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Title of Article: Thousands in Sierra Leone break Ebola quarantine to find food

Author: Al Jazeera and The Associated Press

Direct Quotation: Thousands of people in Sierra Leone are violating Ebola
quarantines to find food because aid deliveries are not reaching them,
international relief agencies said Tuesday.

Paraphrase: Sierra Leone residents are violating ebola quarantines in order to

get food.

Summary: Due to Sierra Leone blocking off borders for trade, thousands of
people are being forced to violate Ebola quarantines to find food because the
deliveries arent reaching them. Large sections of the country have been
sealed off to try and prevent the spread of Ebola. The U.Ns World Food
Program was entrusted with delivering food to those people, but they have
missed a few homes. Kenema, the third largest countries in Sierra Leone, has
been having trouble with trade.

Citation in MLA format: "Thousands in Sierra Leone break Ebola quarantine to

find food." Al Jazeera America. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2017.

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