Reporte 17-11-2016

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Ulysse 3

Via multi carriles 17 / 11 / 2016

(CIE 140)

Designer : Ing. Alexander Espitia Barrera

Project # : 001
Study # : Cod. 201011269
Date : 17/11/2016
Project : Via multi carriles 17 / 11 / 2016

Table of contents
1. Fixtures 3
1.1. TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth 5112 324922 3
1.2. ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard Bended Smooth 1886 ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0 251829 3
2. Photometric documents 4
2.1. TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth 5112 324922 4
2.2. ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard Bended Smooth 1886 ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0 251829 5
3. Results 6
3.1. Grid summary 6
3.2. Observer summary 8
3.3. Values summary 8
4. Summary power 9
4.1. Dynamic cross section 9
5. Cross section 10
5.1. 2D View 10
6. Dynamic cross section 11
6.1. Matrix description 11
6.2. Luminaire positions 11
6.3. Luminaire groups 12
6.4. peatonal 1 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 13
6.5. separador 1 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 14
6.6. vehicular (LU) - R3007 - Luminance 15
6.6.1. vehicular (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute 15
6.6.2. vehicular (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute 16
6.7. vehicular (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 17
6.8. separador 2 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 18
6.9. via central (LU) - R3007 - Luminance 19
6.9.1. via central (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute 19
6.9.2. via central (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute 20
6.10. via central (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 21
6.11. separador 3 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 22
6.12. via 2 (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute 23
6.13. via 2 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 24
6.14. Single lane with level (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 25
6.15. ciclovia (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance 26
7. Grids 27
7.1. peatonal 1 (IL-HS) 27
7.2. separador 1 (IL-HS) 27
7.3. vehicular (LU) 28
7.4. vehicular (IL-HS) 28
7.5. separador 2 (IL-HS) 29
7.6. via central (LU) 29
7.7. via central (IL-HS) 30
7.8. separador 3 (IL-HS) 30
7.9. via 2 (LU) 31
7.10. via 2 (IL-HS) 31
7.11. Single lane with level (IL-HS) 32

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7.12. ciclovia (IL-HS) 32

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1. Fixtures
1.1. TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth 5112 324922

Type : TECEO 2 Wattage : 163,0 W

Reflector : 5112

Source : 104 LEDS 500mA NW Wattage : 144,1 W

Protector : Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth

Setting :

Flux : 19,8 klm MF : 1,00

G-Class : 1 Matrix : 324922

1.2. ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard Bended Smooth 1886 ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0 251829

Type : ONYX 33 Wattage : 400,0 W

Reflector : 1886

Source : HPS 400W Wattage : 400,0 W

Protector : Glass Standard Bended Smooth

Setting : ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0

Flux : 56,5 klm MF : 1,00

G-Class : 1 Matrix : 251829

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2. Photometric documents
2.1. TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth 5112 324922

Polar/Cartesian diagram


Utilization curve

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2.2. ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard Bended Smooth 1886 ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0 251829

Polar/Cartesian diagram


Utilization curve

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Project : Via multi carriles 17 / 11 / 2016

3. Results
3.1. Grid summary
ciclovia (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 143,2 56,6 31,1 81,0 260,5

peatonal 1 (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 75,8 65,6 40,4 49,7 123,1

separador 1 (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 64,5 74,2 52,9 47,9 90,5

separador 2 (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 46,8 56,7 38,2 26,5 69,3

separador 3 (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 92,3 71,3 47,7 65,8 137,9

Single lane with level (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 136,5 59,0 34,0 80,5 236,7

vehicular (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 48,0 56,9 37,3 27,3 73,2

vehicular (LU)

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Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Min Max

1. Luminance - RTable - R3007 UL (%)
(A)(cd/m) (%) (%) (cd/m) (cd/m)
Dynamic cross section - Observer 1 (-60,00; 21,85; 1,50) 2,63 78,87 56,97 2,07 3,64 82,32
Dynamic cross section - Observer 2 (-60,00; 25,35; 1,50) 2,76 78,47 61,27 2,17 3,53 81,22

via 2 (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 110,5 65,2 37,4 72,0 192,7

via 2 (LU)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Min Max

1. Luminance - RTable - N3007 UL (%)
(A)(cd/m) (%) (%) (cd/m) (cd/m)
Dynamic cross section - Observer 1 (-60,00; 1,75; 1,50) 7,00 70,15 48,90 4,91 10,05 70,35

via central (IL-HS)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Max

1. Z positive illuminance Min(lux)
(A)(lux) (%) (%) (lux)
Dynamic cross section 70,8 35,8 19,8 25,3 127,9

via central (LU)

Ave Min/Ave Min/Max Min Max

1. Luminance - RTable - R3007 UL (%)
(A)(cd/m) (%) (%) (cd/m) (cd/m)
Dynamic cross section - Observer 1 (-60,00; 5,55; 1,50) 4,61 80,65 69,42 3,72 5,35 81,66
Dynamic cross section - Observer 2 (-60,00; 9,05; 1,50) 4,39 82,88 67,74 3,64 5,37 75,81

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3.2. Observer summary

via central (TI)

TI (%)

Dynamic cross section - Direction (0,0) 10,5

3.3. Values summary

SR road
SR road

Dynamic cross section - via central (SR) 0,9

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4. Summary power

4.1. Dynamic cross section

Fixture Qty Dimming Power / Total


ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard Bended Smooth 1886 ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0 251829 40 100 % 400 W 16000 W

TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth 5112 324922 130 100 % 163 W 21190 W

Total : 37190 W

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5. Cross section
5.1. 2D View

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6. Dynamic cross section

6.1. Matrix description
Matrix Description Flux [klm] MF Fixture

ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard Bended Smooth 1886

251829 56,500 1,000
ON/-34.0/120.0/12.5/0 251829

TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass Extra Clear Flat Smooth

324922 19,780 1,000
5112 324922

6.2. Luminaire positions

Position Luminaire
N X Y Z Matrix Description Az Incl Rot Flux MF
[m] [m] [m] [] [] [] [klm]
1 -200,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

2 -200,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

3 -150,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

4 -150,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

5 -100,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

6 -100,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

7 -100,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

8 -100,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

9 -80,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

10 -75,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

11 -75,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

12 -60,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

13 -50,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

14 -50,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

15 -50,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

16 -50,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

17 -40,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

18 -25,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

19 -25,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

20 -20,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

21 0,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

22 0,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

23 0,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

24 0,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

25 0,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

26 20,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

27 25,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

28 25,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

29 40,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

30 50,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

31 50,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

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32 50,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

33 50,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

34 60,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

35 75,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

36 75,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

37 80,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

38 100,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

39 100,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

40 100,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

41 100,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

42 100,00 32,40 5,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

43 125,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

44 125,00 -1,80 6,00 324922 TECEO 2 104 LEDS 500mA NW Glass ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 19,780 1,000

45 150,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

46 150,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

47 200,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

48 200,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

49 250,00 10,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 180,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

50 250,00 13,30 12,00 251829 ONYX 33 HPS 400W Glass Standard ... 0,0 0,0 0,0 56,500 1,000

6.3. Luminaire groups

Position Luminaire Dimension Rotation
N X Y Z Matrix Az Incl Rot Dim Count Spacing Size X Y Z
[m] [m] [m] [] [] [] [%] [m] [m] [] [] []
1 -80,00 32,40 5,00 324922 180,0 0,0 0,0 100 10 20,00 180,00 0,0 0,0 0,0

Position Luminaire Rotation
N X Y Z Matrix Az Incl Rot Dim X Y Z
[m] [m] [m] [] [] [] [] [] []
1 -200,00 10,30 12,00 251829 0,0 0,0 0,0 100 0,0 0,0 0,0

2 -100,00 -2,80 6,00 324922 0,0 0,0 0,0 100 0,0 0,0 0,0

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6.4. peatonal 1 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.5. separador 1 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.6. vehicular (LU) - R3007 - Luminance

6.6.1. vehicular (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute




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6.6.2. vehicular (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute




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6.7. vehicular (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.8. separador 2 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.9. via central (LU) - R3007 - Luminance

6.9.1. via central (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute




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6.9.2. via central (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute




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6.10. via central (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.11. separador 3 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.12. via 2 (LU) - Luminance - RTable - Observer absolute




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6.13. via 2 (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.14. Single lane with level (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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6.15. ciclovia (IL-HS) - Z positive illuminance




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7. Grids
7.1. peatonal 1 (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 27,73 Z: 0,40 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 0,67 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 1,33 m

7.2. separador 1 (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 27,15 Z: 0,60 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 0,10 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 0,20 m

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7.3. vehicular (LU)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 20,68 Z: 0,00 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 6

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 1,17 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 5,83 m

7.4. vehicular (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 21,27 Z: 0,00 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 2,33 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 4,67 m

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7.5. separador 2 (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 19,85 Z: 0,60 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 0,10 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 0,20 m

7.6. via central (LU)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 4,38 Z: 0,00 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 6

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 1,17 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 5,83 m

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7.7. via central (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 4,97 Z: 0,00 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 2,33 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 4,67 m

7.8. separador 3 (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,50 Y: 3,55 Z: 0,60 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 10 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 3,00 Spacing Y : 0,10 m

Size X : 27,00 Size Y : 0,20 m

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7.9. via 2 (LU)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 0,58 Z: 0,00 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 1,17 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 2,33 m

7.10. via 2 (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: 0,58 Z: 0,00 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 1,17 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 2,33 m

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7.11. Single lane with level (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,47 Y: -0,25 Z: 0,60 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 17 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,94 Spacing Y : 0,10 m

Size X : 47,06 Size Y : 0,20 m

7.12. ciclovia (IL-HS)


Type : Grid rectangular XY Use Exclusion : - En : Colour :



X: 1,25 Y: -1,97 Z: 0,40 m


X: 0,0 Y: 0,0 Z: 0,0


Count X : 10 Count Y : 3

Spacing X : 2,50 Spacing Y : 0,67 m

Size X : 22,50 Size Y : 1,33 m

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