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TAX1 Batch 1 | Cases 1-20

TAXATION BATCH 1 ( 1-20) already been included as part and parcel of their property for the support of the
of the P172,477.00 which the petitioner government. And since taxes are what we
1. PASEO REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT automatically applied as tax credit for the pay for civilized society, or are the
CORP. vs.COURT OF APPEALS - succeeding taxable year 1990. lifeblood of the nation, the law frowns
ANARNA Petitioner filed a Motion for against exemptions from taxation and
G.R. No. 119286, October 13, 2004 Reconsideration which was denied by statutes granting tax exemptions are thus
440 scra 235 respondent Court. Petitioner filed a construed strictissimi juris against the
Petition for Review with the Court of taxpayer and liberally in favor of the
FACTS: Appeals. Resolving the twin issues of taxing authority. A claim of refund or
Paseo Realty and Development whether petitioner is entitled to a refund exemption from tax payments must be
Corporation, a domestic corporation of P54,104.00 representing creditable clearly shown and be based on language
engaged in the lease of two parcels of land taxes withheld in 1989 and whether in the law too plain to be mistaken.
at Paseo de Roxas in Makati City. On petitioner applied such creditable taxes Elsewise stated, taxation is the rule,
April 16, 1990, petitioner filed its Income withheld to its 1990 income tax liability, exemption therefrom is the exception.
Tax Return for the calendar year 1989 the appellate court held that petitioner is
declaring a gross income of not entitled to a refund because it had 2. Mactan Cebu International Airport
P1,855,000.00, deductions of already elected to apply the total amount Authority Vs Marcos BELEN
P1,775,991.00, net income of P79,009.00, of P172,447.00, which includes the
an income tax due thereon in the amount P54,104.00 refund claimed, against its Facts:
of P27,653.00, prior years excess credit income tax liability for 1990. The
Petitioner Mactan Cebu International
of P146,026.00, and creditable taxes appellate court elucidated on the reason
for its dismissal of petitioners claim for Airport Authority (MCIAA) was created by
withheld in 1989 of P54,104.00 or a total
refund. virtue of Republic Act No. 6958,
tax credit of P200,130.00 and credit
mandated to principally undertake the
balance of P172,477.00. In a resolution
dated October 21, 1993 Respondent ISSUE: economical, efficient and effective control,
Court reconsidered its decision of July Whether or not taxation is management and supervision of the
29, 1993 and dismissed the petition for essential? Mactan International Airport in the
review, stating that it hasoverlooked the Province of Cebu and the Lahug Airport
fact RULING: in Cebu City, and such other airports as
that the petitioners 1989 Corporate Yes, taxation is essential. Taxation may be established in the Province of
Income Tax Return indicated that the is a destructive power which interferes Cebu. Since the time of its creation,
amount of P54,104.00 subject with the personal and property rights of petitioner MCIAA enjoyed the privilege of
of petitioners claim for refund has the people and takes from them a portion
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exemption from payment of realty taxes in the levy of, inter alia taxes, fees and 69 SCRA 460 Taxation Delegation
accordance with Section 14 of its Charter. charges of any kind on the National to Local Governments Double
However, Mr. Eustaquio B. Cesa, Officer- Government, its agencies, and Taxation
in-Charge, Office of the Treasurer of the instrumentalities, and LGUs. However,
City of Cebu, demanded payment for Since the last paragraph of Section 234 FACTS:
realty taxes on several parcels of land unequivocally withdrew, upon the
Pepsi Cola has a bottling plant in the
belonging to the petitioner. Petitioner effectivity of the LGC, exemptions from
Municipality of Tanauan, Leyte. In
objected to such demand for payment as payment of real property taxes granted to
September 1962, the Municipality
baseless and unjustified claiming in its natural or juridical persons, including
approved Ordinance No. 23 which levies
favor the afore cited Section 14 of R.A. government-owned or controlled
and collects from soft drinks producers
6958. It was also asserted that it is an corporations, except as provided in the
and manufacturers a tai of one-sixteenth
instrumentality of the government said section, and the petitioner is,
(1/16) of a centavo for every bottle of soft
performing governmental functions, citing undoubtedly, a government-owned
drink corked.
Section 133 of the Local Government corporation, it necessarily follows that its
Code of 1991. Respondent City refused to exemption from such tax granted it in In December 1962, the Municipality also
cancel and set aside petitioners realty tax Section 14 of its Charter, R.A. No. 6958, approved Ordinance No. 27 which levies
account, insisting that the MCIAA is a has been withdrawn. Any claim to the and collects on soft drinks produced or
government-controlled corporation whose contrary can only be justified if the manufactured within the territorial
tax exemption privilege has been petitioner can seek refuge under any of jurisdiction of this municipality a tax of
withdrawn by virtue of Sections 193 and the exceptions provided in Section 234, one centavo P0.01) on each gallon of
234 of Labor Code that took effect on but not under Section 133, as it now volume capacity.
January 1, 1992. asserts, since, as shown above, the said
Pepsi Cola assailed the validity of the
section is qualified by Sections 232 and
ISSUE: Whether or not the MCIAA is ordinances as it alleged that they
subject to realty taxes. constitute double taxation in two
3.PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COMPNY VS. instances: a) double taxation because
Held: Ordinance No. 27 covers the same subject
Yes. Taxation is the rule and exemption is REYES matter and impose practically the same
the exception. The general rule as laid tax rate as with Ordinance No. 23, b)
down in Sec. 133 of the LGC is that the double taxation because the two
taxing powers of LGUs cannot extend to
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ordinances impose percentage or specific government carries with it the power to jurisdictions. Double taxation becomes
taxes. confer on such local governmental obnoxious only where the taxpayer is
agencies the power to tax. Under the New taxed twice for the benefit of the same
Pepsi Cola also questions the
Constitution, local governments are governmental entity or by the same
constitutionality of Republic Act 2264
granted the autonomous authority to jurisdiction for the same purpose, but not
which allows for the delegation of taxing
create their own sources of revenue and in a case where one tax is imposed by the
powers to local government units; that
to levy taxes. Section 5, Article XI State and the other by the city or
allowing local governments to tax
provides: Each local government unit municipality.
companies like Pepsi Cola is confiscatory
shall have the power to create its sources
and oppressive. 4. ROXAS Y CIA VS CTA - DINGLASAN
of revenue and to levy taxes, subject to
GR No L-25043, April 26, 1968
The Municipality assailed the arguments such limitations as may be provided by
presented by Pepsi Cola. It argued, among law. Withal, it cannot be said that
others, that only Ordinance No. 27 is Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2264
Antonio, Eduardo and Jose Roxas,
being enforced and that the latter law is emanated from beyond the sphere of the
brothers and at the same time partners of
an amendment of Ordinance No. 23, legislative power to enact and vest in local
the Roxas y Compania, their desire to
hence there is no double taxation. governments the power of local taxation.
purchase the farmland. The tenants,
ISSUE: There is no double taxation. The however, did not have enough funds, so
argument of the Municipality is well the Roxases agreed to a purchase by
Whether or not there is undue delegation
taken. Further, Pepsi Colas assertion installment. Subsequently, the CIR
of taxing powers. Whether or not there is
that the delegation of taxing power in demanded from the brothers the payment
double taxation.
itself constitutes double taxation cannot of deficiency income taxes resulting from
HELD: be merited. It must be observed that the the sale, 100% of the profits derived
delegating authority specifies the therefrom was taxed. The brothers
No. There is no undue delegation. The limitations and enumerates the taxes over protested the assessment but the same
Constitution even allows such delegation. which local taxation may not be was denied. On appeal, the Court of Tax
Legislative powers may be delegated to exercised. The reason is that the State Appeals sustained the assessment.
local governments in respect of matters of has exclusively reserved the same for its Hence, this petition.
local concern. By necessary implication, own prerogative. Moreover, double
the legislative power to create political taxation, in general, is not forbidden by ISSUE:
corporations for purposes of local self- our fundamental law unlike in other Is Roxas liable to pay tax from 100% of

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the profits of the sale? should be exercised with caution to Issue: whether or not corporations tax
minimize injury to the proprietary rights delinquency be enforced against its
RULING: of a taxpayer. It must be exercised fairly, stockholders?
No. It should be borne in mind that the equally and uniformly, lest the tax
sale of the farmlands to the very farmers collector kill the "hen that lays the golden Held: No, a corporations tax delinquency
who tilled them for generations was not egg". And, in order to maintain the cannot, for instance, be enforced against
only in consonance with, but more in general public's trust and confidence in its stockholders because not only would
obedience to the request and pursuant to the Government, this power must be used this run counter to the principle that
the policy of our Government to allocate justly and not treacherously. It does not taxes are personal, but it would run
lands to the landless. conform to our sense of justice in the
counter to the principle that taxes are
instant case for the Government to
personal, but it would also not be in
In order to maintain the general publics persuade, the taxpayer to lend it a
accord with the rule that a corporation is
trust and confidence in the Government helping hand and later on to penalize him
vested by law with a personality that is
this power must be used justly and not for duly answering the urgent call.
treacherously. It does not conform with separate and distinct from those of the
the sense of justice for the Government to persons composing it as well as from that
persuade the taxpayer to lend it a helping 5,Sunio vs. NLRC, L-57767, January 31, of any other legal entity to which it may
hand and later on penalize him for duly be related.
1984 - EUGENIO
answering the urgent call.
A corporation is an entity separate and
Facts: Petitioner was impleaded in the
In fine, Roxas cannot be considered a real distinct from its stockholders and other
Complaint in his capacity as General
estate dealer and is not liable for 100% of corporations to which it may be
Manager of petitioner corporation. There
the sale. Pursuant to Section 34 of the connected. However, when the motion of
appears to be no evidence on record that
Tax Code, the lands sold to the farmers legal entity is used to defeat public
he acted maliciously or in bad faith in
are capital assets and the gain derived convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud,
terminating the services of private
from the sale thereof is capital gain, or defend crime, the law will regard the
respondents. His act, therefore, was
taxable only to the extent of 50%. corporation as an association of persons
within the scope of his authority and was
DOCTRINE: or, in the case of two corporations, merge
a corporate act.
The power of taxation is sometimes called them into one. When the corporation is
also the power to destroy. Therefore, it the mere alter ego or business conduit of

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a person, it may be disregarded. Sunio are private corporations engaged in the that the levy was imposed in order to
vs. National Labor Relations Commission, importation and distribution of fertilizers, raise capital for PPI.
127 SCRA 390, No. L-57767 January 31, pesticides and agricultural chemicals. While it is true that the power to tax can
Then President Marcos issued Letter of be used as an implement of police power,
Instruction (LOI) 1465, imposing a capital the primary purpose of the levy was
recovery component of Php10.00 per bag revenue generation. If the purpose is
of fertilizer. The levy was to continue until primarily revenue, or if revenue is, at
Essential characteristics of tax. adequate capital was raised to make PPI least, one of the real and substantial
financially viable. Fertiphil paid the purposes, then the exaction is properly
1. it is an enforced contribution Php10.00 to the Fertilizer and Pesticide called a tax. Police power and the power
Authority (FPA), which then remitted of taxation are inherent powers of the
2. it is generally payable in money. amount collected to the depository bank State. These powers are distinct and have
3. It is proportionate in character, usually of PPI. Fertiphil paid P6,689,144 to FPA different tests for validity. Police power is
based on the ability to pay from 1985 to 1986. the power of the State to enact legislation
4. it is levied on persons and property After the 1986 Edsa Revolution, FPA that may interfere with personal liberty or
within the jurisdiction of the state voluntarily stopped the imposition of the property in order to promote the general
P10 levy. Fertiphil demanded a refund welfare, while the power of taxation is the
5. it is levied pursuant to legislative
from PPI, but PPI refused. Fertiphil filed a power to levy taxes to be used for public
authority, the power to tax can only be complaint for collection and damages, purpose.
exercised by the law making body or questioning the constitutionality of LOI The main purpose of police power is the
congress 1465, claiming that it was unjust, regulation of a behavior or conduct, while
6. it is levied for public purpose unreasonable, oppressive, invalid and an taxation is revenue generation. The
7. it is commonly required to be paid a unlawful imposition that amounted to a "lawful subjects" and "lawful means" tests
denial of due process. are used to determine the validity of a law
regular intervals.
enacted under the police power. The
6. PLANTERS PRODUCTS, INC., vs Issue: Whether or not LOI No. 1465 is power of taxation, on the other hand, is
invalid. circumscribed by inherent and
constitutional limitations.
(G.R. No. 166006; 14 March 2008) -
Yes. The LOI is invalid. It is a basic rule of 7. FRANCIA V INTERMEDIATE
statutory construction that the text of a APPELLATE COURT - MOGELLO ( c/o
statute should be given a literal meaning. TITO )
Petitioner PPI and respondent Fertiphil
In this case, the text of the LOI is plain
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GR No L-76649, June 28, 1988 against the claims that the taxpayer may is an obligation arising from contract,
have against the government. A person whether express or implied.
FACTS: cannot refuse to pay a tax on the ground
Engracio Francia was the registered that the government owes him an amount
owner of a house and lot located in Pasay equal to or greater than the tax being
City. A portion of such property was collected. The collection of a tax cannot
expropriated by the Republic of the await the results of a lawsuit against the
Philippines in 1977. It appeared that government. Internal revenue taxes The general rule based on grounds of
Francia did not pay his real estate taxes cannot be the subject of compensation. public policy is well-settled that no set-off
from 1963 to 1977. Thus, his property The Government and the taxpayer are not is admissible against demands for taxes
was sold in a public auction by the City mutually creditors and debtors of each levied for general or local governmental
Treasurer of Pasay City. Francia filed a other under Article 1278 of the Civil Code purposes. The reason on which the
complaint to annual the auction sale. The and a claim of taxes is not such a debt, general rule is based, is that taxes are not
lower court dismissed the complaint and demand, contract or judgment as is in the nature of contracts between the
the Intermediate Appellate Court affirmed allowed to be set-off. party and party but grow out of duty to,
the decision of the lower court in toto. and are the positive acts of the
Hence, this petition for review. Francia Moreover, the amount of P4,116 paid by government to the making and enforcing
contends that his tax delinquency of P the national government for the 125 of which, the personal consent of
2,400 has been extinguished by legal square meter portion of his lot was individual taxpayer is not required. x x x
compensation. He claims that the deposited with the Philippine National Francia vs. Intermediate Appellate
government owed him P 4,116 when a Bank long before the sale at public Court, 162 SCRA 753, No. L-67649 June
portion of his land was expropriated on auction of his remaining property. It 28, 1988
October 15, 1977. would have been an easy matter to
withdraw P 2,400 from the deposit so 8. DOMINGO V. GARLITOS - RIEGO
that he could pay the tax obligation thus GR NO. L-18994, 29 JUNE 1963
May the expropriation payment aborting the sale at public auction. Thus,
Topic: Power of taxation compared to
compensate for the real estate taxes due? the petition for review is dismissed. The
taxes assessed are the obligations of the other powers

RULING: taxpayer arising from law, while the

money judgment against the government
No. There can be no offsetting of taxes

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In the 1960 case of Domingo v Moscoso, 2700). Under the circumstances, both the administrator to pay the amount hereof
the Supreme Court declared as final and claim of the Government for the (Aldamiz vs. Judge of the Court of First
executory the order for the payment by inheritance taxes and the claim of the Instance of Mindoro, L-2360, Dec. 29,
the estate of the late Walter Scott Price of intestate for services rendered have 1949).
estate and inheritance taxes, charges and already become overdue and demandable
Same; Same; Same; Same; Legal basis.
penalties, amounting to P40,058.55 as well as fully liquidated.
The legal basis for such a procedure is
issued by the Court of First Instance
Compensation, therefore, takes place by the fact that in the testate or intestate
Leyte. The fiscal then presented a petition
operation of law, in accordance with proceedings to settle the estate of a
for the execution of the judgment before
Article 1279 and 1290 of the Civil Code, deceased person, the properties belonging
the Court of First Instance Leyte.The
and both debts are extinguished to their to the estate are under the jurisdiction of
petition was denied as the execution is
concurrent amounts. If the obligation to the court and such jurisdiction continues
not justifiable as the government is
pay taxes and the taxpayers claim until said properties have been
indebted to the estate under
against the government are both overdue, distributed among the heirs entitled
administration in the amount of P
demandable, as well as fully liquidated, thereto. During the pendency of the
262,200. Hence, the present petition for
compensation takes place by operation of proceedings all the estate is in custodia
certiorari and mandamus.
law and both obligations are extinguished Iegis and the proper procedure is not to
Issue: WON the petition must be given to their concurrent amounts. allow the sheriff. in case of a court
due course. judgment, to seize the properties but to
Referential Syllabus:
ask the court for an order to require the
Held: administrator to pay the amount due
Taxation; Inheritance tax; Procedure in
enforcement against estate of deceased from the estate and required to be paid.
No, the petition must be given due
course. The tax and the debt are person; Claim must be filed before Same; Same; Compensation between
compensated. The court having probate court.The ordinary procedure taxes and claims of intestate recognized
jurisdiction of the estate had found that by which to settle claims or indebtedness and appropriated for by law.The fact
the claim of the estate against the against the estate of a deceased person, that the court having jurisdiction of the
government has been recognized and an as an inheritance tax, is for the claimant estate had found that the claim of the
amount of P262,200 has already been to present a claim before the probate estate against the Government has been
appropriated by a corresponding law (RA court sa that said court may order the
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appropriated for the purpose by a fees. PAL protested. The trial court and maintain public highways for
corresponding law (Rep. Act No. 2700) dismissed PALs complaint. Hence, this everyones use, they are veritable taxes,
shows that both the claim of the petition. not merely fees. PAL is, thus, exempt from
Government for inheritance taxes and the paying such fees, except for the period
claim of the intestate for services ISSUE: between June 27, 1968 to April 9, 1979,
Are motor vehicle registration fees taxes where its tax exception in the franchise
rendered have already become overdue
or regulatory taxes? was repealed.
and demandable as well as fully
liquidated. Compensation, therefore, 10. National Power Corp. vs. City of
takes place by operation of law, in Cabanatuan
They are taxes. Tax are for revenue,
accordance with the provisions of Articles E. Purpose of Taxation- UNAS
whereas fees are exactions for purposes of
1279 and 1290 of the Civil Code, and
regulation and inspection, and are for
both debts are extinguished to the FACTS:
that reason limited in amount to what is The Petitioner is a government-owned and
concurrent amount. necessary to cover the cost of the services controlled corporation. It is tasked to
rendered in that connection. undertake the development of
It is the object of the charge, and not the hydroelectric generations of power and
Philippine Airlines v Edu name, that determines whether a charge the production of electricity from nuclear,
GR No L-41383, August 15, 1988 is a tax or a fee. The money collected geothermal and other sources, as well as,
under the Motor Vehicle Law is not the transmission of electric power on a
FACTS: intended for the expenditures of the nationwide basis. For many years now,
PAL is engaged in the air transportation Motor Vehicle Law is not intended for the petitioner sells electric power to the
expenditures of the Motor Vehicles Office residents of Cabanatuan City. Pursuant
business under a legislative franchise (Act
but accrues to the funds for the to the an ordinance, the respondent
4271), wherein it is exempt from the
assessed the petitioner a franchise tax
payment of taxes. On the strength of an construction and maintenance of public
amounting to P808,606.41, representing
opinion of the Secretary of Justice, PAL roads, streets and bridges.
75% of 1% of the latters gross receipts for
was determined to have not been paying As the fees are not collected for regulatory
the preceding year. Petitioner, whose
motor vehicle registration fees since 1956. purposes as an incident to the
capital stock was subscribed and paid
The Land Transportation Commissioner enforcement of regulations governing the wholly by the Philippine Government,
required all tax-exempt entities, including operation of motor vehicles on public refused to pay the tax assessment. It
PAL, to pay motor vehicle registration highways, but to provide revenue with argued that the respondent has no
which the Government is to construct
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authority to impose tax on government government cannot fulfill its mandate of charter specifically provides that it is a
entities. Petitioner also contended that as promoting the general welfare and well- non-profit organization.
a non-profit organization, it is exempted being of the people. Doubtless, the power
from the payment of all forms of taxes, to tax is the most effective instrument to 11. Commissioner of lnternal Revenue
charges, duties or fees. The respondent raise needed revenues to finance and vs. Algue, Inc. - ANARNA
filed a collection suit but the trial court support myriad activities of the local GR No. L-28896, February 17, 1988
dismissed the case. On appeal, the Court government units for the delivery of basic 158 SCRA 9
of Appeals reversed the trial courts order services essential to the promotion of the
and finds the National Power Corporation general welfare and the enhancement of
(NPC) liable to pay franchise tax to peace, progress, and prosperity of the
Algue Inc. is a domestic corp
respondent City of Cabanatuan. people.
engaged in engineering, construction and
other allied activities. On Jan. 14, 1965,
ISSUE: Additional Notes:
the corp received a letter from the CIR
Whether or not the respondent city Constitutional Law; Local Governments; regarding its delinquency income taxes
government has the authority impose a Local Government Code; Taxation; Words from 1958-1959, amtg to P83,183.85. A
tax on businesses enjoying a franchise. and Phrases; Franchise, defined. letter of protest or reconsideration was
Section 131 (m) of the LGC defines a filed by Algue Inc on Jan 18. On March
HELD: franchise as a right or privilege, 12, a warrant of distraint and levy was
Yes. It is beyond dispute that the affected with public interest which is presented to Algue Inc. thru its counsel,
respondent city government has the conferred upon private persons or Atty. Guevara, who refused to receive it
authority to issue an ordinance and corporations, under such terms and on the ground of the pending protest.
impose an annual tax on businesses conditions as the government and its Since the protest was not found on the
enjoying a franchise. Taxes are the political subdivisions may impose in the records, a file copy from the corp was
lifeblood of the government, for without interest of the public welfare, security produced and given to BIR Agent Reyes,
taxes, the government can neither exist and safety. who deferred service of the warrant. On
nor endure. A principal attribute of Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; April 7, Atty. Guevara was informed that
sovereignty, the exercise of taxing power Business, defined.On the other hand, the BIR was not taking any action on the
derives its source from the very existence section 131 (d) of the LGC defines protest and it was only then that he
of the state whose social contract with its business as trade or commercial accepted the warrant of distraint and levy
citizens obliges it to promote public activity regularly engaged in as means of earlier sought to be served. On April 23,
interest and common good. The theory livelihood or with a view to profit. Algue filed a petition for review of the
behind the exercise of the power to tax Petitioner claims that it is not engaged in
emanates from necessity; without taxes, an activity for profit, in as much as its
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decision of the CIR with the Court of Tax made in accordance with law as any properly excluded; that prompt payment of
Appeals. arbitrariness will negate the very reason discounts were not considered in determining
CIR contentions: the claimed for government itself. It is therefore the fair market value; and that the subject
deduction of P75,000.00 was properly necessary to reconcile the apparently assessment should take effect a year after or on
disallowed because it was not an ordinary conflicting interests of the authorities and January 1, 2008. In the same petition, Petron
reasonable or necessary business the taxpayers so that the real purpose sought the approval of a surety bond in the
expense payments are fictitious because of /taxation, which is the promotion of amount of P1,286,057,899.
most of the payees are members of the the common good, may be achieved.
ISSUE: Whether or not the collection of taxes
same family in control of Algue and that
may be suspended by filing of an appeal?
there is not enough substantiation of
such payments. 12 Talento Vs Escalada - BELEN Held: Yes. We are not unaware of the doctrine
CTA: 75,000 had been legitimately Facts: that taxes are the lifeblood of the government,
paid by Algue Inc. for actual services without which it can not properly perform its
rendered in the form of promotional fees. Petron received from the Provincial Assessors functions; and that appeal shall not suspend
These were collected by the Payees for Office of Bataan a notice of revised the collection of realty taxes. However, there is
their work in the creation of the Vegetable assessment over its machineries and pieces of an exception to the foregoing rule, i.e., where
Oil Investment Corporation of the equipment in Lamao, Limay, Bataan. Petron the taxpayer has shown a clear and
Philippines and its subsequent purchase was given a period of 60 days within which to unmistakable right to refuse or to hold in
of the properties of the Philippine Sugar file an appeal with the Local Board of abeyance the payment of taxes. In the instant
Estate Development Company. Assessment Appeals . Petron filed a petition case, we note that respondent contested the
with the LBAA (docketed as LBAA Case No. revised assessment on the following grounds:
ISSUE: 2007-01) contesting the revised assessment on that the subject assessment pertained to
Whether or not the Collector of the grounds that the subject assessment properties that have been previously declared;
Internal Revenue correctly disallowed the pertained to properties that have been that the assessment covered periods of more
P75,000.00 deduction claimed by Algue previously declared; and that the assessment than 10 years which is not allowed under the
as legitimate business expenses in its covered periods of more than 10 years which LGC; that the fair market value or replacement
income tax returns? is not allowed under the Local Government cost used by petitioner included items which
Code (LGC). According to Petron, the possible should be properly excluded; that prompt
HELD: valid assessment pursuant to Section 222 of payment of discounts were not considered in
Taxes are the lifeblood of the the LGC could only be for the years 1997 to determining the fair market value; and that the
government and so should be collected 2006. Petron further contended that the fair subject assessment should take effect a year
without unnecessary hindrance. On the market value or replacement cost used by after or on January 1, 2008. To our mind, the
other hand, such collection should be petitioner included items which should be resolution of these issues would have a direct
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bearing on the assessment made by petitioner. ceded reinsurance premiums. Petitioner place in the Philippines. It is not required
Hence, it is necessary that the issues must first protested the assessment on the ground that the foreign corporation be engaged in
be passed upon before the properties of that reinsurance premiums ceded to business in the Philippines. What is
respondent is sold in public auction. foreign reinsurers not doing business in controllinis not the place of business,
the Philippines are not subject to but the place of activity that created the
withholding tax. income. Thus, the income is subject to
DE LOS REYES income tax.
CTA- in favor of the respondent.
NOTE: The foreign insurers' place of
The Philippine Guaranty Co., Inc., a ISSUE: business should not be confused with
domestic insurance company, entered Whether reinsurance premiums ceded to their place of activity.
into reinsurance contracts, on various foreign reinsurers not doing business in
dates, with foreign insurance companies the Philippines are subject to tax Business should not be continuity and
not doing business in the Philippines. progression of transactions while activity
Petitioner thereby agreed to cede to the may consist of only a single transaction.
foreign reinsurers a portion of the An activity may occur outside the place of
premiums on insurance it has originally HELD: business.
underwritten in the Philippines, in Yes. The reinsurance premiums are
consideration for the assumption by the subject to tax.
latter of liability on an equivalent portion The reinsurance contracts show that the 14. VILLANUEVA vs. CITY OF ILOILO -
of the risks insured. transactions or activities that constituted DINGLASAN
the undertaking to reinsure Philippine
Said reinsurrance contracts were signed Guaranty Co., Inc. against losses arising FACTS
by Philippine Guaranty Co., Inc. in from the original insurances in the
On September 30, 1946 the municipal
Manila and by the foreign reinsurers Philippines were performed in the
board of Iloilo City enacted Ordinance 86,
outside the Philippines. Also said Philippines
imposing license tax fees on tenement
premiums were excluded by Philippine
Guaranty Co., Inc. from its gross income house.This Court, in City of Iloilo vs.
Section 4 of the Tax Code subjects foreign
when it file its income tax returns. It did corporations to tax on their income from Remedios Sian Villanueva and Eusebio
not withhold or pay tax on them. sources within the Philippine. Villanueva declared the ordinance ultra
Sources means the activity, property, or vires, "it not appearing that the power to
Consequently, the CIR assessed against service giving rise to the income. The tax owners of tenement houses is one
PETITIONER withholding tax on the original insurance undertakings took among those clearly and expressly
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granted to the City of Iloilo by its said ordinance. Lower court rendered the rules of expressio unius est exclusio
Charter." On January 15, 1960 the judgment declaring the ordinance illegal. alterius, and exceptio firmat regulum in
municipal board of Iloilo City, believing, casibus non excepti.
obviously, that with the passage of RA
The appellees strongly maintain that it is
2264,Local Autonomy Act, it had acquired 1. Is the City of Iloilo empowered by
a "property tax" or "real estate tax," and
the authority or power to enact an the Local Autonomy Act to impose
not a "tax on persons engaged in any
ordinance similar to that previously tenement taxes? YES.
occupation or business or exercising
declared by this Court as ultra vires, 2. Is Ordinance 11 of the City of
privileges," or a license tax, or a privilege
enacted Ordinance 11 (AN ORDINANCE Iloilo, illegal because it imposes
tax, or an excise tax. It is our view,
contrary to the appellees' contention, that
PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS 3. Is Ordinance 11 oppressive and
the tax in question is not a real estate
OF OPERATING TENEMENT HOUSES). unreasonable because it carries a
tax. The tax imposed by the ordinance in
penal clause? NO. question does not possess the attributes
By virtue of the ordinance in question,
4. Does Ordinance 11 violate the rule
the appellant City collected from appellee of a real estate tax. It is not a tax on the
of uniformity of taxation? NO. land on which the tenement houses are
Villanueva, for the years 1960-1964, the
sum of P5,824.30, and from other RULING erected, although both land and tenement
appellees, for the same year, the sum of houses may belong to the same owner.
P1,317.00. Hence, plaintiffs-appellees 1.RA 2264 confer on local governments The tax is not a fixed proportion of the
filed a complaint, against the City of broad taxing authority which extends to assessed value of the tenement houses,
Iloilo, praying that Ordinance 11 be almost "everything, excepting those which and does not require the intervention of
declared "invalid for being beyond the are mentioned therein," provided that the assessors or appraisers. It is not payable
powers of the Municipal Council of the tax so levied is "for public purposes, just at a designated time or date, and is not
City of Iloilo to enact, and and uniform," and does not transgress enforceable against the tenement houses
unconstitutional for being violative of the any constitutional provision or is not either by sale or distraint. Clearly,
rule as to uniformity of taxation and for repugnant to a controlling statute.Thus, therefore, the tax in question is not a real
depriving said plaintiffs of the equal when a tax, levied under the authority of estate tax. On the contrary, it is plain
protection clause of the Constitution," a city or municipal ordinance, is not from the context of the ordinance that the
and that the City be ordered to refund the within the exceptions and limitations intention is to impose a license tax on the
amounts collected from them under the aforementioned, the same comes within operation of tenement houses, which is a
the ambit of the general rule, pursuant to form of business or calling. The

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ordinance, in both its title and body, by either name, it is not among the local government. There is nothing
particularly sections 1 and 3 thereof, exceptions listed in section 2 of the Local inherently obnoxious in the exaction of
designates the tax imposed as a Autonomy Act. On the other hand, the license fees or taxes with respect to the
"municipal license tax" which, by itself, imposition by the ordinance of a license same occupation, calling or activity by
means an "imposition or exaction on the tax on persons engaged in the business of both the State and a political subdivision
right to use or dispose of property, to operating tenement houses finds thereof.
pursue a business, occupation, or calling, authority in section 2 of the Local
or to exercise a privilege. In City of Iloilo Autonomy Act which provides that
vs. Remedios Sian Villanueva, et al., chartered cities have the authority to
tenement house is defined as "any house impose municipal license taxes or fees
or building, or portion thereof, which is upon persons engaged in any occupation
rented, leased, or hired out to be occupied, or business, or exercising privileges
or is occupied, as the home or residence within their respective territories, and
of three families or more living "otherwise to levy for public purposes,
independently of each other and doing just and uniform taxes, licenses, or fees."
their cooking in the premises or by more
2. The trial court condemned the
than two families upon any floor, so living
ordinance as constituting "not only
and cooking, but having a common right
double taxation but treble at that,"
in the halls, stairways, yards, water-
because "buildings pay real estate taxes
closets, or privies, or some of them."
and also income taxes as provided for in
Tenement houses, being necessarily
Sec. 182 (A) (3) (s) of the NIRC, besides
offered for rent or lease by their very
the tenement tax under the said
nature and essence, therefore constitute a
ordinance." While it is true that the
distinct form of business or calling,
plaintiffs-appellees are taxable under the
similar to the hotel or motel business, or
aforesaid provisions of the NIRC as real
the operation of lodging houses or
estate dealers, and still taxable under the
boarding houses.
ordinance in question, the argument
The lower court has interchangeably against double taxation may not be
denominated the tax in question as a invoked. The same tax may be imposed by
tenement tax or an apartment tax. Called the national government as well as by the

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The contention that the plaintiffs- imprisonment for debt, and a statute or houses, while citizens of other cities,
appellees are doubly taxed because they ordinance which punishes the non- where their councils do not enact a
are paying the real estate taxes and the payment thereof by fine or imprisonment similar tax ordinance, are permitted to
tenement tax imposed by the ordinance in is not, in conflict with that prohibition. escape such imposition."
question, is also devoid of merit. It is a Nor is the tax in question a poll tax, for
It is our view that both assertions are
well-settled rule that a license tax may be the latter is a tax of a fixed amount upon
undeserving of extended attention. This
levied upon a business or occupation all persons, or upon all persons of a
Court has already ruled that tenement
although the land or property used in certain class, resident within a specified
houses constitute a distinct class of
connection therewith is subject to territory, without regard to their property
property. It has likewise ruled that "taxes
property tax. To constitute double or the occupations in which they may be
are uniform and equal when imposed
taxation in the objectionable or prohibited engaged. Therefore, the tax in question is
upon all property of the same class or
sense the same property must be taxed not oppressive in the manner the lower
character within the taxing authority."
twice when it should be taxed but once; court puts it. On the other hand, the
The fact, therefore, that the owners of
both taxes must be imposed on the same charter of Iloilo City empowers its
other classes of buildings in the City of
property or subject-matter, for the same municipal board to "fix penalties for
Iloilo do not pay the taxes imposed by the
purpose, by the same State, Government, violations of ordinances, which shall not
ordinance in question is no argument at
or taxing authority, within the same exceed a fine of two hundred pesos or six
all against uniformity and equality of the
jurisdiction or taxing district, during the months' imprisonment, or both such fine
tax imposition. Neither is the rule of
same taxing period, and they must be the and imprisonment for each offense.
equality and uniformity violated by the
same kind or character of tax. It has been
4.The trial court brands the ordinance as fact that tenement taxes are not imposed
shown that a real estate tax and the
violative of the rule of uniformity of in other cities, for the same rule does not
tenement tax imposed by the ordinance,
taxation because while the owners of the require that taxes for the same purpose
although imposed by the same taxing
other buildings only pay real estate tax should be imposed in different territorial
authority, are not of the same kind or
and income taxes, the ordinance imposes subdivisions at the same time.So long as
aside from these two taxes an apartment the burden of the tax falls equally and
3. A tax is not a debt in the sense of an or tenement tax. Appellees also argue impartially on all owners or operators of
obligation incurred by contract, express that there is "lack of uniformity" and tenement houses similarly classified or
or implied, and therefore is not within the "relative inequality," because "only the situated, equality and uniformity of
meaning of constitutional or statutory taxpayers of the City of Iloilo are singled taxation is accomplished.
provisions abolishing or prohibiting out to pay taxes on their tenement

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The last important issue posed by the liquor or intoxicating beverages of any (2) Whether or not the contested
appellees is that since the ordinance in form in the City of Cebu by ordinance is prohibited upon the ground
the case at bar is a mere reproduction of manufacturers and wholesalers for of double taxation.
Ordinance 86 of the City of Iloilo which purposes of a municipal tax with their
was declared by this Court as ultra vires, Held:
following rates. PROVIDED, however,
the decision in that case should be
that manufacturers, who is at the same (1) Yes. There is double taxation when the
accorded the effect of res judicata in the
time wholesalers of their own product, same person is taxed by the same
present case or should constitute estoppel
shall pay only as manufacturers under
by judgment. To dispose of this jurisdiction for the same purpose, which
the rates specified in the ordinance.
contention, it suffices to say that there is is not the case in San Miguel Brewery,
no identity of subject-matter in that case Pursuant to said ordinance, the SMB Inc. vs City of Cebu.
and this case because the subject-matter
which is engaged in the manufacture,
in it was an ordinance which dealt not (2) No, it is not prohibited because double
bottling, distribution and sale of beer
only with tenement houses but also taxation is not prohibited by the
throughout the Philippines, including the
warehouses, and the said ordinance was Constitution. In the case at bar, the
defendant Cebu City, paid thereto, under
enacted pursuant to the provisions of the ordinance in question imposes a tax on
City charter, while the ordinance in the protest, the sum of P29,874.69, the
the sale or disposal of every "bottle or
case at bar was enacted pursuant to the refund of which is prayed for in the
container" of "liquor intoxicating
provisions of the Local Autonomy Act. complaint herein, upon on the ground
beverages," and, as such, is a typical tax
that said ordinance is ultra vires (beyond
or revenue measure, whereas the sum of
one's legal power or authority), for
P600 it pays annually is for a "second-
15.SAN MIGUEL BREWERY, INC., VS imposing a sales tax, which is allegedly
class wholesale liquor license," which is a
CITY OF CEBU- EUGENIO beyond defendant's power to levy, apart
license to engage in the business of
from resulting in illegal double taxation,
wholesale liquor in Cebu City, and,
Facts: since SMB already pays the defendant a
accordingly, constitutes a regulatory
business license tax of P600 per annum.
San Miguel Brewery, Inc. (SMB) assails measure, in the exercise of the police
the validity of Ordinance No. 298, of the Issue/s: power.
City of Cebu, providing that "there shall
(1) Whether or not there is a double 16. CIR vs Bank of Commerce (459
be collected on any sale or disposal of
SCRA 638; G.R. No. 149636, 8 June
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2005) - GALICINAO Held: same taxing authoritythe national

No. There was no double taxation. Double government under the Tax Codeand
Facts: taxation means taxing the same property operate within the same Philippine
twice when it should be taxed only once; jurisdiction for the same purpose of
The respondent Bank of Commerce that is, x x x taxing the same person raising revenues, the taxing periods they
derived passive income in the form of twice by the same jurisdiction for the affect are different. The FWT is deducted
interests or discounts from its same thing. Otherwise described as and withheld as soon as the income is
investments in government securities and direct duplicate taxation, the two taxes earned, and is paid after every calendar
private commercial papers. On several must be imposed on the same subject quarter in which it is earned. On the
occasions during the said period, it paid matter, for the same purpose, by the other hand, the GRT is neither deducted
5% gross receipts tax on its income. as same taxing authority, within the same nor withheld, but is paid only after every
reflected in its quarterly percentage tax jurisdiction, during the same taxing taxable quarter in which it is earned.
returns. Included therein were the period; and they must be of the same Third, these two taxes are of different
respondent banks passive income from kind or character. kinds or characters. The FWT is an
the said investments amounting to In this case, first, the taxes herein are income tax subject to withholding, while
P85,384,254.51, which had already been imposed on two different subject matters. the GRT is a percentage tax not subject to
subjected to a final tax of 20%. The subject matter of the FWT is the withholding.
Later, the CTA rendered judgment in Asia passive income generated in the form of
Bank Corporation v. CIR, holding that the interest on deposits and yield on deposit 17. CIR VS PROCTER & GAMBLE VS -
20% final withholding tax on interest substitutes, while the subject matter of MOGELLO
income from banks does not form part of the GRT is the privilege of engaging in the
business of banking. NON-RESIDENT FOREIGN
taxable gross receipts for Gross Receipts
Tax (GRT) purposes. The CTA relied on A tax based on receipts is a tax on CORPORATION- DIVIDENDS Sec 24 (b)
Section 4(e) of Revenue Regulations (Rev. business rather than on the property; (1) of the NIRC states that an ordinary
Reg.) No. 12-80. Relying on the said hence, it is an excise rather than a 35% tax rate will be applied to dividend
decision, the respondent bank filed an property tax. It is not an income tax, remittances to non-resident corporate
administrative claim for refund with the unlike the FWT. In fact, the court had stockholders of a Philippine corporation.
CIR. already held that one can be taxed for This rate goes down to 15% ONLY IF the
engaging in business and further taxed country of domicile of the foreign
Issue: Whether there was double differently for the income derived stockholder corporation shall allow such
taxation. therefrom.
foreign corporation a tax credit for taxes
Second, although both taxes are national
deemed paid in the Philippines,
in scope because they are imposed by the
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applicable against the tax payable to the ISSUE: WON tax refund be Facts:
domiciliary country by the foreign given to P&G in order to eliminate double
stockholder corporation. However, such taxation. Petitioner seeks to set aside the ruling of
tax credit for taxes deemed paid in the the Court of Appeals affirming the
Philippines MUST, as a minimum, reach decision of the Courts of Tax Appeals. The
an amount equivalent to 20 percentage HELD: No. Tax refunds are decision in question grants the
points in the nature of tax exemptions. As such, respondent a tax credit certificate to be
they are regarded as in derogation of given by the Petitioner based on claim of
FACTS: Procter and Gamble
sovereign authority and to be construed the overpaid withholding tax on royalties
Philippines declared dividends payable to
strictissimi juris against the person or paid by the respondent.
its parent company and sole stockholder,
entity claiming the exemption. The
P&G USA. Such dividends amounted to
burden of proof is upon him who claims To elucidate the matter, it is important to
Php 24.1M.
the exemption in his favor and he must be mention that the respondent is a
P&G Phil paid a 35% dividend able to justify his claim by the clearest domestic corporation organized and
withholding tax to the BIR which grant of organic or statute law.... and operating under the Philippine laws,
amounted to Php 8.3M It subsequently cannot be permitted to exist upon vague entered into a license agreement with SC
filed a claim with the Commissioner of implications, xxx Thus, when tax Johnson and Son, United States of
Internal Revenue for a refund or tax exemption is claimed, it must be shown America (USA), a non-resident foreign
credit, claiming that pursuant to Section indubitably to exist, for every
corporation based in the U.S.A. pursuant
24(b)(1) of the National Internal Revenue presumption is against it, and a well
to which the respondent was granted the
Code, as amended by Presidential Decree founded doubt is fatal to the claim.
right to use the trademark, patents and
No. 369, the applicable rate of
The higher court granted the technology owned by the latter including
withholding tax on the dividends remitted
petition of CIR. the right to manufacture, package and
was only 15%.
18. CIR v. SC Johnson and Son Inc. et distribute the products covered by the
CIR did not respond to their
al - RIEGO Agreement and secure assistance in
claims, hence case was elevated to the
GR NO 127105, 25 June 1999 management, marketing and production
Court of Tax Appeals. CTA ruled in favor
from SC Johnson and Son, U. S. A.
of P&G ordering CIR to refund or tax
credit. CIR filed a petition to the higher Topic: Modes of eliminating double
The basis of the claim, as alleged by the
court. taxation
respondent, is embodied on two treaties
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connected to double taxation, to wit: RP- Respondent, as affirmed by the Court of petitioner is meritorious. The phrase
US Tax Treaty [Article 13 Paragraph 2 (b) Tax Appeals and Court of Appeals, under similar circumstance must be
(iii)] in relation to the RP-West Germany construed the phrase under similar construed referring to payment of tax and
Tax Treaty [Article 12 (2) (b)]. RP-US Tax circumstance referring to payment of not royalties. The construction of the
Treaty imposes royalties based on a royalties which would impose only 10% of respondent court is based principally on
syntax or sentence structure but fails to
percentage of net sales and subjected the tax on royalties and support the claim of
take into account the purpose animating
same to 25% withholding tax on royalty refund by the respondent.
the treaty provisions in point.
which was paid by the respondent for a
Petitioner, on the other hand, dissent on The apparent rationale for doing away
period of time. In connection to this,
this matter and construed the very same with double taxation is of encourage the
which is found on the same treaty, is a
phrase referring to tax and not on free flow of goods and services and the
clause which states,
payment of royalties. Having the movement of capital, technology and
the lowest rate of Philippine tax that may petitioners interpretation, since the RP- persons between countries, conditions
be imposed on royalties of the same kind US Tax Treaty does not give a matching deemed vital in creating robust and
paid under similar circumstances to a tax credit of 20 percent for the taxes paid dynamic economies. Foreign investments
resident of a third State. to the Philippines on royalties as allowed will only thrive in a fairly predictable and
under the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty, reasonable international investment
To support the recently mentioned clause,
private respondent cannot be deemed climate and the protection against double
respondent also quoted the second treaty,
entitled to the 10 percent rate granted taxation is crucial in creating such a
RP-West Germany Tax Treaty, to wit:
under the latter treaty for the reason that climate.
10 percent of the gross amount of there is no payment of taxes on royalties
royalties arising from the use of, or the under similar circumstances. Thus, since the RP-US Tax Treaty does
right to use, any patent, trademark, not give a matching tax credit of 20
Issue: WON the respondent is entitled to percent for the taxes paid to the
design or model, plan, secret formula or
the claim of tax credit. Philippines on royalties as allowed under
process, or from the use of or the right to
use, industrial, commercial, or scientific the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty, private
equipment, or for information concerning respondent cannot be deemed entitled to
industrial, commercial or scientific No, the respondent is NOT entitled to the the 10 percent rate granted under the
experience. claim of tax credit. The argument of the latter treaty for the reason that there is

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no payment of taxes on royalties under and the credit method. In the exemption the instant case is not supported by the
similar circumstances. method, the income or capital which is text nor by the obvious intent of the
Circular which is to prevent multiple
taxable in the state of source or situs is
Double taxation usually takes place when petitions that will result in the same
exempted in the state of residence,
a person is resident of a contracting state issue being resolved by different courts.
although in some instances it may be
and derives income from, or owns capital Same; Same; Same; Same; Office
taken into account in determining the
in, the other contracting state and both of the Solicitor General; Since the OSG is
rate of tax applicable to the taxpayers
states impose tax on that income or the only lawyer for the Commissioner of
remaining income or capital. On the other
capital. In order to eliminate double Internal Revenue, the certification
hand, in the credit method, although the
taxation, a tax treaty resorts to several executed by the OSG constitutes
income or capital which is taxed in the substantial compliance with Circular No.
methods. First, it sets out the respective
state of source is still taxable in the state 28-91.Anent the requirement that the
rights to tax of the state of source or situs
of residence, the tax paid in the former is party, not counsel, must certify under
and of the state of residence with regard oath that he has not commenced any
credited against the tax levied in the
to certain classes of income or capital. In other action involving the same issues in
latter. The basic difference between the
some cases, an exclusive right to tax is this Court or the Court of Appeals or any
two methods is that in the exemption
conferred on one of the contracting other tribunal or agency, we are inclined
method, the focus is on the income or to accept petitioners submission that
states; however, for other items of income
capital itself, whereas the credit method since the OSG is the only lawyer for the
or capital, both states are given the right
focuses upon the tax. petitioner, which is a government
to tax, although the amount of tax that agency mandated under Section 35,
may be imposed by the state of source is Referential Syllabus: Chapter 12, title III, Book IV of the 1987
limited. The second method for the Administrative Code to be represented
Actions; Pleadings and Practice;
elimination of double taxation applies Appeals; Forum-Shopping; Circular No. only by the Solicitor General, the
whenever the state of source is given a certification executed by the OSG in this
28-91 applies both to original actions
case constitutes substantial compliance
full or limited right to tax together with and to appeals.The circular expressly
with Circular No. 28-91.
the state of residence. In this case, the requires that a certificate of non-forum
treaties make it incumbent upon the state shopping should be attached to petitions Taxation; Tax Treaties; Double
filed before this Court and the Court of Taxation; International Law; A cursory
of residence to allow relief in order to
Appeals. Petitioners allegation that reading of the various tax treaties will
avoid double taxation. There are two Circular No. 28-91 applies only to show that there is no similarity in the
methods of reliefthe exemption method original actions and not to appeals as in provisions on relief from or avoidance of
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double taxation as this is a matter of more states on the same taxpayer in Foreign investments will only thrive in a
negotiation between the contracting respect of the same subject matter and fairly predictable and reasonable
parties.The above construction is for identical periods; The apparent international investment climate and the
based principally on syntax or sentence rationale for doing away with double protection against double taxation is
structure but fails to take into account taxation is to encourage the free flow of crucial in creating such a climate.
the purpose animating the treaty goods and services and the movement
provisions in point. To begin with, we are of capital, technology and persons Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
not aware of any law or rule pertinent to between countries, conditions deemed Methods resorted to in eliminating
the payment of royalties, and none has vital in creating robust and dynamic double taxation; Exemption and Credit
been brought to our attention, which economies.The RP-US Tax Treaty is just Methods, Explained.Double taxation
provides for the pay ment of royalties one of a number of bilateral treaties usually takes place when a person is
under dissimilar circumstances. The tax which the Philippines has entered into resident of a contracting state and
rates on royalties and the circumstances for the avoidance of double taxation. derives income from, or owns capital in,
of payment thereof are the same for all The purpose of these international the other contracting state and both
the recipients of such royalties and there agreements is to reconcile the national states impose tax on that income or
is no disparity based on nationality in fiscal legislations of the contracting capital. In order to eliminate double
the circumstances of such payment. On parties in order to help the taxpayer taxation, a tax treaty resorts to several
the other hand, a cursory reading of the avoid simultaneous taxation in two methods. First, it sets out the respective
various tax treaties will show that there different jurisdictions. More precisely, rights to tax of the state of source or
is no similarity in the provisions on relief the tax conventions are drafted with a situs and of the state of residence with
from or avoidance of double taxation as view towards the elimination of regard to certain classes of income or
this is a matter of negotiation between international juridical double taxation, capital. In some cases, an exclusive right
the contracting parties. As will be shown which is defined as the imposition of to tax is conferred on one of the
later, this dissimilarity is true comparable taxes in two or more states contracting states; however, for other
particularly in the treaties between the on the same taxpayer in respect of the items of income or capital, both states
Philippines and the United States and same subject matter and for identical are given the right to tax, although the
between the Philippines and West periods. The apparent rationale for amount of tax that may be imposed by
Germany. doing away with double taxation is to the state of source is limited. The
encourage the free flow of goods and second method for the elimination of
Same; Same; Same; Same; Words services and the movement of capital, double taxation applies whenever the
and Phrases; International juridical technology and persons between state of source is given a full or limited
double taxation is defined as the countries, conditions deemed vital in right to tax together with the state of
imposition of comparable taxes in two or creating robust and dynamic economies. residence. In this case, the treaties

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make it incumbent upon the state of the Philippines will give up a part of the of the taxes imposable upon royalties
residence to allow relief in order to avoid tax in the expectation that the tax given earned from sources within the
double taxation. There are two methods up for this particular investment is not Philippines as those allowed to their
of reliefthe exemption method and the taxed by the other country. Thus the German counterparts under the RP-
credit method. In the exemption petitioner correctly opined that the Germany Tax Treaty. The RP-US and the
method, the income or capital which is phrase royalties paid under similar RP-West Germany Tax Treaties do not
taxable in the state of source or situs is circumstances in the most favored contain similar provisions on tax
exempted in the state of residence, nation clause of the US-RP Tax Treaty crediting. Article 24 of the RP-Germany
although in some instances it may be necessarily contemplated Tax Treaty, supra, expressly allows
taken into account in determining the circumstances that are tax related. crediting against German income and
rate of tax applicable to the taxpayers corporation tax of 20% of the gross
remaining income or capital. On the Same; Same; Same; Same; Most amount of royalties paid under the law
other hand, in the credit method, Favored Nation Clause; The concessional of the Philippines. On the other hand,
although the income or capital which is tax rate of 10 percent provided for in the Article 23 of the RP-US Tax Treaty, which
taxed in the state of source is still RP-Germany Tax Treaty could not apply is the counterpart provision with respect
taxable in the state of residence, the tax to taxes imposed upon royalties in the to relief for double taxation, does not
paid in the former is credited against the RP-US Tax Treaty since the two taxes provide for similar crediting of 20% of
tax levied in the latter. The basic imposed under the two tax treaties are the gross amount of royalties paid.
difference between the two methods is not paid under similar circumstances,
that in the exemption method, the focus they are not containing similar Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
is on the income or capital itself, provisions on tax crediting.Given the Statutory Construction; Laws are not just
whereas the credit method focuses upon purpose underlying tax treaties and the mere compositions, but have ends to be
the tax. rationale for the most favored nation achieved and that the general purpose
clause, the concessional tax rate of 10 is a more important aid to the meaning
Same; Same; Same; Same; In percent provided for in the RP-Germany of a law than any rule which grammar
negotiating tax treaties, the underlying Tax Treaty should apply only if the taxes may lay down; A treaty shall be
rationale for reducing the tax rate is that imposed upon royalties in the RP-US Tax interpreted in good faith in accordance
the Philippines will give up a part of the Treaty and in the RP-Germany Tax Treaty with the ordinary meaning to be given to
tax in the expectation that the tax given are paid under similar circumstances. the terms of the treaty in their context
up for this particular investment is not This would mean that private and in the light of its object and
taxed by the other country.In respondent must prove that the RP-US purpose.The reason for construing the
negotiating tax treaties, the underlying Tax Treaty grants similar tax reliefs to phrase paid under similar
rationale for reducing the tax rate is that residents of the United States in respect circumstances as used in Article 13 (2)

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(b) (iii) of the RP-US Tax Treaty as that which has been or may be granted equality of international treatment since
referring to taxes is anchored upon a to the most favored among other the tax burden laid upon the income of
logical reading of the text in the light of countries.The purpose of a most the investor is not the same in the two
the fundamental purpose of such treaty favored nation clause is to grant to the countries. The similarity in the
which is to grant an incentive to the contracting party treatment not less circumstances of payment of taxes is a
foreign investor by lowering the tax and favorable than that which has been or condition for the enjoyment of most
at the same time crediting against the may be granted to the most favored favored nation treatment precisely to
domestic tax abroad a figure higher than among other countries. The most underscore the need for equality of
what was collected in the Philippines. In favored nation clause is intended to treatment.
one case, the Supreme Court pointed establish the principle of equality of
out that laws are not just mere international treatment by providing that Same; Tax Refunds; Statutory
compositions, but have ends to be the citizens or subjects of the Construction; Tax refunds are in the
achieved and that the general purpose contracting nations may enjoy the nature of tax exemptions, and as such
is a more important aid to the meaning privileges accorded by either party to they are regarded as in derogation of
of a law than any rule which grammar those of the most favored nation. The sovereign authority and to be construed
may lay down. It is the duty of the essence of the principle is to allow the strictissimi juris against the person or
courts to look to the object to be taxpayer in one state to avail of more entity claiming the exemption.It bears
accomplished, the evils to be remedied, liberal provisions granted in another tax stress that tax refunds are in the nature
or the purpose to be subserved, and treaty to which the country of residence of tax exemptions. As such they are
should give the law a reasonable or of such taxpayer is also a party provided regarded as in derogation of sovereign
liberal construction which will best that the subject matter of taxation, in authority and to be construed
effectuate its purpose. The Vienna this case royalty income, is the same as strictissimi juris against the person or
Convention on the Law of Treaties states that in the tax treaty under which the entity claiming the exemption. The
that a treaty shall be interpreted in good taxpayer is liable. Both Article 13 of the burden of proof is upon him who claims
faith in accordance with the ordinary RP-US Tax Treaty and Article 12 (2) (b) of the exemption in his favor and he must
meaning to be given to the terms of the the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty, above- be able to justify his claim by the
treaty in their context and in the light of quoted, speaks of tax on royalties for clearest grant of organic or statute law.
its object and purpose. the use of trademark, patent, and Private respondent is claiming for a
technology. The entitlement of the 10% refund of the alleged overpayment of
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; rate by U.S. firms despite the absence of tax on royalties; however, there is
The purpose of a most favored nation a matching credit (20% for royalties) nothing on record to support a claim
clause is to grant to the contracting would derogate from the design behind that the tax on royalties under the RP-US
party treatment not less favorable than the most favored nation clause to grant Tax Treaty is paid under similar

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TAX1 Batch 1 | Cases 1-20

circumstances as the tax on royalties was executed between lessors Delfin and RIGHT CANNOT BE DOUBTED. The
under the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty. Pelagia Pacheco and defendant Delpher records do not point to anything wrong or
Trades Corporation whereby the former objectionable about this "estate planning"
conveyed to the latter the leased property scheme resorted to by the Pachecos. "The
19.Delpher Trades Corp. vs IAC (TCT No. T-4240) together with another legal right of a taxpayer to decrease the
157 scra 349 (1988) TITO parcel of land also located in Malinta amount of what otherwise could be his
Estate, Valenzuela, Metro Manila (TCT No. taxes or altogether avoid them, by means
4273) for 2,500 shares of stock of which the law permits, cannot be doubted
defendant corporation with a total value
The "Deed of Exchange" of property
Delfin Pachceco anf his sister are co- of P1,500,000.00
between the Pachecos and Delpher Trades
owners of a real estate. They leased it to
On the ground that it was not given the Corporation cannot be considered a
Construction Components Intl., with the
first option to buy the leased property contract of sale. There was no transfer of
terms that if the lessor decide to sell the
pursuant to the in the lease agreement, actual ownership interests by the
property leased shall first offer the same
respondent Hydro Pipes Philippines, Inc., Pachecos to a third party. The Pacheco
to the lessee and the letter has the
filed a complaint for reconveyance of Lot. family merely changed their ownership
priority to buy under similar conditions.
No. 1095 in its favor under conditions from one form to another. The ownership
The lessee assigned its rights to Hydro similar to those whereby Delpher Trades remained in the same hands. Hence, the
Pipes Phil Inc., with consent of the Corporation acquired the property from private respondent has no basis for its
lessors. In the meantime, the leased Pelagia Pacheco and Delphin Pacheco. claim of a right of first refusal under the
property was transferred to the Delpher lease contract.
Trades by virtue of deed of exchange of Issue:
property, that in the exchange of these 20. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
WON Pachecos, as a Taxpayer has the to
properties. vs. Estate of Benigno P. Toda, Jr.
resort legal means to decrease payment of
The contract of lease, as well as the taxes
assignment of lease were annotated at the FACTS:
back of the title, as per stipulation of the
The case at bar stemmed from a
Notice of Assessment sent to CIC by the
Held: Commissioner of Internal Revenue for
"On January 3, 1976, a deed of exchange deficiency income tax arising from an

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alleged simulated sale of a 16-storey thereon to an individual capital gains, taxpayer to be legally due, or the non-
commercial building known as Cibeles thus evading the higher corporate income payment of tax when it is shown that a
Building, situated on two parcels of land tax rate of 35%. The Court of Appeals tax is due;
on Ayala Avenue, Makati City. CIC affirmed the decision of the Court of Tax (2) an accompanying state of mind which
authorized Benigno P. Toda, Jr., President Appeals (CTA) which held that the is described as being evil, in bad faith,
and owner of 99.991% of its issued and respondent Estate of Benigno P. Toda, Jr. willfull, or deliberate and not
outstanding capital stock, to sell the is not liable for the deficiency income tax accidental; and
Cibeles Building and the two parcels of of Cibeles Insurance Corporation (CIC). (3) a course of action or failure of action
land on which the building stands for an which is unlawful.
amount of not less than P90 million.
Toda purportedly sold the property for Whether or not the tax planning All these factors are present in the
P100 million to Rafael A. Altonaga, who, scheme adopted by the corporation instant case. The data in the trial balance
in turn, sold the same property on the constitutes tax evasion. would show that the real buyer of the
same day to Royal Match, Inc. (RMI) for properties was RMI, and not the
P200 million. For the sale of the property HELD: intermediary Altonaga. The scheme
to RMI, Altonaga paid capital gains tax in Yes. Tax avoidance and tax evasion resorted to by CIC in making it appear
the amount of P10 million. The Bureau of are the two most common ways used by that there were two sales of the subject
Internal Revenue (BIR) sent an taxpayers in escaping from taxation. Tax properties cannot be considered a
assessment notice and demand letter to avoidance is the tax saving device within legitimate tax planning. Such scheme is
the CIC for deficiency income tax for the the means sanctioned by law. This tainted with fraud. Here, it is obvious
year 1989 in the amount of method should be used by the taxpayer in that the objective of the sale to Altonaga
P79,099,999.22.The Estate thereafter good faith and at arms length. Tax was to reduce the amount of tax to be
filed a letter of protest. The Commissioner evasion, on the other hand, is a scheme paid especially that the transfer from him
dismissed the protest, stating that a used outside of those lawful means and to RMI would then subject the income to
fraudulent scheme was deliberately when availed of, it usually subjects the only 5% individual capital gains tax, and
perpetuated by the CIC wholly owned and taxpayer to further or additional civil or not the 35% corporate income tax. The
controlled by Toda by covering up the criminal liabilities. Tax evasion connotes Court ordered the Estate of Benigno P.
additional gain of P100 million, which the integration of three factors: Toda, Jr. to pay P79,099,999.22 as
resulted in the change in the income deficiency income tax of Cibeles
structure of the proceeds of the sale of (1) the end to be achieved, i.e., the Insurance Corporation.
the two parcels of land and the building payment of less than that known by the
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