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| | Entertainment 7

You Know Youre an AHS Student When . . .


Youve skipped going to the bathroom to make it to class on

Brianna Rolle/Staff

time, but then youre not allowed to go because you should

have gone in between classes.

As a freshman, youve gotten lost multiple times trying to nd

your class or another room (counselor, administrative room,

This is the entrance to Alpharetta High School where, when you step inside, you The sight of a red bag irritates you more than it should.
disappear into oblivion for the next 7 hours and come out a changed person.

Brianna Rolle/Staff
You wonder why The Matthew George is
always applauded as he walks into A lunch.

Youve seen random dance circles in the


Youve been told you cannot go into the

library at lunch because it reached capacity
(and to you, it looked empty).

You never know the bell schedule for the


Youve read dozens of random self- help

messages in the bathroom and the bath- Walking through hallways is a legitimate nightmare.

room water is always cold and there never The pressure to take AP classes is a never-ending
seems to be any soap. struggle.
You always know who is hosting this por- You never considered your class rank until junior
tion of the Morning Show. year.
Brianna Rolle/Staff

Youre winded You can never tweet #AHS because of

American Horror Story.
going up all
the stairs. Every problem youve had with your Sur-
face is answered with Have you tried
turning it on and off again?
And there are
many, many That answer normally works.
Brianna Rolle/Staff

So. Many. Stairs. Its like an unwanted in-school cardio session.

Youve seen
You struggle doing work on your Surface because it is either
dead or will not connect to the WiFi.

You never want to admit you broke something on your Sur- of pairs of
face because it is so expensive. Converse
Youve memorized the honor code pledge because you write on a daily
it on all of your assessments.

You may know the honor code pledge, but it has truly lost Its one trend that just never seems to go out
all meaning. of style. Plus theyre comfy.

The sight of a
Maia Gibson/Staff

Brianna Rolle/Staff

swinging lanyard
makes you want to
run in the opposite

The parking lot

looks like a Jeep

The parking lot is

sometimes worse
than downtown At-
lanta trafc.
The Famous RICH Raider honor code pledge.
One Jeep out of the thousands in the parking lot.

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