End of Term Report - Balik-PhD

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OVPAA Report Form 16.

End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs

1. Office:
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

2. Executive Summary: (500 words max)

3. Mandate of Office

4. Organizational Chart: (Use swim lane format)

5. Master Diagram of Interrelated/Integrated Programs:

Guidelines in Accomplishing the End-of-Term Report

1. The End-of-Term Report of each OVPAA-Affiliated Office should contain the Executive Form as the cover
2. There should be one report for each program under OVPAA-affiliated offices.
3. For writing style, please note UP Press report (substantive, concise statements; in general, passive voice;
selected statements to emphasize initiatives, active voice).
4. Format
4.1 Font
a. Type: Calibri
b. Size: 12
c. Bold: Office Name, Program and Title
4.2 Space: 1.15
4.3 Footers:
a. For Report:
Bottom left - OVPAA-Affiliated Office (Program Name/Acronym); Version #; Date (YYYY/MM/DD),
e.g. CIDS (PEJA Fellowships); Version 4; 2017 Jan 30
Bottom right - Page 1 of 10
b. For Forms; e.g., application forms
Bottom left Version #; Date (YYYY/MM/DD), e.g. Version 4; 2016 Jan 06
Bottom right - Page 1 of 10

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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs
1. Office:
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

2. Program:
Balik-PhD Recruitment Program

3. Official(s) involved/Designation/Period:
Gisela P. Concepcion, Ph.D., VPAA (Month 2012-February 2017)
Carla B. Dimalanta, Ph.D., AVPAA (Research) (Month 2014- February 2017)
Aaron Joseph L. Villaraza, Ph.D., Deputy Director (OIL) (January 2015 February 2017)

4. Staff involved:
Janette Burlat
Kathlene Mae Quizon
Jonabelle Cionelo
Monica Angelique Ramos
Pearlyn Manalo
Christine Estacio

5. Program Development Associate(s):

Period Name/s Designation (Rank) Affiliation

6. Special Committee(s):

Period Name/s Designation (Rank) Affiliation

7. Office Location:
OVPAA, 3rd floor Quezon Hall
8. Period Covered by this Report:
Sept 2012 present
9. Brief background, History (antecedents), ~200 words
BalikPhD Recruitment Program

BalikPhD Recruitment Program provides a research start-up grant (Php 2.5M) and a relocation
package (Php 0.5M) to newly appointed faculty. Since the approval of the program (2012),
there have been 46 applicants. At present, 6 projects (13%) are completed, 30 (65%) are
ongoing, 08 (17%) are in application, and 2 (4%) were discontinued.

To increase the number of applicants, international roadshows were conducted in the United
Kingdom, France, Austria, Germany, USA, Australia, and Japan. The roadshows were an
opportunity to present to Filipinos in foreign institutions the latest developments in UP, such as
budget increases for infrastructure, research, and human capital investment. Young PhD
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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs
students and postdoctoral fellows were invited to return as faculty, while older Filipinos with
established careers were invited to serve as Visiting Professors or as co-thesis advisers for UP

The research activities funded by the Balik-PhD Program have led to the establishment of
specialized centers for research. Funded research projects cover a wide range of topics,
including chemistry, molecular biology, archaeology, and geography. The diversity of topics is
reflected in the 22 Scopus-listed publications reported to date. Through these research
activities, 12 bachelors degree students and 19 masters students have been mentored by
Balik-PhD awardees.
10. About this program: max 200 words

a. Concept and Rationale: Mission-Vision/Mandate of the Office and how this Program contributes
to fulfilling the Mandate of the Office

The UP Balik PhD Recruitment Program, under the UP Expanded Modernization Program, is being
launched to invite foreign-trained Filipinos with PhDs/postdoctoral fellows, who will pursue
research and mentor the most creative and innovative undergraduate and graduate students, to
come home to UP and serve the country. UP is in need of the best and the brightest expert PhD
faculty who are committed to teach and mentor the best and the brightest young minds in the
country in the years to come.

Constituent Units or campuses will identify and invite prospective PhD/postdoctoral experts. All
foreign-trained Filipino PhDs/postdoctoral experts are encouraged to apply. Each UP campus has
a strategic plan with priority areas of research and creative work, teaching and mentoring. This
plan is in line with UPs vision of a great university, taking a leadership role in the development
of a globally competitive Philippines.

b. BOR-approvals, if any (attach copy from UP Gazette as Annex): BOR meeting and date
c. Link in the OVPAA website

11. Funding: UP System Allocation, Trust Fund, Savings, Other Sources, etc.
Amount: (Period) 138,000,000.00 for 46 Balik-PhD grantees
Unit Amount per Fellow: 3,000,000.00
Batches/Cycles, Total:
BOR-approvals, if any: BOR meeting and date

12. Guidelines/Criteria: Annex or Link

13. Forms: Application, Evaluation/Assessment, Monitoring, Accomplishment Reports

Annex or Link: http://ovpaa.up.edu.ph/balik-phd-recruitment-program/

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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs
14. Accomplishments 1: Inputs/Uptakes: By Batch/Date/Cycle/CU
Applications: #s 8
Approvals: #s 38

Annex or Link (sortable Excel files; see Sample)

15. Accomplishments 2: Progress/Outputs: List of Approvals per CU, per Discipline/Key Results Area
(KRA) : Annex or Link (sortable Excel files; see Sample)

16. Evaluation/Monitoring Feedback

17. Flowchart (Swim lane format): Indicate in a flowchart the step by step process of the program
(example: from the receipt of application to the award of grant)
18. Charts, if any: Use bar graphs for trends and pie charts for distribution.

19. Events hosted, relating to the Program:

20. OVPAA Web link: http://ovpaa.up.edu.ph

21. Pictures with Captions: ~5 high-resolution images : Annex

22. Pending Matters, Recommendations and Future Directions, Acknowledgements:

Several applications are pending approval, due to the turnover rate of documents either from
the reviewer of the project proposal, or the submission of the capsule and full proposal from
the proponent. It is recommended that clearer guidelines be implemented regarding timelines
for eligibility for research grant application. Up to 2016, an applicant may apply for the
relocation package as soon as the applicant has been accepted by a unit/CU, while the research
proposal for the Php 2.5 M start-up grant may be submitted later. We recommend that an
orientation seminar be arranged with the VCAA/VCRD/VCREs of the different CUs in order to
clarify/familiarize themselves with the OVPAA initiatives. Clearer guidelines are also needed for
non-compliance of the delivery of promised project output, such as regular reports and
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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs
publication of papers. Finally, the BOR has approved an additional Php 1M, for purposes of
helping the BalikPhD awardee foster an international collaboration by hosting a postdoctoral
fellow from a foreign institution; there are no guidelines governing this arrangement.

The OVPAA has determined that 30% of the faculty of the University of the Philippines has a
PhD. It has been proposed as a future target for the next six (6) years of raising that figure to
70%, which translates to the university acquiring 1,400 PhD degree holders. Among other
programs of the OVPAA, the BalikPhD program contributes in this regard. However, efforts to
determine approximate numbers of PhD-level faculty items from the HRDOs were fruitless. This
has proved an issue throughout the program, for the office has received applications of interest
but could not be pursued due to the lack of faculty items. It would be useful if the HRDOs have
ready information regarding the availability of faculty positions in particular CUs, colleges,
departments, and to display this information, updated on a regular basis, in the UP website.

For the BalikPhD Roadshows, the office would like to acknowledge the assistance of the
Department of Foreign Affairs; for instance, the Philippine Embassy in London hosted the
BalikPhD Roadshow in the UK, and the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo hosted the BalikPhD
Roadshow in Japan. In other instances, the Roadshows were co-organized with Filipino student
associations in their corresponding universities.

23.Prepared by:
Name: Dr. Aaron Joseph L. Villaraza
Designation: Deputy Director
Date: 03 February 2017

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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs
ANNEX 3 Recent

1x1 photo

Application Approved for Endorsement to UP President: _______________________________________


Vice President for Academic Affairs

1. Name (Last, First, Middle)

2. Gender: Male Female 3. Civil status: Single Married


4. Birth Date: Place: Citizenship:

5. If married:

5.1 Name of spouse: _________________________________________________

5.2 Names and birth dates of minor dependents (if any):

Names Birth date

5.2.1 _________________________________ _________________

5.2.2 _________________________________ _________________

6. Contact Nos.: Residence: Mobile:

7. E-mail address/es: 8. Type of current visa:

47 (a)(2) Others (please specify)


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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs
9. Planned Engagement (Please briefly describe.)

10. Identify contact person/s and institutions you wish to engage in the University of the Philippines

10.1 Name: _____________________________________________

UP Unit: _____________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________________

10.2 Name: _____________________________________________

UP Unit: _____________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________

Email Address: ________________________________________

11. Certification

I certify that the foregoing answers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Date of Application Signature over Printed Name

12. Endorsements

__________________________ ____________________

Director/Dept. Chair Dean



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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs

Accomplish this form and submit to the Chancellor of the CU/CUs concerned together with the

a) Detailed/Updated Curriculum Vitae to include the following:

- Educational Background
- Field of Specialization
- Areas of Research Interest
- Professional/Employment/Work History including significant scientific, technological
and/or entrepreneurial activities undertaken
- Significant achievements (up to 3) related to your expertise or profession
- Publications in international peer-reviewed journals, books, etc. (Indicate 3 most
important publications.)
- Relevant training
- Fellowships/Grants
- Relevant supporting documents (i.e., Transcript of Records for the PhD degree)

b) Letter of Intent/Application Letter detailing plans for engagement (teaching, research,

and extension) with the University (CU/CUs) and how, based on his/her reading of the
Strategic Plans of the University (System and CU/CUs), his/her engagement is aligned.

c) A Capsule Concept Proposal (OVPAA BPhD 8.1-8.4) including proposed research

paper/s to pursue for possible publication, aligned with the thrust of the UP unit.

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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs


2012 7 1 8

2013 1 1

2014 3 1 1 5

2015 8 2 2 1 2 15

2016 7 4 1 1 4 17

TOTAL 26 7 4 3 6 46

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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs

Seminar at the Philippine Embassy in London,

through the kind assistance of Vice Consul
Rommel Romato, on programs of the OVPAA and
OIL. (24 April 2016)

Seminar with some faculty, postdocs and

graduate students at Monash University-Caulfield
co-organized with Dr. Lito Cruz (standing 5th from
left) and Mr. Darwin Manubag (standing 5th from
right). (Photo by Darwin Manubag) (09 June 2016)

With recent Filipino graduates and members of

AFSJ at the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo (26
September 2016)

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OVPAA Report Form 16.0
End of Term Report (Feb 2011-Feb 2017)
OVPAA In-house Programs

Philadelphia: with PhD students and postdocs from

Johns Hopkins University, SUNY Buffalo, University
of Minnesota, University of Toledo, Princeton
University ( 21 August 2016 )

Postdoctoral research fellow,

graduate and undergraduate
research students of Dr. Rinlee Butch
Cervera (Photo taken on 2016)
Grant No: BPhD-2012-06

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