.761 Thus, the compound [HRh(tppts),J, unlike
[HRh(tpp),], is The linear relationship be-
tween 31PNMR shifts and the cone angle in [L,PdCl,] com-
plexes has been stressed. For steric reasons, sulfonated

bisphosphane chelate ligands, for example biphenyl deriva-

lsoversinic) tube B, the peristaltic pump D, and the three-way valve C into
the column E, which is filled with the gel. A UVjVIS detector or refractometer tives, can more efficiently differentiate regio- and
F fitted with a recorder G is connected to the exit of the Chromatography stereospecificity if the conformative mobility of the ligand is
column. As many water-soluble metal complexes and ligands absorb UV
strongly. the fractions are sometimes difficult to separate with a UV detector.
limited. This possibility for control of a reaction has so far
In these cases, a refractometer should he used, which. after compensation for hardly been recognized.
water, detects very low amounts of substance. The chromatography is operated
in upside-down mode as this gives the best separation results (no tailing). The
stationary phases used are standard gels from LKB Pharmacia (Sephadex G15, Table 1. Cone angles 8 according to Tolman [8l] of some phosphanes
G25, and G50)and Merck (Fractogel TSK HW-40F). A detailed description of
the equipment and its function has been published [76, 781. Phosphane 9 I1 Phosphane 0 I]
ligand ligand

PH, 87 PPh, 145

An example of the efficiency of gel permeation chro- PF3 104 P(m-Cc.H,F), 145
matography as a diagnostic method is the revision of the P(OMe), 107 PCY 3 170
formula of the complex [Ni(tppt~),],[~~] which should be PMe, 118 P(m-C,H,SO,Na), 170 [a]
P(OiPr), 130 P(o-Tol), 194
formulated as [Ni(tppt~),].[~~]The rhodium complexes, iso- P(CF,), 137 P(2,4,6-Me3C,H,), 212
lated as pure substances, were crucial in the elucidation of
[a] From Darensbourg et al. [80].
degradation steps occurring in the two-phase hydroformyla-
tion of propene catalyzed by Rh-tppts catalysts.[791More
recent investigations show that the purification method is
not only successful for tppts, but is applicable to a wide 5. Hydrogenation with Water-Soluble Catalysts
range of water-soluble ligands and their metal complexes.[21
5.1. Reduction of Achiral Unsaturated Substrates

CI n The reduction of CC- and OC-unsaturated compounds

m Fel C
1111111 was the first application of water-soluble catalyst^.[^^-*^^
Dror has stated that cosolvents are necessary for acceptable
hydrogenation A large number of different cata-
lysts and substrates have been studied (Table 2). The TOFs

Table 2. Hydrogenation of unsaturated compounds with water-soluble cata-

lysts [a].
Fig. 6. Central atoms of tppts-metal complexes characterized to date
Catalyst ncai [MI Substrate TOF [b] Ref

i.3x 10-3 cyclohexene 3.1

The X-ray characterization of a tppts-metal complex was 1 . o x 10-5 [cl 25-74
recently carried out by Darensbourg et a1.r801UV irradiation LOX 10-5 kl 164
5 . 0 ~lo- [cl 92-198
of [W(CO),] in methanol, according to Equation (7),caused 2x10-3 hexenes
the labile methanol adduct of the W(CO), intermediate to 3 x lo-- hexenes
8.Ox 10-6 36 [dl 1.6-200
react with solid tppts to give the desired complex 36 P 275
[W(CO),(tppts)]. After complexation of the sodium ions by 2.5 x 10-3 Styrene 14-71
kryptofix-[2.2.1], 29 crystallizes out of the solvent mix- 2.5 x 10-3 1-hexene 20 - 84
1.0~10-3 36 1270
ture THF/methoxyethanol/acetonitrile. Crystallization and 5 . 0 ~lo- 39 [dl <lo640
structural characterization of tpp, sulfonated in the para po- 1 . 5 10-5
~ RCH=CHCHO 100-230
4.8 x 10-5 CH,CH,CHO 320-360
1.0 x 10-4 RCH=CHCHO 13-194
5.0~ lo- RCH=CHCHO 25-1260
6.5 x 10 1-hexene 12-296

[a] p(H,) =1 bar. [b] TOF (rurnover .frequency) defined as mol(pro-

duct)mol(catalyst)- h - Note that TON (furnover number) is defined differ-

ently: mol(product) mol(catalyst)- [c] RC(0)COOH and RCH=CHCOOH.
[d] See Section 5.2 for formulas. [el Sodium formate as hydrogen source.
29 (with Ioyptofix [2.2.1]) [f] p(HJ = 20-50 bar.

1530 Angex. G e m . Inl. Ed. Engi. 1993,32, 1524- 1544

(turnover Jrequencies-definition in Table 2) are in general in the aqueous phase; the phase-transfer problem associated
low, but can be increased by the use of cosolvents such as with catalysts not soluble in water and aqueous formate
methanol or ethanol. The rates are limited mainly by the low solutions does not arise.f921Aromatic aldehydes can be al-
solubility of the unsaturated substrate in the aqueous solu- most quantitatively hydrogenated, with the exception of aro-
tion of the catalyst. However, the question where the reac- matic aldehydes bearing in the ortho position substituents
tion takes place-phase boundary, organic phase, or that can coordinate (e.g., 2-hydroxy-I -naphthaldehyde or
aqueous phase-has hardly been investigated and is still un- 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde). On the whole, hydride donors
clear. From the comparison of the catalysis results with such as formates in a homogeneous phase constitute an in-
[RuHCl(tpp),] (homogeneous) and [RuHCl(tppms),] (two teresting situation that deserves further investigation, even
phases). Wilkinson concludes that the hydrogenation of un- though other authors1s8.891 are of the opinion that, due to
saturated substrates in the two-phase system proceeds con- their basic properties, the carbonates formed from the for-
siderably more slowly. The low rate of hydrogenation is due mates deactivate the catalysts more strongly than hydrogen,
to the necessary diffusion of the hydrogen to the alkene/wa- which is not associated with by-products.
ter interface. In this way, the isomerization, which is the
substantially slower reaction, can compete with the hydro-
genation. However, the hydrolytic cleavage of water-soluble 5.2. Reduction of Prochiral Substrates
ligands, for example by cleavage of the dioxolan ring in
PGE- 17-DIOP (30), does not support the low reaction The enantioselective hydrogenation of prochiral sub-
as the reduction in reactivity applies to all water- strates has been thoroughly investigated. Here, too, the reac-
soluble catalysts. tion rates are lower than with homogeneous systems. By
New work by Rh6ne-Poulenc Ind. with ruthenium and using chiral water-soluble Rh-catalysts, prochiral a-acetami-
rhodium tppts complexes shows that hydrogenation in doacrylic esters (36; R' = R4 = H; R2 = NHCOCH,;
simple two-phase systems (aqueous/organic) is possible R3 = H, CH,) and a-acetamidocinnamic esters (34; R' =
without cosolvents.Iss. H, CH,, Na; R2 = CH,, C,H,) are reduced in up to 92O/' r e
(Table 3) and prochiral imines of the type 37 in 94%
ee.[97,981 However, the optical yields obtainable with the
majority of substrates 34-36 are still unsatisfactory.

Table 3. Enantioselective hydrogenation of prochiral substrates with water-so-

luble catalysts [a].
Catalyst ncn, [M] Substrate ee [%I TOF [b] Ref.

Rh/30 1.0 x 10-3 34 11-69 ( R ) 102- 1608

Rh/30 5.0~10-3 35 10-41 (S) 30 -4320
Rhj41 !.OX 10-3 34 34-87 ( R ) 333-500
32 33 17
Rh/41 1.o~ 10-3 3s 16-74 (S) 4-500
42 6 . 0 lo-'
~ 34 87-96 ( S ) 870-960
Rh/30 2 . 0 10-3
~ 34 10-60 ( S I R ) 186- 1608
Rh/30 2.0~10-3 35 28-68 (SIR) 366-4320
Rh/6 1.0 x 10-2 34 72-88 ( R )
One valuable application is the selective reduction of a$- Rh/7 1.ox 10-2 34 12-42 (S)
Rh/4 1.0 x 10-2 34,3s, 37,40 8-65 ( R )
unsaturated aldehydes to unsaturated alcohols according to Rh/6 1.0x 10-2 34 81 -87 ( R )
Equation (8).[sgl Rhj7 1.0 x 10-2 34,35,40 20-44 (5')
Rh/4 2.0~ 10-3 36 15-31 ( R )
Rhj6 2.0 10-3 36 20-61 ( R )
Rh/7 2.0~10-3 36 5-21 (S)
- H,,cat.

2.5 x lo-'
2.5 x
2.5 x
40-95 ( R )
8-67 (S)
58-94 ( R )
4- 100
Rh/l7 2.5 x lo-' 34 40-79 ( R ) 8- 100
RhI7 5.0 x 10-5 36 10-43 (R/S) 833-2166
A catalyst formed from RuCl,/tppts reduces 3-methyl-2- Rh/4 [cl 2.5 10-4 37 2-96 ( R ) 5-16
Rh/6 2.0 x 10-3 38 6-87 [d] 0.6-1.1
butenal to 3-methyl-2-buten-I -01 ("prenol") with 96 YOselec- Rh/7 2 . 0 1~0 - 3 38 7-40 [d] 0.7-1.1
tivity (R' = R2 = CH,) and 84-99% conversion. Other
CC-unsaturated aldehydes are also efficiently reduced (selec- [a] p(H,) = 1-30 bar. Catalysts prepared from Rh' and Rh"'. [b] For defini-
tion of turnover frequency see Table 2. [c] Mono- and disulfonated derivatives.
tivity 2 97 %). Analogous iridium complexes are less active. [d] de[ %] = diastereomeric excess.
The selectivity of ruthenium is the reverse of that observed
with the Rh-tppts system, as in this case the C-C double
bond in the a-position is reduced. Under 20-40 bar ( 2 - Selectivities are influenced by water content and H, par-
4 MPa) pressure of hydrogen, the selectivity is >95% at tial pressure. If the reduction is carried out in solvent mix-
30-80 "C (conversions are mostly around goo/,). tures (e.g., EtOH/H,O), an increase in water content reduces
Sodium and ammonium formates are also suitable as hy- stereo~eIectivity.[~~~991 Increase in pressure can in extreme
dride donors for the hydrogenation of a$-unsaturated and cases even reverse the
aromatic aldehydes with water-soluble Ru c o m p l e ~ e s .911
[~~~ An explanation for the poor optical yields in aqueous
With [RuCl,(tppms),], both the catalyst and the formate are media is provided by the reaction mechanism. According to

Angtw. Chvm. hi.Ed. Engl. 1993, 32, 1524-1544 1531

with hydrophilic Rh complexes in solvent mixtures has
~4 CO,R~
shown that, with increasing S,, the enantioselectivity
Ig( % S/ % R) decreases linearly. The close relationship be-
tween stereoselectivity and the composition of the alcohol/
34 35 36
water mixture used strongly suggests that the two-phase
hydrogenation takes place in the polar phase and not at the

9 phase boundary.

X- +cH3

37 (X = H,OMe. Cl)

Sinou et al. and de Vries et al. have reported another
parameter that influences enanti~selectivity.~. 981 In the re-
duction of prochiral imines 37 with Rh complexes of mono-
or disulfonated (2S,4S)-bdpp [bdpp = 2,4-bis(diphenyl-
phosphino)pentane], the optical yield is greater than 92 YO
for monosulfonated ligdnds and only 2% for disulfonated
ligands! Also, the reaction rate for the monosulfonated
phosphane is many times greater. The catalytic activity of
water-soluble phosphanes is apparently tunable by the

degree of sulfonation. No explanation is yet available, and
the influence of electronic and conformational effects must
still be elucidated. Interestingly, the hydrolysis of imines to
amines and ketones plays a subordinate role, so the imine
39 (X = CI,OC(O)CHJ
40 reduction can proceed chemoselectively.
In the reduction of dehydropeptides 38 with water-soluble
chiral Rh complexes of the chelating phosphanes 4,6, and 7,
Scheme 4, the chiral catalyst forms diastereomeric adducts
the diastereomeric excess (YOde) is strongly dependent on the
with the prochiral substrate, and these then undergo irre-
absolute configuration of the substrate.[031With the tetra-
versible oxidative H, addition. According to Halpern, this
sulfonated bisphosphane [(S,S)-bdpp, 41 a de value of only
step decides the enantioselection.lOl The two possible ad-
10 % can be achieved for a dehydropeptide of an R-configu-
ducts react with hydrogen at rates differing by a factor of
rated amino acid (Ac-A-Phe-(R)-Ala-OCH,), but for the
1000. The existence of the catalyst-substrate adduct in
same peptide with an S-amino acid (Ac-A-Phe-(S)-Ala-
aqueous solution has been proved.[] The energy content of
the dihydrido species I and XI can be influenced by solvation. OCH,), the de value is as high as 72%. However, a higher
diastereomeric excess for S-dehydropeptides is not a general
If the energy difference is very small, only a small enan-
feature, as, for the tetrasulfonated (S,S)-cbd (cbd = cyclo-
tiomeric excess is achievable. Amrani and Sinou have there-
butanediop, 7). exactly the opposite result was obtained
fore postulated a small AE for the solvent water and a con-
(higher de from R-dehydropeptide).
comitant low optical yield.[491
The choice of the reducing agent for the hydrogenation
does not influence the stereoselectivity.[1041Formates of am-
monium, potassium, and sodium give very similar results to
molecular hydrogen. The cation has a small effect, although
it is reported that the highest reaction rates and selectivities
are observed with ammonium formate. This small salt effect
is in contrast with the results of Basset et al., who have

established a strong dependence of the reduction rate on the
salt c~ncentration.[~. lo] The addition of salts produces

higher activities than in homogeneous systems for the reduc-

tion of propionaldehyde with water-soluble Ru complexes.
The fact that water is not only a solvent, but also has a
chemical effect on reductions in two-phase systems is shown
by the Rh-catalyzed hydrogenation of a-acetamidocinnamic
ester in ethyl acetate/D,O. Depending on the phosphane
I II ligands used, 75 YOdeuterium is incorporated in the reduced
product.[ I The deuteration takes place selectively accord-
Scheme4. Oxidative H, addition (according to Halpern [loll) to dia-
stereomeric catalyst -substrate adducts. Ail complex species are positively ing to Equation (9) in the a position to the acetamido and
charged. ester function. Multiple deuteration does not occur.
Due to their negatively charged substituents, sulfonated
phosphanes can compete with the unsaturated substrate at
In a later study, a linear relationship between lg(%S/
% R) and the solvophobicity parameter S, is demonstrat-
ed.[991It indicates the change in the free energy of formation
AG, for the transfer of a hydrocarbon from the gas phase
into a given solvent.[021 Upper and lower limits are S, = 1 R = H, Ph
(water) and S, = 0 (hexadecane). A series of experiments = I [ Rh(cod)Clj,l/ligand; EE = CH,CO,C,H,

1532 Angew. Chcm. Int. Ed. Engl. 1993, 32, 1524- 1544
the electrophilic metal center. Various research groups have
therefore synthesized cationic water-soluble Rh complexes,

and have investigated their behavior in enantioselective hy-
drogenation. Nagel et al. reported that the cationic complex
42["] shows slightly improved enantioselectivity and is a
factor of over 100 more reactive than a similar catalyst based ' 0
on a ligand of type 41.["] The nucleophilic carboxylate and cl3
sulfonate groups of 41 are regarded as being responsible for
the reduction in a ~ t i v i t y . ' ~However,
'] the lack of similarity
in reaction conditions casts doubt on the validity of these
experiments. H
-H -0 ' 0

c, (d) GI
Scheme 5. The new Kuraray process for the production of 1.')-nonancdiol by
PPh, hydrodimerization of 1.3-hutadiene.

to the C, aldehyde with a copper chromite heterogeneous

catalyst, and the resulting product hydroformylated in a
third process step (c), once again with a two-phase catalyst.
The resulting w,w'-dialdehyde is extracted. probably with
cyclohexane, and hydrogenated over molybdenum-doped
41 42 Raney nickel to yield 1.9-nonanediol (step d).'''''

The substitution pattern of the P-bonded phenyl residue

has little influence on the stereoselectivity. Ligands of the 6.2. Alkylation of CH-Acidic Compounds
type 17.32, and 33, which have their hydrophilic groupsparci
to the phosphorus atom, were investigated by Toth et The telomerization of dienes has been extensively investi-
al.r2". In the hydrogenation of dehydrocinnamic acid gated by Rhane-Poulenc Functionalized
derivatives, the Rh-catalysts based on the cationic bisphos- 1,6-octadienes can be obtained from butadiene or isoprene
phanes show almost the same selectivity as those with sul- and acidic compounds according to Equation (10). A cata-
fonated ligdnds. Chiral phosphanes sulfonated in the pczra lyst obtained from PdZf/tppts (1/4) is very effective, while
position would unequivocally clarify the influence of the rhodium and platinum instead of palladium give poor yields.
substitution pattern on the stereoselectivity, but these com- With optimized process operation. the reaction has a re-
pounds are not yet available. The para isomer of tppts,"*' gioselectivity of 95/5 (Y functionality in position 1 or posi-
which has very recently been prepared and characterized by tion 3 ) .
X-ray structural analysis, could serve as the starting point
for the synthesis of such bisphosphanes.
The principal advantages of water-soluble catalysts- -ease
of separation of the product from the catalyst and long term
stability have been demonstrated in all investigations. The
aqueous solutions of used catalysts show the same activity
R = H, Me
and selectivity on reuse after they have been recovered from Y = MeO, EtO, PhO, HO, MeCOO, Me,N
the product phase. The industrial outlook for continuous
hydrogenation processes based on water-soluble catalysts
therefore seems to be full of promise. The telomerization of dienes with N-quaternized
aminophosphanes as the catalyst ligands was recently rein-
vestigated.l3'I When [Pd(OAc),] and 18 (fourfold excess) are
6. C-C Coupling with Water-Soluble Catalysts used together, a water-soluble catalyst is obtained that is
more active but less selective than its tppts analog
The reported C C coupling reactions include diene hy- (TOF = 5-26). The reaction is chemoselective; the yield of
drodimerization, alkylation of CH-acidic compounds, addi- side products (e.g., 1,3,7-octatriene) is insignificant. Recy-
tion reactions to the C C double bonds (hydroamination and cling and reuse of the catalyst are possible with only little loss
hydroformylation), and carbonylation of allylic systems. of activity.
The isoprenylation of CH-acidic compounds is a similar
type of reaction." 1 0 - ' 1 2 1 In particular, 1,3-dicarbonyl com-
6.1. Hydrodimerization pounds can be alkylated with Rh-tppts catalysts in two-
phase systems. An example is the isoprenylation of barbi-
The Kuraray Company in Japan is said to operate a pilot turic acid according to Equation (1 1). The two potential
plant for the hydrodimerization of 1,3-butadiene according isomers are not always produced. When Pd catalysts are
to Scheme 5. in which step (a) is a two-phase system with a used, the terminal double bond is shifted to an inner loca-
Pd/tppms catalyst. The primary product is then isomerized tion, as in the isomerization of Isofeprazon to Feprazon. The

be obtained according to Equation (13) (C-C coupling with
0 elimination of the end groups -B(OCH,CH,O) and -Br).
The polymerization process is strongly favored by the solu-
bilities of the monomer, the growing polymer, and the cata-
lyst. Polymerization reactions could therefore open up a new
area of applications for water-soluble metal complexes that
65 % 35 % has so far been virtually ignored. Incidently, water should
also be an excellent solvent for radical processes, because the
O H bond enthalpy is extremely high (120 kcalmol-).[201
activated methylene compound adds remarkably regioselec-
tively, and the attack takes place exclusively at the monosub-
stituted double bond. A twofold alkylation of the 1,3-dicar-
bony1 compound, only possible under drastic conditions, is
not observed if conditions are normal (25 C, 48 h). The ease HOPC \
of recovery and reuse of the catalyst-without loss of activ-
ity-have been convincingly demonstrated.
C C couplings can also be carried out with tppms-contain-
ing Pd catalysts.[31 The compound 43 catalyzes, in yields CO,H

[Pd(tppms),].3 H,O 43
6.3. Addition of Hydrogen Cyanide
which can be greater than 99 YO,the arylation (biphenyl syn-
thesis), acetylation, phosphorylation, and vinylation (Heck The nickel-catalyzed addition of hydrogen cyanide to CC
reaction) of halogenated arenes and heteroarenes: In solu- multiple bonds is reported in a Adipic acid and
tion, a rapid phosphane exchange is observed which pre- methylglutaronitrile are obtained from 3-pentenenitrile ac-
sumably takes place through the intermediacy of a PdL, cording to Equation (14). The linear product is formed pref-
species. However, there is no direct proof of the existence of erentially (> 10/1). In 1990, it was recognized that the correct
a complex containing tetracoordinated palladium. Com- formula of the catalyst [Ni(tppts),] is in fact
pound 43 can be used for diverse functionalities, including [Ni(tppts)J.[]
those in unprotected nucleotides and amino acids. The good
results of the Heck reaction and the cross-coupling of termi-
nal alkynes with vinyl and aryl iodides are confirmed in an
independent study. Although the active catalytic species
cat. AcN
H&cN (14) +

was not characterized in this case, it must nevertheless be 43.

Water-soluble Pd compounds catalyze allyl substitutions 6.4. Hydroformylation
according to Equation (12) in yields up to 95%. With ac-
etates and carbonates of cinnamyl alcohol (R = C,H,), the The 0 x 0 synthesis (hydroformylation), which was dis-
E enantiomers are selectively formed. covered by Otto Roelen (1897-1993)[1221 in 1938 at the
Ruhrchemie AG, is one of the most important metal-cata-
lyzed alkene reaction^."^^] World capacity for 0 x 0 products
is about 5.6 million tons per annum (excluding 2-ethyl-
hexanol, the most important product of a subsequent reac-
tion). The importance of water-soluble catalysts in this type
R = H, C,H,, CH,OH: R = CO,C,H,, COCH,
NU = CH(COCH,),, SO,C,H,-p-CH, N(CH,CH,),O (rnorpholino) of process may be deduced from the increase in capacity
(Fig. 7)[23-1301 and improvement in the performance
parameters of the catalytic process (Table 4). After the dis-
The ring opening of 3,4-epoxy-l-butene by ethyl aceto- covery of tppts at Rh6ne-Poulenc Ind. in Lyon in 1975, its
acetate to give 2-acetyl-6-hydroxy-4-hexenoic acid proceeds implementation on an industrial scale was developed by the
in greater than 80% yield ( E / Z = 85/15).[51 Ally1 halides Ruhrchemie AG (now Hoechst AG) in Oberhausen.
can be directly carbonylated by using water-soluble Pd cata-
lysts. 1 6 , I Under normal C O pressure and in the presence
of sodium hydroxide or alkoxide, the B,y-unsaturated acids
o r esters are obtained. Benzyl chloride can also be carbony-
lated to phenylacetic acid in this way.[*] The yields vary
between 4 and 93 YO,depending on the substrate. With allyl 106x
t w

[ t a-1 2
halides, only E isomers are formed. 1
The preparation of poly(para-phenylene) derivatives us- 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1960 19BS 1990
ing Pd/tppms is currently in progress.[ ] Starting from
1,I -biphenyl-4,4-bis(ethylenedioxyborane)and 4,4-dibro- Fig. 7 . Growth of worldwide 0 x 0 capacities W (in million tons per annum).
The sudden increase i n 1968 coincides with the introduction of the Union
mo-1 ,lf-biphenyl-2,2-dicarbonic acid, the water-soluble Carbide Process (Rh catalysis). U p to that time, hydroformylation was per-
polymer 44 with an average molecular weight of 50 000 can formed with cobalt catalysts only.

1534 Angeu.. Chmz. Int. Ed. Engl. 1993, 32, 1524- 1544
Table 4. Technical parameters of the 0 x 0 synthesis A flow diagram of the process is shown in Figure 8. The
Catalyst Catalyst
separation of the catalyst/product mixture is simply carried
parametei-s [HCo(CO),] [HCo(CO),PRJ [HRh(CO)(PR,),] out in a phase separator, from which the aqueous catalytic
R = n-C,H, R = C,H, R = ni-C,H,SO,Na solution flows back to the reactor, while the organic product
P bar1 200-350 50-100 15-20 10-100
continues to the stripping column. An optimized heat recov-
T"C1 110-180 160-200 85-115 50-130 ery system ensures a favorable overall energy balance for this
n / i w ratio [a] 80/20 88,'12 921X 95.5 [b] modern process.
selectivity medium low high very high
hydrogenation medium high low low

[a] Depending on the position of the formyl group at the terminal or internal C of the 6.4.2. New Catalysts
double bond. a linear ( n ) o r branched (isu) aldehyde arises. The desired products are
linear. [b] Variants with nliso = 99/l are now also known. The development of even better water-soluble phosphanes
for two-phase hydroformylation has become a necessity in
recent years. The international downward pressure on the
6.4.1. RuhrchemielRhGne- Poulenc Process prices of 0 x 0 products, mainly caused by the cheap products
from the "developing countries", prescribes the continuous
The first patents were applied for in September 1982 for improvement of the existing process. For the Ruhrchemie/
the synthesis of aldehydes,['311 the recovery of the rhodi- RhGne-Poulenc process, this implies the synthesis of new,
um," 321 and the production of sufficiently pure sulfonated more active catalysts. To name only two examples, the sul-
phosphanes." 331 In particular, the elegant extraction-reex- fonated phosphanes bisbis (45)and norbos (9) enabled Rh
traction process"33. 1341for the tonnage production of tppts catalysts to be produced with superior properties to those of
paved the way for the industrial operation of two-phase hy- the standard Rh-tppts system (see Fig. 9).['- 143.1441 J umps
droformylation. The patent applications that were published
afterwards describe further improvements: process opti-
mization,['3'- l3'1 recovery of the rhodium catalyst,['38-1401
reactivation of catalyst,[2081synthesis of water-soluble tri-
arylphosphanes,['6. 133, 1341and synthesis of new ligdnds and Ar
metal coordination compounds for catalytic two-phase sys- 81\19
tems." 3. 1 4 ' These patent applications cannot be treat-
ed individually in this review, but the fact that there are so
many of them bears out the extent of the research activity in
this fieId.Izo4] 97/3
The Ruhrchemie/Rhbne-PouIenc process went into oper-
ation in 1984. Two plants now produce 300000 tons per an-
num of butyraldehyde. Depending on the quality of the
propene starting material, 99 YOconversion and a crude alde-
hyde product with a n n/iso ratio (for explanation, see foot-
note to Table 4) of approximately 95/5 is attained. Both the
hydrogenation of the alkene and the formation of condensa-
tion products by aldolization are insignificant. The loss of 1

rhodium in the organic phase, despite the high price of this

nliso = 94/6
metal, is a "quantite negligeable".[145. 1461 Catalysts that
generate selectivities of n/iso 2 99/1 have recently been dis-
tPPtS bisbis norbos
(1984) (1990) (1992)

P/Rh= 1 0.08 0.16

exhaust gas Fig. 9. Results of catalysis with water-soluble rhodium-phosphane com-
plexes (activity A is shown on a linear scale). Activity A = n(alde-
hyde)n(Rh)-' h - ' , Ar = -C,H,S0,3Na. P/Rh ratios are normalized.

stripping column in activity from 16 to 90 (bisbis) or to 118 (norbos) indicate

the currently attainable activity levels. The n/iso ratios in the
propene hydroformylation reaction fall below 95/5 in the
case of norbos only. The large phosphane excess normally
required in the Rh/tppts system and many other standard
I catalysts (e.g. Rh/tpp) can be reduced by more than an order
- of magnitude without causing problems of long-term stabil-
Fig. 8. Flow diagram of the Ruhrchemie/Rh6ne-Poulenc process for the pro-
duction of n-butyraldehyde. in operation at the Ruhrchemie works of Hoechst ity. Thus, the rhodium-norbos system is the most active
AG (Oberhausen) [146. 1511. M = stirring device. water-soluble hydroformylation catalyst known so far.

Angiw. C / i i , m . Inr. E d EngI. 1993. 32. 1524- 1544 1535

Losses in selectivity are compensated for by the similar com-
mercial values of 17- and iso-butyraldehyde. Moreover. the
ready accessibility of the norbos systems is attractive, be-
cause they allow a systematic variation of substituents.1Iz1 L J

Phosphane chelating ligands are attracting more attention 48 49

for future industrial use, because the special phosphites of formation of the intermediate 49 (not isolable), a s shown in
Union Carbide show extremely high activities and selectivi- Scheme 7.
ties in /ionrogoirous/j, c . n / t r / j . x d h y d r ~ f o r m y l a t i o n . ~ ' ~ ~
However. these ligands are readily hydrolyzed, and therefore
cannot be considered for aqueous systems. which was recent-
ly clearly shown in the case of sulfonated phosphites.I"l The
previously mentioned sulfonated tris(o-phenylalky1)phos-
phanes P[(CH,),,p-C,H,SO,Na], (n = 1-3 and 6)[l4] are
more active in rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation of 1-
octene at low P/Rh ratios (211) than an analogous Rh-tppts
system. In this case, the highest conversion was observed for
17 = 6. Interestingly, higher P/Rh ratios lead to a decrease in
Other than in the two-phase catalysis employing Rh/
d p p e t ~ , [ ~there
' ~ is a successful example of homogeneous
catalysis in which the nonsulfonated parent ligand 1.2-his-
(dipheny1phosphino)ethane (dppe) is used. Substrates like
1.3-butadiene undergo hydroformylation to the CS-alde-
9 Ar, P

hyde with 21 T O F of 250.[20'1The analogous Rh/tpp catalyst

has hardly detectable activities under otherwise identical
reaction conditions. An application in aqueous medium by
sulfonation of the tpp ligand right be interesting.

6.4.3. Catalyst Deactivation Mechanisms

Scheme 7. Deactivation mechanism of Rh'-tppts catalyst in the Ruhrchemie;
Rh6ne- Poulenc process (framed products have been isolated and charactel-.
Although the standard Rh'hppts system has extremely ]zed: see text and ref. [78.151]).
good long-term stability, a slight loss of activity occurs after
several years' use. The catalyst deactivation mechanism has
recently been clarified in detail (Scheme 6).178.79. 1'11 The cleavage of the P-C bond in the phosphane. which
deactivates the catalyst, is caused by the oxidative addition
hydroformy lation cycle of tppts to Rh' with the formation of 49a, a Rh"' species with
a five-coordinate central atom. The cleavage of the P-C

D bond, combined with an aryl rearrangement, was previously

recognized by Garrou et al. as the origin of the deactivation
of phosphane-modified catalysts." 531 The coordination of a
further molecule of tppts causes the reductive elimination of
bis(me~ct-sulfophenyl)phosphinous acid as the tautomer
46 47 48 Ar,POH. Benzenesulfonic acid (ArH) and mrtn-formylben-
Scheme 6. zenesulfonic acid (Ar-nz-CHO) are formed from the Rh' in-
termediate compound 49 b under the given reaction condi-
Compound 46, which is strictly only a "precatalyst", dis- tions (and presence of syngas). Both these compounds have
sociates to the active 16e species 47. This is supported by a been detected in "exhausted" catalyst solutions.[781
high-pressure NMR study by Horvith et al.,[1521which Species 49c, which is formed by H,addition and product
shows that 46 itself does not take up a further CO molecule elimination, combines with propene to form the propyl com-
from syngas, even at a pressure of 200 bar (20 MPa). The plex 49d. The later course of the reaction is determined by
active species 47 initiates the hydroformylation cycle. which this intermediate stage. The insertion of CO would produce
is not considered further here. The hydroxo complex 48, the acyl complex and finally the hydroformylation product
which has been isolated and characterized. is formed in water butyraldehyde. The oxidative addition of another tppts lig-
under hydroformylation conditions (HJCO) and can be re- and (- 49e). however, would mean that three products
versibly converted into 46.The equilibrium lies almost com- could arise from this cycle: 1) the phosphane. Ar,PC,H,
pletely on the side of 46; accordingly, during hydroformyla- (pdspp) by phosphido/propyl coupling; 2) benzenesulfonic
tion there is no danger of the transformation of 46 into the acid (ArH); and 3) n?era-formylbenzenesulfonic acid (Ar-m-
catalytically inactive hydroxo complex 48. According to CHO) from the intermediate compound 49 b.
Equation ( 1 5 ) . carbon monoxide displaces a phosphane lig- The phosphane pdspp was isolated from used catalyst so-
and from 48. The deactivation mechanism starts with the lutions ("contact" solutions). In an aqueous reaction medi-

1536 Angeir. C I I ~ ?l .~ fEd.

. O ? g / . 1993, 32, 1524- 1544
um, the starting compound of the deactivation mechanism is be avoidable. The tppts ligand binds to the carrier by three
then regenerated from 49b under CO/H, pressure. The for- sulfonate groups; hence the greater stability of the tppts
mation of nzetcr-formylbenzenesulfonic acid in isolable quan- system relative to the amphos systems can be explained.
tities rules out the deactivation of the phosphane by ortho- 1-Tetradecene, 1-dodecene, and I -octene are hydroformy-
metalation: as the formyl group is located at the position lated at 100C and 70 bar pressure with an n/iso ratio of
originally occupied by the phosphorus atom, the deactiva- 2.3-3.4/1. The yield of aldehyde is low (seldom greater than
tion must be started off by an oxidative addition of the tppts 500/), but the extent of isomerization is high and solvent-
ligand to Rh'. Other workers confirm this observation for dependent (up to 42%). The thermal instability of the resin
Rh- tpp complexes.['54-1561 The subsequent fate of the re- at temperatures above 100 "C limits its use. The surprising
ductively eliminated bis(rneta-sulfopheny1)phosphinous acid long-term stability of this group of catalysts is more encour-
Ar,POH is shown in Scheme8. For phosphinous acids, aging. After multiple use of the resin-supported catalyst,
productivity and selectivity hardly decrease (reduction of
P/Rh ratio). Rhodium leaching has not been found. After 16
cycles (corresponding to T O N = 15 OOO!), the extent of phos-
phane oxidation was 80%, caused by moist and oxygen-con-
taining substrates and solvents. The exceptionally long life-

+<O> '4

time of this class of catalysts is promising.
Polymer-fixed Rh catalysts still have a long way to go
before they become industrial materials. Drawbacks are
K2 K5 leaching and thermal instability."671 A polyfstyrenedivinyl-
Scheme 8 . Formation of the main degradation products K5 and K 2 from bis- benzene) copolymer with hydrophilic -CH,P(C,H,SO,H),
(Ar = n-C,H,SO,Na, < 0 z from H,O).
groups was investigated in Rh'-catalyzed propene hydro-
~ - With a metal loading of 3.4 wt % Rh
f ~ r m y l a t i o n . [ ' ~1651
R,P(O)H. an equilibrium between the hydroxy species and P/Rh = 8.7/1, the conversion rate is 3 x 10' mol(a1de-
Ar,POH and the phosphane oxide Ar,P(O)H form is postu- hyde) per g(Rh) per min after 4 h at 100 "C and 30 bar. The
lated, and in fact (CF,),POH is the only hydroxy tautomer selectivity (njiso = 1.2/1) is very low, but this is a promising
that has yet been isolated. For all weakly electron-with- opening for asymmetric (= enantioselective) variants of hy-
drawing substituents R the phosphinous acid is present as droformylation (see ref. [206]). Again, catalyst stability is
phosphane oxide. Therefore. the reductive elimination of favorable.
Ar,POH is followed by rapid tautomerization to Ar,P(O)H. The use of longer chain alkenes in liquid/liquid two-phase
This compound reacts with the butyraldehyde in solution to systems is limited by the solubility of the substrate in the
form K5, and is partially oxidized to phosphinic acid K 2 . aqueous (catalytic) phase. Cyclodextrins, which have inner
Both products were isolated from catalyst solutions originat- lipophilic cavities and hydrophilic surfaces, offer novel pos-
ing from the plant operation. sibilities. As shown in Figure 10, r-cyclodextrin can bind one
molecule of 1-hexene in its cavity, and thus transfer the
alkene across the phase interface. The specific orientation of
6.4.4. Further Concepts in Catalytic Hydroformylation the alkene in the cyclodextrin favors the formation of the
linear aldehyde." 661
Other aspects of the use of water-soluble catalysts for
hydroformylation include complexes with cationic lig-
ands,'"". 571 binuclear rhodium-tppts complexes,[158-16']
immobilization of water-soluble Rh complexes on ion ex-
c h a n g e r ~ . " polymers."
~~~ '
64. 6 5 1 cyclodextrins,[' 661 and mi-
cellar two-phase h y d r o f o r m y l a t i ~ n . [ ~ ~ ~
Some Rh' complexes of the cationic ligand amphos 16,
[Ph,PCH2CH,NMe,]+, are efficient hydroformylation cat-
alysts when in aqueous solution or immobilized on strongly
Fig. 10. Orientation and complexation of alkenes in individual cyclodextrin
acidic cation exchangers.'", Leaching of rhodium does molecules
not occur; nevertheless, the metal can be recovered by elu-
tion from the ion exchange resin with In contrast,
the cobalt complex [Co(CO),(amphos)],(PF6), suffers from The positive prognostication is not yet fulfilled with
considerable metal leaching. Moreover, when it is in the [HRh(CO)(tppms),]. By adding a-cyclodextrin, the aldehyde
liquidiliquid two-phase system or immobilized on the ion yield is reduced from 55 YO(without added dextrin) to 11 O h .
exchange resin, it is less active, and gives poor nliso ratios. The nliso ratio, 7/3, is unaffected. The authors attribute this
Recently, immobilization of water-soluble metal com- to hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl groups of the a-cy-
plexes on solid supports has been investigated,['63- 1661 for clodextrin and the sulfonate groups of the tppts, which is
example, [HRh(CO)(tppts),] on the ion exchange resin said to hinder dissociation of a phosphane ligand and hence
Amberlyst A-26.['631Unlike the SAP catalysts (Section 7), the coordination of the alkene. Nevertheless, modified cy-
the catalyst-loaded resin can be prepared with no water con- clodextrins are expected to become important for the 0 x 0
tent. Hence. the disadvantageous oxidation of tppts to the synthesis, because of their ability to cause steric orientation
corresponding phosphane oxide by water and Rh"' should of substrates.[1681

Fell et al. first achieved the micellar two-phase hydro- aqueous solution of [HRh(CO)(tppts),J and tppts (ligand
formylation of longer chain alkenes by the use of the sulfo- excess), and then dried under vacuum. The hydrophilic carri-
betaine of tris(2-pyridy1)phosphane (see Eq. (3)).12'] The ers consist of "controlled-pore glass" (CPG) with a definite
properties of these interfacially active compounds (n = 0, 3. but variable large inner surface (CPG-240, CPG-350). CPG-
5, 7, 9, and 11) can be tuned. The phosphanes form com- 240 has a mean pore diameter of 237 A, a pore volume of
plexes and promote dissolution. By suitable choice of n, they 0.95 mL g- '( Ifr 4.3 "/o) and a specific surface area of
acquire surfactant properties, and, above a critical concen- 77.5 m'g-'. After removal of all the solvent, a dry, yellow
tration, form micelles. The lipophilic alkenes can be trapped powder remains which still contains about 2.9 wt YOwater.
in the long alkyl groups of the micelles. The active Rh center The metal complex is homogeneously distributed on the in-
is also inside the micelle as a result of the coordination to the ner and outer surface of the support. If this catalyst materia1
phosphorus atom. For example, tetradecene can be hydro- is treated a t 30 Torr and 30 "C with water vapor, a controlled
formylated, with a 79 YOyield of aldehyde (njiso ratio = 3/1). amount of water can be added, depending on the contact
The most suitable phosphane has a chain length n of 5. If time. A comprehensive account of the process is given in
n> 5. stable emulsions are formed and phase separation can Ref. 11721.
become a problem. In no case is rhodium loss observed.
The binuclear rhodium complexes of the type [Rh,(p-
SR),(CO),(tppts),] of Kalck et al. should also be men- 7.2. Hydroformylation and Hydrogenation with SAP
tioned."58-'621 T hey show the usual activity in the hydro- Catalysts
formylation of I-hexene, but unusually high selectivity
(njiso = 18jl). The hydroformylation can also be carried out The SAP catalysts were developed for the hydroformyla-
without hydrogen, since the solvent water can function as tion of liquid substrates that are completely insoluble in wa-
the H, source through the water-gas shift reaction: ter, for example, oleyl alcohol." 7 2 1 In the Ruhrchemie/
C O + H,O CO, + H, . 1-Hexene a t p H = 4.8 can be con- Rh6ne-Poulenc process, longer chain alkenes can only be
verted into I-heptanol with 75% yield (80C, p ( C 0 ) = hydroformylated in the presence of solubilizers, for ex-
8 bar, P/Rh = 6, 15 h, selectivity 95.8 'YO). The use of water as ample, tetraalkylammonium salts containing four long-
a source of hydrogen makes this class of complexes especially chain alkyl Oleyl alcohol is converted into the
interesting. C,, aldehyde at 100"C, 51 bar, and a CO/H, ratio of Ill, in
96.6 YOyield without any rhodium loss at all. Moreover, after
filtering off the stationary phase, the liquid phase does not
7. Supported Aqueous Phase Catalysts contain rhodium, either as a complex species o r as a colloid.
The water content of the support is important. For example,
The recent development of "supported aqueous phase cat- the hydroformylation of I-octene is characterized by a re-
alysts" (SAP 1701began in 1989 with a publica- duction in activity for a water content of more than 8 wt %.
tion in By their work on SAP catalysts, Davis et Also, the n/iso ratio and the system stability are reduced with
al. opened the way to hydroformylate very hydrophobic increasing water content. It is thought that the resulting
alkenes such as oleyl alcohol, octene, or dicyclopentadiene greater mobility of [HRh(CO)(tppts),] promotes decomposi-
with the water-soluble catalyst [HRh(CO)(tppts),], using the tion reactions.
principle sketched in Figure 11. The site of the reaction is well established. On supports
with physically different structures, the activity depends on
the specific surface; that is, the reaction takes place at the
phase boundary. Thus, the results are in agreement with
those of solid [HRh(CO)(tppts),] . nH,O. In its isolated
state, the solid contains up to 16 wt % water-it is in a sense
a "primitive SAP catalyst". In the hydroformylation of 1-
octene in cyclohexane, the results almost match values with
SAP catalysts: 98.7% conversion, nliso = 2.1 -2.9. As the
Rh complex is insoluble in the organic reactants, the reaction
must take place at the solid/liquid interface. This conclusion
is supported by comparative investigations of two-phase sys-
tems and SAP catalysts.[' For classical liquid/liquid sys-
tems, the rate of hydroformylation decreases in the series
I-hexene > 1-octene > 1-decene; with the SAP catalytic
Fig. 1 1 . Schematic diagram of a SAP catalyst according to ref. 11691. Working method, these alkenes react at virtually the same rate. Typi-
principle: a thin, aqueous film containing a water-soluble catalyst, for example cally for surface effects, the solubility of the alkene in the
[HRh(CO)(tppts),], adheres to silica gel with a high surface area. These cata-
lysts act at the liquidiliquid interface.
aqueous phase is no longer the rate-determining factor. The
low n/iso ratio of 2.8 in the three cases is due to coordinative-
ly unsaturated complexes such as [HRh(CO),(tppts)], which
7.1. Preparation of S A P Catalysts are known for their poor regioselectivities."
When the complex [C~,(CO),(tppts),][~~~ is immobilized
To produce SAP catalysts, a granulated, porous support on CPG-340 and used for the hydroformylation of I-hexene,
material with a large inner surface is added to a stirred there is only negligible leaching of cobalt into the product

1538 Angew. Chew Inr. Ed. Engl. 1993. 32, 1524-1544

phase.['741 However, in a typical two-phase reaction, the a t the stage of the Pd-alkene complex become more signifi-
metal loss is not inconsiderable. A t 190"C, 55 bar (CO/ cant. The reduction in isomerization with increasing 0, par-
H, = l / l ) the degree of conversion reaches 68% (njiso22) tial pressure is consistent with this conclusion and with a
after 8 h, depending on the water content. Other publica- more rapid Cu' oxidation. In spite of the unfavorable
tions describe improved methods of producing SAP cata- product distribution, SAP catalytic technology has the ad-
lysts, and the extension of hydroformylation to other unsat- vantage that use of corrosive solutions of Cu2 is avoided.

urated compounds.[' 751 The latter problem affects all conventional Wacker pro-
In variations of the SAP catalytic method, platinum/tin cesses.
tppts complexes can be obtained." 761 The most active water- To sum up, immobilized water-soluble complex catalysts
insoluble, homogeneous hydroformylation catalyst based on extend the concept of two-phase reactions to a new technical
platinum is the compound [PtCl(tpp),SnCI,]. Tin(i1) chlo- dimension." 791
ride increases both the reaction rate and the n/iso ratio. How-
ever. due to the sensitivity of the platinum-tin bond to hy-
drolysis, a tppts-modified system cannot be used in water. As 8. Special Uses of Water-Soluble Ligands
the amount of water on the SAP catalyst (as little as 3 YO)is
required only for the solubilization of the sulfonate groups In addition to their main use in catalysis, water-soiubk
of the tppts, the hydrolysis of the metal-metal bond should ligands have a number of special uses.
be able to be kinetically limited. Therefore, CPG-350 was
impregnated with [PtCl,(tppts),], and treated with a solution
of SnCI, in CH,CI,. The vacuum-dried SAP catalyst con- 8.1. Membrane Modification by Selective
tains 1.4 wt% water (TGA data). The high selectivity (n/ Hydrogenation
is0 = ca. 12/1) compared with the tin-free system [PtCI,-
(tppts),] (njiso = 3/1) indicates a stable Pt.. . CI.. . Sn inter- The hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids is an impor-
action. The reaction rates are low, and decrease further as tant process, because these compounds form part of the
the water content increases to 7.4 wt% because the active membrane structures of a wide range of lipid class-
species decomposes. Hydrogenation and isomerization are es.[180-ls6] Water-soluble catalysts are very much more suit-
strikingly dominant. In the SAP catalytic method after able than their lipophilic derivatives, as no solvent vector
120 h, [PtCl(tppts),SnCI,] at lOO"C, 70 bar (HJCO), and a such as T H F o r DMSO is needed for the transport of the
P/Rh ratio of 2/1 converts 1-hexene into only 26% heptanal metal complex into the membrane. Furthermore, water-sol-
and 12.7% hexane, but 21.2% 2-hexene and 7.6% 3-hexene uble catalysts are easier to remove from the still intact mem-
are also formed. However, as no metal loss is observed, this brane at the end of the reaction, and even the polarity of the
method of immobilization seems to have some industrial catalyst can be controlled by suitable choice of hgand. The
future if further optimization of the parameters can be location of the reaction can be selected by exploiting the
achieved. variable extent of penetration into the membrane.
With SAP catalysts based on Ru-tppts complexes, the The initial research in this field was carried out by Madden
selective reduction of a,B-unsaturated aldehydes to ally1 al- et al. during 1978-1980."80* 18'] The hydrogenation activity
cohols can be performed. Thus, a t 100 bar pressure of H2(!), of the catalyst IRhCl(tppms),] on phosphatidylcholine from
3-methyl-2-butenal and all-trans-retinal are reduced with al- soya lecithin was determined for the vesicles produced by
most quantitative yield and high selectivity (up to 89%). The ultrasound or mechanical perturbation. The water-soluble
reduction in activity on recycling the catalyst material is due metal complex has amphiphilic character due to its sulfonat-
to successive adsorption of the reactants. Metal loss only ed phosphane ligands and unsubstituted phenyl groups. This
dominates when polar solvents such as methanol are used. bipolarity facilitates the transition between the polar
For the first time such a decrease in activity following cata- aqueous phase and the lipophilic hydrocarbon phase. Ap-
lyst recycling has been clearly documented; as a result, the proximately 85% of the catalyst is either'on o r in the mem-
industrial use of SAP catalysts for this particular reaction is brane-like moths in the fold of a curtain. The membrane
viewed with It remains to be seen whether structure is not destroyed even if 20 molo/' catalyst (based on
the concept of SAP catalysts meets the high expectations for phospholipid) is present. All the double bonds can usually be
it.[1711 hydrogenated, even including those deep inside the mem-
brane layer. The catalyst therefore diffuses through the
membrane in a few hours. At the end of the reaction, approx-
7.3. Wacker Oxidation imately 70o/' of the metal complex can be recovered from the
membrane by means of ion exchangers.
The Wacker process for long-chain alkenes also requires Further investigations of the hydrogenation of di-
solubilizing agents. To compare performance with SAP cata- oleylphosphatidylcholine liposomes were published, in
lysts, PdCI, and CuCI, ( l / l ) were immobilized o n CPG-240 which the hydrogenation activity of the complexes
(1 5 wt YOH,O)." In 3 h, this catalyst converted 1-heptene [RhCl(tppms),] and [RhCl(dpup),] were compared,['821
at IOO'C, p ( 0 , ) = 4 bar, and a n alkene/Pd ratio of 210/1 [dpup = disodium diphenylphosphinoundecylphosphate,
into 2-heptanone (oxidation), 2-heptene, and 3-heptene (iso- (C,H,),P(CH,), lP( =O)(ONa),]. At 37 "C, 1.2 bar H,, and
merization). In the conventional Wacker process, isomeriza- p H = 6.9, a cisltruns isomerization (oleic acid to elaidic acid)
tion is insignificant. In the SAP catalytic process, the oxida- takes place before the hydrogenation. The cis isomer is not
tion of Pdo to P d 2 + is probably very slow, so isomerizations hydrogenated, but the trans isomer is. The rate of hydro-

Angew. Chctn. l t z t . Ed. Engf. 1993. 32, 1524- 1544 1539

genation is independent of the catalyst concentration. The ly determined by the number and position of the cis double
kinetics are indicated by the equilibrium in (16). If bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids. Many physiological
and biochemical processes are fundamentally linked to the
viscosity of the cell membrane. The homogeneously cata-
lyzed hydrogenation of the cis double bonds of Fatty acids
the critical micelle concentration is exceeded, the water-sol- within an intact membrane by means of a water-soluble
uble catalyst is present as a large reservoir in the form of catalyst can therefore contribute to a deeper understanding
micelles. The micelles are in equilibrium with the monomeric of the modification of membrane fluidity. The complex
form of the catalyst, whose concentration remains constant [ R ~ C I ~ ( t p p m s ) ~has
] [ ~been
' ~ used for this purpose. The cat-
irrespective of the initial amount used. The monomeric Rh alyst is very selective at 30 "C and 7 bar Hzfor the conversion
complex diffuses to the membrane and catalyzes hydrogena- of linoleic acid (C18, three double bonds) into less unsaturat-
tion there. As the monomer concentration does not change, ed C18 acids (two to zero double bonds). If the extent of
the rate of hydrogenation is constant. Equilibrium (16) raises hydrogenation exceeds 30%. a serious loss of living proto-
the question of the self-association of water-soluble metal plasts takes place. Destruction of intact protoplasts can be
complexes for the first time, a subject which is also of interest avoided by shorter contact times. From kinetic consider-
in connection with colloids (see Section 9). ations, cell-like defense reactions can work against the con-
The phospholipids located on the outside of the mem- tinuing hydrogenation according to the principle of "homeo-
brane can be hydrogenated with [RhCl(tppms),],[' 831 and viscous adaptation".
the cholesteryl acids and triacylglycerides located further in-
side the membrane are also reduced, but with decreased ac-
tivity. The hydrogenation of the "inner" compounds that 8.2. Light and Membrane Fluidity
can nevertheless be observed is explained by the intermin-
gling of the CC unsaturated alkyl chains with the phospho- Natural liposomes with a single or double layer can be
lipids bonded to the surface (Fig. 12). The sulfonate groups hydrogenated by using the catalyst system [RuCl,(bpy),]/
of the water-soluble catalyst are oriented at the hydrated [RhCl(tppms),] (bpy = 2.2'-bipyridine)['871 with ascorbate
surface of the lipoprotein, while the active rhodium center as a light-induced hydride donor." 881 The combination of
penetrates the alkyl chain layer of the phospholipid. ruthenium and rhodium enables the nascent hydrogen to be
produced in an ascorbate buffer. The light-collecting species
hydrophobic lipids inside
is the complex [RuCl,(bpy),], and hydrogen transfer is per-
the structure (e.g. triacyl- formed by [RhCl(tppms),]/ascorbate.
glycerides, choiesterin) polypeptidechains
\ with hydrophilicgroups
The system is effective for the hydrogenation of ethene
and ethyne and for the hydroformylation of ethene.['871The
in situ generated hydrogen enables hydrogenation even at
0.1 bar partial pressure (TON = 40 for ethene, quantum
phospholipids with yield = 1.8). The pressureless(!) hydroformylation gives
polar headgroups
a TON of 3.5 with a quantum yield of 0.1 YOThe mechanism
of the quantum uptake by the Ru" complex (Ru"/Ru'
aqueous reduction) and the formation of the active species
[HRu(CO)(tppms),] is formulated in Equations (1 7- 19).
Despite these interesting results, the catalyst system is still
Fig. 12. Schematic diagram o f a plasma lipoprotein (from ref. [lX41).
somewhat unstable.

Vigh et al.['85' have compared Ru and Rh catalysts for the

hydrogenation of membranes. Under normal conditions, the
complex [RuCl,(tppms),] is more active than the normally
used catalyst [RhCl(tppms),], which becomes superior to the
Ru analog above 30 "C (Fig. 13).
The hydrogenation of protoplast membranes is also pos-
sible.1'861The fluidity properties of biomembranes are main-

A[%] 30
8.3. Regeneration of NAD(P)+ with Water-Soluble
10 d ,-'
NAD(P)+ cofactors have important applications in bio-

0 ,-*-:
0 10 20 30 40 50 technological processes, for example. the conversion and
T["C] storage of solar energy. According to the initial research into
Fig. 13 Comparison of hydrogenation activities A (in "/o hydrogenation) of the regeneration of NAD(P)+ cofactors." 891 NAD(P)+ can
[Ru"Cl,(tppms),] (0)and [Rh'Ci(tppms),] (B). be reduced in the presence of the water-soluble rhodium(r1r)

1540 Angcw Climi. Inr. E d E~igl.1993. 32. 1524 1544

complex with tris(2,2'-bipyridyl-5-sulfonicacid) both elec- no optical induction, from which the existence of a colloidal
trochemically and photochemically with IRu(bpy),]' t as a "heterogeneous catalyst" is deduced. The same is true if a
photosensitizer in aqueous alcoholic solution. However, re- Rh"' starting complex is present. The reduction to Rh' (pre-
action of the NAD(P)H and alcohol dehydrogenase with formation) is associated with the oxidation of the phos-
cyclohexanone yielded cyclohexanol in only small amounts. phane. The catalyst formed shows hydrogenation activity
Only 46 catalytic cycles were performed in 33 days (based on but is not enantioselective. All these findings support the
the Rh complex). Higher conversions were achieved with view that rhodium colloids, which are stabilized by phos-
[RhCl(tppms),].['yol NAD(P)+ cofactors are thermally and phane oxides and are active hydrogenation catalysts, are
photochemically reduced. Formate and ascorbate were used present in aqueous systems.
as hydrogen sources. Kinetic investigations show that the The redox chemistry of the simple system RhCI;3 HzO/
rate-determining step is cleavage of the C-H bond and sub- tppts in water was thoroughly investigated by Patin et al.IZ0l1
sequent formation of a hydridorhodium species. The reac- The formation of an Rh"'-hydroxo complex according to
tion follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with an apparent Equation (20) followed by coordination of a molecule of
activation energy of 20 kcalmol- If the reduction is fol- tppts according to Equation (21) leads to the reduction of
lowed by an enzymatic reaction, such as reduction of ac- Rh"' to Rh'. Labeling experiments with H,"0 identified
etaldehyde to ethanol by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, water as the source of oxygen in the concomitant phosphane
biologically active NAD(P)H can be produced, but the activ- oxidation. In the presence of acids or chloride-containing
ities are inferior to reactions with conventionally regenerated salts, the formation of the chloro(hydroxo) complex in
NAD(P)H. Higher activities cannot be obtained, because the Equation (20) can be suppressed. Accordingly, the addition
free ligand tppms produced by photodissociation acts as an
inhibitor towards the metal complex. Reaction rates and
regioselectivities of the reduction of NAD(P)+ are low in RhCI, + H,O' $ [RhCI,(*OH)] + HCI (20)
comparison to enzymatic systems. A further problem is the [Rh"'CI,(*OH)] + P(m-C,H,SO,Na),
inhibition of secondary enzymatic reactions by tppms. 1 (21)
{Rh'CI} + 'O=P(m-C,H,SO,Na),
9. Water-Soluble Catalysts-Colloids? {Rh'Cl) + 3P(rn-C6H,SO,Na), -
[R h'Cl{P(m-C,H,SO,Na),),]
In spite of their catalytic potential, colloidal transition 50
metals have so far attracted little attention. The preparation
of stable water-soluble colloidal metals is comparatively sim-
of 0 . 5 HCIO,
~ o r 2~ NaCl solution reduced the extent of
ple, and their stability has recently been improved with the
phosphane oxidation from 70% (without addition) to 12%
aid of sulfonated phosphane ligands such as tppms. Schmid
or 5 0/~.r1991The solvent-stabilized Rh' chloride is coordinat-
et al. have carried out truly remarkable work on the prepara-
ed by free unoxidized tppts, and forms the water-soluble
tion of water-soluble gold colloids (formula [Au,(tppms),],
complex 50 analogous to the Wilkinson compound
where r / v = 20/1, relative molecular weight about 40 x lo6,
[Eq. (22)]. It eliminates a molecule of tppts to form the sol-
particle diameter about 18 nm). The material has metallic
vated complex 51, which dimerizes to the stable compound
properties, and can be repeatedly dissolved in and reprecipi-
52 (P = phosphane) [Equation (23)]. This study emphasizes
tated from water.["'. '921 Bonnemann et al. have shown that
that the situation for even simple catalyst systems in water is
colloidal particles of various metals can be prepared from
much more complex than for normal homogeneous catalytic
solution as a solid substance by stabilization with alkylam-
systems in organic media. The findings further support the
monium ions, can be stored in a stable condition, and subse-
idea of catalytically active colloids. Their role is still poorly
qently redissolved. These operations leave the catalytic prop-
understood, but their potential is obvious." 9 3 , 1941
erties almost '941

If the complex [RhCl(tppts),] is prepared by the reaction

of RhC1;3 H,O with tppts in an ethanol/water mixture, the a,,,, .PAr,
rppts \\

hgand tppts is quickly and completely oxidized during the

Rh" 7 Rh" 7

hydrogenation of an alkene (detected by 3 1 PNMR). This + tppts 4

Ar,P 'PAr, Ar,P Solv.
shows that rhodium colloids stabilized by phosphane oxide
50 51
are the active species, as the rhodium remains in solution.
Several publications on this theme have appeared recently,
but they d o not adequately explain the role of rhodium col-
loids in two-phase catalysis.['95
Sinou et al. used the example of alkene hydrogenation to 52
investigate the question of the homogeneous or heteroge-
neous nature of the active catalyst species in two-phase sys-
t e m ~ . [ ' ~ 'Catalysis
] experiments with chiral, water-soluble 10. Perspectives
phosphanes and their oxides clearly showed that Rh' forms
enantioselective homogeneous catalysts with water-soluble Following the technological breakthrough of the
phosphanes. On the other hand, systems containing Rh' and Ruhrchemie/Rhbne -Poulenc process (1984), water-soluble
phosphane oxide show the same hydrogenation activity but catalysts based on coordination complexes and organo-

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