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Summer Reading:

I Am Malala
English 110: World Literature & Composition
Ms. Abby Hasebroock
St. Ignatius College Prep
Day 1 (W Day) DO NOW
How to Turn In Your
Everyone: Electronic Assignment:
Click the Assignment
Submit your Summer Reading
Link in Google Classroom
Assignment on I Am Malala to the Click Student Work
Google Classroom Stream Add Attachment
Find your File (it should
Early Finishers: be in Google Drive!) and
attach it
Complete the Getting to Know You Click TURN IN
Survey on the Google Classroom Stream
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.

Prayer to Begin
Be with us as we begin
a new school year.

the School Year

Bless us and our teachers and staff.
Give us the strength and grace
as our bodies grow;
The Catholic Catalogue wisdom and knowledge to our minds
as we search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to our hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Day 1 Agenda
Students will interpret the sub-title of the summer reading book as context
for Malalas life
Students will consider and articulate the purpose of education through
individual reflection and group discussion

Do Now/Prayer (10 minutes)
Examining the Implications of the Subtitle (5 minutes)
Video: Interview with Malala on Education (15 minutes)
Personal Reflection (10 minutes)
Partner and Class Sharing (10 minutes)
Meeting Malala
In 2013, Malala Yousafzai published her memoir
I Am Malala
The subtitle is The Girl Who Stood Up for
Education and was Shot by the Taliban
Class Chat: What does this imply about
access to education in Pakistan?
Lets watch this video interview with Jon
Stewart, formerly of Comedy Centrals The Daily
As you watch, jot down any compelling
ideas about education
Malala said, Going to school is not about learning different
subjects; it teaches you communication, it teaches you how to
live a life... It teaches students how to live with others, how to
accept each of the languages and traditions and each of [the]
religions. It also teaches us justice. It also teaches us respect. It
teaches us how to live together (14:15-14:47).

In a Notability note, compose a 5-7 sentence paragraph:

How are these ideas in line with St. Ignatius College Preps
Grad at Grad Values?
Sharing Time

Find a partner in the room whose first name starts with the
same letter as yours (or a letter that is alphabetically close!)
Stand and share your responses to the previous reflection
How are Malalas ideas about education in line with St.
Ignatius College Preps Grad at Grad Values?
Now, lets share out as a whole class
Exit Ticket:
How did todays conversation affirm or
challenge your views on the purpose of
your own education?
Day 1 Homework
Read the course syllabus
Download all Google for
Education apps, plus
Notability and Socrative
Encourage your parents to
sign up for Google
Classroom Email
Instructions on EDLINE Thanks for a great first class!
Have a wonderful day!
Day 2 DO NOW
Open Notability and follow these organizational steps
Click + and Create Divider called English 110
Create Subject Folders for these first semester units:
Unit 1: Summer Reading- I Am Malala
Unit 2: Global Short Stories
Unit 3: Greek Drama- Antigone
Unit 4: African Literature- Things Fall Apart

Early Finishers:
Where should you place the Note with your Reflection from our last class?
Drag this note into the correct Subject Folder.
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.

Prayer to Begin
Be with us as we begin
a new school year.

the School Year

Bless us and our teachers and staff.
Give us the strength and grace
as our bodies grow;
The Catholic Catalogue wisdom and knowledge to our minds
as we search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to our hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Day 2 Agenda
Students will reflect on Malalas leadership skills
Students will identify the major stages of Malalas internal displacement

Do Now/Prayer (5 minutes)
Literary Context: Pakistan Geography and Culture (10 minutes)
Malalas heroic journey (20 minutes)
Leadership Reflection (15 minutes)
Context: Where is the memoir set? Open a new
Notability Note in
your Unit 1 folder
Country: Pakistan (population: 199 million) and take notes!
This is the worlds 6th largest population!
Capital: Islamabad
Neighboring Countries: Afghanistan, India, Iran, Tajikstan
Malalas Home: Swat Valley
Malalas town: Mingora, the largest in the valley
Can you recall any descriptors of the landscape of Swat Valley?
Lush with variety of flowers
Beautiful waterfalls
Green hillsides
Plains and deserts
Dry beaches on the Persian Gulf
Context: Pakistani Culture
Pakistan is a nation of rich history made up of many cultures, ethnicities,
and languages
Natural disasters have had a significant impact on Pakistans political and
cultural landscape
Conflicts in Pakistan are influenced by geographical, political, and cultural
In the 21st century, there has been much unrest
Pakistan is a Muslim country, but extremist groups (like the Taliban) have
deliberately misinterpreted Islamic teachings and used cruelty and force to
take over towns and regions
Malalas Heroic Journey
Malala is a hero in a number of ways, but her story follows the major stages
of the Heros Journey, a common archetypal story pattern in literature
Three Major Stages: Separation, Initiation and Transformation, and Return
Lets focus on one particular time in her life that exemplifies the Heros
Context: Class Dismissed in Swat is a 2009 New York Times documentary
that profiled Malalas school when it was shut down by the Taliban
At age 11, her family was displaced from their home after the Taliban closed
girls schools and the Pakistani military used violence to take back the valley
They were considered IDPs: internally displaced persons
Watch this video (14:29 onward) and in todays label the event that
transpires at each of the three major stages of the Heros Journey
Malalas Heroic Journey: 3 Major Stages
Malala and her brothers live with her aunt
They relocate to four cities in two months
Many other residents are not as lucky and live in tents and camps
Initiation and Transformation
The leaders of the community organize protests and conferences in Swat
Malalas father, Ziaudin, is among them
Malala misses her lost education; she misses her bedroom and books
She cannot resist her fathers influence and has a new dream to become a politician to save
my country
Malala and her father meet with a United States aid to the Middle East
Six months later, the Yousafzais return to their home; Malalas room and books are all in tact
Malalas school was occupied by Pakistani army men, but she works to repair and reopen it
Leadership Reflection
Heroes undergo many journeys, sometimes within the larger scope of their
What makes them a hero is dedicated to specific leadership qualities
Such qualities include: focus, confidence, transparency, integrity, inspiration, passion,
innovation, patience, and positivity
Malala and her father are clearly leaders, using their voices to speak up
about injustice and demand equal access to education
Respond to this reflection questions in todays Notability Note:
Which qualities of a leader do Malala and her father demonstrate in this
documentary? Cite a specific example and explain in detail.
Exit Ticket:
Which leadership quality does Malala
demonstrate that you would also like to
Write a 1-2 sentence response on the provided
notecard and turn in as you leave!
Day 2 Homework

Review the syllabus and

course expectations for a
short quiz in our next

Goodbye! Make today a great day!

Day 3 DO NOW

Open the Socrative App (or visit and complete
the English 110 Course Expectations Quiz
Enter the Room Code when prompted

Early Finishers:
Open a new Notability Note in your Summer Reading folder
List as many heroes (characters) in literature that you can think
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.

Prayer to Begin
Be with us as we begin
a new school year.

the School Year

Bless us and our teachers and staff.
Give us the strength and grace
as our bodies grow;
The Catholic Catalogue wisdom and knowledge to our minds
as we search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to our hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Day 3 Agenda
Students will be introduced to the stages and steps of of the Heros Journey
Students will understand and evaluate Malalas journey throughout her

Do Now/Prayer (10 minutes)
Common Heroes in Literature Brainstorm (3 minutes)
Heros Journey Explanation (7 minutes)
Partner Activity (20 minutes)
Independent Work (10 minutes)
What Does Malala have in common with
Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
Pick 1 fictional character...partner across the rows...and think out loud! (1
What Makes a Hero?
Lets watch this clip that explains the 12 Steps of the Heros Journey (4:32)
What did we learn?
Many stories and contexts, but the heroic journey is similar for all!
This archetypal plot is popular, and keeps getting updated, because we humans reflect on our
world through symbolic stories of our own lives.
Lets apply this to I Am Malala
Open Google Classroom and go to the About Page
Pull I Am Malala 1.3 In Class- Heros Journey Worksheet into a new
Notability Note in your Summer Reading folder
To open a Google Doc in Notability: Click 3 dots Share and Export Send a Copy
To find your partner:
Find a person whose birthday is closest to yours!
Introduce yourselves! Then, pick either page 2 or 3 to complete together now (10 minutes)
Independent Work: Making Connections

Begin working on the paragraph response question on page 4

Work independently, analyzing more deeply the final four steps of
the Heros Journey
When you are finished, please submit the whole packet to Google
Those who finish early: Check Google Classroom for a sneak
peak of your homework assignment
Exit Ticket:
Submit the entire completed Heros Journey
packet to Google Classroom. When you get a
thumbs up from me, you may pack up!
Day 3 Homework
Turn in Heros Journey Packet
Pull the Understanding How
to Annotate handout from
the Google Classroom Unit 1
folder into a new Notability
Read and follow the
annotation instructions
Then annotate the included
passage from I Am Malala
Be prepared to share at the
start of our next class!
Day 4 DO NOW
Open Notability and your homework assignment with completed
1. Identify the annotation strategy that you used--highlighting, underlining,
recording questions, creating a symbol key, making connections, writing
summaries, paraphrasing, or color-coding
2. Write a 1-2 sentence explanation for why you selected that system

Early Finishers:
Which type of annotations do you need more practice with? Write 1-2
sentences identifying one strategy and setting a goal for future practice.
Example: My goal is to write question in the margins so I can ask clarifying
question during class.
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.

Prayer to Begin
Be with us as we begin
a new school year.

the School Year

Bless us and our teachers and staff.
Give us the strength and grace
as our bodies grow;
The Catholic Catalogue wisdom and knowledge to our minds
as we search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to our hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Day 4 Agenda
Students will understand the definition of an archetype and consider several
categories of archetypes in literature
Students will research and explain an archetype in literature or film

Do Now/Prayer (5 minutes)
Introduction to Archetypes (20 minutes)
Class Work on Archetypal Categories (25 min.)
Introduction to Archetypes

Open Google Classroom and go to the About Page

From the Unit 1 Folder, pull I Am Malala 1.4 In Class- Archetypes
Handout pdf into a new Notability Note in your Summer Reading
Steps to open a PDF in Notability: Click 3 dots Send a Copy
Open In Notability
Begin independently reading and annotating
Practice using the strategy that you identified in todays Do Now!
Introduction to Archetypes
Archetype: a setting, theme, symbol, or object that recurs in
different time and places in literature so frequently so as to suggest
that it embodies some essential element of the universal human
Archetypes are often familiar figures, places, or ideas
Each represents an idea, emotion, or feeling that is applicable across
Comprehension Check: Of the seven Spheres of Influence, which
archetype is Malala?
Write her name next to the archetype(s) she fits
Consider: characters can occupy more than one sphere of influence
Lets activate
prior knowledge
Archetypes Collaborative Activity concerning
archetypes-- you
know more than
We are going to collaborate on a class Google Slides Presentation. you think!
Activity Instructions:
1. Each student will be assigned a number that corresponds to an archetype
A Period categories: Characters and Plots
D Period categories: Nature and Objects
2. Identify a literary work or film that includes that archetype
3. Find an image that represents this archetype and add to your slide
4. The, write a 2-3 sentence explanation of the archetype
Check your SICP Email for the I Am Malala 1.4- Archetypes Collaborative
Presentation I sent you. Open the file in Google Slides.
Look at the sample on the first slide
Model your work after this example!
Exit Ticket:
Arrange into triads with students near you.
Scroll through the Google Slides Presentation and
examine the contributions from your classmates.
Discuss: What is one new archetype that you
learned today?
Day 4 Homework
Review the Heros Journey
and Archetypes Handouts
QUIZ next class- 20
questions, multiple choice!
Identify the steps of the
heros journey
Recognize the
significance of major
Bonus reference: The Heros
Journey in Five Films Its warm, but you hung in there! Go cool off!
Day 5 DO NOW

Open Socrative app and prepare for Heros Journey and
Archetypes Quiz

Early Finishers:
Consider a virtue and an intention for todays prayer
I pray for courage in taking todays quiz
God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.

Prayer to Begin
Be with us as we begin
a new school year.

the School Year

Bless us and our teachers and staff.
Give us the strength and grace
as our bodies grow;
The Catholic Catalogue wisdom and knowledge to our minds
as we search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to our hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Day 5 Agenda
Students will demonstrate understanding of the Heros Journey by
completing a multiple choice summative assessment
Students will be introduced to digital textbook and consider academic tools
for success
Do Now/Prayer (1 minutes)
Socrative Quiz: Heros Journey and Archetypes (15 minutes)
Review of Annotations (15 minutes)
Introduction to Reading the World textbook (15 minutes)
Socrative Quiz
You have 15 minutes to complete the 20-question multiple choice quiz
Enter the Room Code when prompted

Early Finishers:
Open Google Classroom About Page
Pull I Am Malala 1.5 In Class- Goal Setting Reflection Worksheet into a
New Notability Note in your Summer Reading folder
To open: click 3 dots Share and Export Send a Copy Notability
Begin filling it out!
Review: Annotations

One of our course objectives is to learn to be critical and

creative consumers, users, and producers of language
Annotating a text is one method to gain some practice
Annotations are evidence of your consumption and remnants
of critical thinking!
Lets look at some examples
g ies
s t rat e in
at se
Wh you ders
do s rea itten
thi ndwr ns?
Ha otatio
t r ate this
ic h s d in
Wh use note?
are ook
Introduction to Reading the World iBook

Now that we know what annotations are, we are better prepared to actively
read the course textbooks
We will begin our next unit of study with an introduction to the digital
Open Google Classroom and go to the About Page
Pull the Intro to Reading the World PDF into a new Notability note in your
Unit 1 Folder
As we go over this information together, annotate (highlight, underline,
and summarize) ideas that will help you succeed
Exit Ticket:
As we read, academic success can be achieved in a
number of different ways. Which approach to
learning and studying did you like best, and why?
Day 5 Homework

Finish reading and annotating

the Intro to Reading the
World PDF
Download the app called
Create an account and
select areas of interest for
free reading!
Woo! You made it to the end of the first unit!
Additional Readings and Resources on
Malala, Pakistan, and Education
Malala Yousafzai Nobel Peace Prize Speech (Malala was the first Pashtun and
youngest Pakistani to win the award)

Related Literature
The Dressmaker of Khair Khana: Five Sisters, One Remarkable Family, and the
Woman Who Risked Everything to Keep Them Safe by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Malala Fund Beyond Basics: Making 12 Years of Education a Reality for Girls
Additional Resources on the Heros Journey
The Hero Archetype in Literature, Religion, and Popular Culture
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (users embark on their own hero's
An American Masters Lesson from PBS for Teachers on George Lucas, the Power of
Myth, and the Hero's Journey
An interactive approach to the Hero's Journey
Information about Joseph Campbell's works on the subject, on the Joseph
Campbell Foundation site:
The Hero With A Thousand Faces
The Hero's Journey (semi-biographical film)
The Heros Journey in 5 Disney Films

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